@@ -141,33 +141,31 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
protected async groupMember (id: CuratorId, curator: IRoleAccounter): Promise<GroupMember> {
- return new Promise<GroupMember>(async (resolve, reject) => {
- const roleAccount = curator.role_account;
- const memberId = await this.memberIdFromCuratorId(id);
+ const roleAccount = curator.role_account;
+ const memberId = await this.memberIdFromCuratorId(id);
- const profile = await this.cachedApi.query.members.memberProfile(memberId) as Option<Profile>;
- if (profile.isNone) {
- reject('no profile found');
- }
+ const profile = await this.cachedApi.query.members.memberProfile(memberId) as Option<Profile>;
+ if (profile.isNone) {
+ throw new Error('no profile found');
+ }
- let stakeValue: Balance = new u128(0);
- if (curator.role_stake_profile && curator.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
- stakeValue = await this.curatorStake(curator.role_stake_profile.unwrap());
- }
+ let stakeValue: Balance = new u128(0);
+ if (curator.role_stake_profile && curator.role_stake_profile.isSome) {
+ stakeValue = await this.curatorStake(curator.role_stake_profile.unwrap());
+ }
- let earnedValue: Balance = new u128(0);
- if (curator.reward_relationship && curator.reward_relationship.isSome) {
- earnedValue = await this.curatorTotalReward(curator.reward_relationship.unwrap());
- }
+ let earnedValue: Balance = new u128(0);
+ if (curator.reward_relationship && curator.reward_relationship.isSome) {
+ earnedValue = await this.curatorTotalReward(curator.reward_relationship.unwrap());
+ }
- resolve({
- roleAccount,
- memberId,
- profile: profile.unwrap(),
- title: 'Content curator',
- stake: stakeValue,
- earned: earnedValue
- });
+ return ({
+ roleAccount,
+ memberId,
+ profile: profile.unwrap(),
+ title: 'Content curator',
+ stake: stakeValue,
+ earned: earnedValue
@@ -322,40 +320,38 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
async curationGroupOpening (id: number): Promise<WorkingGroupOpening> {
- return new Promise<WorkingGroupOpening>(async (resolve, reject) => {
- const nextId = (await this.cachedApi.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorOpeningId() as u32).toNumber();
- if (id < 0 || id >= nextId) {
- reject('invalid id');
- }
- const curatorOpening = new SingleLinkedMapEntry<CuratorOpening>(
- CuratorOpening,
- await this.cachedApi.query.contentWorkingGroup.curatorOpeningById(id)
- );
+ const nextId = (await this.cachedApi.query.contentWorkingGroup.nextCuratorOpeningId() as u32).toNumber();
+ if (id < 0 || id >= nextId) {
+ throw new Error('invalid id');
+ }
- const opening = await this.opening(
- curatorOpening.value.getField<OpeningId>('opening_id').toNumber()
- );
+ const curatorOpening = new SingleLinkedMapEntry<CuratorOpening>(
+ CuratorOpening,
+ await this.cachedApi.query.contentWorkingGroup.curatorOpeningById(id)
+ );
- const applications = await this.curatorOpeningApplications(id);
- const stakes = classifyOpeningStakes(opening);
+ const opening = await this.opening(
+ curatorOpening.value.getField<OpeningId>('opening_id').toNumber()
+ );
- resolve({
- opening: opening,
- meta: {
- id: id.toString(),
- group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
- },
- stage: await classifyOpeningStage(this, opening),
- applications: {
- numberOfApplications: applications.length,
- maxNumberOfApplications: opening.max_applicants,
- requiredApplicationStake: stakes.application,
- requiredRoleStake: stakes.role,
- defactoMinimumStake: new u128(0)
- },
+ const applications = await this.curatorOpeningApplications(id);
+ const stakes = classifyOpeningStakes(opening);
+ return ({
+ opening: opening,
+ meta: {
+ id: id.toString(),
+ group: WorkingGroups.ContentCurators
+ },
+ stage: await classifyOpeningStage(this, opening),
+ applications: {
+ numberOfApplications: applications.length,
+ maxNumberOfApplications: opening.max_applicants,
+ requiredApplicationStake: stakes.application,
+ requiredRoleStake: stakes.role,
defactoMinimumStake: new u128(0)
- });
+ },
+ defactoMinimumStake: new u128(0)
@@ -385,8 +381,7 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
expectedBlockTime (): Promise<number> {
return this.promise<number>(
- // @ts-ignore
- this.api.consts.babe.expectedBlockTime.toNumber() / 1000
+ (this.api.consts.babe.expectedBlockTime as Moment).toNumber() / 1000
@@ -576,48 +571,48 @@ export class Transport extends TransportBase implements ITransport {
return status.account as string;
- async applyToCuratorOpening (
+ applyToCuratorOpening (
id: number,
roleAccountName: string,
sourceAccount: string,
appStake: Balance,
roleStake: Balance,
applicationText: string): Promise<number> {
- return new Promise<number>(async (resolve, reject) => {
- const membershipIds = (
- await this.cachedApi.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(sourceAccount)
- ) as Vec<MemberId>;
- if (membershipIds.length === 0) {
- reject('No membship ID associated with this address');
- }
+ return new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
+ (this.cachedApi.query.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(sourceAccount) as Promise<Vec<MemberId>>)
+ .then(membershipIds => {
+ if (membershipIds.length === 0) {
+ reject(new Error('No membship ID associated with this address'));
+ }
- const roleAccount = this.generateRoleAccount(roleAccountName);
- if (!roleAccount) {
- reject('failed to create role account');
- }
- const tx = this.api.tx.contentWorkingGroup.applyOnCuratorOpening(
- membershipIds[0],
- new u32(id),
- new GenericAccountId(roleAccount as string),
- roleStake.eq(Zero) ? null : roleStake,
- appStake.eq(Zero) ? null : appStake,
- applicationText
- ) as unknown as SubmittableExtrinsic;
- const txFailedCb = () => {
- reject('transaction failed');
- };
+ const roleAccount = this.generateRoleAccount(roleAccountName);
+ if (!roleAccount) {
+ reject(new Error('failed to create role account'));
+ }
+ const tx = this.api.tx.contentWorkingGroup.applyOnCuratorOpening(
+ membershipIds[0],
+ new u32(id),
+ new GenericAccountId(roleAccount as string),
+ roleStake.eq(Zero) ? null : roleStake,
+ appStake.eq(Zero) ? null : appStake,
+ applicationText
+ ) as unknown as SubmittableExtrinsic;
+ const txFailedCb = () => {
+ reject(new Error('transaction failed'));
+ };
- const txSuccessCb = () => {
- resolve(1);
- };
+ const txSuccessCb = () => {
+ resolve(1);
+ };
- this.queueExtrinsic({
- accountId: sourceAccount,
- extrinsic: tx,
- txFailedCb,
- txSuccessCb
- });
+ this.queueExtrinsic({
+ accountId: sourceAccount,
+ extrinsic: tx,
+ txFailedCb,
+ txSuccessCb
+ });
+ });