@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { DatabaseManager, EventContext, StoreContext } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
+import { DatabaseManager, EventContext, StoreContext, SubstrateEvent } from '@joystream/hydra-common'
import { BountyMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
import { AssuranceContractType, BountyActor, BountyId, EntryId, FundingType } from '@joystream/types/augment'
import {
@@ -65,6 +65,40 @@ async function getEntry(store: DatabaseManager, entryId: EntryId): Promise<Bount
return entry
+interface BountyEvent {
+ ctx: SubstrateEvent
+ params: [BountyId, ...any]
+async function updateBounty(store: DatabaseManager, event: BountyEvent, changes: (bounty: Bounty) => Partial<Bounty>) {
+ const [bountyId] = event.params
+ const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
+ bounty.updatedAt = new Date(event.ctx.blockTimestamp)
+ Object.assign(bounty, changes(bounty))
+ await store.save<BountyEntry>(bounty)
+ return bounty
+interface EntryEvent {
+ ctx: SubstrateEvent
+ params: [any, EntryId, ...any]
+async function updateEntry(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ event: EntryEvent,
+ changes: (bounty: BountyEntry) => Partial<BountyEntry>
+) {
+ const [, entryId] = event.params
+ const entry = await getEntry(store, entryId)
+ entry.updatedAt = new Date(event.ctx.blockTimestamp)
+ Object.assign(entry, changes(entry))
+ await store.save<BountyEntry>(entry)
+ return entry
function bountyActorToMembership(actor: BountyActor): Membership | undefined {
if (actor.isMember) {
return new Membership({ id: String(actor.asMember) })
@@ -159,6 +193,7 @@ export async function bounty_BountyCreated({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
const metadata = deserializeMetadata(BountyMetadata, metadataBytes)
+ // Create the bounty
const bounty = new Bounty({
id: String(bountyId),
createdAt: eventTime,
@@ -179,11 +214,11 @@ export async function bounty_BountyCreated({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
totalFunding: bountyParams.cherry,
discussionThread: asForumThread(metadata?.discussionThread ?? undefined),
await store.save<Bounty>(bounty)
bountyScheduleFundingEnd(store, bounty)
+ // Record the event
const createdInEvent = new BountyCreatedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), bounty })
await store.save<BountyCreatedEvent>(createdInEvent)
@@ -218,7 +253,7 @@ export async function bounty_BountyCreated({ event, store }: EventContext & Stor
-// Store bounty canceled events
+// Store bounties canceled events
export async function bounty_BountyCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const bountyCanceledEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyCanceledEvent(event)
const [bountyId] = bountyCanceledEvent.params
@@ -229,7 +264,7 @@ export async function bounty_BountyCanceled({ event, store }: EventContext & Sto
await store.save<BountyCanceledEvent>(canceledEvent)
-// Store bounty vetoed events
+// Store bounties vetoed events
export async function bounty_BountyVetoed({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const bountyVetoedEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyVetoedEvent(event)
const [bountyId] = bountyVetoedEvent.params
@@ -239,19 +274,18 @@ export async function bounty_BountyVetoed({ event, store }: EventContext & Store
await store.save<BountyVetoedEvent>(vetoedEvent)
-// Store new contributions and their BountyFunded events
+// Store new contributions and add their amount to their bounty totalFunding
export async function bounty_BountyFunded({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const bountyFundedEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyFundedEvent(event)
- const [bountyId, contributorActor, amount] = bountyFundedEvent.params
+ const [, contributorActor, amount] = bountyFundedEvent.params
const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
- const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
- bounty.updatedAt = eventTime
- bounty.totalFunding = bounty.totalFunding.add(amount)
- await store.save<Bounty>(bounty)
+ // Update the bounty totalFunding
+ const bounty = await updateBounty(store, bountyFundedEvent, (bounty) => ({
+ totalFunding: bounty.totalFunding.add(amount),
+ }))
+ // Create the contribution
const contribution = new BountyContribution({
createdAt: eventTime,
updatedAt: eventTime,
@@ -259,168 +293,144 @@ export async function bounty_BountyFunded({ event, store }: EventContext & Store
contributor: bountyActorToMembership(contributorActor),
await store.save<BountyContribution>(contribution)
+ // Record the event
const fundedEvent = new BountyFundedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), contribution })
await store.save<BountyFundedEvent>(fundedEvent)
-// Store BountyMaxFundingReached event and update the bounty stage
+// Start bounties working stage
export async function bounty_BountyMaxFundingReached({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const maxFundingReachedEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyMaxFundingReachedEvent(event)
const [bountyId] = maxFundingReachedEvent.params
+ // Update the bounty stage
+ const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
+ await endFundingPeriod(store, bounty)
// Record the event
- const bounty = new Bounty({ id: String(bountyId) })
const maxFundingReachedInEvent = new BountyMaxFundingReachedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), bounty })
await store.save<BountyMaxFundingReachedEvent>(maxFundingReachedInEvent)
- // Update the bounty stage
- endFundingPeriod(store, bounty)
+// Store BountyFundingWithdrawal events (also update the contribution deleteAt time)
export async function bounty_BountyFundingWithdrawal({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const fundingWithdrawalEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyFundingWithdrawalEvent(event)
const [bountyId, contributorActor] = fundingWithdrawalEvent.params
const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ // Update the contribution
const contributor = bountyActorToMembership(contributorActor)
const contribution = await getContribution(store, bountyId, contributor?.id)
+ contribution.updatedAt = eventTime
+ contribution.deletedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<BountyContribution>(contribution)
// Update the bounty totalFunding
- const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
- bounty.updatedAt = eventTime
- bounty.totalFunding = bounty.totalFunding.sub(contribution.amount)
- await store.save<Bounty>(bounty)
+ await updateBounty(store, fundingWithdrawalEvent, (bounty) => ({
+ totalFunding: bounty.totalFunding.sub(contribution.amount),
+ }))
// Record the event
const withdrawnInEvent = new BountyFundingWithdrawalEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), contribution })
await store.save<BountyFundingWithdrawalEvent>(withdrawnInEvent)
+// Remove the cherries amount from their bounty totalFunding
export async function bounty_BountyCreatorCherryWithdrawal({
}: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const cherryWithdrawalEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyCreatorCherryWithdrawalEvent(event)
- const [bountyId] = cherryWithdrawalEvent.params
- const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
// Update the bounty totalFunding
- const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
- bounty.updatedAt = eventTime
- bounty.totalFunding = bounty.totalFunding.sub(bounty.cherry)
- await store.save<Bounty>(bounty)
+ const bounty = await updateBounty(store, cherryWithdrawalEvent, (bounty) => ({
+ totalFunding: bounty.totalFunding.sub(bounty.cherry),
+ }))
// Record the event
const withdrawnInEvent = new BountyCreatorCherryWithdrawalEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), bounty })
await store.save<BountyCreatorCherryWithdrawalEvent>(withdrawnInEvent)
+// Terminate removed bounties
export async function bounty_BountyRemoved({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const bountyRemovedEvent = new BountyEvents.BountyRemovedEvent(event)
- const [bountyId] = bountyRemovedEvent.params
- const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
- const bounty = await getBounty(store, bountyId)
// Terminate the bounty
- bounty.updatedAt = eventTime
- bounty.deletedAt = eventTime
- bounty.stage = BountyStage.Terminated
- await store.save<Bounty>(bounty)
+ const bounty = await updateBounty(store, bountyRemovedEvent, (bounty) => ({
+ deletedAt: bounty.updatedAt,
+ stage: BountyStage.Terminated,
+ }))
// Record the event
const removedInEvent = new BountyRemovedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), bounty })
await store.save<BountyRemovedEvent>(removedInEvent)
+// Store new entries
export async function bounty_WorkEntryAnnounced({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const entryAnnouncedEvent = new BountyEvents.WorkEntryAnnouncedEvent(event)
const [bountyId, entryId, memberId, accountId] = entryAnnouncedEvent.params
const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
- const bounty = new Bounty({ id: String(bountyId) })
// Create the entry
const entry = new BountyEntry({
id: String(entryId),
createdAt: eventTime,
updatedAt: eventTime,
- bounty,
+ bounty: new Bounty({ id: String(bountyId) }),
worker: new Membership({ id: String(memberId) }),
stakingAccount: String(accountId),
workSubmitted: false,
status: new BountyEntryStatusWorking(),
await store.save<BountyEntry>(entry)
// Record the event
const announcedEvent = new WorkEntryAnnouncedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), entry })
await store.save<WorkEntryAnnouncedEvent>(announcedEvent)
+// Change withdrawn entries status to withdrawn
export async function bounty_WorkEntryWithdrawn({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const entryWithdrawnEvent = new BountyEvents.WorkEntryWithdrawnEvent(event)
- const [, entryId] = entryWithdrawnEvent.params
- const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
// Update the entry status
- const entry = await getEntry(store, entryId)
- entry.updatedAt = eventTime
- entry.status = new BountyEntryStatusWithdrawn()
- await store.save<BountyEntry>(entry)
+ const entry = await updateEntry(store, entryWithdrawnEvent, () => ({
+ status: new BountyEntryStatusWithdrawn(),
+ }))
// Record the event
const withdrawnInEvent = new WorkEntryWithdrawnEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), entry })
await store.save<WorkEntryWithdrawnEvent>(withdrawnInEvent)
+// Store WorkEntrySlashed events
export async function bounty_WorkEntrySlashed({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const entrySlashedEvent = new BountyEvents.WorkEntrySlashedEvent(event)
- const [, entryId] = entrySlashedEvent.params
- const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
// Update the entry status
- const entry = await getEntry(store, entryId)
- entry.updatedAt = eventTime
- entry.status = new BountyEntryStatusRejected()
- await store.save<BountyEntry>(entry)
+ const entry = await updateEntry(store, entrySlashedEvent, () => ({
+ status: new BountyEntryStatusRejected(),
+ }))
// Record the event
const slashedInEvent = new WorkEntrySlashedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), entry })
await store.save<WorkEntrySlashedEvent>(slashedInEvent)
+// Store WorkSubmitted events
export async function bounty_WorkSubmitted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
const entrySlashedEvent = new BountyEvents.WorkEntrySlashedEvent(event)
- const [, entryId] = entrySlashedEvent.params
- const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
- // Update the entry
- const entry = await getEntry(store, entryId)
- entry.updatedAt = eventTime
- entry.workSubmitted = true
- await store.save<BountyEntry>(entry)
+ // Update the entry status
+ const entry = await updateEntry(store, entrySlashedEvent, () => ({
+ workSubmitted: true,
+ }))
// Record the event
const submittedInEvent = new WorkSubmittedEvent({ ...genericEventFields(event), entry })
await store.save<WorkEntrySlashedEvent>(submittedInEvent)