@@ -9,16 +9,27 @@ import {
+ OpeningFilledEvent,
+ Worker,
} from '../QueryNodeApiSchema.generated'
import { ApplicationMetadata, OpeningMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
-import { WorkingGroupModuleName, MemberContext, AppliedOnOpeningEventDetails, OpeningAddedEventDetails } from '../types'
-import { OpeningId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
+import {
+ WorkingGroupModuleName,
+ MemberContext,
+ AppliedOnOpeningEventDetails,
+ OpeningAddedEventDetails,
+ OpeningFilledEventDetails,
+ lockIdByWorkingGroup,
+} from '../types'
+import { Application, ApplicationId, Opening, OpeningId } from '@joystream/types/working-group'
import { Utils } from '../utils'
import _ from 'lodash'
import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { JoyBTreeSet } from '@joystream/types/common'
+import { registry } from '@joystream/types'
// TODO: Fetch from runtime when possible!
const MIN_APPLICATION_STAKE = new BN(2000)
@@ -44,7 +55,6 @@ export class SudoCreateLeadOpeningFixture extends BaseFixture {
private group: WorkingGroupModuleName
private debug: Debugger.Debugger
private openingParams: OpeningParams
- private createdOpeningId?: OpeningId
private event?: OpeningAddedEventDetails
private tx?: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>
@@ -89,10 +99,10 @@ export class SudoCreateLeadOpeningFixture extends BaseFixture {
public getCreatedOpeningId(): OpeningId {
- if (!this.createdOpeningId) {
+ if (!this.event) {
throw new Error('Trying to get created opening id before it was created!')
- return this.createdOpeningId
+ return this.event.openingId
public constructor(
@@ -170,8 +180,6 @@ export class SudoCreateLeadOpeningFixture extends BaseFixture {
const result = await this.api.signAndSend(this.tx, sudoKey)
this.event = await this.api.retrieveOpeningAddedEventDetails(result, this.group)
- this.createdOpeningId = this.event.openingId
this.debug(`Lead opening created (id: ${this.event.openingId.toString()})`)
@@ -202,6 +210,7 @@ export class ApplyOnOpeningHappyCaseFixture extends BaseFixture {
private openingId: OpeningId
private openingMetadata: OpeningMetadata.AsObject
+ private opening?: Opening
private event?: AppliedOnOpeningEventDetails
private tx?: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>
@@ -224,6 +233,13 @@ export class ApplyOnOpeningHappyCaseFixture extends BaseFixture {
this.openingMetadata = openingMetadata
+ public getCreatedApplicationId(): ApplicationId {
+ if (!this.event) {
+ throw new Error('Trying to get created application id before the application was created!')
+ }
+ return this.event.applicationId
+ }
private getMetadata(): ApplicationMetadata {
const metadata = new ApplicationMetadata()
this.openingMetadata.applicationFormQuestionsList.forEach((question, i) => {
@@ -247,6 +263,7 @@ export class ApplyOnOpeningHappyCaseFixture extends BaseFixture {
assert.equal(qApplication.rewardAccount, this.applicant.account)
assert.equal(qApplication.stakingAccount, this.stakingAccount)
assert.equal(qApplication.status.__typename, 'ApplicationStatusPending')
+ assert.equal(qApplication.stake, eventDetails.params.stake_parameters.stake)
const applicationMetadata = this.getMetadata()
@@ -274,8 +291,8 @@ export class ApplyOnOpeningHappyCaseFixture extends BaseFixture {
async execute(): Promise<void> {
- const opening = await this.api.getOpening(this.group, this.openingId)
- const stake = opening.stake_policy.stake_amount
+ this.opening = await this.api.getOpening(this.group, this.openingId)
+ const stake = this.opening.stake_policy.stake_amount
const stakingAccountBalance = await this.api.getBalance(this.stakingAccount)
assert.isAbove(stakingAccountBalance.toNumber(), stake.toNumber())
@@ -315,3 +332,143 @@ export class ApplyOnOpeningHappyCaseFixture extends BaseFixture {
this.assertQueriedOpeningAddedEventIsValid(eventDetails, tx.hash.toString(), qAppliedOnOpeningEvent)
+export class SudoFillLeadOpening extends BaseFixture {
+ private query: QueryNodeApi
+ private group: WorkingGroupModuleName
+ private debug: Debugger.Debugger
+ private openingId: OpeningId
+ private acceptedApplicationIds: ApplicationId[]
+ private acceptedApplications?: Application[]
+ private applicationStakes?: BN[]
+ private tx?: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>
+ private event?: OpeningFilledEventDetails
+ public constructor(
+ api: Api,
+ query: QueryNodeApi,
+ group: WorkingGroupModuleName,
+ openingId: OpeningId,
+ acceptedApplicationIds: ApplicationId[]
+ ) {
+ super(api)
+ this.query = query
+ this.debug = Debugger('fixture:SudoFillLeadOpening')
+ this.group = group
+ this.openingId = openingId
+ this.acceptedApplicationIds = acceptedApplicationIds
+ }
+ async execute() {
+ // Query the applications data
+ this.acceptedApplications = await this.api.query[this.group].applicationById.multi(this.acceptedApplicationIds)
+ this.applicationStakes = await Promise.all(
+ this.acceptedApplications.map((a) =>
+ this.api.getStakedBalance(a.staking_account_id, lockIdByWorkingGroup[this.group])
+ )
+ )
+ // Fill the opening
+ this.tx = this.api.tx.sudo.sudo(
+ this.api.tx[this.group].fillOpening(
+ this.openingId,
+ new (JoyBTreeSet(ApplicationId))(registry, this.acceptedApplicationIds)
+ )
+ )
+ const sudoKey = await this.api.query.sudo.key()
+ const result = await this.api.signAndSend(this.tx, sudoKey)
+ this.event = await this.api.retrieveOpeningFilledEventDetails(result, this.group)
+ }
+ private assertQueriedOpeningFilledEventIsValid(
+ eventDetails: OpeningFilledEventDetails,
+ txHash: string,
+ qEvent?: OpeningFilledEvent
+ ) {
+ if (!qEvent) {
+ throw new Error('Query node: OpeningFilledEvent not found')
+ }
+ assert.equal(qEvent.event.inExtrinsic, txHash)
+ assert.equal(qEvent.event.type, EventType.OpeningFilled)
+ assert.equal(qEvent.opening.id, this.openingId.toString())
+ assert.equal(qEvent.group.name, this.group)
+ this.acceptedApplicationIds.forEach((acceptedApplId, i) => {
+ // Cannot use "applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.get" here,
+ // it only works if the passed instance is identical to BTreeMap key instance (=== instead of .eq)
+ const [, workerId] =
+ Array.from(eventDetails.applicationIdToWorkerIdMap.entries()).find(([applicationId]) =>
+ applicationId.eq(acceptedApplId)
+ ) || []
+ if (!workerId) {
+ throw new Error(`WorkerId for application id ${acceptedApplId.toString()} not found in OpeningFilled event!`)
+ }
+ const qWorker = qEvent.workersHired.find((w) => w.id === workerId.toString())
+ if (!qWorker) {
+ throw new Error(`Query node: Worker not found in OpeningFilled.hiredWorkers (id: ${workerId.toString()})`)
+ }
+ this.assertHiredWorkerIsValid(
+ eventDetails,
+ this.acceptedApplicationIds[i],
+ this.acceptedApplications![i],
+ this.applicationStakes![i],
+ qWorker
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ private assertHiredWorkerIsValid(
+ eventDetails: OpeningFilledEventDetails,
+ applicationId: ApplicationId,
+ application: Application,
+ applicationStake: BN,
+ qWorker: Worker
+ ) {
+ assert.equal(qWorker.group.name, this.group)
+ assert.equal(qWorker.membership.id, application.member_id.toString())
+ assert.equal(qWorker.roleAccount, application.role_account_id.toString())
+ assert.equal(qWorker.rewardAccount, application.reward_account_id.toString())
+ assert.equal(qWorker.stakeAccount, application.staking_account_id.toString())
+ assert.equal(qWorker.status.__typename, 'WorkerStatusActive')
+ assert.equal(qWorker.isLead, true)
+ assert.equal(qWorker.stake, applicationStake.toString())
+ assert.equal(qWorker.hiredAtBlock, eventDetails.blockNumber)
+ assert.equal(qWorker.application.id, applicationId.toString())
+ }
+ async runQueryNodeChecks(): Promise<void> {
+ await super.runQueryNodeChecks()
+ const eventDetails = this.event!
+ const tx = this.tx!
+ // Query the event and check event + hiredWorkers
+ await this.query.tryQueryWithTimeout(
+ () => this.query.getOpeningFilledEvent(eventDetails.blockNumber, eventDetails.indexInBlock),
+ (event) => this.assertQueriedOpeningFilledEventIsValid(eventDetails, tx.hash.toString(), event)
+ )
+ // Check opening status
+ const {
+ data: { workingGroupOpeningByUniqueInput: qOpening },
+ } = await this.query.getOpeningById(this.openingId)
+ if (!qOpening) {
+ throw new Error(`Query node: Opening ${this.openingId.toString()} not found!`)
+ }
+ assert.equal(qOpening.status.__typename, 'OpeningStatusFilled')
+ // Check application statuses
+ const acceptedApplications = this.acceptedApplicationIds.map((id) => {
+ const application = qOpening.applications.find((a) => a.id === id.toString())
+ if (!application) {
+ throw new Error(`Application not found by id ${id.toString()} in opening ${qOpening.id}`)
+ }
+ assert.equal(application.status.__typename, 'ApplicationStatusAccepted')
+ return application
+ })
+ qOpening.applications
+ .filter((a) => !acceptedApplications.some((acceptedA) => acceptedA.id === a.id))
+ .forEach((a) => assert.equal(a.status.__typename, 'ApplicationStatusRejected'))
+ // TODO: LeadSet event
+ // TODO: check WorkingGroup.lead
+ }