@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017-2019 @polkadot/app-accounts authors & contributors
-// This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
-// of the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
-import { I18nProps } from '@polkadot/ui-app/types';
-import { ActionStatus } from '@polkadot/ui-app/Status/types';
-import { KeypairType } from '@polkadot/util-crypto/types';
-import { ComponentProps } from './types';
-import FileSaver from 'file-saver';
-import React from 'react';
-import { AddressSummary, Button, Dropdown, Input, Labelled, Modal, Password } from '@polkadot/ui-app';
-import { InputAddress } from '@polkadot/ui-app/InputAddress';
-import keyring from '@polkadot/ui-keyring';
-import uiSettings from '@polkadot/joy-settings/';
-import { isHex, u8aToHex } from '@polkadot/util';
-import { keyExtractPath, mnemonicGenerate, mnemonicValidate, randomAsU8a } from '@polkadot/util-crypto';
-import translate from './translate';
-import { isEmptyStr } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/';
-type Props = ComponentProps & I18nProps & {
- match: {
- params: {
- seed?: string
- }
- }
-type SeedType = 'bip' | 'raw';
-type State = {
- address: string,
- deriveError: string | null,
- derivePath: string,
- isNameValid: boolean,
- isSeedValid: boolean,
- isPassValid: boolean,
- isValid: boolean,
- name: string,
- pairType: KeypairType,
- password: string,
- seed: string,
- seedOptions: Array<{ value: SeedType, text: string }>,
- seedType: SeedType,
- showWarning: boolean
-const DEFAULT_TYPE: KeypairType = 'ed25519';
-function deriveValidate (derivePath: string, pairType: KeypairType): string | null {
- try {
- const { path } = keyExtractPath(derivePath);
- // we don't allow soft for ed25519
- if (pairType === 'ed25519') {
- const firstSoft = path.find(({ isSoft }) => isSoft);
- if (firstSoft) {
- return 'Soft derivation paths are not allowed on ed25519';
- }
- }
- } catch (error) {
- return error.message;
- }
- return null;
-function isHexSeed (seed: string): boolean {
- return isHex(seed) && seed.length === 66;
-function rawValidate (seed: string): boolean {
- return seed.length <= 32 || isHexSeed(seed);
-function addressFromSeed (phrase: string, derivePath: string, pairType: KeypairType): string {
- return keyring
- .createFromUri(`${phrase}${derivePath}`, {}, pairType)
- .address();
-class Creator extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
- state: State = { seedType: 'bip' } as State;
- constructor (props: Props) {
- super(props);
- const { match: { params: { seed } }, t } = this.props;
- this.state = {
- ...this.emptyState(seed || null, '', DEFAULT_TYPE),
- seedOptions: [
- { value: 'bip', text: t('Mnemonic') },
- { value: 'raw', text: t('Raw seed') }
- ]
- };
- }
- render () {
- const { address, isSeedValid } = this.state;
- return (
- <div className='accounts--Creator'>
- <div className='ui--grid'>
- <AddressSummary
- className='shrink'
- value={
- isSeedValid
- ? address
- : ''
- }
- withBonded
- />
- {this.renderInput()}
- </div>
- {this.renderButtons()}
- </div>
- );
- }
- private renderButtons () {
- const { t } = this.props;
- const { isValid } = this.state;
- return (
- <Button.Group>
- <Button
- label={t('Reset')}
- onClick={this.onDiscard}
- />
- <Button.Or />
- <Button
- isDisabled={!isValid}
- isPrimary
- label={t('Save')}
- onClick={this.onShowWarning}
- />
- </Button.Group>
- );
- }
- private renderInput () {
- const { t } = this.props;
- const { deriveError, derivePath, isNameValid, isPassValid, isSeedValid, name, pairType, password, seed, seedOptions, seedType, showWarning } = this.state;
- return (
- <div className='grow'>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Input
- autoFocus
- className='full'
- isError={!isNameValid}
- label={t('name your key')}
- onChange={this.onChangeName}
- value={name}
- />
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Input
- className='full'
- isAction
- isError={!isSeedValid}
- label={
- seedType === 'bip'
- ? t('create from the following mnemonic seed')
- : t('create from the following seed (hex or string)')
- }
- onChange={this.onChangeSeed}
- value={seed}
- >
- <Dropdown
- isButton
- defaultValue={seedType}
- onChange={this.selectSeedType}
- options={seedOptions}
- />
- </Input>
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Password
- className='full'
- isError={!isPassValid}
- label={t('your password for this key')}
- onChange={this.onChangePass}
- value={password}
- />
- </div>
- {
- isEmptyStr(password) &&
- <Labelled label=''><article className='warning'>
- Although it is recommended to use a password to protect your key, you can still leave it empty.
- </article></Labelled>
- }
- <details
- className='accounts--Creator-advanced'
- open={uiSettings.isFullMode}
- >
- <summary>{t('Advanced creation options')}</summary>
- <div className='ui--Params'>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Dropdown
- defaultValue={pairType}
- label={t('keypair crypto type')}
- onChange={this.onChangePairType}
- options={uiSettings.availableCryptos}
- />
- </div>
- <div className='ui--row'>
- <Input
- className='full'
- isError={!!deriveError}
- label={t('secret derivation path')}
- onChange={this.onChangeDerive}
- value={derivePath}
- />
- </div>
- {
- deriveError
- ? <Labelled label=''><article className='error'>{deriveError}</article></Labelled>
- : null
- }
- {
- pairType === 'sr25519' &&
- <Labelled label=''><article className='warning'>
- Choosing Schnorrkel (sr25519) will restrict your key from certain uses
- </article></Labelled>
- }
- </div>
- </details>
- <Modal
- className='app--accounts-Modal'
- dimmer='inverted'
- open={showWarning}
- size='small'
- >
- {this.renderModalContent()}
- {this.renderModalButtons()}
- </Modal>
- </div>
- );
- }
- private renderModalButtons () {
- const { t } = this.props;
- return (
- <Modal.Actions>
- <Button.Group>
- <Button
- isNegative
- label={t('Cancel')}
- onClick={this.onHideWarning}
- />
- <Button.Or />
- <Button
- isPrimary
- label={t('Create and backup key')}
- onClick={this.onCommit}
- />
- </Button.Group>
- </Modal.Actions>
- );
- }
- private renderModalContent () {
- const { t } = this.props;
- const { address } = this.state;
- return (
- <>
- <Modal.Header>
- {t('Important notice!')}
- </Modal.Header>
- <Modal.Content>
- {t('We will provide you with a generated backup file after your key is created. As long as you have access to your key you can always redownload this file later.')}
- <Modal.Description>
- {t('Please make sure to save this file in a secure location as it is the only way to restore your key.')}
- </Modal.Description>
- <AddressSummary
- className='accounts--Modal-Address'
- value={address}
- />
- </Modal.Content>
- </>
- );
- }
- private generateSeed (_seed: string | null, derivePath: string, seedType: SeedType, pairType: KeypairType): State {
- const seed = seedType === 'bip'
- ? mnemonicGenerate()
- : _seed || u8aToHex(randomAsU8a());
- const address = addressFromSeed(seed, derivePath, pairType);
- return {
- address,
- deriveError: null,
- derivePath,
- seed
- } as State;
- }
- private emptyState (seed: string | null, derivePath: string, pairType: KeypairType): State {
- const seedType = seed
- ? 'raw'
- : this.state.seedType;
- return {
- ...this.generateSeed(seed, derivePath, seedType, pairType),
- isNameValid: true,
- isPassValid: true,
- isSeedValid: true,
- isValid: false,
- name: 'new keypair',
- password: '',
- pairType,
- seedType,
- showWarning: false
- };
- }
- private nextState (newState: State): void {
- this.setState(
- (prevState: State, props: Props): State => {
- const { derivePath = prevState.derivePath, name = prevState.name, pairType = prevState.pairType, password = prevState.password, seed = prevState.seed, seedOptions = prevState.seedOptions, seedType = prevState.seedType, showWarning = prevState.showWarning } = newState;
- let address = prevState.address;
- const deriveError = deriveValidate(derivePath, pairType);
- const isNameValid = !!name;
- const isSeedValid = seedType === 'bip'
- ? mnemonicValidate(seed)
- : rawValidate(seed);
- const isPassValid = isEmptyStr(password) || keyring.isPassValid(password);
- if (!deriveError && isSeedValid && (seed !== prevState.seed || derivePath !== prevState.derivePath || pairType !== prevState.pairType)) {
- address = addressFromSeed(seed, derivePath, pairType);
- }
- return {
- address,
- deriveError,
- derivePath,
- isNameValid,
- isPassValid,
- isSeedValid,
- isValid: isNameValid && isPassValid && isSeedValid,
- name,
- pairType,
- password,
- seed,
- seedOptions,
- seedType,
- showWarning
- };
- }
- );
- }
- private onChangeDerive = (derivePath: string): void => {
- this.nextState({ derivePath } as State);
- }
- private onChangeName = (name: string): void => {
- this.nextState({ name } as State);
- }
- private onChangePass = (password: string): void => {
- this.nextState({ password } as State);
- }
- private onChangeSeed = (seed: string): void => {
- this.nextState({ seed } as State);
- }
- private onChangePairType = (pairType: KeypairType): void => {
- this.nextState({ pairType } as State);
- }
- private onShowWarning = (): void => {
- this.nextState({ showWarning: true } as State);
- }
- private onHideWarning = (): void => {
- this.nextState({ showWarning: false } as State);
- }
- private onCommit = (): void => {
- const { basePath, onStatusChange, t } = this.props;
- const { derivePath, name, pairType, password, seed } = this.state;
- const status = {
- action: 'create'
- } as ActionStatus;
- try {
- const { json, pair } = keyring.addUri(`${seed}${derivePath}`, password, { name }, pairType);
- const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(json)], { type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8' });
- FileSaver.saveAs(blob, `${pair.address()}.json`);
- status.account = pair.address();
- status.status = pair ? 'success' : 'error';
- status.message = t('created key');
- InputAddress.setLastValue('account', pair.address());
- } catch (error) {
- status.status = 'error';
- status.message = error.message;
- }
- this.onHideWarning();
- onStatusChange(status);
- window.location.hash = basePath;
- }
- private onDiscard = (): void => {
- this.setState(({ pairType }) =>
- this.emptyState(null, '', pairType)
- );
- }
- private selectSeedType = (seedType: SeedType): void => {
- if (seedType === this.state.seedType) {
- return;
- }
- this.setState(({ derivePath, pairType }: State) => ({
- ...this.generateSeed(null, derivePath, seedType, pairType),
- seedType
- }));
- }
-export default translate(Creator);