@@ -399,6 +399,26 @@ decl_module! {
/// Setup events
fn deposit_event() = default;
+ /// Minimum number of extra candidates needed for the valid election.
+ /// Number of total candidates is equal to council size plus extra candidates.
+ const MinNumberOfExtraCandidates: u64 = T::MinNumberOfExtraCandidates::get();
+ /// Council member count
+ const CouncilSize: u64 = T::CouncilSize::get();
+ /// Minimum stake candidate has to lock
+ const MinCandidateStake: Balance<T> = T::MinCandidateStake::get();
+ /// Duration of annoncing period
+ const AnnouncingPeriodDuration: T::BlockNumber = T::AnnouncingPeriodDuration::get();
+ /// Duration of idle period
+ const IdlePeriodDuration: T::BlockNumber = T::IdlePeriodDuration::get();
+ /// The value elected members will be awarded each block of their reign.
+ const ElectedMemberRewardPerBlock: Balance<T> = T::ElectedMemberRewardPerBlock::get();
+ /// Interval for automatic reward payments.
+ const ElectedMemberRewardPeriod: T::BlockNumber = T::ElectedMemberRewardPeriod::get();
+ /// Amount that will be added to the budget balance on every refill.
+ const BudgetRefillAmount: Balance<T> = T::BudgetRefillAmount::get();
+ /// Interval between automatic budget refills.
+ const BudgetRefillPeriod: T::BlockNumber = T::BudgetRefillPeriod::get();
/////////////////// Lifetime ///////////////////////////////////////////
// No origin so this is a priviledged call