@@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ class RuntimeApi {
this.asyncLock = new AsyncLock()
- // Keep track locally of account nonces.
- this.nonces = {}
// The storage provider id to use
this.storageProviderId = parseInt(options.storageProviderId) // u64 instead ?
@@ -148,28 +145,6 @@ class RuntimeApi {
- // Get cached nonce and use unless system nonce is greater, to avoid stale nonce if
- // there was a long gap in time between calls to signAndSend during which an external app
- // submitted a transaction.
- async selectBestNonce(accountId) {
- const cachedNonce = this.nonces[accountId]
- // In future use this rpc method to take the pending tx pool into account when fetching the nonce
- // const nonce = await this.api.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(accountId)
- const { nonce } = await this.api.query.system.account(accountId)
- const systemNonce = nonce
- const bestNonce = cachedNonce && cachedNonce.gte(systemNonce) ? cachedNonce : systemNonce
- this.nonces[accountId] = bestNonce
- return bestNonce.toNumber()
- }
- incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId) {
- this.nonces[accountId] = this.nonces[accountId].addn(1)
- }
* signAndSend() with nonce tracking, to enable concurrent sending of transacctions
* so that they can be included in the same block. Allows you to use the accountId instead
@@ -213,7 +188,7 @@ class RuntimeApi {
// synchronize access to nonce
await this.executeWithAccountLock(accountId, async () => {
- const nonce = await this.selectBestNonce(accountId)
+ const nonce = await this.api.rpc.system.accountNextIndex(accountId)
const signed = tx.sign(fromKey, { nonce })
const txhash = signed.hash
@@ -237,9 +212,6 @@ class RuntimeApi {
} else {
debugTx(`Submitted: ${serialized}`)
- // transaction submitted successfully, increment and save nonce.
- this.incrementAndSaveNonce(accountId)
} catch (err) {
const errstr = err.toString()
debugTx(`Rejected: ${errstr} txhash: ${txhash} nonce: ${nonce}`)