@@ -0,0 +1,1318 @@
+// Copyright 2017-2019 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Substrate. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// Copyright 2019 Joystream Contributors
+//! # Runtime Example Module
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @gavofyork -->
+//! The Example: A simple example of a runtime module demonstrating
+//! concepts, APIs and structures common to most runtime modules.
+//! Run `cargo doc --package runtime-example-module --open` to view this module's documentation.
+//! ### Documentation Template:<br>
+//! Add heading with custom module name
+//! Add simple description
+//! Include the following links that shows what trait needs to be implemented to use the module
+//! and the supported dispatchables that are documented in the Call enum.
+//! - [`<INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME>::Trait`](./trait.Trait.html)
+//! - [`Call`](./enum.Call.html)
+//! - [`Module`](./struct.Module.html)
+//! ## Overview
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: Various. See https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-developer-hub/issues/44 -->
+//! Short description of module purpose.
+//! Links to Traits that should be implemented.
+//! What this module is for.
+//! What functionality the module provides.
+//! When to use the module (use case examples).
+//! How it is used.
+//! Inputs it uses and the source of each input.
+//! Outputs it produces.
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @Kianenigma in PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/1951 -->
+//! <!-- and comment https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-developer-hub/issues/44#issuecomment-471982710 -->
+//! ## Terminology
+//! Add terminology used in the custom module. Include concepts, storage items, or actions that you think
+//! deserve to be noted to give context to the rest of the documentation or module usage. The author needs to
+//! use some judgment about what is included. We don't want a list of every storage item nor types - the user
+//! can go to the code for that. For example, "transfer fee" is obvious and should not be included, but
+//! "free balance" and "reserved balance" should be noted to give context to the module.
+//! Please do not link to outside resources. The reference docs should be the ultimate source of truth.
+//! <!-- Original author of heading: @Kianenigma in PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/1951 -->
+//! ## Goals
+//! Add goals that the custom module is designed to achieve.
+//! <!-- Original author of heading: @Kianenigma in PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/1951 -->
+//! ### Scenarios
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @Kianenigma. Based on PR https://github.com/paritytech/substrate/pull/1951 -->
+//! Describe requirements prior to interacting with the custom module.
+//! Describe the process of interacting with the custom module for this scenario and public API functions used.
+//! ## Interface
+//! ### Supported Origins
+//! What origins are used and supported in this module (root, signed, inherent)
+//! i.e. root when `ensure_root` used
+//! i.e. inherent when `ensure_inherent` used
+//! i.e. signed when `ensure_signed` used
+//! `inherent` <INSERT_DESCRIPTION>
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @Kianenigma in comment -->
+//! <!-- https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-developer-hub/issues/44#issuecomment-471982710 -->
+//! ### Types
+//! Type aliases. Include any associated types and where the user would typically define them.
+//! `ExampleType` <INSERT_DESCRIPTION>
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: ??? -->
+//! ### Dispatchable Functions
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @AmarRSingh & @joepetrowski -->
+//! // A brief description of dispatchable functions and a link to the rustdoc with their actual documentation.
+//! <b>MUST</b> have link to Call enum
+//! <b>MUST</b> have origin information included in function doc
+//! <b>CAN</b> have more info up to the user
+//! ### Public Functions
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @joepetrowski -->
+//! A link to the rustdoc and any notes about usage in the module, not for specific functions.
+//! For example, in the balances module: "Note that when using the publicly exposed functions,
+//! you (the runtime developer) are responsible for implementing any necessary checks
+//! (e.g. that the sender is the signer) before calling a function that will affect storage."
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @AmarRSingh -->
+//! It is up to the writer of the respective module (with respect to how much information to provide).
+//! #### Public Inspection functions - Immutable (getters)
+//! Insert a subheading for each getter function signature
+//! ##### `example_getter_name()`
+//! What it returns
+//! Why, when, and how often to call it
+//! When it could panic or error
+//! When safety issues to consider
+//! #### Public Mutable functions (changing state)
+//! Insert a subheading for each setter function signature
+//! ##### `example_setter_name(origin, parameter_name: T::ExampleType)`
+//! What state it changes
+//! Why, when, and how often to call it
+//! When it could panic or error
+//! When safety issues to consider
+//! What parameter values are valid and why
+//! ### Storage Items
+//! Explain any storage items included in this module
+//! ### Digest Items
+//! Explain any digest items included in this module
+//! ### Inherent Data
+//! Explain what inherent data (if any) is defined in the module and any other related types
+//! ### Events:
+//! Insert events for this module if any
+//! ### Errors:
+//! Explain what generates errors
+//! ## Usage
+//! Insert 2-3 examples of usage and code snippets that show how to use <INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME> module in a custom module.
+//! ### Prerequisites
+//! Show how to include necessary imports for <INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME> and derive
+//! your module configuration trait with the `INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME` trait.
+//! ```rust
+//! // pub trait Trait: <INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME>::Trait { }
+//! ```
+//! ### Simple Code Snippet
+//! Show a simple example (e.g. how to query a public getter function of <INSERT_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME>)
+//! ## Genesis Config
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @joepetrowski -->
+//! ## Dependencies
+//! Dependencies on other SRML modules and the genesis config should be mentioned,
+//! but not the Rust Standard Library.
+//! Genesis configuration modifications that may be made to incorporate this module
+//! Interaction with other modules
+//! <!-- Original author of heading: @AmarRSingh -->
+//! ## Related Modules
+//! Interaction with other modules in the form of a bullet point list
+//! ## References
+//! <!-- Original author of paragraph: @joepetrowski -->
+//! Links to reference material, if applicable. For example, Phragmen, W3F research, etc.
+//! that the implementation is based on.
+// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use rstd::prelude::*;
+use codec::{Decode, Encode};
+use srml_support::{decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch, ensure};
+mod mock;
+mod tests;
+ */
+/// Length constraint for input validation
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct InputValidationLengthConstraint {
+ /// Minimum length
+ pub min: u16,
+ /// Difference between minimum length and max length.
+ /// While having max would have been more direct, this
+ /// way makes max < min unrepresentable semantically,
+ /// which is safer.
+ pub max_min_diff: u16,
+impl InputValidationLengthConstraint {
+ /// Helper for computing max
+ pub fn max(&self) -> u16 {
+ self.min + self.max_min_diff
+ }
+ pub fn ensure_valid(
+ &self,
+ len: usize,
+ too_short_msg: &'static str,
+ too_long_msg: &'static str,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ let length = len as u16;
+ if length < self.min {
+ Err(too_short_msg)
+ } else if length > self.max() {
+ Err(too_long_msg)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+/// Constants
+/// The greatest valid depth of a category.
+/// The depth of a root category is 0.
+const MAX_CATEGORY_DEPTH: u16 = 3;
+/// Error messages for dispatchables
+const ERROR_FORUM_SUDO_NOT_SET: &str = "Forum sudo not set.";
+const ERROR_ORIGIN_NOT_FORUM_SUDO: &str = "Origin not forum sudo.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_TITLE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Category title too short.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_TITLE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Category title too long.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Category description too long.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG: &str = "Category description too long.";
+ "Ancestor category immutable, i.e. deleted or archived";
+const ERROR_MAX_VALID_CATEGORY_DEPTH_EXCEEDED: &str = "Maximum valid category depth exceeded.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Category does not exist.";
+const ERROR_NOT_FORUM_USER: &str = "Not forum user.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_TITLE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Thread title too short.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_TITLE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Thread title too long.";
+const ERROR_POST_TEXT_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Post text too short.";
+const ERROR_POST_TEXT_TOO_LONG: &str = "Post too long.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Thread does not exist";
+const ERROR_THREAD_MODERATION_RATIONALE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Thread moderation rationale too short.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_MODERATION_RATIONALE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Thread moderation rationale too long.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_ALREADY_MODERATED: &str = "Thread already moderated.";
+const ERROR_THREAD_MODERATED: &str = "Thread is moderated.";
+const ERROR_POST_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Post does not exist.";
+const ERROR_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_POST_AUTHOR: &str = "Account does not match post author.";
+const ERROR_POST_MODERATED: &str = "Post is moderated.";
+const ERROR_POST_MODERATION_RATIONALE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Post moderation rationale too short.";
+const ERROR_POST_MODERATION_RATIONALE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Post moderation rationale too long.";
+const ERROR_CATEGORY_NOT_BEING_UPDATED: &str = "Category not being updated.";
+ "Category cannot be unarchived when deleted.";
+//use srml_support::storage::*;
+//use sr_io::{StorageOverlay, ChildrenStorageOverlay};
+//#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+//use runtime_io::{StorageOverlay, ChildrenStorageOverlay};
+//#[cfg(any(feature = "std", test))]
+//use sr_primitives::{StorageOverlay, ChildrenStorageOverlay};
+use system;
+use system::{ensure_root, ensure_signed};
+/// Represents a user in this forum.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct ForumUser<AccountId> {
+ /// Identifier of user
+ pub id: AccountId, // In the future one could add things like
+ // - updating post count of a user
+ // - updating status (e.g. hero, new, etc.)
+ //
+/// Represents a regsitry of `ForumUser` instances.
+pub trait ForumUserRegistry<AccountId> {
+ fn get_forum_user(id: &AccountId) -> Option<ForumUser<AccountId>>;
+/// Convenient composite time stamp
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment> {
+ block: BlockNumber,
+ time: Moment,
+/// Represents a moderation outcome applied to a post or a thread.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct ModerationAction<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ /// When action occured.
+ moderated_at: BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment>,
+ /// Account forum sudo which acted.
+ moderator_id: AccountId,
+ /// Moderation rationale
+ rationale: Vec<u8>,
+/// Represents a revision of the text of a Post
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct PostTextChange<BlockNumber, Moment> {
+ /// When this expiration occured
+ expired_at: BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment>,
+ /// Text that expired
+ text: Vec<u8>,
+/// Represents a post identifier
+pub type PostId = u64;
+/// Represents a thread post
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Post<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ /// Post identifier
+ id: PostId,
+ /// Id of thread to which this post corresponds.
+ thread_id: ThreadId,
+ /// The post number of this post in its thread, i.e. total number of posts added (including this)
+ /// to a thread when it was added.
+ /// Is needed to give light clients assurance about getting all posts in a given range,
+ // `created_at` is not sufficient.
+ /// Starts at 1 for first post in thread.
+ nr_in_thread: u32,
+ /// Current text of post
+ current_text: Vec<u8>,
+ /// Possible moderation of this post
+ moderation: Option<ModerationAction<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId>>,
+ /// Edits of post ordered chronologically by edit time.
+ text_change_history: Vec<PostTextChange<BlockNumber, Moment>>,
+ /// When post was submitted.
+ created_at: BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment>,
+ /// Author of post.
+ author_id: AccountId,
+/// Represents a thread identifier
+pub type ThreadId = u64;
+/// Represents a thread
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Thread<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ /// Thread identifier
+ id: ThreadId,
+ /// Title
+ title: Vec<u8>,
+ /// Category in which this thread lives
+ category_id: CategoryId,
+ /// The thread number of this thread in its category, i.e. total number of thread added (including this)
+ /// to a category when it was added.
+ /// Is needed to give light clients assurance about getting all threads in a given range,
+ /// `created_at` is not sufficient.
+ /// Starts at 1 for first thread in category.
+ nr_in_category: u32,
+ /// Possible moderation of this thread
+ moderation: Option<ModerationAction<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId>>,
+ /// Number of unmoderated and moderated posts in this thread.
+ /// The sum of these two only increases, and former is incremented
+ /// for each new post added to this thread. A new post is added
+ /// with a `nr_in_thread` equal to this sum
+ ///
+ /// When there is a moderation
+ /// of a post, the variables are incremented and decremented, respectively.
+ ///
+ /// These values are vital for light clients, in order to validate that they are
+ /// not being censored from posts in a thread.
+ num_unmoderated_posts: u32,
+ num_moderated_posts: u32,
+ /// When thread was established.
+ created_at: BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment>,
+ /// Author of post.
+ author_id: AccountId,
+impl<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> Thread<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ fn num_posts_ever_created(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.num_unmoderated_posts + self.num_moderated_posts
+ }
+/// Represents a category identifier
+pub type CategoryId = u64;
+/// Represents
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct ChildPositionInParentCategory {
+ /// Id of parent category
+ parent_id: CategoryId,
+ /// Nr of the child in the parent
+ /// Starts at 1
+ child_nr_in_parent_category: u32,
+/// Represents a category
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Category<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ /// Category identifier
+ id: CategoryId,
+ /// Title
+ title: Vec<u8>,
+ /// Description
+ description: Vec<u8>,
+ /// When category was established.
+ created_at: BlockchainTimestamp<BlockNumber, Moment>,
+ /// Whether category is deleted.
+ deleted: bool,
+ /// Whether category is archived.
+ archived: bool,
+ /// Number of subcategories (deleted, archived or neither),
+ /// unmoderated threads and moderated threads, _directly_ in this category.
+ ///
+ /// As noted, the first is unaffected by any change in state of direct subcategory.
+ ///
+ /// The sum of the latter two only increases, and former is incremented
+ /// for each new thread added to this category. A new thread is added
+ /// with a `nr_in_category` equal to this sum.
+ ///
+ /// When there is a moderation
+ /// of a thread, the variables are incremented and decremented, respectively.
+ ///
+ /// These values are vital for light clients, in order to validate that they are
+ /// not being censored from subcategories or threads in a category.
+ num_direct_subcategories: u32,
+ num_direct_unmoderated_threads: u32,
+ num_direct_moderated_threads: u32,
+ /// Position as child in parent, if present, otherwise this category is a root category
+ position_in_parent_category: Option<ChildPositionInParentCategory>,
+ /// Account of the moderator which created category.
+ moderator_id: AccountId,
+impl<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> Category<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> {
+ fn num_threads_created(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.num_direct_unmoderated_threads + self.num_direct_moderated_threads
+ }
+/// Represents a sequence of categories which have child-parent relatioonship
+/// where last element is final ancestor, or root, in the context of the category tree.
+type CategoryTreePath<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId> =
+ Vec<Category<BlockNumber, Moment, AccountId>>;
+pub trait Trait: system::Trait + timestamp::Trait + Sized {
+ type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
+ type MembershipRegistry: ForumUserRegistry<Self::AccountId>;
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Forum {
+ /// Map category identifier to corresponding category.
+ pub CategoryById get(category_by_id) config(): map CategoryId => Category<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>;
+ /// Category identifier value to be used for the next Category created.
+ pub NextCategoryId get(next_category_id) config(): CategoryId;
+ /// Map thread identifier to corresponding thread.
+ pub ThreadById get(thread_by_id) config(): map ThreadId => Thread<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>;
+ /// Thread identifier value to be used for next Thread in threadById.
+ pub NextThreadId get(next_thread_id) config(): ThreadId;
+ /// Map post identifier to corresponding post.
+ pub PostById get(post_by_id) config(): map PostId => Post<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>;
+ /// Post identifier value to be used for for next post created.
+ pub NextPostId get(next_post_id) config(): PostId;
+ /// Account of forum sudo.
+ pub ForumSudo get(forum_sudo) config(): Option<T::AccountId>;
+ /// Input constraints
+ /// These are all forward looking, that is they are enforced on all
+ /// future calls.
+ pub CategoryTitleConstraint get(category_title_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub CategoryDescriptionConstraint get(category_description_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub ThreadTitleConstraint get(thread_title_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub PostTextConstraint get(post_text_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub ThreadModerationRationaleConstraint get(thread_moderation_rationale_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub PostModerationRationaleConstraint get(post_moderation_rationale_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ }
+ /*
+ Review : https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/blob/620b8610431e7b5fdd71ce3e94c3ee0177406dcc/runtime/src/parachains.rs#L123-L141
+ add_extra_genesis {
+ // Explain why we need to put this here.
+ config(initial_forum_sudo) : Option<T::AccountId>;
+ build(|
+ storage: &mut generator::StorageOverlay,
+ _: &mut generator::ChildrenStorageOverlay,
+ config: &GenesisConfig<T>
+ | {
+ if let Some(account_id) = &config.initial_forum_sudo {
+ println!("{}: <ForumSudo<T>>::put(account_id)", account_id);
+ <ForumSudo<T> as generator::StorageValue<_>>::put(&account_id, storage);
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ */
+ pub enum Event<T>
+ where
+ <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ {
+ /// A category was introduced
+ CategoryCreated(CategoryId),
+ /// A category with given id was updated.
+ /// The second argument reflects the new archival status of the category, if changed.
+ /// The third argument reflects the new deletion status of the category, if changed.
+ CategoryUpdated(CategoryId, Option<bool>, Option<bool>),
+ /// A thread with given id was created.
+ ThreadCreated(ThreadId),
+ /// A thread with given id was moderated.
+ ThreadModerated(ThreadId),
+ /// Post with given id was created.
+ PostAdded(PostId),
+ /// Post with givne id was moderated.
+ PostModerated(PostId),
+ /// Post with given id had its text updated.
+ /// The second argument reflects the number of total edits when the text update occurs.
+ PostTextUpdated(PostId, u64),
+ /// Given account was set as forum sudo.
+ ForumSudoSet(Option<AccountId>, Option<AccountId>),
+ }
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ fn deposit_event() = default;
+ /// Set forum sudo.
+ fn set_forum_sudo(origin, new_forum_sudo: Option<T::AccountId>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ /*
+ * Question: when this routine is called by non sudo or with bad signature, what error is raised?
+ * Update ERror set in spec
+ */
+ // Hold on to old value
+ let old_forum_sudo = <ForumSudo<T>>::get().clone();
+ // Update forum sudo
+ match new_forum_sudo.clone() {
+ Some(account_id) => <ForumSudo<T>>::put(account_id),
+ None => <ForumSudo<T>>::kill()
+ };
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ForumSudoSet(old_forum_sudo, new_forum_sudo));
+ // All good.
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Add a new category.
+ fn create_category(origin, parent: Option<CategoryId>, title: Vec<u8>, description: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Not signed by forum SUDO
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_sudo(&who)?;
+ // Validate title
+ Self::ensure_category_title_is_valid(&title)?;
+ // Validate description
+ Self::ensure_category_description_is_valid(&description)?;
+ // Position in parent field value for new category
+ let mut position_in_parent_category_field = None;
+ // If not root, then check that we can create in parent category
+ if let Some(parent_category_id) = parent {
+ let category_tree_path = Self::ensure_valid_category_and_build_category_tree_path(parent_category_id)?;
+ // Can we mutate in this category?
+ Self::ensure_can_add_subcategory_path_leaf(&category_tree_path)?;
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ // Increment number of subcategories to reflect this new category being
+ // added as a child
+ <CategoryById<T>>::mutate(parent_category_id, |c| {
+ c.num_direct_subcategories += 1;
+ });
+ // Set `position_in_parent_category_field`
+ let parent_category = category_tree_path.first().unwrap();
+ position_in_parent_category_field = Some(ChildPositionInParentCategory{
+ parent_id: parent_category_id,
+ child_nr_in_parent_category: parent_category.num_direct_subcategories
+ });
+ }
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ let next_category_id = NextCategoryId::get();
+ // Create new category
+ let new_category = Category {
+ id : next_category_id,
+ title : title.clone(),
+ description: description.clone(),
+ created_at : Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ deleted: false,
+ archived: false,
+ num_direct_subcategories: 0,
+ num_direct_unmoderated_threads: 0,
+ num_direct_moderated_threads: 0,
+ position_in_parent_category: position_in_parent_category_field,
+ moderator_id: who
+ };
+ // Insert category in map
+ <CategoryById<T>>::insert(new_category.id, new_category);
+ // Update other things
+ NextCategoryId::put(next_category_id + 1);
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CategoryCreated(next_category_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Update category
+ fn update_category(origin, category_id: CategoryId, new_archival_status: Option<bool>, new_deletion_status: Option<bool>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Not signed by forum SUDO
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_sudo(&who)?;
+ // Make sure something is actually being changed
+ ensure!(
+ new_archival_status.is_some() || new_deletion_status.is_some(),
+ );
+ // Get path from parent to root of category tree.
+ let category_tree_path = Self::ensure_valid_category_and_build_category_tree_path(category_id)?;
+ // When we are dealing with a non-root category, we
+ // must ensure mutability of our category by traversing to
+ // root.
+ if category_tree_path.len() > 1 {
+ // We must skip checking category itself.
+ // NB: This is kind of hacky way to avoid last element,
+ // something clearn can be done later.
+ let mut path_to_check = category_tree_path.clone();
+ path_to_check.remove(0);
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(&path_to_check)?;
+ }
+ // If the category itself is already deleted, then this
+ // update *must* simultaneously do an undelete, otherwise it is blocked,
+ // as we do not permit unarchiving a deleted category. Doing
+ // a simultanous undelete and unarchive is accepted.
+ let category = <CategoryById<T>>::get(category_id);
+ ensure!(
+ !category.deleted || (new_deletion_status == Some(false)),
+ );
+ // Mutate category, and set possible new change parameters
+ <CategoryById<T>>::mutate(category_id, |c| {
+ if let Some(archived) = new_archival_status {
+ c.archived = archived;
+ }
+ if let Some(deleted) = new_deletion_status {
+ c.deleted = deleted;
+ }
+ });
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::CategoryUpdated(category_id, new_archival_status, new_deletion_status));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Create new thread in category
+ fn create_thread(origin, category_id: CategoryId, title: Vec<u8>, text: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ /*
+ * Update SPEC with new errors,
+ * and mutation of Category class,
+ * as well as side effect to update Category::num_threads_created.
+ */
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Check that account is forum member
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_member(&who)?;
+ // Get path from parent to root of category tree.
+ let category_tree_path = Self::ensure_valid_category_and_build_category_tree_path(category_id)?;
+ // No ancestor is blocking us doing mutation in this category
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(&category_tree_path)?;
+ // Validate title
+ Self::ensure_thread_title_is_valid(&title)?;
+ // Validate post text
+ Self::ensure_post_text_is_valid(&text)?;
+ /*
+ * Here it is safe to mutate state.
+ */
+ // Add thread
+ let thread = Self::add_new_thread(category_id, &title, &who);
+ // Add inital post to thread
+ Self::add_new_post(thread.id, &text, &who);
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ThreadCreated(thread.id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Moderate thread
+ fn moderate_thread(origin, thread_id: ThreadId, rationale: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Signed by forum SUDO
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_sudo(&who)?;
+ // Get thread
+ let mut thread = Self::ensure_thread_exists(&thread_id)?;
+ // Thread is not already moderated
+ ensure!(thread.moderation.is_none(), ERROR_THREAD_ALREADY_MODERATED);
+ // Rationale valid
+ Self::ensure_thread_moderation_rationale_is_valid(&rationale)?;
+ // Can mutate in corresponding category
+ let path = Self::build_category_tree_path(thread.category_id);
+ // Path must be non-empty, as category id is from thread in state
+ assert!(!path.is_empty());
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(&path)?;
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ // Add moderation to thread
+ thread.moderation = Some(ModerationAction {
+ moderated_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ moderator_id: who,
+ rationale: rationale.clone()
+ });
+ <ThreadById<T>>::insert(thread_id, thread.clone());
+ // Update moderation/umoderation count of corresponding category
+ <CategoryById<T>>::mutate(thread.category_id, |category| {
+ category.num_direct_unmoderated_threads -= 1;
+ category.num_direct_moderated_threads += 1;
+ });
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ThreadModerated(thread_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Edit post text
+ fn add_post(origin, thread_id: ThreadId, text: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ /*
+ * Update SPEC with new errors,
+ */
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Check that account is forum member
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_member(&who)?;
+ // Validate post text
+ Self::ensure_post_text_is_valid(&text)?;
+ // Make sure thread exists and is mutable
+ let thread = Self::ensure_thread_is_mutable(&thread_id)?;
+ // Get path from parent to root of category tree.
+ let category_tree_path = Self::ensure_valid_category_and_build_category_tree_path(thread.category_id)?;
+ // No ancestor is blocking us doing mutation in this category
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(&category_tree_path)?;
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ let post = Self::add_new_post(thread_id, &text, &who);
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostAdded(post.id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Edit post text
+ fn edit_post_text(origin, post_id: PostId, new_text: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ /* Edit spec.
+ - forum member guard missing
+ - check that both post and thread and category are mutable
+ */
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Check that account is forum member
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_member(&who)?;
+ // Validate post text
+ Self::ensure_post_text_is_valid(&new_text)?;
+ // Make sure there exists a mutable post with post id `post_id`
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&post_id)?;
+ // Signer does not match creator of post with identifier postId
+ ensure!(post.author_id == who, ERROR_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH_POST_AUTHOR);
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ <PostById<T>>::mutate(post_id, |p| {
+ let expired_post_text = PostTextChange {
+ expired_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ text: post.current_text.clone()
+ };
+ // Set current text to new text
+ p.current_text = new_text;
+ // Copy current text to history of expired texts
+ p.text_change_history.push(expired_post_text);
+ });
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostTextUpdated(post.id, post.text_change_history.len() as u64));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Moderate post
+ fn moderate_post(origin, post_id: PostId, rationale: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Check that its a valid signature
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // Signed by forum SUDO
+ Self::ensure_is_forum_sudo(&who)?;
+ // Make sure post exists and is mutable
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_is_mutable(&post_id)?;
+ Self::ensure_post_moderation_rationale_is_valid(&rationale)?;
+ /*
+ * Here we are safe to mutate
+ */
+ // Update moderation action on post
+ let moderation_action = ModerationAction{
+ moderated_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ moderator_id: who,
+ rationale: rationale.clone()
+ };
+ <PostById<T>>::mutate(post_id, |p| {
+ p.moderation = Some(moderation_action);
+ });
+ // Update moderated and unmoderated post count of corresponding thread
+ <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(post.thread_id, |t| {
+ t.num_unmoderated_posts -= 1;
+ t.num_moderated_posts += 1;
+ });
+ // Generate event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::PostModerated(post.id));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn ensure_category_title_is_valid(title: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ CategoryTitleConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ title.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_category_description_is_valid(description: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ CategoryDescriptionConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ description.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_thread_moderation_rationale_is_valid(rationale: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ThreadModerationRationaleConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ rationale.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_thread_title_is_valid(title: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ThreadTitleConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ title.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_text_is_valid(text: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ PostTextConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ text.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_moderation_rationale_is_valid(rationale: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ PostModerationRationaleConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ rationale.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn current_block_and_time() -> BlockchainTimestamp<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment> {
+ BlockchainTimestamp {
+ block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_is_mutable(
+ post_id: &PostId,
+ ) -> Result<Post<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ // Make sure post exists
+ let post = Self::ensure_post_exists(post_id)?;
+ // and is unmoderated
+ ensure!(post.moderation.is_none(), ERROR_POST_MODERATED);
+ // and make sure thread is mutable
+ Self::ensure_thread_is_mutable(&post.thread_id)?;
+ Ok(post)
+ }
+ fn ensure_post_exists(
+ post_id: &PostId,
+ ) -> Result<Post<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ if <PostById<T>>::exists(post_id) {
+ Ok(<PostById<T>>::get(post_id))
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_thread_is_mutable(
+ thread_id: &ThreadId,
+ ) -> Result<Thread<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ // Make sure thread exists
+ let thread = Self::ensure_thread_exists(&thread_id)?;
+ // and is unmoderated
+ ensure!(thread.moderation.is_none(), ERROR_THREAD_MODERATED);
+ // and corresponding category is mutable
+ Self::ensure_catgory_is_mutable(thread.category_id)?;
+ Ok(thread)
+ }
+ fn ensure_thread_exists(
+ thread_id: &ThreadId,
+ ) -> Result<Thread<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ if <ThreadById<T>>::exists(thread_id) {
+ Ok(<ThreadById<T>>::get(thread_id))
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_forum_sudo_set() -> Result<T::AccountId, &'static str> {
+ match <ForumSudo<T>>::get() {
+ Some(account_id) => Ok(account_id),
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_is_forum_sudo(account_id: &T::AccountId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let forum_sudo_account = Self::ensure_forum_sudo_set()?;
+ ensure!(
+ *account_id == forum_sudo_account,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_is_forum_member(
+ account_id: &T::AccountId,
+ ) -> Result<ForumUser<T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ let forum_user_query = T::MembershipRegistry::get_forum_user(account_id);
+ if let Some(forum_user) = forum_user_query {
+ Ok(forum_user)
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ fn ensure_catgory_is_mutable(category_id: CategoryId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let category_tree_path = Self::build_category_tree_path(category_id);
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(&category_tree_path)
+ }
+ fn ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(
+ category_tree_path: &CategoryTreePath<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Is parent category directly or indirectly deleted or archived category
+ ensure!(
+ !category_tree_path.iter().any(
+ |c: &Category<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>| c.deleted || c.archived
+ ),
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_can_add_subcategory_path_leaf(
+ category_tree_path: &CategoryTreePath<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ Self::ensure_can_mutate_in_path_leaf(category_tree_path)?;
+ // Does adding a new category exceed maximum depth
+ let depth_of_new_category = 1 + 1 + category_tree_path.len();
+ ensure!(
+ depth_of_new_category <= MAX_CATEGORY_DEPTH as usize,
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn ensure_valid_category_and_build_category_tree_path(
+ category_id: CategoryId,
+ ) -> Result<CategoryTreePath<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ ensure!(
+ <CategoryById<T>>::exists(&category_id),
+ );
+ // Get path from parent to root of category tree.
+ let category_tree_path = Self::build_category_tree_path(category_id);
+ assert!(category_tree_path.len() > 0);
+ Ok(category_tree_path)
+ }
+ /// Builds path and populates in `path`.
+ /// Requires that `category_id` is valid
+ fn build_category_tree_path(
+ category_id: CategoryId,
+ ) -> CategoryTreePath<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId> {
+ // Get path from parent to root of category tree.
+ let mut category_tree_path = vec![];
+ Self::_build_category_tree_path(category_id, &mut category_tree_path);
+ category_tree_path
+ }
+ /// Builds path and populates in `path`.
+ /// Requires that `category_id` is valid
+ fn _build_category_tree_path(
+ category_id: CategoryId,
+ path: &mut CategoryTreePath<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId>,
+ ) {
+ // Grab category
+ let category = <CategoryById<T>>::get(category_id);
+ // Copy out position_in_parent_category
+ let position_in_parent_category_field = category.position_in_parent_category.clone();
+ // Add category to path container
+ path.push(category);
+ // Make recursive call on parent if we are not at root
+ if let Some(child_position_in_parent) = position_in_parent_category_field {
+ assert!(<CategoryById<T>>::exists(
+ &child_position_in_parent.parent_id
+ ));
+ Self::_build_category_tree_path(child_position_in_parent.parent_id, path);
+ }
+ }
+ fn add_new_thread(
+ category_id: CategoryId,
+ title: &Vec<u8>,
+ author_id: &T::AccountId,
+ ) -> Thread<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId> {
+ // Get category
+ let category = <CategoryById<T>>::get(category_id);
+ // Create and add new thread
+ let new_thread_id = NextThreadId::get();
+ let new_thread = Thread {
+ id: new_thread_id,
+ title: title.clone(),
+ category_id: category_id,
+ nr_in_category: category.num_threads_created() + 1,
+ moderation: None,
+ num_unmoderated_posts: 0,
+ num_moderated_posts: 0,
+ created_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ author_id: author_id.clone(),
+ };
+ // Store thread
+ <ThreadById<T>>::insert(new_thread_id, new_thread.clone());
+ // Update next thread id
+ NextThreadId::mutate(|n| {
+ *n += 1;
+ });
+ // Update unmoderated thread count in corresponding category
+ <CategoryById<T>>::mutate(category_id, |c| {
+ c.num_direct_unmoderated_threads += 1;
+ });
+ new_thread
+ }
+ /// Creates and ads a new post ot the given thread, and makes all required state updates
+ /// `thread_id` must be valid
+ fn add_new_post(
+ thread_id: ThreadId,
+ text: &Vec<u8>,
+ author_id: &T::AccountId,
+ ) -> Post<T::BlockNumber, T::Moment, T::AccountId> {
+ // Get thread
+ let thread = <ThreadById<T>>::get(thread_id);
+ // Make and add initial post
+ let new_post_id = NextPostId::get();
+ let new_post = Post {
+ id: new_post_id,
+ thread_id: thread_id,
+ nr_in_thread: thread.num_posts_ever_created() + 1,
+ current_text: text.clone(),
+ moderation: None,
+ text_change_history: vec![],
+ created_at: Self::current_block_and_time(),
+ author_id: author_id.clone(),
+ };
+ // Store post
+ <PostById<T>>::insert(new_post_id, new_post.clone());
+ // Update next post id
+ NextPostId::mutate(|n| {
+ *n += 1;
+ });
+ // Update unmoderated post count of thread
+ <ThreadById<T>>::mutate(thread_id, |t| {
+ t.num_unmoderated_posts += 1;
+ });
+ new_post
+ }