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Merge pull request #2791 from ahhda/query-node-deployment

DevOps - Update Query node deployment for Giza
Mokhtar Naamani 3 years ago

+ 109 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'
+import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
+ * ServiceDeployment is an example abstraction that uses a class to fold together the common pattern of a
+ * Kubernetes Deployment and its associated Service object.
+ * This class delpoys a Postgres instance on a Persistent Volume
+ */
+export class PostgresServiceDeployment extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
+  public readonly deployment: k8s.apps.v1.Deployment
+  public readonly service: k8s.core.v1.Service
+  constructor(name: string, args: ServiceDeploymentArgs, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
+    super('postgres:service:PostgresServiceDeployment', name, {}, opts)
+    const databaseLabels = { app: name }
+    const pvcName = `${name}-pvc`
+    const pvc = new k8s.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim(
+      pvcName,
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          labels: databaseLabels,
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          name: pvcName,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          accessModes: ['ReadWriteOnce'],
+          resources: {
+            requests: {
+              storage: `${}Gi`,
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+    this.deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
+      name,
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          labels: databaseLabels,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          selector: { matchLabels: databaseLabels },
+          template: {
+            metadata: { labels: databaseLabels },
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'postgres-db',
+                  image: 'postgres:12',
+                  env: args.env,
+                  ports: [{ containerPort: 5432 }],
+                  volumeMounts: [
+                    {
+                      name: 'postgres-data',
+                      mountPath: '/var/lib/postgresql/data',
+                      subPath: 'postgres',
+                    },
+                  ],
+                },
+              ],
+              volumes: [
+                {
+                  name: 'postgres-data',
+                  persistentVolumeClaim: {
+                    claimName: pvcName,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+    this.service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(
+      name,
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          labels: this.deployment.metadata.labels,
+          name: name,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          ports: [{ port: 5432 }],
+          selector: this.deployment.spec.template.metadata.labels,
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+  }
+interface Environment {
+  name: string
+  value: string
+export interface ServiceDeploymentArgs {
+  namespaceName: pulumi.Output<string>
+  env?: Environment[]
+  storage: Number
+  isMinikube?: boolean

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 export { CaddyServiceDeployment } from './caddy'
+export { PostgresServiceDeployment } from './database'

+ 11 - 6

@@ -13,10 +13,15 @@ template:
       description: Whether the load balancer service is ready and has been assigned an IP
       default: false
-    membersFilePath:
-      description: Path to members.json file for processor initialization
-    workersFilePath:
-      description: Path to workers.json file for processor initialization
-    indexerURL:
-      description: URL for the indexer endpoint
+    externalIndexerUrl:
+      description: URL for an external indexer. If set this will not deploy an Indexer.
       default: 'http://query-node:4000/graphql'
+    skipProcessor:
+      description: If set to true, will not deploy a processor instance
+      default: false
+    useLocalRepo:
+      description: If set to true, will use an existing docker image on local
+      default: false
+    appsImage:
+      description: The joystream image to use for running GraphQL servers
+      default: joystream/apps:latest

+ 26 - 3

@@ -38,16 +38,34 @@ After cloning this repo, from this working directory, run these commands:
    $ pulumi config set-all --plaintext aws:region=us-east-1 --plaintext aws:profile=joystream-user \
-    --plaintext workersFilePath=<PATH> --plaintext membersFilePath=<PATH> --plaintext isMinikube=true \
-    --plaintext indexerURL=<URL>
+    --plaintext isMinikube=true --plaintext skipProcessor=false
    If you want to build the stack on AWS set the `isMinikube` config to `false`
-   $ puluim config set isMinikube false
+   $ pulumi config set isMinikube false
+   If you want to use an existing Indexer and not deploy a new one set `externalIndexerUrl`
+   ```bash
+   $ pulumi config set externalIndexerUrl <URL>
+   ```
+   You must have a valid docker image of `joystream/apps` either on Docker hub or your local to deploy the infrastructure.
+   If the image exists locally & you are running on minikube, run
+   ```bash
+   $ pulumi config set-all --plaintext useLocalRepo=true --plaintext appsImage=<IMAGE_NAME>
+   ```
+   NOTE: The docker deamon for minikube is different from that of the docker desktop. To connect your Docker CLI to the docker
+   daemon inside the VM you need to run: `eval $(minikube docker-env)`. To copy the image from your local deamon to minikube run
+   `minikube image load joystream/apps:latest --daemon`.
+   If not using minikube, just specify the `appsImage` config.
 1. Create a `.env` file in this directory (`cp ../../../.env ./.env`) and set the database and other variables in it
    Make sure to set `GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT=4001`
@@ -71,6 +89,11 @@ After cloning this repo, from this working directory, run these commands:
    The GraphQl server is accessible at `https://<ENDPOINT>/server/graphql` and indexer at `https://<ENDPOINT>/indexer/graphql`
+1. If you are using Minikube, run `minikube service graphql-server -n $(pulumi stack output namespaceName)`
+   This will setup a proxy for your `query-node` service, which can then be accessed at
+   the URL given in the output
 1. Access the Kubernetes Cluster using `kubectl`
    To access your new Kubernetes cluster using `kubectl`, we need to set up the

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Since Pulumi does not support push without a build
+# we build an image from an existing local image
+FROM --platform=linux/amd64 ${SOURCE_IMAGE}

+ 55 - 418

@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import * as docker from '@pulumi/docker'
 import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
 import { configMapFromFile } from './configMap'
 import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'
-import * as s3Helpers from './s3Helpers'
+import { IndexerServiceDeployment } from './indexerDeployment'
+import { ProcessorServiceDeployment } from './processorDeployment'
 import { CaddyServiceDeployment } from 'pulumi-common'
@@ -12,23 +13,32 @@ require('dotenv').config()
 const config = new pulumi.Config()
 const awsConfig = new pulumi.Config('aws')
 const isMinikube = config.getBoolean('isMinikube')
+const externalIndexerUrl = config.get('externalIndexerUrl')
+const appsImage = config.get('appsImage') || `joystream/apps:latest`
+const skipProcessor = config.getBoolean('skipProcessor')
+const useLocalRepo = config.getBoolean('useLocalRepo')
 export let kubeconfig: pulumi.Output<any>
 export let joystreamAppsImage: pulumi.Output<string>
 let provider: k8s.Provider
+if (skipProcessor && externalIndexerUrl) {
+  pulumi.log.error('Need to deploy atleast one component, Indexer or Processor')
+  throw new Error(`Please check the config settings for skipProcessor and externalIndexerUrl`)
 if (isMinikube) {
   provider = new k8s.Provider('local', {})
-  // Create image from local app
-  joystreamAppsImage = new docker.Image('joystream/apps', {
-    build: {
-      context: '../../../',
-      dockerfile: '../../../apps.Dockerfile',
-    },
-    imageName: 'joystream/apps:latest',
-    skipPush: true,
-  }).baseImageName
-  // joystreamAppsImage = pulumi.interpolate`joystream/apps`
+  if (useLocalRepo) {
+    // Use already existing image in minikube environment
+    joystreamAppsImage = pulumi.interpolate`${appsImage}`
+  } else {
+    // Access image from docker hub
+    joystreamAppsImage = new docker.RemoteImage('apps', {
+      name: appsImage!,
+    }).name
+  }
 } else {
   // Create a VPC for our cluster.
   const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc('query-node-vpc', { numberOfAvailabilityZones: 2, numberOfNatGateways: 1 })
@@ -52,9 +62,11 @@ if (isMinikube) {
   // Create a repository
   const repo = new awsx.ecr.Repository('joystream/apps')
+  // Build an image from an existing local/docker hub image and push to ECR
   joystreamAppsImage = repo.buildAndPushImage({
-    dockerfile: '../../../apps.Dockerfile',
-    context: '../../../',
+    context: './docker_dummy',
+    dockerfile: './docker_dummy/Dockerfile',
+    args: { SOURCE_IMAGE: appsImage! },
@@ -68,217 +80,6 @@ const ns = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace(name, {}, resourceOptions)
 // Export the Namespace name
 export const namespaceName =
-const appLabels = { appClass: name }
-// Create a Deployment
-const databaseLabels = { app: 'postgres-db' }
-const pvc = new k8s.core.v1.PersistentVolumeClaim(
-  `db-pvc`,
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      labels: databaseLabels,
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      name: `db-pvc`,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      accessModes: ['ReadWriteOnce'],
-      resources: {
-        requests: {
-          storage: `10Gi`,
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  resourceOptions
-const databaseDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
-  'postgres-db',
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      labels: databaseLabels,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      selector: { matchLabels: databaseLabels },
-      template: {
-        metadata: { labels: databaseLabels },
-        spec: {
-          containers: [
-            {
-              name: 'postgres-db',
-              image: 'postgres:12',
-              env: [
-                { name: 'POSTGRES_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
-                { name: 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
-                { name: 'POSTGRES_DB', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
-              ],
-              ports: [{ containerPort: 5432 }],
-              volumeMounts: [
-                {
-                  name: 'postgres-data',
-                  mountPath: '/var/lib/postgresql/data',
-                  subPath: 'postgres',
-                },
-              ],
-            },
-          ],
-          volumes: [
-            {
-              name: 'postgres-data',
-              persistentVolumeClaim: {
-                claimName: `db-pvc`,
-              },
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  resourceOptions
-const databaseService = new k8s.core.v1.Service(
-  'postgres-db',
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      labels: databaseDeployment.metadata.labels,
-      name: 'postgres-db',
-    },
-    spec: {
-      ports: [{ port: 5432 }],
-      selector: databaseDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels,
-    },
-  },
-  resourceOptions
-const migrationJob = new k8s.batch.v1.Job(
-  'db-migration',
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      backoffLimit: 0,
-      template: {
-        spec: {
-          containers: [
-            {
-              name: 'db-migration',
-              image: joystreamAppsImage,
-              imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
-              resources: { requests: { cpu: '100m', memory: '100Mi' } },
-              env: [
-                {
-                  name: 'WARTHOG_DB_HOST',
-                  value: 'postgres-db',
-                },
-                {
-                  name: 'DB_HOST',
-                  value: 'postgres-db',
-                },
-                { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
-                { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
-              ],
-              command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
-              args: ['yarn workspace query-node-root db:prepare; yarn workspace query-node-root db:migrate'],
-            },
-          ],
-          restartPolicy: 'Never',
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  { ...resourceOptions, dependsOn: databaseService }
-const membersFilePath = config.get('membersFilePath')
-  ? config.get('membersFilePath')!
-  : '../../../query-node/mappings/bootstrap/data/members.json'
-const workersFilePath = config.get('workersFilePath')
-  ? config.get('workersFilePath')!
-  : '../../../query-node/mappings/bootstrap/data/workers.json'
-const dataBucket = new s3Helpers.FileBucket('bootstrap-data', {
-  files: [
-    { path: membersFilePath, name: 'members.json' },
-    { path: workersFilePath, name: 'workers.json' },
-  ],
-  policy: s3Helpers.publicReadPolicy,
-const membersUrl = dataBucket.getUrlForFile('members.json')
-const workersUrl = dataBucket.getUrlForFile('workers.json')
-const dataPath = '/joystream/query-node/mappings/bootstrap/data'
-const processorJob = new k8s.batch.v1.Job(
-  'processor-migration',
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      backoffLimit: 0,
-      template: {
-        spec: {
-          initContainers: [
-            {
-              name: 'curl-init',
-              image: 'appropriate/curl',
-              command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
-              args: [
-                pulumi.interpolate`curl -o ${dataPath}/workers.json ${workersUrl}; curl -o ${dataPath}/members.json ${membersUrl}; ls -al ${dataPath};`,
-              ],
-              volumeMounts: [
-                {
-                  name: 'bootstrap-data',
-                  mountPath: dataPath,
-                },
-              ],
-            },
-          ],
-          containers: [
-            {
-              name: 'processor-migration',
-              image: joystreamAppsImage,
-              imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
-              env: [
-                {
-                  name: 'INDEXER_ENDPOINT_URL',
-                  value: `http://localhost:${process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT}/graphql`,
-                },
-                { name: 'TYPEORM_HOST', value: 'postgres-db' },
-                { name: 'TYPEORM_DATABASE', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
-                { name: 'DEBUG', value: 'index-builder:*' },
-                { name: 'PROCESSOR_POLL_INTERVAL', value: '1000' },
-              ],
-              volumeMounts: [
-                {
-                  name: 'bootstrap-data',
-                  mountPath: dataPath,
-                },
-              ],
-              args: ['workspace', 'query-node-root', 'processor:bootstrap'],
-            },
-          ],
-          restartPolicy: 'Never',
-          volumes: [
-            {
-              name: 'bootstrap-data',
-              emptyDir: {},
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  { ...resourceOptions, dependsOn: migrationJob }
 const defsConfig = new configMapFromFile(
@@ -288,209 +89,45 @@ const defsConfig = new configMapFromFile(
-const indexerContainer = []
-const existingIndexer = config.get('indexerURL')
-if (!existingIndexer) {
-  indexerContainer.push({
-    name: 'indexer',
-    image: 'joystream/hydra-indexer:2.1.0-beta.9',
-    env: [
-      { name: 'DB_HOST', value: 'postgres-db' },
-      { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
-      { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
-      { name: 'INDEXER_WORKERS', value: '5' },
-      { name: 'REDIS_URI', value: 'redis://localhost:6379/0' },
-      { name: 'DEBUG', value: 'index-builder:*' },
-      { name: 'WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI', value: process.env.WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI! },
-      { name: 'TYPES_JSON', value: 'types.json' },
-      { name: 'PGUSER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
-      { name: 'BLOCK_HEIGHT', value: process.env.BLOCK_HEIGHT! },
-    ],
-    volumeMounts: [
-      {
-        mountPath: '/home/hydra/packages/hydra-indexer/types.json',
-        name: 'indexer-volume',
-        subPath: 'fileData',
-      },
-    ],
-    command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
-    args: ['yarn db:bootstrap && yarn start:prod'],
-  })
+if (!externalIndexerUrl) {
+  const indexer = new IndexerServiceDeployment(
+    'indexer',
+    { namespaceName, storage: 10, defsConfig, joystreamAppsImage },
+    resourceOptions
+  )
-const deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
-  name,
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      labels: appLabels,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      replicas: 1,
-      selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
-      template: {
-        metadata: {
-          labels: appLabels,
-        },
-        spec: {
-          containers: [
-            {
-              name: 'redis',
-              image: 'redis:6.0-alpine',
-              ports: [{ containerPort: 6379 }],
-            },
-            ...indexerContainer,
-            {
-              name: 'hydra-indexer-gateway',
-              image: 'joystream/hydra-indexer-gateway:2.1.0-beta.5',
-              env: [
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_DATABASE', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_HOST', value: 'postgres-db' },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_PASSWORD', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_PORT', value: process.env.DB_PORT! },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_USERNAME', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_REDIS_URI', value: 'redis://localhost:6379/0' },
-                { name: 'WARTHOG_APP_PORT', value: process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT! },
-                { name: 'PORT', value: process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT! },
-                { name: 'DEBUG', value: '*' },
-              ],
-              ports: [{ containerPort: 4002 }],
-            },
-            {
-              name: 'graphql-server',
-              image: joystreamAppsImage,
-              imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
-              env: [
-                { name: 'DB_HOST', value: 'postgres-db' },
-                { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
-                { name: 'DB_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
-                { name: 'DB_PORT', value: process.env.DB_PORT! },
-                { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
-                { name: 'GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST', value: process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST! },
-                { name: 'GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT', value: process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT! },
-              ],
-              ports: [{ name: 'graph-ql-port', containerPort: Number(process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT!) }],
-              args: ['workspace', 'query-node-root', 'query-node:start:prod'],
-            },
-          ],
-          volumes: [
-            {
-              name: 'indexer-volume',
-              configMap: {
-                name: defsConfig,
-              },
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  { ...resourceOptions, dependsOn: processorJob }
-// Export the Deployment name
-export const deploymentName =
-// Create a LoadBalancer Service for the NGINX Deployment
-const service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(
-  name,
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      labels: appLabels,
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      name: 'query-node',
-    },
-    spec: {
-      ports: [
-        { name: 'port-1', port: 8081, targetPort: 'graph-ql-port' },
-        { name: 'port-2', port: 4000, targetPort: 4002 },
-      ],
-      selector: appLabels,
-    },
-  },
-  resourceOptions
-// Export the Service name
-export const serviceName =
-const indexerURL = config.get('indexerURL') || `http://query-node:4000/graphql`
-const processorDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
-  `processor`,
-  {
-    metadata: {
-      namespace: namespaceName,
-      labels: appLabels,
-    },
-    spec: {
-      replicas: 1,
-      selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
-      template: {
-        metadata: {
-          labels: appLabels,
-        },
-        spec: {
-          containers: [
-            {
-              name: 'processor',
-              image: joystreamAppsImage,
-              imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
-              env: [
-                {
-                  name: 'INDEXER_ENDPOINT_URL',
-                  value: indexerURL,
-                },
-                { name: 'TYPEORM_HOST', value: 'postgres-db' },
-                { name: 'TYPEORM_DATABASE', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
-                { name: 'DEBUG', value: 'index-builder:*' },
-                { name: 'PROCESSOR_POLL_INTERVAL', value: '1000' },
-              ],
-              volumeMounts: [
-                {
-                  mountPath: '/joystream/query-node/mappings/lib/generated/types/typedefs.json',
-                  name: 'processor-volume',
-                  subPath: 'fileData',
-                },
-              ],
-              command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
-              args: ['cd query-node && yarn hydra-processor run -e ../.env'],
-            },
-          ],
-          volumes: [
-            {
-              name: 'processor-volume',
-              configMap: {
-                name: defsConfig,
-              },
-            },
-          ],
-        },
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  { ...resourceOptions, dependsOn: deployment }
+if (!skipProcessor) {
+  const processor = new ProcessorServiceDeployment(
+    'processor',
+    { namespaceName, storage: 10, defsConfig, joystreamAppsImage, externalIndexerUrl },
+    resourceOptions
+  )
 const caddyEndpoints = [
-  `/indexer/* {
+  `/indexer* {
     uri strip_prefix /indexer
-    reverse_proxy query-node:4000
+    reverse_proxy indexer:4000
-  `/server/* {
+  `/server* {
     uri strip_prefix /server
-    reverse_proxy query-node:8081
+    reverse_proxy graphql-server:8081
 const lbReady = config.get('isLoadBalancerReady') === 'true'
-const caddy = new CaddyServiceDeployment(
-  'caddy-proxy',
-  { lbReady, namespaceName: namespaceName, isMinikube, caddyEndpoints },
-  resourceOptions
-export const endpoint1 = caddy.primaryEndpoint
-export const endpoint2 = caddy.secondaryEndpoint
+export let endpoint1: pulumi.Output<string>
+export let endpoint2: pulumi.Output<string>
+if (!isMinikube) {
+  const caddy = new CaddyServiceDeployment(
+    'caddy-proxy',
+    { lbReady, namespaceName: namespaceName, isMinikube, caddyEndpoints },
+    resourceOptions
+  )
+  endpoint1 = pulumi.interpolate`${caddy.primaryEndpoint}`
+  endpoint2 = pulumi.interpolate`${caddy.secondaryEndpoint}`

+ 187 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'
+import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
+import { PostgresServiceDeployment } from 'pulumi-common'
+ * ServiceDeployment is an example abstraction that uses a class to fold together the common pattern of a
+ * Kubernetes Deployment and its associated Service object.
+ * This class deploys a db, a migration job and indexer deployment and service
+ */
+export class IndexerServiceDeployment extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
+  public readonly deployment: k8s.apps.v1.Deployment
+  public readonly service: k8s.core.v1.Service
+  constructor(name: string, args: ServiceDeploymentArgs, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
+    super('indexer:service:IndexerServiceDeployment', name, {}, opts)
+    // Name passed in the constructor will be the endpoint for accessing the service
+    const serviceName = name
+    let appLabels = { appClass: 'indexer' }
+    const indexerDbName = 'indexer-db'
+    const indexerDb = new PostgresServiceDeployment(
+      indexerDbName,
+      {
+        namespaceName: args.namespaceName,
+        env: [
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_DB', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
+        ],
+        storage:,
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+    const indexerMigrationJob = new k8s.batch.v1.Job(
+      'indexer-db-migration',
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          backoffLimit: 0,
+          template: {
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'db-migration',
+                  image: args.joystreamAppsImage,
+                  imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
+                  resources: { requests: { cpu: '100m', memory: '100Mi' } },
+                  env: [
+                    {
+                      name: 'WARTHOG_DB_HOST',
+                      value: indexerDbName,
+                    },
+                    {
+                      name: 'DB_HOST',
+                      value: indexerDbName,
+                    },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_DB_DATABASE', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+                  ],
+                  command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
+                  args: ['yarn workspace query-node-root db:prepare; yarn workspace query-node-root db:migrate'],
+                },
+              ],
+              restartPolicy: 'Never',
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this, dependsOn: indexerDb.service }
+    )
+    this.deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
+      'indexer',
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          labels: appLabels,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          replicas: 1,
+          selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
+          template: {
+            metadata: {
+              labels: appLabels,
+            },
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'redis',
+                  image: 'redis:6.0-alpine',
+                  ports: [{ containerPort: 6379 }],
+                },
+                {
+                  name: 'indexer',
+                  image: 'joystream/hydra-indexer:3.0.0',
+                  env: [
+                    { name: 'DB_HOST', value: indexerDbName },
+                    { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+                    { name: 'DB_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+                    { name: 'DB_PORT', value: process.env.DB_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'INDEXER_WORKERS', value: '5' },
+                    { name: 'REDIS_URI', value: 'redis://localhost:6379/0' },
+                    { name: 'DEBUG', value: 'index-builder:*' },
+                    { name: 'WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI', value: process.env.WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI! },
+                    { name: 'TYPES_JSON', value: 'types.json' },
+                    { name: 'PGUSER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+                    { name: 'BLOCK_HEIGHT', value: process.env.BLOCK_HEIGHT! },
+                  ],
+                  volumeMounts: [
+                    {
+                      mountPath: '/home/hydra/packages/hydra-indexer/types.json',
+                      name: 'indexer-volume',
+                      subPath: 'fileData',
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
+                  args: ['yarn db:bootstrap && yarn start:prod'],
+                },
+                {
+                  name: 'hydra-indexer-gateway',
+                  image: 'joystream/hydra-indexer-gateway:3.0.0',
+                  env: [
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_DATABASE', value: process.env.INDEXER_DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_HOST', value: indexerDbName },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_PASSWORD', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_PORT', value: process.env.DB_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_DB_USERNAME', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_STARTER_REDIS_URI', value: 'redis://localhost:6379/0' },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_APP_PORT', value: process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'PORT', value: process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'DEBUG', value: '*' },
+                  ],
+                  ports: [{ name: 'hydra-port', containerPort: Number(process.env.WARTHOG_APP_PORT!) }],
+                },
+              ],
+              volumes: [
+                {
+                  name: 'indexer-volume',
+                  configMap: {
+                    name: args.defsConfig,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this, dependsOn: indexerMigrationJob }
+    )
+    // Create a Service for the Indexer
+    this.service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(
+      serviceName,
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          labels: appLabels,
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          name: serviceName,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          ports: [{ name: 'port-1', port: 4000, targetPort: 'hydra-port' }],
+          selector: appLabels,
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+  }
+interface Environment {
+  name: string
+  value: string
+export interface ServiceDeploymentArgs {
+  namespaceName: pulumi.Output<string>
+  joystreamAppsImage: pulumi.Output<string>
+  defsConfig: pulumi.Output<string> | undefined
+  env?: Environment[]
+  storage: Number

+ 210 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'
+import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
+import { PostgresServiceDeployment } from 'pulumi-common'
+ * ServiceDeployment is an example abstraction that uses a class to fold together the common pattern of a
+ * Kubernetes Deployment and its associated Service object.
+ * This class deploys a db, a migration job, graphql server and processor
+ */
+export class ProcessorServiceDeployment extends pulumi.ComponentResource {
+  public readonly deployment: k8s.apps.v1.Deployment
+  public readonly service: k8s.core.v1.Service
+  public readonly endpoint: string
+  constructor(name: string, args: ServiceDeploymentArgs, opts?: pulumi.ComponentResourceOptions) {
+    super('processor:service:ProcessorServiceDeployment', name, {}, opts)
+    // Name passed in the constructor will be the endpoint for accessing the service
+    this.endpoint = 'graphql-server'
+    const processorDbName = 'processor-db'
+    const processorDb = new PostgresServiceDeployment(
+      processorDbName,
+      {
+        namespaceName: args.namespaceName,
+        env: [
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+          { name: 'POSTGRES_DB', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
+        ],
+        storage:,
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+    const processorMigrationJob = new k8s.batch.v1.Job(
+      'processor-db-migration',
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          backoffLimit: 0,
+          template: {
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'db-migration',
+                  image: args.joystreamAppsImage,
+                  imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
+                  resources: { requests: { cpu: '100m', memory: '100Mi' } },
+                  env: [
+                    {
+                      name: 'WARTHOG_DB_HOST',
+                      value: processorDbName,
+                    },
+                    {
+                      name: 'DB_HOST',
+                      value: processorDbName,
+                    },
+                    { name: 'WARTHOG_DB_DATABASE', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+                  ],
+                  command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
+                  args: ['yarn workspace query-node-root db:prepare; yarn workspace query-node-root db:migrate'],
+                },
+              ],
+              restartPolicy: 'Never',
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this, dependsOn: processorDb.service }
+    )
+    let appLabels = { appClass: 'graphql-server' }
+    this.deployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
+      'graphql-server',
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          labels: appLabels,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          replicas: 1,
+          selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
+          template: {
+            metadata: {
+              labels: appLabels,
+            },
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'graphql-server',
+                  image: args.joystreamAppsImage,
+                  imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
+                  env: [
+                    { name: 'DB_HOST', value: processorDbName },
+                    { name: 'DB_PASS', value: process.env.DB_PASS! },
+                    { name: 'DB_USER', value: process.env.DB_USER! },
+                    { name: 'DB_PORT', value: process.env.DB_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'DB_NAME', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST', value: process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST! },
+                    { name: 'GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT', value: process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT! },
+                    { name: 'WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI', value: process.env.WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI! },
+                  ],
+                  ports: [{ name: 'graph-ql-port', containerPort: Number(process.env.GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT!) }],
+                  args: ['workspace', 'query-node-root', 'query-node:start:prod'],
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this, dependsOn: processorMigrationJob }
+    )
+    // Create a Service for the GraphQL Server
+    this.service = new k8s.core.v1.Service(
+      'graphql-server',
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          labels: appLabels,
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          name: this.endpoint,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          ports: [{ name: 'port-1', port: 8081, targetPort: 'graph-ql-port' }],
+          selector: appLabels,
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this }
+    )
+    const indexerURL = args.externalIndexerUrl || `http://indexer:4000/graphql`
+    appLabels = { appClass: 'processor' }
+    const processorDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment(
+      `processor`,
+      {
+        metadata: {
+          namespace: args.namespaceName,
+          labels: appLabels,
+        },
+        spec: {
+          replicas: 1,
+          selector: { matchLabels: appLabels },
+          template: {
+            metadata: {
+              labels: appLabels,
+            },
+            spec: {
+              containers: [
+                {
+                  name: 'processor',
+                  image: args.joystreamAppsImage,
+                  imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
+                  env: [
+                    {
+                      name: 'INDEXER_ENDPOINT_URL',
+                      value: indexerURL,
+                    },
+                    { name: 'TYPEORM_HOST', value: processorDbName },
+                    { name: 'TYPEORM_DATABASE', value: process.env.DB_NAME! },
+                    { name: 'DEBUG', value: 'index-builder:*' },
+                    { name: 'PROCESSOR_POLL_INTERVAL', value: '1000' },
+                  ],
+                  volumeMounts: [
+                    {
+                      mountPath: '/joystream/query-node/mappings/lib/generated/types/typedefs.json',
+                      name: 'processor-volume',
+                      subPath: 'fileData',
+                    },
+                  ],
+                  command: ['/bin/sh', '-c'],
+                  args: ['cd query-node && yarn hydra-processor run -e ../.env'],
+                },
+              ],
+              volumes: [
+                {
+                  name: 'processor-volume',
+                  configMap: {
+                    name: args.defsConfig,
+                  },
+                },
+              ],
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      { parent: this, dependsOn: this.service }
+    )
+  }
+interface Environment {
+  name: string
+  value: string
+export interface ServiceDeploymentArgs {
+  namespaceName: pulumi.Output<string>
+  joystreamAppsImage: pulumi.Output<string>
+  defsConfig: pulumi.Output<string> | undefined
+  externalIndexerUrl: string | undefined
+  env?: Environment[]
+  storage: Number