@@ -14,24 +14,31 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Joystream node. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-use hex_literal::{hex, hex_impl};
-use joystream_node_runtime::{
- forum::InputValidationLengthConstraint, AccountId, ActorsConfig, BalancesConfig,
- ConsensusConfig, CouncilConfig, CouncilElectionConfig, DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig,
- DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig, DownloadSessionsConfig, ForumConfig, GenesisConfig,
- GrandpaConfig, IndicesConfig, MembersConfig, Perbill, ProposalsConfig, SessionConfig,
- StakerStatus, StakingConfig, SudoConfig, TimestampConfig,
+use hex_literal::hex;
+use node_runtime::{
+ versioned_store::InputValidationLengthConstraint as VsInputValidation, AccountId, ActorsConfig,
+ AuthorityDiscoveryConfig, BabeConfig, Balance, BalancesConfig, ContentWorkingGroupConfig,
+ CouncilConfig, CouncilElectionConfig, DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig,
+ DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig, GenesisConfig, GrandpaConfig, ImOnlineConfig, IndicesConfig,
+ MembersConfig, Perbill, ProposalsConfig, SessionConfig, SessionKeys, Signature, StakerStatus,
+ StakingConfig, SudoConfig, SystemConfig, VersionedStoreConfig, DAYS, WASM_BINARY,
-use primitives::{crypto::UncheckedInto, ed25519, sr25519, Pair};
+use primitives::{crypto::UncheckedInto, sr25519, Pair, Public};
+use runtime_primitives::traits::{IdentifyAccount, Verify};
+use babe_primitives::AuthorityId as BabeId;
+use grandpa_primitives::AuthorityId as GrandpaId;
+use im_online::sr25519::AuthorityId as ImOnlineId;
+use serde_json as json;
use substrate_service;
use substrate_telemetry::TelemetryEndpoints;
-use ed25519::Public as AuthorityId;
+type AccountPublic = <Signature as Verify>::Signer;
// Note this is the URL for the telemetry server
const STAGING_TELEMETRY_URL: &str = "wss://telemetry.polkadot.io/submit/";
-/// Specialised `ChainSpec`. This is a specialisation of the general Substrate ChainSpec type.
+/// Specialized `ChainSpec`. This is a specialization of the general Substrate ChainSpec type.
pub type ChainSpec = substrate_service::ChainSpec<GenesisConfig>;
/// The chain specification option. This is expected to come in from the CLI and
@@ -49,16 +56,40 @@ pub enum Alternative {
-fn authority_key(s: &str) -> AuthorityId {
- ed25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", s), None)
+/// Helper function to generate a crypto pair from seed
+pub fn get_from_seed<TPublic: Public>(seed: &str) -> <TPublic::Pair as Pair>::Public {
+ TPublic::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", seed), None)
.expect("static values are valid; qed")
-fn account_key(s: &str) -> AccountId {
- sr25519::Pair::from_string(&format!("//{}", s), None)
- .expect("static values are valid; qed")
- .public()
+/// Helper function to generate an account ID from seed
+pub fn get_account_id_from_seed<TPublic: Public>(seed: &str) -> AccountId
+ AccountPublic: From<<TPublic::Pair as Pair>::Public>,
+ AccountPublic::from(get_from_seed::<TPublic>(seed)).into_account()
+/// Helper function to generate stash, controller and session key from seed
+pub fn get_authority_keys_from_seed(
+ seed: &str,
+) -> (AccountId, AccountId, GrandpaId, BabeId, ImOnlineId) {
+ (
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>(&format!("{}//stash", seed)),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>(seed),
+ get_from_seed::<GrandpaId>(seed),
+ get_from_seed::<BabeId>(seed),
+ get_from_seed::<ImOnlineId>(seed),
+ )
+fn session_keys(grandpa: GrandpaId, babe: BabeId, im_online: ImOnlineId) -> SessionKeys {
+ SessionKeys {
+ grandpa,
+ babe,
+ im_online,
+ }
impl Alternative {
@@ -70,26 +101,20 @@ impl Alternative {
|| {
+ vec![get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice")],
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- // stash, controller, authority
- (
- account_key("Alice//stash"),
- account_key("Alice"),
- authority_key("Alice"),
- ),
- ],
- vec![
- // endowed account
- account_key("Alice"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob//stash"),
- // sudo key
- account_key("Alice"),
- None,
+ Some(chain_spec_properties()),
Alternative::LocalTestnet => ChainSpec::from_genesis(
@@ -98,32 +123,30 @@ impl Alternative {
|| {
- (
- account_key("Alice//stash"),
- account_key("Alice"),
- authority_key("Alice"),
- ),
- (
- account_key("Bob//stash"),
- account_key("Bob"),
- authority_key("Bob"),
- ),
+ get_authority_keys_from_seed("Alice"),
+ get_authority_keys_from_seed("Bob"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
- account_key("Alice"),
- account_key("Bob"),
- account_key("Charlie"),
- account_key("Dave"),
- account_key("Eve"),
- account_key("Ferdie"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Charlie"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Dave"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Eve"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Ferdie"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Alice//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Bob//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Charlie//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Dave//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Eve//stash"),
+ get_account_id_from_seed::<sr25519::Public>("Ferdie//stash"),
- account_key("Alice"),
- None,
+ Some(chain_spec_properties()),
Alternative::StagingTestnet => staging_testnet_config(),
@@ -136,285 +159,352 @@ impl Alternative {
"dev" => Some(Alternative::Development),
"local" => Some(Alternative::LocalTestnet),
"staging" => Some(Alternative::StagingTestnet),
- "" | "testnet" => Some(Alternative::LiveTestnet),
+ "rome-experimental" => Some(Alternative::LiveTestnet),
+ // "" | "tesnet" => Some(Alternative::LiveTestnet),
_ => None,
-/// LiveTestnet generator
+fn new_vs_validation(min: u16, max_min_diff: u16) -> VsInputValidation {
+ return VsInputValidation { min, max_min_diff };
+/// Joystream LiveTestnet generator
pub fn live_testnet_config() -> Result<ChainSpec, String> {
- ChainSpec::from_embedded(include_bytes!("../res/joy_testnet_2.json"))
+ ChainSpec::from_json_bytes(&include_bytes!("../res/rome-experimental.json")[..])
+pub fn chain_spec_properties() -> json::map::Map<String, json::Value> {
+ let mut properties: json::map::Map<String, json::Value> = json::map::Map::new();
+ properties.insert(
+ String::from("tokenDecimals"),
+ json::Value::Number(json::Number::from(0)),
+ );
+ properties.insert(
+ String::from("tokenSymbol"),
+ json::Value::String(String::from("JOY")),
+ );
+ properties
/// Staging testnet config
pub fn staging_testnet_config() -> ChainSpec {
let boot_nodes = vec![
- String::from("/dns4/bootnode1.joystream.org/tcp/30333/p2p/QmeDa8jASqMRpTh4YCkeVEuHo6nbMcFDzD9pkUxTr3WxhM"),
- String::from("/dns4/bootnode2.joystream.org/tcp/30333/p2p/QmbjzmNMjzQUMHpzqcPHW5DnFeUjM3x4hbiDSMkYv1McD3"),
- ];
+ String::from("/dns4/rome-reckless.joystream.org/tcp/30333/p2p/QmaTTdEF6YVCtynSjsXmGPSGcEesAahoZ8pmcCmmBwSE7S")
+ ];
- "Joystream Staging Testnet",
- "joy_staging_5",
+ "Joystream Rome Reckless Testnet",
+ "joy_rome_reckless_N",
- None,
- None,
+ // protocol_id
+ Some(&*"/joy/rome/reckless/N"),
+ // Properties
+ Some(chain_spec_properties()),
+ // Extensions
-fn new_validation(min: u16, max_min_diff: u16) -> InputValidationLengthConstraint {
- return InputValidationLengthConstraint { min, max_min_diff };
fn staging_testnet_config_genesis() -> GenesisConfig {
- let initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, AuthorityId)> = vec![(
- hex!["0610d1a2b1d704723e588c842a934737491688b18b052baae1286f12e96adb65"].unchecked_into(), // stash
- hex!["609cee3edd9900e69be44bcbf7a1892cad10408840a2d72d563811d72d9bb339"].unchecked_into(), // controller
- hex!["65179fd9c39ec301457d1ee47a13f3bb0fef65812a57b6c93212e609b10d35d2"].unchecked_into(), // session key
+ let initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, GrandpaId, BabeId, ImOnlineId)> = vec![(
+ hex!["4430a31121fc174b1c361b365580c54ef393813171e59542f5d2ce3d8b171a2d"].into(), // stash
+ hex!["58a743f1bab2f472fb99af98b6591e23a56fd84bc9c2a62037ed8867caae7c21"].into(), // controller
+ hex!["af5286fb1e403afd44d92ae3fb0b371a0f4f8faf3e6b2ff50ea91fb426b0015f"].unchecked_into(), // session - grandpa
+ hex!["d69529ed1549644977cec8dc027e71e1e2ae7aab99833a7f7dc08677a8d36307"].unchecked_into(), // session - babe
+ hex!["56bfd27715ce6c76e4d884c31374b9928391e461727ffaf27b94b6ce48570d39"].unchecked_into(), // session - im-online
- let endowed_accounts = vec![hex![
- "0ae55282e669fc55cb9529c0b12b989f2c5bf636d0de7630b5a4850055ed9c30"
- ]
- .unchecked_into()];
+ let endowed_accounts =
+ vec![hex!["00680fb81473784017291ef0afd968b986966daa7842d5b5063c8427c2b62577"].into()];
- const CENTS: u128 = 1;
- const DOLLARS: u128 = 100 * CENTS;
- const SECS_PER_BLOCK: u64 = 6;
- const MINUTES: u64 = 60 / SECS_PER_BLOCK;
- const HOURS: u64 = MINUTES * 60;
- const DAYS: u64 = HOURS * 24;
- const STASH: u128 = 50 * DOLLARS;
- const ENDOWMENT: u128 = 100_000_000 * DOLLARS;
+ const CENTS: Balance = 1;
+ const DOLLARS: Balance = 100 * CENTS;
+ const STASH: Balance = 20 * DOLLARS;
+ const ENDOWMENT: Balance = 100_000 * DOLLARS;
GenesisConfig {
- consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig {
- code: include_bytes!("../substrate-runtime-joystream/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/joystream_node_runtime_wasm.compact.wasm").to_vec(),
- authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.2.clone()).collect(),
- }),
- system: None,
- timestamp: Some(TimestampConfig {
- minimum_period: SECS_PER_BLOCK / 2, // due to the nature of aura the slots are 2*period
- }),
- indices: Some(IndicesConfig {
- ids: vec![],
- }),
- balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
- balances: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned()
- .map(|k| (k, ENDOWMENT))
- .chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), STASH)))
- .collect(),
- existential_deposit: 0,
- transfer_fee: 0,
- creation_fee: 0,
- vesting: vec![],
- transaction_base_fee: 1,
- transaction_byte_fee: 0,
- }),
- sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
- key: endowed_accounts[0].clone(),
- }),
- session: Some(SessionConfig {
- validators: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
- session_length: 10 * MINUTES,
- keys: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.1.clone(), x.2.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- }),
- staking: Some(StakingConfig {
- current_era: 0,
- offline_slash: Perbill::from_millionths(10_000), // 1/ 100 => 1%
- session_reward: Perbill::from_millionths(1_000), // 1/1000 => 0.1% (min stake -> 1000 units for reward to be GT 0)
- current_session_reward: 0,
- validator_count: 20,
- sessions_per_era: 6,
- bonding_duration: 1, // Number of ERAs
- offline_slash_grace: 4,
- minimum_validator_count: 1,
- stakers: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator)).collect(),
- invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
- }),
- grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
- authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.2.clone(), 1)).collect(),
- }),
- council: Some(CouncilConfig {
- active_council: vec![],
- term_ends_at: 1,
- }),
- election: Some(CouncilElectionConfig {
- auto_start: true,
- announcing_period: 3 * DAYS,
- voting_period: 1 * DAYS,
- revealing_period: 1 * DAYS,
- council_size: 12,
- candidacy_limit: 25,
- min_council_stake: 10 * DOLLARS,
- new_term_duration: 14 * DAYS,
- min_voting_stake: 1 * DOLLARS,
- }),
- proposals: Some(ProposalsConfig {
- approval_quorum: 66,
- min_stake: 2 * DOLLARS,
- cancellation_fee: 10 * CENTS,
- rejection_fee: 1 * DOLLARS,
- voting_period: 2 * DAYS,
- name_max_len: 512,
- description_max_len: 10_000,
- wasm_code_max_len: 2_000_000,
- }),
- members: Some(MembersConfig {
- default_paid_membership_fee: 100u128,
- first_member_id: 1,
- }),
- forum: Some(ForumConfig {
- category_by_id: vec![],
- thread_by_id: vec![],
- post_by_id: vec![],
- next_category_id: 1,
- next_thread_id: 1,
- next_post_id: 1,
- forum_sudo: endowed_accounts[0].clone(),
- category_title_constraint: new_validation(10, 90),
- category_description_constraint: new_validation(10, 490),
- thread_title_constraint: new_validation(10, 90),
- post_text_constraint: new_validation(10, 990),
- thread_moderation_rationale_constraint: new_validation(10, 290),
- post_moderation_rationale_constraint: new_validation(10, 290)
- }),
- data_object_type_registry: Some(DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig {
- first_data_object_type_id: 1,
- }),
- data_object_storage_registry: Some(DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig{
- first_relationship_id: 1,
- }),
- downloads: Some(DownloadSessionsConfig{
- first_download_session_id: 1,
- }),
- actors: Some(ActorsConfig{
- enable_storage_role: true,
- request_life_time: 300,
- _genesis_phantom_data: Default::default(),
- })
- }
+ system: Some(SystemConfig {
+ code: WASM_BINARY.to_vec(),
+ changes_trie_config: Default::default(),
+ }),
+ balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
+ balances: endowed_accounts
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .map(|k| (k, ENDOWMENT))
+ .chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), STASH)))
+ .collect(),
+ vesting: vec![],
+ }),
+ indices: Some(IndicesConfig { ids: vec![] }),
+ session: Some(SessionConfig {
+ keys: initial_authorities
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| {
+ (
+ x.0.clone(),
+ session_keys(x.2.clone(), x.3.clone(), x.4.clone()),
+ )
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ }),
+ staking: Some(StakingConfig {
+ current_era: 0,
+ validator_count: 20,
+ minimum_validator_count: 1,
+ stakers: initial_authorities
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator))
+ .collect(),
+ invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.0.clone()).collect(),
+ slash_reward_fraction: Perbill::from_percent(10),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }),
+ sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
+ key: endowed_accounts[0].clone(),
+ }),
+ babe: Some(BabeConfig {
+ authorities: vec![],
+ }),
+ im_online: Some(ImOnlineConfig { keys: vec![] }),
+ authority_discovery: Some(AuthorityDiscoveryConfig { keys: vec![] }),
+ grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
+ authorities: vec![],
+ }),
+ council: Some(CouncilConfig {
+ active_council: vec![],
+ term_ends_at: 1,
+ }),
+ election: Some(CouncilElectionConfig {
+ auto_start: true,
+ announcing_period: 3 * DAYS,
+ voting_period: 1 * DAYS,
+ revealing_period: 1 * DAYS,
+ council_size: 12,
+ candidacy_limit: 25,
+ min_council_stake: 10 * DOLLARS,
+ new_term_duration: 14 * DAYS,
+ min_voting_stake: 1 * DOLLARS,
+ }),
+ proposals: Some(ProposalsConfig {
+ approval_quorum: 66,
+ min_stake: 2 * DOLLARS,
+ cancellation_fee: 10 * CENTS,
+ rejection_fee: 1 * DOLLARS,
+ voting_period: 2 * DAYS,
+ name_max_len: 512,
+ description_max_len: 10_000,
+ wasm_code_max_len: 2_000_000,
+ }),
+ members: Some(MembersConfig {
+ default_paid_membership_fee: 100u128,
+ members: crate::members_config::initial_members(),
+ }),
+ forum: Some(crate::forum_config::from_serialized::create(
+ endowed_accounts[0].clone(),
+ )),
+ data_object_type_registry: Some(DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig {
+ first_data_object_type_id: 1,
+ }),
+ data_object_storage_registry: Some(DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig {
+ first_relationship_id: 1,
+ }),
+ actors: Some(ActorsConfig {
+ enable_storage_role: true,
+ request_life_time: 300,
+ }),
+ versioned_store: Some(VersionedStoreConfig {
+ class_by_id: vec![],
+ entity_by_id: vec![],
+ next_class_id: 1,
+ next_entity_id: 1,
+ property_name_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 99),
+ property_description_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 999),
+ class_name_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 99),
+ class_description_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 999),
+ }),
+ content_wg: Some(ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ mint_capacity: 100000,
+ curator_opening_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_opening_id: 0,
+ curator_application_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_application_id: 0,
+ channel_by_id: vec![],
+ next_channel_id: 1,
+ channel_id_by_handle: vec![],
+ curator_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_id: 0,
+ principal_by_id: vec![],
+ next_principal_id: 0,
+ channel_creation_enabled: true, // there is no extrinsic to change it so enabling at genesis
+ unstaker_by_stake_id: vec![],
+ channel_handle_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 20),
+ channel_description_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 1024),
+ opening_human_readable_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ curator_application_human_readable_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ curator_exit_rationale_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ channel_avatar_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ channel_banner_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ channel_title_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ }),
+ }
-fn testnet_genesis(
- initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, AuthorityId)>,
- endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>,
+/// Helper function to create GenesisConfig for testing
+pub fn testnet_genesis(
+ initial_authorities: Vec<(AccountId, AccountId, GrandpaId, BabeId, ImOnlineId)>,
root_key: AccountId,
+ endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>,
) -> GenesisConfig {
- const STASH: u128 = 100;
- const ENDOWMENT: u128 = 100_000_000;
+ const STASH: Balance = 2000;
+ const ENDOWMENT: Balance = 10_000_000;
+ // Static members
+ let initial_members = crate::members_config::initial_members();
+ // let mut additional_members = vec![
+ // // Make Root a member
+ // (
+ // root_key.clone(),
+ // String::from("system"),
+ // String::from("http://joystream.org/avatar.png"),
+ // String::from("I am root!"),
+ // ),
+ // ];
+ // // Additional members
+ // initial_members.append(&mut additional_members);
GenesisConfig {
- consensus: Some(ConsensusConfig {
- code: include_bytes!("../substrate-runtime-joystream/wasm/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/joystream_node_runtime_wasm.compact.wasm").to_vec(),
- authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.2.clone()).collect(),
- }),
- system: None,
- timestamp: Some(TimestampConfig {
- minimum_period: 3, // 3*2=6 second block time.
- }),
- indices: Some(IndicesConfig {
- ids: vec![]
- }),
- balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
- existential_deposit: 0,
- transfer_fee: 0,
- creation_fee: 0,
- balances: endowed_accounts.iter().cloned()
- .map(|k| (k, ENDOWMENT))
- .chain(initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), STASH)))
- .collect(),
- vesting: vec![],
- transaction_base_fee: 1,
- transaction_byte_fee: 0,
- }),
- sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
- key: root_key.clone(),
- }),
- session: Some(SessionConfig {
- validators: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
- session_length: 10,
- keys: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.1.clone(), x.2.clone())).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
- }),
- staking: Some(StakingConfig {
- current_era: 0,
- minimum_validator_count: 1,
- validator_count: 2,
- sessions_per_era: 5,
- bonding_duration: 1, // Number of Eras
- offline_slash: Perbill::zero(),
- session_reward: Perbill::zero(),
- current_session_reward: 0,
- offline_slash_grace: 0,
- stakers: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator)).collect(),
- invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.1.clone()).collect(),
- }),
- grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
- authorities: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| (x.2.clone(), 1)).collect(),
- }),
- council: Some(CouncilConfig {
- active_council: vec![],
- term_ends_at: 1,
- }),
- election: Some(CouncilElectionConfig {
- auto_start: true,
- announcing_period: 50,
- voting_period: 50,
- revealing_period: 50,
- council_size: 2,
- candidacy_limit: 25,
- min_council_stake: 100,
- new_term_duration: 1000,
- min_voting_stake: 10,
- }),
- proposals: Some(ProposalsConfig {
- approval_quorum: 66,
- min_stake: 100,
- cancellation_fee: 5,
- rejection_fee: 10,
- voting_period: 100,
- name_max_len: 100,
- description_max_len: 10_000,
- wasm_code_max_len: 2_000_000,
- }),
- members: Some(MembersConfig {
- default_paid_membership_fee: 100u128,
- first_member_id: 1,
- }),
- forum: Some(ForumConfig {
- category_by_id: vec![],
- thread_by_id: vec![],
- post_by_id: vec![],
- next_category_id: 1,
- next_thread_id: 1,
- next_post_id: 1,
- forum_sudo: root_key,
- category_title_constraint: new_validation(10, 90),
- category_description_constraint: new_validation(10, 490),
- thread_title_constraint: new_validation(10, 90),
- post_text_constraint: new_validation(10, 990),
- thread_moderation_rationale_constraint: new_validation(10, 290),
- post_moderation_rationale_constraint: new_validation(10, 290)
- }),
- data_object_type_registry: Some(DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig {
- first_data_object_type_id: 1,
- }),
- data_object_storage_registry: Some(DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig{
- first_relationship_id: 1,
- }),
- downloads: Some(DownloadSessionsConfig{
- first_download_session_id: 1,
- }),
- actors: Some(ActorsConfig{
- enable_storage_role: true,
- request_life_time: 300,
- _genesis_phantom_data: Default::default(),
- })
- }
+ //substrate modules
+ system: Some(SystemConfig {
+ code: WASM_BINARY.to_vec(),
+ changes_trie_config: Default::default(),
+ }),
+ balances: Some(BalancesConfig {
+ balances: endowed_accounts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|k| (k.clone(), ENDOWMENT))
+ .collect(),
+ vesting: vec![],
+ }),
+ indices: Some(IndicesConfig { ids: vec![] }),
+ staking: Some(StakingConfig {
+ current_era: 0,
+ minimum_validator_count: 1,
+ validator_count: 2,
+ stakers: initial_authorities
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| (x.0.clone(), x.1.clone(), STASH, StakerStatus::Validator))
+ .collect(),
+ invulnerables: initial_authorities.iter().map(|x| x.0.clone()).collect(),
+ slash_reward_fraction: Perbill::from_percent(10),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }),
+ session: Some(SessionConfig {
+ keys: initial_authorities
+ .iter()
+ .map(|x| {
+ (
+ x.0.clone(),
+ session_keys(x.2.clone(), x.3.clone(), x.4.clone()),
+ )
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ }),
+ sudo: Some(SudoConfig {
+ key: root_key.clone(),
+ }),
+ babe: Some(BabeConfig {
+ authorities: vec![],
+ }),
+ im_online: Some(ImOnlineConfig { keys: vec![] }),
+ authority_discovery: Some(AuthorityDiscoveryConfig { keys: vec![] }),
+ grandpa: Some(GrandpaConfig {
+ authorities: vec![],
+ }),
+ // joystream modules
+ council: Some(CouncilConfig {
+ active_council: vec![],
+ term_ends_at: 1,
+ }),
+ election: Some(CouncilElectionConfig {
+ auto_start: true,
+ announcing_period: 50,
+ voting_period: 50,
+ revealing_period: 50,
+ council_size: 2,
+ candidacy_limit: 25,
+ min_council_stake: 100,
+ new_term_duration: 1000,
+ min_voting_stake: 10,
+ }),
+ proposals: Some(ProposalsConfig {
+ approval_quorum: 66,
+ min_stake: 100,
+ cancellation_fee: 5,
+ rejection_fee: 10,
+ voting_period: 100,
+ name_max_len: 100,
+ description_max_len: 10_000,
+ wasm_code_max_len: 2_000_000,
+ }),
+ members: Some(MembersConfig {
+ default_paid_membership_fee: 100u128,
+ members: initial_members,
+ }),
+ forum: Some(crate::forum_config::from_serialized::create(
+ root_key.clone(),
+ )),
+ data_object_type_registry: Some(DataObjectTypeRegistryConfig {
+ first_data_object_type_id: 1,
+ }),
+ data_object_storage_registry: Some(DataObjectStorageRegistryConfig {
+ first_relationship_id: 1,
+ }),
+ actors: Some(ActorsConfig {
+ enable_storage_role: true,
+ request_life_time: 300,
+ }),
+ versioned_store: Some(VersionedStoreConfig {
+ class_by_id: vec![],
+ entity_by_id: vec![],
+ next_class_id: 1,
+ next_entity_id: 1,
+ property_name_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 99),
+ property_description_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 999),
+ class_name_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 99),
+ class_description_constraint: new_vs_validation(1, 999),
+ }),
+ content_wg: Some(ContentWorkingGroupConfig {
+ mint_capacity: 100000,
+ curator_opening_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_opening_id: 0,
+ curator_application_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_application_id: 0,
+ channel_by_id: vec![],
+ next_channel_id: 1,
+ channel_id_by_handle: vec![],
+ curator_by_id: vec![],
+ next_curator_id: 0,
+ principal_by_id: vec![],
+ next_principal_id: 0,
+ channel_creation_enabled: true, // there is no extrinsic to change it so enabling at genesis
+ unstaker_by_stake_id: vec![],
+ channel_handle_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 20),
+ channel_description_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 1024),
+ opening_human_readable_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ curator_application_human_readable_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ curator_exit_rationale_text: crate::forum_config::new_validation(1, 2048),
+ channel_avatar_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ channel_banner_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ channel_title_constraint: crate::forum_config::new_validation(5, 1024),
+ }),
+ }