@@ -753,54 +753,6 @@ decl_module! {
- // /// Remove assets of a channel from storage
- // #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
- // pub fn remove_channel_assets(
- // origin,
- // actor: ContentActor<T::CuratorGroupId, T::CuratorId, T::MemberId>,
- // channel_id: T::ChannelId,
- // assets: BTreeSet<<T as storage::Trait>::DataObjectId>,
- // ) {
- // // check that channel exists
- // let channel = Self::ensure_channel_exists(&channel_id)?;
- // ensure_actor_authorized_to_update_channel::<T>(
- // origin,
- // &actor,
- // &channel.owner,
- // )?;
- // // ensure that the provided assets are not empty
- // ensure!(!assets.is_empty(), Error::<T>::NoAssetsSpecified);
- // let num_assets_to_remove = assets.len() as u64;
- // // cannot remove more asset than those already present
- // ensure!(
- // num_assets_to_remove <= channel.num_assets,
- // Error::<T>::InvalidAssetsProvided
- // );
- // // remove assets from storage
- // Storage::<T>::delete_data_objects(
- // channel.deletion_prize_source_account_id.clone(),
- // Self::bag_id_for_channel(&channel_id),
- // assets.clone(),
- // )?;
- // //
- // // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- // //
- // // update onchain channel status
- // let mut channel = channel;
- // channel.num_assets = channel.num_assets.saturating_sub(num_assets_to_remove);
- // ChannelById::<T>::insert(channel_id, channel.clone());
- // Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ChannelAssetsRemoved(actor, channel_id, assets, channel));
- // }
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
pub fn update_channel_censorship_status(