@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ import { PayoutStash, PayoutValidator } from './types';
import BN from 'bn.js';
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { Button, Table, Toggle } from '@polkadot/react-components';
+import { Button, Table } from '@polkadot/react-components';
import { useApi, useCall, useOwnEraRewards } from '@polkadot/react-hooks';
import { FormatBalance } from '@polkadot/react-query';
-import { u32 } from '@polkadot/types';
import { BN_ZERO, isFunction } from '@polkadot/util';
import ElectionBanner from '../ElectionBanner';
import { useTranslation } from '../translate';
import useStakerPayouts from './useStakerPayouts';
import PayButton from './PayButton';
+import PayToggle from './PayToggle';
import Stash from './Stash';
import Validator from './Validator';
@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ interface Available {
validators?: PayoutValidator[];
+interface EraSelection {
+ value: number;
+ text: string;
+const DAY_SECS = new BN(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
function groupByValidator (allRewards: Record<string, DeriveStakerReward[]>, stakerPayoutsAfter: BN): PayoutValidator[] {
return Object
@@ -92,16 +99,48 @@ function extractStashes (allRewards: Record<string, DeriveStakerReward[]>): Payo
function Payouts ({ className = '', isInElection }: Props): React.ReactElement<Props> {
+ const { t } = useTranslation();
const { api } = useApi();
const [{ stashTotal, stashes, validators }, setPayouts] = useState<Available>({});
- const [isPartialEras, setIsPartialEras] = useState(true);
- const [partialEras, setPartialEras] = useState(21);
- const historyDepth = useCall<u32>(api.query.staking.historyDepth, []);
+ const [eraSelection, setEraSelection] = useState<EraSelection[]>([{ text: '', value: 0 }]);
+ const [eraSelectionIndex, setEraSelectionIndex] = useState(0);
+ const eraLength = useCall<BN>(api.derive.session.eraLength, []);
+ const historyDepth = useCall<BN>(api.query.staking.historyDepth, []);
const stakerPayoutsAfter = useStakerPayouts();
- const { allRewards, isLoadingRewards } = useOwnEraRewards((!historyDepth || isPartialEras) ? partialEras : historyDepth.toNumber());
- const { t } = useTranslation();
+ const { allRewards, isLoadingRewards } = useOwnEraRewards(eraSelection[eraSelectionIndex].value);
const isDisabled = isInElection || !isFunction(api.tx.utility?.batch);
+ useEffect((): void => {
+ if (eraLength && historyDepth) {
+ const blocksPerDay = DAY_SECS.div(api.consts.babe?.expectedBlockTime || api.consts.timestamp?.minimumPeriod.muln(2) || new BN(6000));
+ const maxBlocks = eraLength.mul(historyDepth);
+ const eraSelection: EraSelection[] = [];
+ let days = 2;
+ while (true) {
+ const dayBlocks = blocksPerDay.muln(days);
+ if (dayBlocks.gte(maxBlocks)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ eraSelection.push({
+ text: t<string>('{{days}} days', { replace: { days } }),
+ value: dayBlocks.div(eraLength).toNumber()
+ });
+ days = days * 3;
+ }
+ eraSelection.push({
+ text: t<string>('Max, {{eras}} eras', { replace: { eras: historyDepth.toNumber() } }),
+ value: historyDepth.toNumber()
+ });
+ setEraSelection(eraSelection);
+ }
+ }, [api, eraLength, historyDepth, t]);
useEffect((): void => {
if (allRewards) {
const stashes = extractStashes(allRewards);
@@ -117,12 +156,6 @@ function Payouts ({ className = '', isInElection }: Props): React.ReactElement<P
}, [allRewards, stakerPayoutsAfter]);
- useEffect((): void => {
- historyDepth && setPartialEras(
- Math.ceil(historyDepth.toNumber() / 4)
- );
- }, [historyDepth, isPartialEras]);
const headerStashes = useMemo(() => [
[t('payout/stash'), 'start', 2],
[t('eras'), 'start'],
@@ -152,34 +185,23 @@ function Payouts ({ className = '', isInElection }: Props): React.ReactElement<P
return (
<div className={className}>
{api.tx.staking.payoutStakers && (
- <>
- <Button.Group>
- <PayButton
- isAll
- isDisabled={isDisabled}
- payout={validators}
- />
- </Button.Group>
- {historyDepth && (
- <div className='staking--optionsBar'>
- <Toggle
- className='staking--buttonToggle'
- label={t<string>('only query most recent {{partialEras}} of {{historyDepth}} eras', {
- replace: { historyDepth: historyDepth.toNumber(), partialEras }
- })}
- onChange={setIsPartialEras}
- value={isPartialEras}
- />
- </div>
- )}
- </>
+ <Button.Group>
+ <PayToggle
+ onChange={setEraSelectionIndex}
+ options={eraSelection}
+ selected={eraSelectionIndex}
+ />
+ <PayButton
+ isAll
+ isDisabled={isDisabled}
+ payout={validators}
+ />
+ </Button.Group>
<ElectionBanner isInElection={isInElection} />
empty={!isLoadingRewards && stashes && t<string>('No pending payouts for your stashes')}
- emptySpinner={t<string>('Retrieving info for last {{numEras}} eras, this will take some time', {
- replace: { numEras: (!historyDepth || isPartialEras) ? partialEras : historyDepth.toNumber() }
- })}
+ emptySpinner={t<string>('Retrieving info for the selected eras, this will take some time')}