@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import { FlowProps } from '../../Flow'
+import { extendDebug } from '../../Debugger'
+import { WorkingGroups } from '../../WorkingGroups'
+import { IStorageBucketOperatorMetadata, StorageBucketOperatorMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { CreateInterface, createType } from '@joystream/types'
+import { BagId, DynamicBagId, StaticBagId } from '@joystream/types/storage'
+import _ from 'lodash'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils'
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+type StorageBucketConfig = {
+ metadata: IStorageBucketOperatorMetadata
+ staticBags?: CreateInterface<StaticBagId>[]
+ storageLimit: BN
+ objectsLimit: number
+ operatorId: number
+type InitStorageConfig = {
+ buckets: StorageBucketConfig[]
+ dynamicBagPolicy: {
+ [K in keyof typeof DynamicBagId.typeDefinitions]?: number
+ }
+export const allStaticBags: CreateInterface<StaticBagId>[] = [
+ 'Council',
+ { WorkingGroup: 'Content' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'Distribution' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'Gateway' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'OperationsAlpha' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'OperationsBeta' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'OperationsGamma' },
+ { WorkingGroup: 'Storage' },
+export const defaultSingleBucketConfig: InitStorageConfig = {
+ dynamicBagPolicy: {
+ 'Channel': 1,
+ 'Member': 1,
+ },
+ buckets: [
+ {
+ metadata: { endpoint: process.env.STORAGE_1_URL || 'http://localhost:3333' },
+ staticBags: allStaticBags,
+ operatorId: parseInt(process.env.STORAGE_1_WORKER_ID || '0'),
+ storageLimit: new BN(1_000_000_000_000),
+ objectsLimit: 1000000000,
+ },
+ ],
+export default function createFlow({ buckets, dynamicBagPolicy }: InitStorageConfig) {
+ return async function initDistribution({ api }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
+ api.enableVerboseTxLogs()
+ const debug = extendDebug('flow:initStorage')
+ debug('Started')
+ // Get working group leaders
+ const storageLeaderId = await api.getLeadWorkerId(WorkingGroups.Storage)
+ const storageLeader = await api.getGroupLead(WorkingGroups.Storage)
+ if (!storageLeaderId || !storageLeader) {
+ throw new Error('Active storage leader is required in this flow!')
+ }
+ const storageLeaderKey = storageLeader.role_account_id.toString()
+ const maxStorageLimit = buckets.sort((a, b) => b.storageLimit.cmp(a.storageLimit))[0].storageLimit
+ const maxObjectsLimit = Math.max(...buckets.map((b) => b.objectsLimit))
+ // Hire operators
+ // const hireWorkersFixture = new HireWorkesFixture(api, totalBucketsNum, WorkingGroups.Distribution)
+ // await new FixtureRunner(hireWorkersFixture).run()
+ // const operatorIds = hireWorkersFixture.getHiredWorkers()
+ const operatorIds = buckets.map((b) => createType('WorkerId', b.operatorId))
+ const operatorKeys = await api.getWorkerRoleAccounts(operatorIds, WorkingGroups.Storage)
+ // Set global limits and policies
+ const updateDynamicBagPolicyTxs = _.entries(dynamicBagPolicy).map(([bagType, numberOfBuckets]) =>
+ api.tx.storage.updateNumberOfStorageBucketsInDynamicBagCreationPolicy(
+ bagType as keyof typeof DynamicBagId.typeDefinitions,
+ numberOfBuckets
+ )
+ )
+ const setMaxVoucherLimitsTx = api.tx.storage.updateStorageBucketsVoucherMaxLimits(maxStorageLimit, maxObjectsLimit)
+ const setBucketPerBagLimitTx = api.tx.storage.updateStorageBucketsPerBagLimit(buckets.length)
+ await api.signAndSendMany(
+ [...updateDynamicBagPolicyTxs, setMaxVoucherLimitsTx, setBucketPerBagLimitTx],
+ storageLeaderKey
+ )
+ // Create buckets
+ const createBucketTxs = buckets.map((b, i) =>
+ api.tx.storage.createStorageBucket(operatorIds[i], true, b.storageLimit, b.objectsLimit)
+ )
+ const createBucketResults = await api.signAndSendManyByMany(createBucketTxs, operatorKeys)
+ const bucketById = new Map<number, StorageBucketConfig>()
+ createBucketResults.forEach((res, i) => {
+ const bucketId = api.getEvent(res, 'storage', 'StorageBucketCreated').data[0]
+ bucketById.set(bucketId.toNumber(), buckets[i])
+ })
+ // Invite bucket operators
+ const bucketInviteTxs = _.keys(bucketById).map((bucketId, i) =>
+ api.tx.storage.inviteStorageBucketOperator(bucketId, operatorIds[i])
+ )
+ await api.signAndSendMany(bucketInviteTxs, storageLeaderKey)
+ // Accept invitations
+ const acceptInvitationTxs = _.keys(bucketById).map((bucketId, i) =>
+ api.tx.storage.acceptStorageBucketInvitation(operatorIds[i], bucketId)
+ )
+ await api.signAndSendManyByMany(acceptInvitationTxs, operatorKeys)
+ // Bucket metadata and static bags
+ const bucketSetupPromises = _.flatten(
+ Array.from(bucketById.entries()).map(([bucketId, bucketConfig], i) => {
+ const operatorId = operatorIds[i]
+ const operatorKey = operatorKeys[i]
+ const metadataBytes = Utils.metadataToBytes(StorageBucketOperatorMetadata, bucketConfig.metadata)
+ const setMetaTx = api.tx.storage.setStorageOperatorMetadata(operatorId, bucketId, metadataBytes)
+ const setMetaPromise = api.signAndSendMany([setMetaTx], operatorKey)
+ const updateBagTxs = (bucketConfig.staticBags || []).map((sBagId) => {
+ return api.tx.storage.updateStorageBucketsForBag(
+ createType<BagId, 'BagId'>('BagId', { Static: sBagId }),
+ createType('BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>', [bucketId]),
+ createType('BTreeSet<StorageBucketId>', [])
+ )
+ })
+ const updateBagsPromise = api.signAndSendMany(updateBagTxs, storageLeaderKey)
+ return [updateBagsPromise, setMetaPromise]
+ })
+ )
+ await Promise.all(bucketSetupPromises)
+ debug('Done')
+ }