@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import ContentDirectoryCommandBase from '../../base/ContentDirectoryCommandBase'
+import chalk from 'chalk'
+import ExitCodes from '../../ExitCodes'
+export default class SetCuratorGroupStatusCommand extends ContentDirectoryCommandBase {
+ static description = 'Set Curator Group status (Active/Inactive).'
+ static args = [
+ {
+ name: 'id',
+ required: false,
+ description: 'ID of the Curator Group',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'status',
+ required: false,
+ description: 'New status of the group (1 - active, 0 - inactive)',
+ },
+ ]
+ async run() {
+ const account = await this.getRequiredSelectedAccount()
+ await this.requireLead()
+ let { id, status } = this.parse(SetCuratorGroupStatusCommand).args
+ if (id === undefined) {
+ id = await this.promptForCuratorGroup()
+ } else {
+ await this.getCuratorGroup(id)
+ }
+ if (status === undefined) {
+ status = await this.simplePrompt({
+ type: 'list',
+ message: 'Select new status',
+ choices: [
+ { name: 'Active', value: true },
+ { name: 'Inactive', value: false },
+ ],
+ })
+ } else {
+ if (status !== '0' && status !== '1') {
+ this.error('Invalid status provided. Use "1" for Active and "0" for Inactive.', {
+ exit: ExitCodes.InvalidInput,
+ })
+ }
+ status = !!parseInt(status)
+ }
+ await this.requestAccountDecoding(account)
+ await this.sendAndFollowNamedTx(account, 'contentDirectory', 'setCuratorGroupStatus', [id, status])
+ console.log(
+ chalk.green(
+ `Curator Group ${chalk.white(id)} status succesfully changed to: ${chalk.white(
+ status ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'
+ )}!`
+ )
+ )
+ }