@@ -6,26 +6,24 @@ import { WsProvider, Keyring } from '@polkadot/api'
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
import { setTestTimeout } from '../../utils/setTestTimeout'
import {
- AddLeaderOpeningFixture,
- BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture,
- FillLeaderOpeningFixture,
} from '../fixtures/workingGroupModule'
import BN from 'bn.js'
import tap from 'tap'
-import { BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/membershipModule'
import { Utils } from '../../utils/utils'
-import { ElectCouncilFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionModule'
import { VoteForProposalFixture, WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture } from '../fixtures/proposalsModule'
import { PaidTermId } from '@nicaea/types/members'
import { OpeningId } from '@nicaea/types/hiring'
import { ProposalId } from '@nicaea/types/proposals'
+import { DbService } from '../../services/dbService'
+import { CouncilElectionHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/councilElectionHappyCase'
+import { LeaderHiringHappyCaseFixture } from '../fixtures/leaderHiringHappyCase'
tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
@@ -34,13 +32,15 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
const nodeUrl: string = process.env.NODE_URL!
const sudoUri: string = process.env.SUDO_ACCOUNT_URI!
const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
+ const db: DbService = DbService.getInstance()
const provider = new WsProvider(nodeUrl)
const apiWrapper: ApiWrapper = await ApiWrapper.create(provider)
const sudo: KeyringPair = keyring.addFromUri(sudoUri)
const N: number = +process.env.WORKING_GROUP_N!
- const m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
- const m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+ let m1KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
+ let m2KeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, N)
const leadKeyPair: KeyringPair[] = Utils.createKeyPairs(keyring, 1)
const paidTerms: PaidTermId = new PaidTermId(+process.env.MEMBERSHIP_PAID_TERMS!)
@@ -61,91 +61,43 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
setTestTimeout(apiWrapper, durationInBlocks)
- const firstMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- sudo,
- m1KeyPairs,
- paidTerms
- )
- tap.test('Creating first set of members', async () => firstMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
- const secondMemberSetFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- sudo,
- m2KeyPairs,
- paidTerms
- )
- tap.test('Creating second set of members', async () => secondMemberSetFixture.runner(false))
- const electCouncilFixture: ElectCouncilFixture = new ElectCouncilFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs,
- m2KeyPairs,
- K,
- sudo,
- greaterStake,
- lesserStake
- )
- tap.test('Elect council', async () => electCouncilFixture.runner(false))
- const leaderHappyCaseFixture: BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- sudo,
- leadKeyPair,
- paidTerms
- )
- tap.test('Buying membership for leader account', async () => leaderHappyCaseFixture.runner(false))
- const addLeaderOpeningFixture: AddLeaderOpeningFixture = new AddLeaderOpeningFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- m1KeyPairs,
- sudo,
- applicationStake,
- roleStake,
- openingActivationDelay,
- WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
- )
- tap.test('Add lead opening', async () => await addLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false))
- let applyForLeaderOpeningFixture: ApplyForOpeningFixture
- tap.test('Apply for lead opening', async () => {
- applyForLeaderOpeningFixture = new ApplyForOpeningFixture(
+ if (db.hasCouncil()) {
+ m1KeyPairs = db.getMembers()
+ m2KeyPairs = db.getCouncil()
+ } else {
+ const councilElectionHappyCaseFixture = new CouncilElectionHappyCaseFixture(
- leadKeyPair,
- applicationStake,
- roleStake,
- addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult() as OpeningId,
- WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+ m1KeyPairs,
+ m2KeyPairs,
+ paidTerms,
+ K,
+ greaterStake,
+ lesserStake
- await applyForLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
- })
- let beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture: BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture
- tap.test('Begin lead application review', async () => {
- beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture = new BeginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture(
+ councilElectionHappyCaseFixture.runner(false)
+ }
+ if (db.hasLeader(apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup))) {
+ m1KeyPairs = db.getMembers()
+ leadKeyPair[0] = db.getLeader(apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup))
+ } else {
+ const leaderHiringHappyCaseFixture: LeaderHiringHappyCaseFixture = new LeaderHiringHappyCaseFixture(
- addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult() as OpeningId,
- WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
- )
- await beginLeaderApplicationReviewFixture.runner(false)
- })
- let fillLeaderOpeningFixture: FillLeaderOpeningFixture
- tap.test('Fill lead opening', async () => {
- fillLeaderOpeningFixture = new FillLeaderOpeningFixture(
- apiWrapper,
+ m1KeyPairs,
- sudo,
- addLeaderOpeningFixture.getResult() as OpeningId,
- leaderFirstRewardInterval,
+ paidTerms,
+ applicationStake,
+ roleStake,
+ openingActivationDelay,
+ leaderFirstRewardInterval,
- await fillLeaderOpeningFixture.runner(false)
- })
+ await leaderHiringHappyCaseFixture.runner(false)
+ }
const workingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture: WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture = new WorkingGroupMintCapacityProposalFixture(
@@ -234,13 +186,15 @@ tap.mocha.describe('Worker application happy case scenario', async () => {
tap.test('Await worker payout', async () => awaitPayoutFixture.runner(false))
- const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
- apiWrapper,
- leadKeyPair,
- sudo,
- WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
- )
- tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+ if (!db.hasLeader(apiWrapper.getWorkingGroupString(WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup))) {
+ const leaveRoleFixture: LeaveRoleFixture = new LeaveRoleFixture(
+ apiWrapper,
+ leadKeyPair,
+ sudo,
+ WorkingGroups.StorageWorkingGroup
+ )
+ tap.test('Leaving lead role', async () => leaveRoleFixture.runner(false))
+ }