@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import { types } from '@joystream/types'
+import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { ExtrinsicsHelper, getAlicePair, getKeyFromSuri } from '../src/helpers/extrinsics'
+async function main() {
+ // Init api
+ const WS_URI = process.env.WS_URI || 'ws://'
+ console.log(`Initializing the api (${WS_URI})...`)
+ const provider = new WsProvider(WS_URI)
+ const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types })
+ const LeadKeyPair = process.env.LEAD_URI ? getKeyFromSuri(process.env.LEAD_URI) : getAlicePair()
+ const SudoKeyPair = process.env.SUDO_URI ? getKeyFromSuri(process.env.SUDO_URI) : getAlicePair()
+ const txHelper = new ExtrinsicsHelper(api)
+ const sudo = (tx: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>) => api.tx.sudo.sudo(tx)
+ // Create membership if not already created
+ let memberId: number | undefined = (await api.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(LeadKeyPair.address))
+ .toArray()[0]
+ ?.toNumber()
+ // Only buy membership if LEAD_URI is not provided
+ if (memberId === undefined && process.env.LEAD_URI) {
+ throw new Error('Make sure Controller key LEAD_URI is is for a member')
+ }
+ if (memberId === undefined) {
+ console.log('Perparing member account creation extrinsic...')
+ memberId = (await api.query.members.nextMemberId()).toNumber()
+ await txHelper.sendAndCheck(
+ LeadKeyPair,
+ [api.tx.members.buyMembership(0, 'alice', null, null)],
+ 'Failed to setup member account'
+ )
+ }
+ console.log(`Making member id: ${memberId} the content lead.`)
+ // Create a new lead opening
+ if ((await api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.currentLead()).isNone) {
+ const newOpeningId = (await api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.nextOpeningId()).toNumber()
+ const newApplicationId = (await api.query.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.nextApplicationId()).toNumber()
+ // Create curator lead opening
+ console.log('Perparing Create Curator Lead Opening extrinsic...')
+ await txHelper.sendAndCheck(
+ SudoKeyPair,
+ [
+ sudo(
+ api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.addOpening(
+ { CurrentBlock: null }, // activate_at
+ { max_review_period_length: 9999 }, // OpeningPolicyCommitment
+ 'bootstrap curator opening', // human_readable_text
+ 'Leader' // opening_type
+ )
+ ),
+ ],
+ 'Failed to create Content Curators Lead opening!'
+ )
+ // Apply to lead opening
+ console.log('Perparing Apply to Curator Lead Opening as extrinsic...')
+ await txHelper.sendAndCheck(
+ LeadKeyPair,
+ [
+ api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.applyOnOpening(
+ memberId, // member id
+ newOpeningId, // opening id
+ LeadKeyPair.address, // address
+ null, // opt role stake
+ null, // opt appl. stake
+ 'bootstrap curator opening' // human_readable_text
+ ),
+ ],
+ 'Failed to apply on lead opening!'
+ )
+ const extrinsics: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[] = []
+ // Begin review period
+ console.log('Perparing Begin Applicant Review extrinsic...')
+ extrinsics.push(sudo(api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.beginApplicantReview(newOpeningId)))
+ // Fill opening
+ console.log('Perparing Fill Opening extrinsic...')
+ extrinsics.push(
+ sudo(
+ api.tx.contentDirectoryWorkingGroup.fillOpening(
+ newOpeningId, // opening id
+ api.createType('ApplicationIdSet', [newApplicationId]), // succesful applicants
+ null // reward policy
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ await txHelper.sendAndCheck(SudoKeyPair, extrinsics, 'Failed to initialize Content Curators Lead!')
+ } else {
+ console.log('Curators lead already exists, skipping...')
+ }
+ .then(() => process.exit())
+ .catch((e) => console.error(e))