@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+use crate::tests::mock::*;
+use crate::*;
+use frame_support::{assert_err, assert_ok};
+fn offer_nft() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_simple_channel_and_video(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+ // Issue nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::issue_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ video_id,
+ None,
+ b"metablob".to_vec(),
+ None
+ ));
+ // Runtime tested state before call
+ // Events number before tested calls
+ let number_of_events_before_call = System::events().len();
+ // Offer nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ ));
+ // Runtime tested state after call
+ // Ensure nft offered succesfully
+ assert!(matches!(
+ Content::video_by_id(video_id).nft_status,
+ Some(OwnedNFT {
+ transactional_status: TransactionalStatus::InitiatedOfferToMember(
+ None
+ ),
+ ..
+ })
+ ));
+ let offer_started_event = get_test_event(RawEvent::OfferStarted(
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ ));
+ // Last event checked
+ assert_event(offer_started_event, number_of_events_before_call + 1);
+ })
+fn offer_nft_video_does_not_exist() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ // Make an attempt to offer nft which corresponding video does not exist
+ let offer_nft_result = Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(offer_nft_result, Error::<Test>::VideoDoesNotExist);
+ })
+fn offer_nft_not_issued() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_simple_channel_and_video(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+ // Make an attempt to offer nft which is not issued yet
+ let offer_nft_result = Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(offer_nft_result, Error::<Test>::NFTDoesNotExist);
+ })
+fn offer_nft_auth_failed() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_simple_channel_and_video(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+ // Issue nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::issue_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ video_id,
+ None,
+ b"metablob".to_vec(),
+ None
+ ));
+ // Make an attempt to offer nft with wrong credentials
+ let offer_nft_result = Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(UNKNOWN_ID),
+ None,
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(offer_nft_result, Error::<Test>::MemberAuthFailed);
+ })
+fn offer_nft_not_authorized() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_simple_channel_and_video(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+ // Issue nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::issue_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ video_id,
+ None,
+ b"metablob".to_vec(),
+ None
+ ));
+ // Make an attempt to offer nft if actor is not authorized
+ let offer_nft_result = Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(SECOND_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(offer_nft_result, Error::<Test>::ActorNotAuthorized);
+ })
+fn offer_nft_transactional_status_is_not_idle() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_simple_channel_and_video(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN, FIRST_MEMBER_ID);
+ // Issue nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::issue_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ video_id,
+ None,
+ b"metablob".to_vec(),
+ None
+ ));
+ // Offer nft
+ assert_ok!(Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ ));
+ // Make an attempt to offer nft when it is already offered
+ let offer_nft_result = Content::offer_nft(
+ Origin::signed(FIRST_MEMBER_ORIGIN),
+ video_id,
+ ContentActor::Member(FIRST_MEMBER_ID),
+ None,
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(offer_nft_result, Error::<Test>::NftIsNotIdle);
+ })