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Merge pull request #2327 from mnaamani/antioch-pioneer-batch-payout-reduce-max-size

pioneer: reduce max batch size in staking payouts from 40 to 30
Martin 3 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
   "Targets": "Targets",
   "The Threshold must be a positive number": "The Threshold must be a positive number",
   "The Threshold must lower than 11": "The Threshold must lower than 11",
-  "The UI puts a limit of 40 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "The UI puts a limit of 40 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.",
+  "The UI puts a limit of 30 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "The UI puts a limit of 30 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.",
   "The amount of funds to unbond, this is adjusted using the bonded funds on the stash account.": "The amount of funds to unbond, this is adjusted using the bonded funds on the stash account.",
   "The amount placed at-stake should allow some free funds for future transactions.": "The amount placed at-stake should allow some free funds for future transactions.",
   "The amount placed at-stake should be no more that 95% of your available amount to protect against slashing events.": "The amount placed at-stake should be no more that 95% of your available amount to protect against slashing events.",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
   "The RPC node can be selected from the pre-defined list or manually entered, depending on the chain you wish to connect to.": "El nodo RPC puede ser seleccionado de la lista preestablecida o introducido manualmente, dependiendo de la cadena a la que se desee conectar.",
   "The Threshold must be a positive number": "El umbral debe ser un número positivo",
   "The Threshold must lower than 11": "El umbral debe ser menor que 11",
-  "The UI puts a limit of 40 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "La UI pone un límite de 40 remuneraciones a la vez, donde cada pago es un único validador para una sola era.",
+  "The UI puts a limit of 30 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "La UI pone un límite de 30 remuneraciones a la vez, donde cada pago es un único validador para una sola era.",
   "The account password as specified when creating the account. This is used to encrypt the backup file and subsequently decrypt it when restoring the account.": "La contraseña de la cuenta, tal como se indicó al crear la cuenta. Se utiliza para cifrar el archivo de copia de seguridad y posteriormente se desencripta cuando se restaura la cuenta.",
   "The account that signed the input": "La cuenta que firmó la entrada",
   "The account to which the proposed balance will be transferred if approved": "La cuenta a la que se transferirá el saldo propuesto si se aprueba",

+ 1 - 1

@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
   "The RPC node can be selected from the pre-defined list or manually entered, depending on the chain you wish to connect to.": "O nó RPC pode ser selecionado da lista predefinida ou inserido manualmente, dependendo da cadeia à qual você deseja se conectar.",
   "The Threshold must be a positive number": "O mínimo deve ser um número positivo",
   "The Threshold must lower than 11": "O mínimo deve ser menor que 11",
-  "The UI puts a limit of 40 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "A interface do usuário coloca um limite de 40 pagamentos por vez, em que cada pagamento é um validador único para uma única era.",
+  "The UI puts a limit of 30 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.": "A interface do usuário coloca um limite de 30 pagamentos por vez, em que cada pagamento é um validador único para uma única era.",
   "The account password as specified when creating the account. This is used to encrypt the backup file and subsequently decrypt it when restoring the account.": "A senha da conta, conforme especificado ao criar a conta. Isso é usado para criptografar o arquivo de backup e, posteriormente, descriptografá-lo ao restaurar a conta.",
   "The account that signed the input": "A conta que assinou a entrada",
   "The account to which the proposed balance will be transferred if approved": "A conta para a qual o saldo proposto será transferido se aprovado",

+ 2 - 2

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import { useApi, useToggle } from '@polkadot/react-hooks';
 import { useTranslation } from '../translate';
-const MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 40;
+const MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 30;
 interface Props {
   className?: string;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ function PayButton ({ className, isAll, isDisabled, payout }: Props): React.Reac
                 <p>{t<string>('All the listed validators and all their nominators will receive their rewards.')}</p>
-                <p>{t<string>('The UI puts a limit of 40 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.')}</p>
+                <p>{t<string>('The UI puts a limit of 30 payouts at a time, where each payout is a single validator for a single era.')}</p>