@@ -35,65 +35,82 @@ Resources:
- Key: Name
Value: !Ref AWS::StackName
- Instance:
- Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
- CreationPolicy:
- ResourceSignal:
- Timeout: PT5M
- Count: 1
+ InstanceLaunchTemplate:
+ Type: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
- yum:
+ apt:
wget: []
unzip: []
- ImageId: !Ref EC2AMI
- InstanceType: !Ref EC2InstanceType
- KeyName: !Ref KeyName
- SecurityGroupIds:
- - !GetAtt SecurityGroup.GroupId
- UserData:
- Fn::Base64: !Sub |
- #!/bin/bash -xe
- # send script output to /tmp so we can debug boot failures
- exec > /tmp/userdata.log 2>&1
- # Update all packages
- apt-get update -y
+ LaunchTemplateName: !Sub 'LaunchTemplate_${AWS::StackName}'
+ LaunchTemplateData:
+ ImageId: !Ref EC2AMI
+ InstanceType: !Ref EC2InstanceType
+ KeyName: !Ref KeyName
+ SecurityGroupIds:
+ - !GetAtt SecurityGroup.GroupId
+ BlockDeviceMappings:
+ - DeviceName: /dev/sda1
+ Ebs:
+ VolumeSize: '40'
+ UserData:
+ Fn::Base64: !Sub |
+ #!/bin/bash -xe
- # Get latest cfn scripts;
- # apt-get install -y python3-pip
- apt-get install -y python3-setuptools
- mkdir -p /opt/aws/bin
+ # send script output to /tmp so we can debug boot failures
+ exec > /tmp/userdata.log 2>&1
- # pip3 install https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
- wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
- python3 -m easy_install --script-dir /opt/aws/bin aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
+ # Update all packages
+ apt-get update -y
- ln -s /root/aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest/init/ubuntu/cfn-hup /etc/init.d/cfn-hup
+ # Get latest cfn scripts;
+ # apt-get install -y python3-pip
+ apt-get install -y python3-setuptools
+ mkdir -p /opt/aws/bin
- cd /home/ubuntu/
+ # pip3 install https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
+ wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
+ python3 -m easy_install --script-dir /opt/aws/bin aws-cfn-bootstrap-py3-latest.tar.gz
- git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream.git
+ # curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add -
+ # echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
+ # apt-get update -y
+ # apt-get install -y yarn
- cd joystream/
+ ln -s /root/aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest/init/ubuntu/cfn-hup /etc/init.d/cfn-hup
- touch setup_complete.txt
- echo "Done" > setup_complete.txt
+ Instance:
+ Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
+ Properties:
+ LaunchTemplate:
+ LaunchTemplateId: !Ref InstanceLaunchTemplate
+ Version: !GetAtt InstanceLaunchTemplate.LatestVersionNumber
+ Tags:
+ - Key: Name
+ Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}_1'
- # Signal to CloudFormation that the instance is ready
- /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --region ${AWS::Region} --resource Instance
+ Instance2:
+ Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
+ Properties:
+ LaunchTemplate:
+ LaunchTemplateId: !Ref InstanceLaunchTemplate
+ Version: !GetAtt InstanceLaunchTemplate.LatestVersionNumber
- Key: Name
- Value: !Ref AWS::StackName
+ Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}_2'
- InstanceDNS:
+ PublicIp:
+ Description: The DNS name for the created instance
+ Value: !Sub "${Instance.PublicIp}"
+ Export:
+ Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}PublicIp"
+ PublicIp2:
Description: The DNS name for the created instance
- Value: !Sub "http://${Instance.PublicDnsName}"
+ Value: !Sub "${Instance2.PublicIp}"
- Name: InstanceDNS
+ Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}PublicIp2"