@@ -11,11 +11,45 @@ on:
required: true
- REPOSITORY: ahhda/joystream
+ REPOSITORY: joystream/node
+ build-mac-binary:
+ runs-on: macos-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - id: compute_shasum
+ name: Compute runtime code shasum
+ run: |
+ export RUNTIME_CODE_SHASUM=`scripts/runtime-code-shasum.sh`
+ echo "::set-output name=shasum::${RUNTIME_CODE_SHASUM}"
+ - id: Stup
+ name: Run Setup
+ run: |
+ ./setup.sh
+ - id: Build
+ name: Build binaries
+ run: |
+ yarn cargo-build
+ ls -al ./target/release
+ - name: Tar the binary
+ run: tar -czvf joystream-node-macos.tar.gz ./target/release/joystream-node
+ - name: Temporarily save node binary
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: joystream-node-macos-${{ steps.compute_shasum.outputs.shasum }}
+ path: joystream-node-macos.tar.gz
+ retention-days: 1
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ needs: [build-mac-binary]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
@@ -38,15 +72,23 @@ jobs:
docker cp temp-container-joystream-node:/joystream/runtime.compact.wasm ./joystream_runtime_${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}.wasm
docker cp temp-container-joystream-node:/joystream/node ./joystream-node
- tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-amd64.tar.gz joystream-node
+ tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-amd64-linux-gnu.tar.gz joystream-node
docker rm --force temp-container-joystream-node
docker cp $(docker create --rm $IMAGE-arm64):/joystream/node ./joystream-node
- tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-arm64.tar.gz joystream-node
+ tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-arm64-linux-gnu.tar.gz joystream-node
docker cp $(docker create --rm $IMAGE-arm):/joystream/node ./joystream-node
- tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-armv7.tar.gz joystream-node
+ tar -czvf joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-armv7-linux-gnu.tar.gz joystream-node
+ rm -f joystream-node
+ - name: Retrieve saved MacOS binary
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: joystream-node-macos-${{ steps.compute_shasum.outputs.shasum }}
+ path: joystream-node-${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}-macos.tar.gz
- name: Release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
@@ -63,6 +105,8 @@ jobs:
$ b2sum -l 256 joystream_runtime_${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}.wasm
+ This should be the output
${{ steps.extract_binaries.outputs.blob_hash }}