@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@
// TODO: Test StakingEventHandler
// TODO: Test refund_proposal_stake()
-pub use types::CouncilManager;
use types::FinalizedProposalData;
use types::ProposalStakeManager;
pub use types::{
- ApprovedProposalStatus, FinalizationData, Proposal, ProposalDecisionStatus, ProposalParameters,
- ProposalStatus, StakeData, StakingEventsHandler, VotingResults,
+ ActiveStake, ApprovedProposalStatus, FinalizationData, Proposal, ProposalDecisionStatus,
+ ProposalParameters, ProposalStatus, VotingResults,
pub use types::{BalanceOf, CurrencyOf, NegativeImbalance};
pub use types::{DefaultStakeHandlerProvider, StakeHandler, StakeHandlerProvider};
@@ -42,21 +41,19 @@ use rstd::prelude::*;
use sr_primitives::traits::{DispatchResult, Zero};
use srml_support::traits::{Currency, Get};
use srml_support::{
- decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, Parameter, StorageDoubleMap,
+ decl_error, decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, print, Parameter, StorageDoubleMap,
use system::{ensure_root, RawOrigin};
+use crate::types::ApprovedProposalData;
use common::origin_validator::ActorOriginValidator;
-use membership::origin_validator::MemberId;
use srml_support::dispatch::Dispatchable;
+type MemberId<T> = <T as membership::members::Trait>::MemberId;
/// Proposals engine trait.
pub trait Trait:
- system::Trait
- + timestamp::Trait
- + stake::Trait
- + membership::members::Trait
- + governance::council::Trait
+ system::Trait + timestamp::Trait + stake::Trait + membership::members::Trait
/// Engine event type.
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
@@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ pub trait Trait:
type MaxActiveProposalLimit: Get<u32>;
/// Proposals executable code. Can be instantiated by external module Call enum members.
- type ProposalCode: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin = Self::Origin> + Default;
+ type DispatchableCallCode: Parameter + Dispatchable<Origin = Self::Origin> + Default;
@@ -106,6 +103,8 @@ decl_event!(
<T as Trait>::ProposalId,
MemberId = MemberId<T>,
<T as system::Trait>::BlockNumber,
+ <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ <T as stake::Trait>::StakeId,
/// Emits on proposal creation.
/// Params:
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ decl_event!(
/// Params:
/// - Id of a updated proposal.
/// - New proposal status
- ProposalStatusUpdated(ProposalId, ProposalStatus<BlockNumber>),
+ ProposalStatusUpdated(ProposalId, ProposalStatus<BlockNumber, StakeId, AccountId>),
/// Emits on voting for the proposal
/// Params:
@@ -191,13 +190,13 @@ impl From<system::Error> for Error {
decl_storage! {
pub trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as ProposalEngine{
/// Map proposal by its id.
- pub Proposals get(fn proposals): map T::ProposalId => ProposalObject<T>;
+ pub Proposals get(fn proposals): map T::ProposalId => ProposalOf<T>;
/// Count of all proposals that have been created.
pub ProposalCount get(fn proposal_count): u32;
/// Map proposal executable code by proposal id.
- pub ProposalCode get(fn proposal_codes): map T::ProposalId => Vec<u8>;
+ pub DispatchableCallCode get(fn proposal_codes): map T::ProposalId => Vec<u8>;
/// Count of active proposals.
pub ActiveProposalCount get(fn active_proposal_count): u32;
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ decl_module! {
ensure!(<Proposals<T>>::exists(proposal_id), Error::ProposalNotFound);
let mut proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
- ensure!(proposal.status == ProposalStatus::Active, Error::ProposalFinalized);
+ ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::ProposalFinalized);
let did_not_vote_before = !<VoteExistsByProposalByVoter<T>>::exists(
@@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ decl_module! {
let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
ensure!(proposer_id == proposal.proposer_id, Error::NotAuthor);
- ensure!(proposal.status == ProposalStatus::Active, Error::ProposalFinalized);
+ ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::ProposalFinalized);
// mutation
@@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ decl_module! {
ensure!(<Proposals<T>>::exists(proposal_id), Error::ProposalNotFound);
let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
- ensure!(proposal.status == ProposalStatus::Active, Error::ProposalFinalized);
+ ensure!(matches!(proposal.status, ProposalStatus::Active{..}), Error::ProposalFinalized);
// mutation
@@ -300,12 +299,12 @@ decl_module! {
Self::finalize_proposal(proposal_data.proposal_id, proposal_data.status);
- let executable_proposal_ids =
- Self::get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period_ids();
+ let executable_proposals =
+ Self::get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period();
// Execute approved proposals with expired grace period
- for proposal_id in executable_proposal_ids {
- Self::execute_proposal(proposal_id);
+ for approved_proosal in executable_proposals {
+ Self::execute_proposal(approved_proosal);
@@ -314,17 +313,14 @@ decl_module! {
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
/// Create proposal. Requires 'proposal origin' membership.
pub fn create_proposal(
- origin: T::Origin,
+ account_id: T::AccountId,
proposer_id: MemberId<T>,
parameters: ProposalParameters<T::BlockNumber, types::BalanceOf<T>>,
title: Vec<u8>,
description: Vec<u8>,
stake_balance: Option<types::BalanceOf<T>>,
- proposal_code: Vec<u8>,
+ encoded_dispatchable_call_code: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<T::ProposalId, Error> {
- let account_id =
- T::ProposerOriginValidator::ensure_actor_origin(origin, proposer_id.clone())?;
@@ -349,7 +345,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
let mut stake_data = None;
if let Some(stake_id) = stake_id_result {
- stake_data = Some(StakeData {
+ stake_data = Some(ActiveStake {
source_account_id: account_id,
@@ -363,13 +359,12 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
proposer_id: proposer_id.clone(),
- status: ProposalStatus::Active,
+ status: ProposalStatus::Active(stake_data),
voting_results: VotingResults::default(),
- stake_data,
<Proposals<T>>::insert(proposal_id, new_proposal);
- <ProposalCode<T>>::insert(proposal_id, proposal_code);
+ <DispatchableCallCode<T>>::insert(proposal_id, encoded_dispatchable_call_code);
<ActiveProposalIds<T>>::insert(proposal_id, ());
@@ -378,6 +373,87 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Performs all checks for the proposal creation:
+ /// - title, body lengths
+ /// - mac active proposal
+ /// - provided parameters: approval_threshold_percentage and slashing_threshold_percentage > 0
+ /// - provided stake balance and parameters.required_stake are valid
+ pub fn ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid(
+ parameters: &ProposalParameters<T::BlockNumber, types::BalanceOf<T>>,
+ title: &[u8],
+ description: &[u8],
+ stake_balance: Option<types::BalanceOf<T>>,
+ ) -> DispatchResult<Error> {
+ ensure!(!title.is_empty(), Error::EmptyTitleProvided);
+ ensure!(
+ title.len() as u32 <= T::TitleMaxLength::get(),
+ Error::TitleIsTooLong
+ );
+ ensure!(!description.is_empty(), Error::EmptyDescriptionProvided);
+ ensure!(
+ description.len() as u32 <= T::DescriptionMaxLength::get(),
+ Error::DescriptionIsTooLong
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ (Self::active_proposal_count()) < T::MaxActiveProposalLimit::get(),
+ Error::MaxActiveProposalNumberExceeded
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ parameters.approval_threshold_percentage > 0,
+ Error::InvalidParameterApprovalThreshold
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ parameters.slashing_threshold_percentage > 0,
+ Error::InvalidParameterSlashingThreshold
+ );
+ // check stake parameters
+ if let Some(required_stake) = parameters.required_stake {
+ if let Some(staked_balance) = stake_balance {
+ ensure!(
+ required_stake == staked_balance,
+ Error::StakeDiffersFromRequired
+ );
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::EmptyStake);
+ }
+ }
+ if stake_balance.is_some() && parameters.required_stake.is_none() {
+ return Err(Error::StakeShouldBeEmpty);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ //TODO: candidate for invariant break or error saving to the state
+ /// Callback from StakingEventsHandler. Refunds unstaked imbalance back to the source account
+ pub fn refund_proposal_stake(stake_id: T::StakeId, imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>) {
+ if <StakesProposals<T>>::exists(stake_id) {
+ //TODO: handle non existence
+ let proposal_id = Self::stakes_proposals(stake_id);
+ if <Proposals<T>>::exists(proposal_id) {
+ let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
+ if let ProposalStatus::Active(active_stake_result) = proposal.status {
+ if let Some(active_stake) = active_stake_result {
+ //TODO: handle the result
+ let _ = CurrencyOf::<T>::resolve_into_existing(
+ &active_stake.source_account_id,
+ imbalance,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
@@ -415,43 +491,38 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Executes approved proposal code
- fn execute_proposal(proposal_id: T::ProposalId) {
- let mut proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
+ fn execute_proposal(approved_proposal: ApprovedProposal<T>) {
+ let proposal_code = Self::proposal_codes(approved_proposal.proposal_id);
- // Execute only proposals with correct status
- if let ProposalStatus::Finalized(finalized_status) = proposal.status.clone() {
- let proposal_code = Self::proposal_codes(proposal_id);
+ let proposal_code_result = T::DispatchableCallCode::decode(&mut &proposal_code[..]);
- let proposal_code_result = T::ProposalCode::decode(&mut &proposal_code[..]);
- let approved_proposal_status = match proposal_code_result {
- Ok(proposal_code) => {
- if let Err(error) = proposal_code.dispatch(T::Origin::from(RawOrigin::Root)) {
- ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(
- error.into().message.unwrap_or("Dispatch error"),
- )
- } else {
- ApprovedProposalStatus::Executed
- }
+ let approved_proposal_status = match proposal_code_result {
+ Ok(proposal_code) => {
+ if let Err(error) = proposal_code.dispatch(T::Origin::from(RawOrigin::Root)) {
+ ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(
+ error.into().message.unwrap_or("Dispatch error"),
+ )
+ } else {
+ ApprovedProposalStatus::Executed
- Err(error) => ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(error.what()),
- };
+ }
+ Err(error) => ApprovedProposalStatus::failed_execution(error.what()),
+ };
- let proposal_execution_status =
- finalized_status.create_approved_proposal_status(approved_proposal_status);
+ let proposal_execution_status = approved_proposal
+ .finalisation_status_data
+ .create_approved_proposal_status(approved_proposal_status);
- proposal.status = proposal_execution_status.clone();
- <Proposals<T>>::insert(proposal_id, proposal);
+ let mut proposal = approved_proposal.proposal;
+ proposal.status = proposal_execution_status.clone();
+ <Proposals<T>>::insert(approved_proposal.proposal_id, proposal);
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated(
- proposal_id,
- proposal_execution_status,
- ));
- }
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated(
+ approved_proposal.proposal_id,
+ proposal_execution_status,
+ ));
- // Remove proposals from the 'pending execution' queue even in case of not finalized status
- // to prevent eternal cycles.
- <PendingExecutionProposalIds<T>>::remove(&proposal_id);
+ <PendingExecutionProposalIds<T>>::remove(&approved_proposal.proposal_id);
// Performs all actions on proposal finalization:
@@ -466,36 +537,36 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
let mut proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
- if let ProposalDecisionStatus::Approved { .. } = decision_status {
- <PendingExecutionProposalIds<T>>::insert(proposal_id, ());
- }
- // deal with stakes if necessary
- let slash_balance = Self::calculate_slash_balance(&decision_status, &proposal.parameters);
- let slash_and_unstake_result =
- Self::slash_and_unstake(proposal.stake_data.clone(), slash_balance);
+ if let ProposalStatus::Active(active_stake) = proposal.status.clone() {
+ if let ProposalDecisionStatus::Approved { .. } = decision_status {
+ <PendingExecutionProposalIds<T>>::insert(proposal_id, ());
+ }
- //TODO: leave stake data as is?
- if slash_and_unstake_result.is_ok() {
- proposal.stake_data = None;
- }
+ // deal with stakes if necessary
+ let slash_balance =
+ Self::calculate_slash_balance(&decision_status, &proposal.parameters);
+ let slash_and_unstake_result =
+ Self::slash_and_unstake(active_stake.clone(), slash_balance);
- // create finalized proposal status with error if any
- let new_proposal_status = //TODO rename without an error
- ProposalStatus::finalized_with_error(decision_status, slash_and_unstake_result.err(), Self::current_block());
+ // create finalized proposal status with error if any
+ let new_proposal_status = //TODO rename without an error
+ ProposalStatus::finalized_with_error(decision_status, slash_and_unstake_result.err(), active_stake, Self::current_block());
- proposal.status = new_proposal_status.clone();
- <Proposals<T>>::insert(proposal_id, proposal);
+ proposal.status = new_proposal_status.clone();
+ <Proposals<T>>::insert(proposal_id, proposal);
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated(
- proposal_id,
- new_proposal_status,
- ));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ProposalStatusUpdated(
+ proposal_id,
+ new_proposal_status,
+ ));
+ } else {
+ print("Broken invariant: proposal cannot be non-active during the finalisation");
+ }
// Slashes the stake and perform unstake only in case of existing stake
fn slash_and_unstake(
- current_stake_data: Option<StakeData<T::StakeId, T::AccountId>>,
+ current_stake_data: Option<ActiveStake<T::StakeId, T::AccountId>>,
slash_balance: BalanceOf<T>,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// only if stake exists
@@ -531,13 +602,22 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Enumerates approved proposals and checks their grace period expiration
- fn get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period_ids() -> Vec<T::ProposalId> {
+ fn get_approved_proposal_with_expired_grace_period() -> Vec<ApprovedProposal<T>> {
.filter_map(|(proposal_id, _)| {
let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
if proposal.is_grace_period_expired(Self::current_block()) {
- Some(proposal_id)
+ // this should be true, because it was tested inside is_grace_period_expired()
+ if let ProposalStatus::Finalized(finalisation_data) = proposal.status.clone() {
+ Some(ApprovedProposalData {
+ proposal_id,
+ proposal,
+ finalisation_status_data: finalisation_data,
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
} else {
@@ -560,85 +640,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- // Performs all checks for the proposal creation:
- // - title, body lengths
- // - mac active proposal
- // - provided parameters: approval_threshold_percentage and slashing_threshold_percentage > 0
- // - provided stake balance and parameters.required_stake are valid
- fn ensure_create_proposal_parameters_are_valid(
- parameters: &ProposalParameters<T::BlockNumber, types::BalanceOf<T>>,
- title: &[u8],
- description: &[u8],
- stake_balance: Option<types::BalanceOf<T>>,
- ) -> DispatchResult<Error> {
- ensure!(!title.is_empty(), Error::EmptyTitleProvided);
- ensure!(
- title.len() as u32 <= T::TitleMaxLength::get(),
- Error::TitleIsTooLong
- );
- ensure!(!description.is_empty(), Error::EmptyDescriptionProvided);
- ensure!(
- description.len() as u32 <= T::DescriptionMaxLength::get(),
- Error::DescriptionIsTooLong
- );
- ensure!(
- (Self::active_proposal_count()) < T::MaxActiveProposalLimit::get(),
- Error::MaxActiveProposalNumberExceeded
- );
- ensure!(
- parameters.approval_threshold_percentage > 0,
- Error::InvalidParameterApprovalThreshold
- );
- ensure!(
- parameters.slashing_threshold_percentage > 0,
- Error::InvalidParameterSlashingThreshold
- );
- // check stake parameters
- if let Some(required_stake) = parameters.required_stake {
- if let Some(staked_balance) = stake_balance {
- ensure!(
- required_stake == staked_balance,
- Error::StakeDiffersFromRequired
- );
- } else {
- return Err(Error::EmptyStake);
- }
- }
- if stake_balance.is_some() && parameters.required_stake.is_none() {
- return Err(Error::StakeShouldBeEmpty);
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- //TODO: candidate for invariant break or error saving to the state
- /// Callback from StakingEventsHandler. Refunds unstaked imbalance back to the source account
- pub(crate) fn refund_proposal_stake(stake_id: T::StakeId, imbalance: NegativeImbalance<T>) {
- if <StakesProposals<T>>::exists(stake_id) {
- //TODO: handle non existence
- let proposal_id = Self::stakes_proposals(stake_id);
- if <Proposals<T>>::exists(proposal_id) {
- let proposal = Self::proposals(proposal_id);
- if let Some(stake_data) = proposal.stake_data {
- //TODO: handle the result
- let _ = CurrencyOf::<T>::resolve_into_existing(
- &stake_data.source_account_id,
- imbalance,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
// Simplification of the 'FinalizedProposalData' type
@@ -651,8 +652,18 @@ type FinalizedProposal<T> = FinalizedProposalData<
<T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+// Simplification of the 'ApprovedProposalData' type
+type ApprovedProposal<T> = ApprovedProposalData<
+ <T as Trait>::ProposalId,
+ <T as system::Trait>::BlockNumber,
+ MemberId<T>,
+ types::BalanceOf<T>,
+ <T as stake::Trait>::StakeId,
+ <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
// Simplification of the 'Proposal' type
-type ProposalObject<T> = Proposal<
+type ProposalOf<T> = Proposal<
<T as system::Trait>::BlockNumber,