@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+import { flags } from '@oclif/command';
+import { CLIError } from '@oclif/errors';
+import { displayNameValueTable } from '../../helpers/display';
+import { ApiPromise } from '@polkadot/api';
+import { getTypeDef } from '@polkadot/types';
+import { Codec, TypeDef, TypeDefInfo } from '@polkadot/types/types';
+import { ConstantCodec } from '@polkadot/api-metadata/consts/types';
+import ExitCodes from '../../ExitCodes';
+import chalk from 'chalk';
+import { NameValueObj } from '../../Types';
+import inquirer from 'inquirer';
+import ApiCommandBase from '../../base/ApiCommandBase';
+// Command flags type
+type ApiInspectFlags = {
+ type: string,
+ module: string,
+ method: string,
+ exec: boolean,
+ callArgs: string
+// Currently "inspectable" api types
+ 'query',
+ 'consts',
+] as const;
+// String literals type based on TYPES_AVAILABLE const.
+// It works as if we specified: type ApiType = 'query' | 'consts'...;
+type ApiType = typeof TYPES_AVAILABLE[number];
+// Format of the api input args (as they are specified in the CLI)
+type ApiMethodInputSimpleArg = string;
+// This recurring type allows the correct handling of nested types like:
+// ((Type1, Type2), Option<Type3>) etc.
+type ApiMethodInputArg = ApiMethodInputSimpleArg | ApiMethodInputArg[];
+export default class ApiInspect extends ApiCommandBase {
+ static description =
+ 'Lists available node API modules/methods and/or their description(s), '+
+ 'or calls one of the API methods (depending on provided arguments and flags)';
+ static examples = [
+ '$ api:inspect',
+ '$ api:inspect -t=query',
+ '$ api:inspect -t=query -M=members',
+ '$ api:inspect -t=query -M=members -m=memberProfile',
+ '$ api:inspect -t=query -M=members -m=memberProfile -e',
+ '$ api:inspect -t=query -M=members -m=memberProfile -e -a=1',
+ ];
+ static flags = {
+ type: flags.string({
+ char: 't',
+ description:
+ 'Specifies the type/category of the inspected request (ie. "query", "consts" etc.).\n'+
+ 'If no "--module" flag is provided then all available modules in that type will be listed.\n'+
+ 'If this flag is not provided then all available types will be listed.',
+ }),
+ module: flags.string({
+ char: 'M',
+ description:
+ 'Specifies the api module, ie. "system", "staking" etc.\n'+
+ 'If no "--method" flag is provided then all methods in that module will be listed along with the descriptions.',
+ dependsOn: ['type'],
+ }),
+ method: flags.string({
+ char: 'm',
+ description: 'Specifies the api method to call/describe.',
+ dependsOn: ['module'],
+ }),
+ exec: flags.boolean({
+ char: 'e',
+ description: 'Provide this flag if you want to execute the actual call, instead of displaying the method description (which is default)',
+ dependsOn: ['method'],
+ }),
+ callArgs: flags.string({
+ char: 'a',
+ description:
+ 'Specifies the arguments to use when calling a method. Multiple arguments can be separated with a comma, ie. "-a=arg1,arg2".\n'+
+ 'You can omit this flag even if the method requires some aguments.\n'+
+ 'In that case you will be promted to provide value for each required argument.\n' +
+ 'Ommiting this flag is recommended when input parameters are of more complex types (and it\'s hard to specify them as just simple comma-separated strings)',
+ dependsOn: ['exec'],
+ })
+ };
+ getMethodMeta(apiType: ApiType, apiModule: string, apiMethod: string) {
+ if (apiType === 'query') {
+ return this.getOriginalApi().query[apiModule][apiMethod].creator.meta;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Currently the only other optoin is api.consts
+ const method:ConstantCodec = <ConstantCodec> this.getOriginalApi().consts[apiModule][apiMethod];
+ return method.meta;
+ }
+ }
+ getMethodDescription(apiType: ApiType, apiModule: string, apiMethod: string): string {
+ let description:string = this.getMethodMeta(apiType, apiModule, apiMethod).documentation.join(' ');
+ return description || 'No description available.';
+ }
+ getQueryMethodParamsTypes(apiModule: string, apiMethod: string): string[] {
+ const method = this.getOriginalApi().query[apiModule][apiMethod];
+ const { type } = method.creator.meta;
+ if (type.isDoubleMap) {
+ return [ type.asDoubleMap.key1.toString(), type.asDoubleMap.key2.toString() ];
+ }
+ if (type.isMap) {
+ return type.asMap.linked.isTrue ? [ `Option<${type.asMap.key.toString()}>` ] : [ type.asMap.key.toString() ];
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ getMethodReturnType(apiType: ApiType, apiModule: string, apiMethod: string): string {
+ if (apiType === 'query') {
+ const method = this.getOriginalApi().query[apiModule][apiMethod];
+ const { meta: { type, modifier } } = method.creator;
+ if (type.isDoubleMap) {
+ return type.asDoubleMap.value.toString();
+ }
+ if (modifier.isOptional) {
+ return `Option<${type.toString()}>`;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fallback for "query" and default for "consts"
+ return this.getMethodMeta(apiType, apiModule, apiMethod).type.toString();
+ }
+ // Validate the flags - throws an error if flags.type, flags.module or flags.method is invalid / does not exist in the api.
+ // Returns type, module and method which validity we can be sure about (notice they may still be "undefined" if weren't provided).
+ validateFlags(api: ApiPromise, flags: ApiInspectFlags): { apiType: ApiType | undefined, apiModule: string | undefined, apiMethod: string | undefined } {
+ let apiType: ApiType | undefined = undefined;
+ const { module: apiModule, method: apiMethod } = flags;
+ if (flags.type !== undefined) {
+ const availableTypes: readonly string[] = TYPES_AVAILABLE;
+ if (!availableTypes.includes(flags.type)) {
+ throw new CLIError('Such type is not available', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput });
+ }
+ apiType = <ApiType> flags.type;
+ if (apiModule !== undefined) {
+ if (!api[apiType][apiModule]) {
+ throw new CLIError('Such module was not found', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput });
+ }
+ if (apiMethod !== undefined && !api[apiType][apiModule][apiMethod]) {
+ throw new CLIError('Such method was not found', { exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return { apiType, apiModule, apiMethod };
+ }
+ // Prompt for simple value (string)
+ async promptForSimple(typeName: string): Promise<string> {
+ const userInput = await inquirer.prompt([{
+ name: 'providedValue',
+ message: `Provide value for ${ typeName }`,
+ type: 'input'
+ } ])
+ return <string> userInput.providedValue;
+ }
+ // Prompt for optional value (returns undefined if user refused to provide)
+ async promptForOption(typeDef: TypeDef): Promise<ApiMethodInputArg | undefined> {
+ const userInput = await inquirer.prompt([{
+ name: 'confirmed',
+ message: `Do you want to provide the optional ${ typeDef.type } parameter?`,
+ type: 'confirm'
+ } ]);
+ if (userInput.confirmed) {
+ const subtype = <TypeDef> typeDef.sub; // We assume that Opion always has a single subtype
+ let value = await this.promptForParam(subtype.type);
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prompt for tuple - returns array of values
+ async promptForTuple(typeDef: TypeDef): Promise<(ApiMethodInputArg)[]> {
+ let result: ApiMethodInputArg[] = [];
+ if (!typeDef.sub) return [ await this.promptForSimple(typeDef.type) ];
+ const subtypes: TypeDef[] = Array.isArray(typeDef.sub) ? typeDef.sub : [ typeDef.sub ];
+ for (let subtype of subtypes) {
+ let inputParam = await this.promptForParam(subtype.type);
+ if (inputParam !== undefined) result.push(inputParam);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Prompt for param based on "paramType" string (ie. Option<MemeberId>)
+ async promptForParam(paramType: string): Promise<ApiMethodInputArg | undefined> {
+ const typeDef: TypeDef = getTypeDef(paramType);
+ if (typeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Option) return await this.promptForOption(typeDef);
+ else if (typeDef.info === TypeDefInfo.Tuple) return await this.promptForTuple(typeDef);
+ else return await this.promptForSimple(typeDef.type);
+ }
+ // Request values for params using array of param types (strings)
+ async requestParamsValues(paramTypes: string[]): Promise<ApiMethodInputArg[]> {
+ let result: ApiMethodInputArg[] = [];
+ for (let [key, paramType] of Object.entries(paramTypes)) {
+ this.log(chalk.bold.white(`Parameter no. ${ parseInt(key)+1 } (${ paramType }):`));
+ let paramValue = await this.promptForParam(paramType);
+ if (paramValue !== undefined) result.push(paramValue);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ async run() {
+ const api: ApiPromise = this.getOriginalApi();
+ const flags: ApiInspectFlags = <ApiInspectFlags> this.parse(ApiInspect).flags;
+ const availableTypes: readonly string[] = TYPES_AVAILABLE;
+ const { apiType, apiModule, apiMethod } = this.validateFlags(api, flags);
+ // Executing a call
+ if (apiType && apiModule && apiMethod && flags.exec) {
+ let result: Codec;
+ if (apiType === 'query') {
+ // Api query - call with (or without) arguments
+ let args: ApiMethodInputArg[] = flags.callArgs ? flags.callArgs.split(',') : [];
+ const paramsTypes: string[] = this.getQueryMethodParamsTypes(apiModule, apiMethod);
+ if (args.length < paramsTypes.length) {
+ this.warn('Some parameters are missing! Please, provide the missing parameters:');
+ let missingParamsValues = await this.requestParamsValues(paramsTypes.slice(args.length));
+ args = args.concat(missingParamsValues);
+ }
+ result = await api.query[apiModule][apiMethod](...args);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Api consts - just assign the value
+ result = api.consts[apiModule][apiMethod];
+ }
+ this.log(chalk.green(result.toString()));
+ }
+ // Describing a method
+ else if (apiType && apiModule && apiMethod) {
+ this.log(chalk.bold.white(`${ apiType }.${ apiModule }.${ apiMethod }`));
+ const description: string = this.getMethodDescription(apiType, apiModule, apiMethod);
+ this.log(`\n${ description }\n`);
+ let typesRows: NameValueObj[] = [];
+ if (apiType === 'query') {
+ typesRows.push({ name: 'Params:', value: this.getQueryMethodParamsTypes(apiModule, apiMethod).join(', ') || '-' });
+ }
+ typesRows.push({ name: 'Returns:', value: this.getMethodReturnType(apiType, apiModule, apiMethod) });
+ displayNameValueTable(typesRows);
+ }
+ // Displaying all available methods
+ else if (apiType && apiModule) {
+ const module = api[apiType][apiModule];
+ const rows: NameValueObj[] = Object.keys(module).map((key: string) => {
+ return { name: key, value: this.getMethodDescription(apiType, apiModule, key) };
+ });
+ displayNameValueTable(rows);
+ }
+ // Displaying all available modules
+ else if (apiType) {
+ this.log(chalk.bold.white('Available modules:'));
+ this.log(Object.keys(api[apiType]).map(key => chalk.white(key)).join('\n'));
+ }
+ // Displaying all available types
+ else {
+ this.log(chalk.bold.white('Available types:'));
+ this.log(availableTypes.map(type => chalk.white(type)).join('\n'));
+ }
+ }