@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import {
} from '../common'
// primary entities
import { CuratorGroup } from 'query-node/src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model'
import { Channel } from 'query-node/src/modules/channel/channel.model'
@@ -55,8 +54,14 @@ import {
} from '@joystream/types/augment'
+ Asset either stored in storage or describing list of URLs.
type AssetStorageOrUrls = DataObject | string[]
+ Type guard differentiating asset stored in storage from asset describing a list of URLs.
function isAssetInStorage(dataObject: AssetStorageOrUrls): dataObject is DataObject {
if (Array.isArray(dataObject)) {
return false
@@ -65,10 +70,13 @@ function isAssetInStorage(dataObject: AssetStorageOrUrls): dataObject is DataObj
return true
+ Reads information from the event and protobuf metadata and constructs changeset that's fit to be used when saving to db.
export async function readProtobuf(
type: Channel | ChannelCategory | Video | VideoCategory,
metadata: Uint8Array,
- assets: NewAsset[],
+ assets: NewAsset[], // assets provided in event
db: DatabaseManager,
event: SubstrateEvent,
): Promise<Partial<typeof type>> {
@@ -174,39 +182,55 @@ function handlePublishedBeforeJoystream(video: Video, publishedAtString?: string
// unset publish info
- delete video.publishedBeforeJoystream
+ video.publishedBeforeJoystream = undefined // plan deletion (will have effect when saved to db)
+ Converts event asset into data object or list of URLs fit to be saved to db.
async function convertAsset(rawAsset: NewAsset, db: DatabaseManager, event: SubstrateEvent): Promise<AssetStorageOrUrls> {
+ // is asset describing list of URLs?
if (rawAsset.isUrls) {
const urls = rawAsset.asUrls.toArray().map(item => item.toString())
return urls
- // !rawAsset.isUrls && rawAsset.isUpload
+ // !rawAsset.isUrls && rawAsset.isUpload // asset is in storage
+ // prepare data object
const contentParameters: ContentParameters = rawAsset.asUpload
const dataObject = await prepareDataObject(contentParameters, event.blockNumber)
return dataObject
+ Selects asset from provided set of assets and prepares asset data fit to be saved to db.
async function extractAsset(
assetIndex: number,
assets: NewAsset[],
db: DatabaseManager,
event: SubstrateEvent,
): Promise<AssetStorageOrUrls> {
+ // ensure asset index is valid
if (assetIndex > assets.length) {
return inconsistentState(`Non-existing asset extraction requested`, {assetsProvided: assets.length, assetIndex})
+ // convert asset to data object record
return convertAsset(assets[assetIndex], db, event)
-// changes `result` inline!
-function integrateAsset<T>(propertyName: string, result: T, asset: AssetStorageOrUrls): T {
+ As a temporary messure to overcome yet-to-be-implemented features in Hydra, we are using redudant information
+ to describe asset state. This function introduces all redudant data needed to be saved to db.
+ Changes `result` argument!
+function integrateAsset<T>(propertyName: string, result: Object, asset: AssetStorageOrUrls) {
+ // helpers - property names
const nameUrl = propertyName + 'Urls'
const nameDataObject = propertyName + 'DataObject'
const nameAvailability = propertyName + 'Availability'
@@ -216,7 +240,7 @@ function integrateAsset<T>(propertyName: string, result: T, asset: AssetStorageO
// (un)set asset's properties
result[nameUrl] = asset
result[nameAvailability] = AssetAvailability.ACCEPTED
- delete result[nameDataObject]
+ result[nameDataObject] = undefined // plan deletion (will have effect when saved to db)
return result
@@ -229,50 +253,57 @@ function integrateAsset<T>(propertyName: string, result: T, asset: AssetStorageO
// (un)set asset's properties
- delete result[nameUrl]
+ result[nameUrl] = undefined // plan deletion (will have effect when saved to db)
result[nameAvailability] = conversionTable[asset.liaisonJudgement]
result[nameDataObject] = asset
- return result
async function extractVideoSize(assets: NewAsset[], assetIndex: number | undefined): Promise<BN | undefined> {
+ // escape if no asset is required
if (assetIndex === undefined) {
return undefined
+ // ensure asset index is valid
if (assetIndex > assets.length) {
return inconsistentState(`Non-existing asset video size extraction requested`, {assetsProvided: assets.length, assetIndex})
const rawAsset = assets[assetIndex]
+ // escape if asset is describing URLs (can't get size)
if (rawAsset.isUrls) {
return undefined
- // !rawAsset.isUrls && rawAsset.isUpload
+ // !rawAsset.isUrls && rawAsset.isUpload // asset is in storage
+ // extract video size
const contentParameters: ContentParameters = rawAsset.asUpload
- // `size` is masked by `size` special name in struct so there needs to be `.get('size') as u64`
+ // `size` is masked by `size` special name in struct that's why there needs to be `.get('size') as u64`
const videoSize = (contentParameters.get('size') as unknown as u64).toBn()
return videoSize
async function prepareLanguage(languageIso: string, db: DatabaseManager): Promise<Language> {
+ // validate language string
const isValidIso = ISO6391.validate(languageIso);
+ // ensure language string is valid
if (!isValidIso) {
return inconsistentState(`Invalid language ISO-639-1 provided`, languageIso)
+ // load language
const language = await db.get(Language, { where: { iso: languageIso }})
+ // return existing language if any
if (language) {
return language;
+ // create new language
const newLanguage = new Language({
iso: languageIso
@@ -281,20 +312,27 @@ async function prepareLanguage(languageIso: string, db: DatabaseManager): Promis
async function prepareLicense(licenseProtobuf: LicenseMetadata.AsObject): Promise<License> {
+ // NOTE: Deletion of any previous license should take place in appropriate even handling function
+ // and not here even it might appear so.
+ // crete new license
const license = new License(licenseProtobuf)
return license
async function prepareVideoMetadata(videoProtobuf: VideoMetadata.AsObject, videoSize: BN | undefined): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata> {
+ // create new encoding info
const encoding = new VideoMediaEncoding(videoProtobuf.mediaType)
+ // create new video metadata
const videoMeta = new VideoMediaMetadata({
pixelWidth: videoProtobuf.mediaPixelWidth,
pixelHeight: videoProtobuf.mediaPixelHeight,
+ // fill in video size if provided
if (videoSize !== undefined) {
videoMeta.size = videoSize
@@ -303,8 +341,10 @@ async function prepareVideoMetadata(videoProtobuf: VideoMetadata.AsObject, video
async function prepareVideoCategory(categoryId: number, db: DatabaseManager): Promise<VideoCategory> {
+ // load video category
const category = await db.get(VideoCategory, { where: { id: categoryId }})
+ // ensure video category exists
if (!category) {
return inconsistentState('Non-existing video category association with video requested', categoryId)