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+ 2 - 0

@@ -1 +1,3 @@

+ 1987 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+import 'graphql-import-node'; // Needed so you can import *.graphql files 
+import { makeBindingClass, Options } from 'graphql-binding'
+import { GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'
+import { IResolvers } from 'graphql-tools/dist/Interfaces'
+import * as schema from  './schema.graphql'
+export interface Query {
+    channelCategories: <T = Array<ChannelCategory>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: ChannelCategoryOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    channelCategoryByUniqueInput: <T = ChannelCategory | null>(args: { where: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    channelCategoriesConnection: <T = ChannelCategoryConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: ChannelCategoryOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    channels: <T = Array<Channel>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: ChannelWhereInput | null, orderBy?: ChannelOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    channelByUniqueInput: <T = Channel | null>(args: { where: ChannelWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    channelsConnection: <T = ChannelConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: ChannelWhereInput | null, orderBy?: ChannelOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    curatorGroups: <T = Array<CuratorGroup>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput | null, orderBy?: CuratorGroupOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    curatorGroupByUniqueInput: <T = CuratorGroup | null>(args: { where: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    curatorGroupsConnection: <T = CuratorGroupConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput | null, orderBy?: CuratorGroupOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    dataObjects: <T = Array<DataObject>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: DataObjectWhereInput | null, orderBy?: DataObjectOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    dataObjectByUniqueInput: <T = DataObject | null>(args: { where: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    dataObjectsConnection: <T = DataObjectConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: DataObjectWhereInput | null, orderBy?: DataObjectOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    featuredVideos: <T = Array<FeaturedVideo>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: FeaturedVideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: FeaturedVideoOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    featuredVideoByUniqueInput: <T = FeaturedVideo | null>(args: { where: FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    featuredVideosConnection: <T = FeaturedVideoConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: FeaturedVideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: FeaturedVideoOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    languages: <T = Array<Language>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: LanguageWhereInput | null, orderBy?: LanguageOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    languageByUniqueInput: <T = Language | null>(args: { where: LanguageWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    languagesConnection: <T = LanguageConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: LanguageWhereInput | null, orderBy?: LanguageOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    licenses: <T = Array<License>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: LicenseWhereInput | null, orderBy?: LicenseOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    licenseByUniqueInput: <T = License | null>(args: { where: LicenseWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    licensesConnection: <T = LicenseConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: LicenseWhereInput | null, orderBy?: LicenseOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    memberships: <T = Array<Membership>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: MembershipWhereInput | null, orderBy?: MembershipOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    membershipByUniqueInput: <T = Membership | null>(args: { where: MembershipWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    membershipsConnection: <T = MembershipConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: MembershipWhereInput | null, orderBy?: MembershipOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    channelCategoriesByName: <T = Array<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>(args: { whereChannelCategory?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    membersByHandle: <T = Array<MembersByHandleFTSOutput>>(args: { whereMembership?: MembershipWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    search: <T = Array<SearchFTSOutput>>(args: { whereVideo?: VideoWhereInput | null, whereChannel?: ChannelWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoCategoriesByName: <T = Array<VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>(args: { whereVideoCategory?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoCategories: <T = Array<VideoCategory>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoCategoryOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoCategoryByUniqueInput: <T = VideoCategory | null>(args: { where: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    videoCategoriesConnection: <T = VideoCategoryConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoCategoryOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoMediaEncodings: <T = Array<VideoMediaEncoding>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoMediaEncodingByUniqueInput: <T = VideoMediaEncoding | null>(args: { where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    videoMediaEncodingsConnection: <T = VideoMediaEncodingConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoMediaMetadata: <T = Array<VideoMediaMetadata>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoMediaMetadataByUniqueInput: <T = VideoMediaMetadata | null>(args: { where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    videoMediaMetadataConnection: <T = VideoMediaMetadataConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videos: <T = Array<Video>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
+    videoByUniqueInput: <T = Video | null>(args: { where: VideoWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
+    videosConnection: <T = VideoConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: VideoOrderByInput | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> 
+  }
+export interface Mutation {}
+export interface Subscription {
+    stateSubscription: <T = ProcessorState>(args?: {}, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<AsyncIterator<T>> 
+  }
+export interface Binding {
+  query: Query
+  mutation: Mutation
+  subscription: Subscription
+  request: <T = any>(query: string, variables?: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<T>
+  delegate(operation: 'query' | 'mutation', fieldName: string, args: {
+      [key: string]: any;
+  }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options): Promise<any>;
+  delegateSubscription(fieldName: string, args?: {
+      [key: string]: any;
+  }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options): Promise<AsyncIterator<any>>;
+  getAbstractResolvers(filterSchema?: GraphQLSchema | string): IResolvers;
+export interface BindingConstructor<T> {
+  new(...args: any[]): T
+export const Binding = makeBindingClass<BindingConstructor<Binding>>({ schema: schema as any })
+ * Types
+export type AssetAvailability =   'ACCEPTED' |
+  'PENDING' |
+export type ChannelCategoryOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'name_ASC' |
+  'name_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC'
+export type ChannelOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'ownerMemberId_ASC' |
+  'ownerMemberId_DESC' |
+  'ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC' |
+  'ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC' |
+  'categoryId_ASC' |
+  'categoryId_DESC' |
+  'rewardAccount_ASC' |
+  'rewardAccount_DESC' |
+  'title_ASC' |
+  'title_DESC' |
+  'description_ASC' |
+  'description_DESC' |
+  'coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC' |
+  'coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC' |
+  'coverPhotoAvailability_ASC' |
+  'coverPhotoAvailability_DESC' |
+  'avatarDataObjectId_ASC' |
+  'avatarDataObjectId_DESC' |
+  'avatarAvailability_ASC' |
+  'avatarAvailability_DESC' |
+  'isPublic_ASC' |
+  'isPublic_DESC' |
+  'isCensored_ASC' |
+  'isCensored_DESC' |
+  'languageId_ASC' |
+  'languageId_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC'
+export type CuratorGroupOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'isActive_ASC' |
+  'isActive_DESC'
+export type DataObjectOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'addedAt_ASC' |
+  'addedAt_DESC' |
+  'typeId_ASC' |
+  'typeId_DESC' |
+  'size_ASC' |
+  'size_DESC' |
+  'liaisonId_ASC' |
+  'liaisonId_DESC' |
+  'liaisonJudgement_ASC' |
+  'liaisonJudgement_DESC' |
+  'ipfsContentId_ASC' |
+  'ipfsContentId_DESC' |
+  'joystreamContentId_ASC' |
+  'joystreamContentId_DESC'
+export type FeaturedVideoOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'videoId_ASC' |
+  'videoId_DESC'
+export type LanguageOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'iso_ASC' |
+  'iso_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC'
+export type LiaisonJudgement =   'PENDING' |
+export type LicenseOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'code_ASC' |
+  'code_DESC' |
+  'attribution_ASC' |
+  'attribution_DESC' |
+  'customText_ASC' |
+  'customText_DESC'
+export type MembershipEntryMethod =   'PAID' |
+export type MembershipOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'handle_ASC' |
+  'handle_DESC' |
+  'avatarUri_ASC' |
+  'avatarUri_DESC' |
+  'about_ASC' |
+  'about_DESC' |
+  'controllerAccount_ASC' |
+  'controllerAccount_DESC' |
+  'rootAccount_ASC' |
+  'rootAccount_DESC' |
+  'registeredAtBlock_ASC' |
+  'registeredAtBlock_DESC' |
+  'registeredAtTime_ASC' |
+  'registeredAtTime_DESC' |
+  'entry_ASC' |
+  'entry_DESC' |
+  'subscription_ASC' |
+  'subscription_DESC'
+export type VideoCategoryOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'name_ASC' |
+  'name_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC'
+export type VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'codecName_ASC' |
+  'codecName_DESC' |
+  'container_ASC' |
+  'container_DESC' |
+  'mimeMediaType_ASC' |
+  'mimeMediaType_DESC'
+export type VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'encodingId_ASC' |
+  'encodingId_DESC' |
+  'pixelWidth_ASC' |
+  'pixelWidth_DESC' |
+  'pixelHeight_ASC' |
+  'pixelHeight_DESC' |
+  'size_ASC' |
+  'size_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC'
+export type VideoOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
+  'createdAt_DESC' |
+  'updatedAt_ASC' |
+  'updatedAt_DESC' |
+  'deletedAt_ASC' |
+  'deletedAt_DESC' |
+  'channelId_ASC' |
+  'channelId_DESC' |
+  'categoryId_ASC' |
+  'categoryId_DESC' |
+  'title_ASC' |
+  'title_DESC' |
+  'description_ASC' |
+  'description_DESC' |
+  'duration_ASC' |
+  'duration_DESC' |
+  'thumbnailDataObjectId_ASC' |
+  'thumbnailDataObjectId_DESC' |
+  'thumbnailAvailability_ASC' |
+  'thumbnailAvailability_DESC' |
+  'languageId_ASC' |
+  'languageId_DESC' |
+  'hasMarketing_ASC' |
+  'hasMarketing_DESC' |
+  'publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC' |
+  'publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC' |
+  'isPublic_ASC' |
+  'isPublic_DESC' |
+  'isCensored_ASC' |
+  'isCensored_DESC' |
+  'isExplicit_ASC' |
+  'isExplicit_DESC' |
+  'licenseId_ASC' |
+  'licenseId_DESC' |
+  'mediaDataObjectId_ASC' |
+  'mediaDataObjectId_DESC' |
+  'mediaAvailability_ASC' |
+  'mediaAvailability_DESC' |
+  'mediaMetadataId_ASC' |
+  'mediaMetadataId_DESC' |
+  'happenedIn_ASC' |
+  'happenedIn_DESC' |
+  'isFeatured_ASC' |
+  'isFeatured_DESC'
+export interface BaseWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: String | null
+  id_in?: String[] | String | null
+  createdAt_eq?: String | null
+  createdAt_lt?: String | null
+  createdAt_lte?: String | null
+  createdAt_gt?: String | null
+  createdAt_gte?: String | null
+  createdById_eq?: String | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: String | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: String | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: String | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: String | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: String | null
+  updatedById_eq?: String | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: String | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: String | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: String | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: String | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: String | null
+  deletedById_eq?: String | null
+export interface ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
+  name?: String | null
+  happenedIn: Float
+export interface ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
+  name?: String | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+export interface ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  name_eq?: String | null
+  name_contains?: String | null
+  name_startsWith?: String | null
+  name_endsWith?: String | null
+  name_in?: String[] | String | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface ChannelCreateInput {
+  ownerMemberId?: ID_Input | null
+  ownerCuratorGroupId?: ID_Input | null
+  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
+  rewardAccount?: String | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  coverPhotoUrls: Array<String>
+  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  avatarDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  avatarUrls: Array<String>
+  avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  languageId?: ID_Input | null
+  happenedIn: Float
+export interface ChannelUpdateInput {
+  ownerMemberId?: ID_Input | null
+  ownerCuratorGroupId?: ID_Input | null
+  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
+  rewardAccount?: String | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  coverPhotoUrls?: String[] | String | null
+  coverPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
+  avatarDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  avatarUrls?: String[] | String | null
+  avatarAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored?: Boolean | null
+  languageId?: ID_Input | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+export interface ChannelWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  ownerMemberId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  ownerMemberId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  categoryId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  categoryId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  rewardAccount_eq?: String | null
+  rewardAccount_contains?: String | null
+  rewardAccount_startsWith?: String | null
+  rewardAccount_endsWith?: String | null
+  rewardAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
+  title_eq?: String | null
+  title_contains?: String | null
+  title_startsWith?: String | null
+  title_endsWith?: String | null
+  title_in?: String[] | String | null
+  description_eq?: String | null
+  description_contains?: String | null
+  description_startsWith?: String | null
+  description_endsWith?: String | null
+  description_in?: String[] | String | null
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  coverPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
+  coverPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
+  avatarDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  avatarDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  avatarAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
+  avatarAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
+  isPublic_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isPublic_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  isCensored_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  languageId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  languageId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface CuratorGroupCreateInput {
+  curatorIds: Array<BigInt>
+  isActive: Boolean
+export interface CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
+  curatorIds?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  isActive?: Boolean | null
+export interface CuratorGroupWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  isActive_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isActive_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+export interface CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectCreateInput {
+  owner: JSONObject
+  addedAt: Float
+  typeId: Float
+  size: BigInt
+  liaisonId: BigInt
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
+  ipfsContentId: String
+  joystreamContentId: String
+export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
+  channel: BigInt
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
+  channel?: BigInt | null
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  channel_eq?: BigInt | null
+  channel_gt?: BigInt | null
+  channel_gte?: BigInt | null
+  channel_lt?: BigInt | null
+  channel_lte?: BigInt | null
+  channel_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  dummy_eq?: Int | null
+  dummy_gt?: Int | null
+  dummy_gte?: Int | null
+  dummy_lt?: Int | null
+  dummy_lte?: Int | null
+  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  dummy_eq?: Int | null
+  dummy_gt?: Int | null
+  dummy_gte?: Int | null
+  dummy_lt?: Int | null
+  dummy_lte?: Int | null
+  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
+  dao: BigInt
+export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
+  dao?: BigInt | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  dao_eq?: BigInt | null
+  dao_gt?: BigInt | null
+  dao_gte?: BigInt | null
+  dao_lt?: BigInt | null
+  dao_lte?: BigInt | null
+  dao_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
+  member: BigInt
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
+  member?: BigInt | null
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  member_eq?: BigInt | null
+  member_gt?: BigInt | null
+  member_gte?: BigInt | null
+  member_lt?: BigInt | null
+  member_lte?: BigInt | null
+  member_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  dummy_eq?: Int | null
+  dummy_gt?: Int | null
+  dummy_gte?: Int | null
+  dummy_lt?: Int | null
+  dummy_lte?: Int | null
+  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
+  dummy?: Float | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  dummy_eq?: Int | null
+  dummy_gt?: Int | null
+  dummy_gte?: Int | null
+  dummy_lt?: Int | null
+  dummy_lte?: Int | null
+  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface DataObjectUpdateInput {
+  owner?: JSONObject | null
+  addedAt?: Float | null
+  typeId?: Float | null
+  size?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonJudgement?: LiaisonJudgement | null
+  ipfsContentId?: String | null
+  joystreamContentId?: String | null
+export interface DataObjectWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  owner_json?: JSONObject | null
+  addedAt_eq?: Int | null
+  addedAt_gt?: Int | null
+  addedAt_gte?: Int | null
+  addedAt_lt?: Int | null
+  addedAt_lte?: Int | null
+  addedAt_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  typeId_eq?: Int | null
+  typeId_gt?: Int | null
+  typeId_gte?: Int | null
+  typeId_lt?: Int | null
+  typeId_lte?: Int | null
+  typeId_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  size_eq?: BigInt | null
+  size_gt?: BigInt | null
+  size_gte?: BigInt | null
+  size_lt?: BigInt | null
+  size_lte?: BigInt | null
+  size_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_eq?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_gt?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_gte?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_lt?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_lte?: BigInt | null
+  liaisonId_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  liaisonJudgement_eq?: LiaisonJudgement | null
+  liaisonJudgement_in?: LiaisonJudgement[] | LiaisonJudgement | null
+  ipfsContentId_eq?: String | null
+  ipfsContentId_contains?: String | null
+  ipfsContentId_startsWith?: String | null
+  ipfsContentId_endsWith?: String | null
+  ipfsContentId_in?: String[] | String | null
+  joystreamContentId_eq?: String | null
+  joystreamContentId_contains?: String | null
+  joystreamContentId_startsWith?: String | null
+  joystreamContentId_endsWith?: String | null
+  joystreamContentId_in?: String[] | String | null
+export interface DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface FeaturedVideoCreateInput {
+  videoId: ID_Output
+export interface FeaturedVideoUpdateInput {
+  videoId?: ID_Input | null
+export interface FeaturedVideoWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  videoId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  videoId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+export interface FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface LanguageCreateInput {
+  iso: String
+  happenedIn: Float
+export interface LanguageUpdateInput {
+  iso?: String | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+export interface LanguageWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  iso_eq?: String | null
+  iso_contains?: String | null
+  iso_startsWith?: String | null
+  iso_endsWith?: String | null
+  iso_in?: String[] | String | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface LicenseCreateInput {
+  code?: Float | null
+  attribution?: String | null
+  customText?: String | null
+export interface LicenseUpdateInput {
+  code?: Float | null
+  attribution?: String | null
+  customText?: String | null
+export interface LicenseWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  code_eq?: Int | null
+  code_gt?: Int | null
+  code_gte?: Int | null
+  code_lt?: Int | null
+  code_lte?: Int | null
+  code_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  attribution_eq?: String | null
+  attribution_contains?: String | null
+  attribution_startsWith?: String | null
+  attribution_endsWith?: String | null
+  attribution_in?: String[] | String | null
+  customText_eq?: String | null
+  customText_contains?: String | null
+  customText_startsWith?: String | null
+  customText_endsWith?: String | null
+  customText_in?: String[] | String | null
+export interface LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface MembershipCreateInput {
+  handle: String
+  avatarUri?: String | null
+  about?: String | null
+  controllerAccount: String
+  rootAccount: String
+  registeredAtBlock: Float
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
+  subscription?: BigInt | null
+export interface MembershipUpdateInput {
+  handle?: String | null
+  avatarUri?: String | null
+  about?: String | null
+  controllerAccount?: String | null
+  rootAccount?: String | null
+  registeredAtBlock?: Float | null
+  registeredAtTime?: DateTime | null
+  entry?: MembershipEntryMethod | null
+  subscription?: BigInt | null
+export interface MembershipWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  handle_eq?: String | null
+  handle_contains?: String | null
+  handle_startsWith?: String | null
+  handle_endsWith?: String | null
+  handle_in?: String[] | String | null
+  avatarUri_eq?: String | null
+  avatarUri_contains?: String | null
+  avatarUri_startsWith?: String | null
+  avatarUri_endsWith?: String | null
+  avatarUri_in?: String[] | String | null
+  about_eq?: String | null
+  about_contains?: String | null
+  about_startsWith?: String | null
+  about_endsWith?: String | null
+  about_in?: String[] | String | null
+  controllerAccount_eq?: String | null
+  controllerAccount_contains?: String | null
+  controllerAccount_startsWith?: String | null
+  controllerAccount_endsWith?: String | null
+  controllerAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
+  rootAccount_eq?: String | null
+  rootAccount_contains?: String | null
+  rootAccount_startsWith?: String | null
+  rootAccount_endsWith?: String | null
+  rootAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
+  registeredAtBlock_eq?: Int | null
+  registeredAtBlock_gt?: Int | null
+  registeredAtBlock_gte?: Int | null
+  registeredAtBlock_lt?: Int | null
+  registeredAtBlock_lte?: Int | null
+  registeredAtBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  registeredAtTime_eq?: DateTime | null
+  registeredAtTime_lt?: DateTime | null
+  registeredAtTime_lte?: DateTime | null
+  registeredAtTime_gt?: DateTime | null
+  registeredAtTime_gte?: DateTime | null
+  entry_eq?: MembershipEntryMethod | null
+  entry_in?: MembershipEntryMethod[] | MembershipEntryMethod | null
+  subscription_eq?: BigInt | null
+  subscription_gt?: BigInt | null
+  subscription_gte?: BigInt | null
+  subscription_lt?: BigInt | null
+  subscription_lte?: BigInt | null
+  subscription_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+export interface MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
+  id?: ID_Input | null
+  handle?: String | null
+export interface VideoCategoryCreateInput {
+  name?: String | null
+  happenedIn: Float
+export interface VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
+  name?: String | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+export interface VideoCategoryWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  name_eq?: String | null
+  name_contains?: String | null
+  name_startsWith?: String | null
+  name_endsWith?: String | null
+  name_in?: String[] | String | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface VideoCreateInput {
+  channelId: ID_Output
+  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  duration?: Float | null
+  thumbnailDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  thumbnailUrls: Array<String>
+  thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  languageId?: ID_Input | null
+  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
+  licenseId?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaUrls: Array<String>
+  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  mediaMetadataId?: ID_Input | null
+  happenedIn: Float
+  isFeatured: Boolean
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
+  codecName?: String | null
+  container?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType?: String | null
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
+  codecName?: String | null
+  container?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType?: String | null
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  codecName_eq?: String | null
+  codecName_contains?: String | null
+  codecName_startsWith?: String | null
+  codecName_endsWith?: String | null
+  codecName_in?: String[] | String | null
+  container_eq?: String | null
+  container_contains?: String | null
+  container_startsWith?: String | null
+  container_endsWith?: String | null
+  container_in?: String[] | String | null
+  mimeMediaType_eq?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType_contains?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType_startsWith?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType_endsWith?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType_in?: String[] | String | null
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
+  encodingId?: ID_Input | null
+  pixelWidth?: Float | null
+  pixelHeight?: Float | null
+  size?: BigInt | null
+  happenedIn: Float
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
+  encodingId?: ID_Input | null
+  pixelWidth?: Float | null
+  pixelHeight?: Float | null
+  size?: BigInt | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  encodingId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  encodingId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  pixelWidth_eq?: Int | null
+  pixelWidth_gt?: Int | null
+  pixelWidth_gte?: Int | null
+  pixelWidth_lt?: Int | null
+  pixelWidth_lte?: Int | null
+  pixelWidth_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  pixelHeight_eq?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight_gt?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight_gte?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight_lt?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight_lte?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  size_eq?: BigInt | null
+  size_gt?: BigInt | null
+  size_gte?: BigInt | null
+  size_lt?: BigInt | null
+  size_lte?: BigInt | null
+  size_in?: BigInt[] | BigInt | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface VideoUpdateInput {
+  channelId?: ID_Input | null
+  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  duration?: Float | null
+  thumbnailDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  thumbnailUrls?: String[] | String | null
+  thumbnailAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
+  languageId?: ID_Input | null
+  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored?: Boolean | null
+  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
+  licenseId?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaUrls?: String[] | String | null
+  mediaAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
+  mediaMetadataId?: ID_Input | null
+  happenedIn?: Float | null
+  isFeatured?: Boolean | null
+export interface VideoWhereInput {
+  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
+  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  channelId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  channelId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  categoryId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  categoryId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  title_eq?: String | null
+  title_contains?: String | null
+  title_startsWith?: String | null
+  title_endsWith?: String | null
+  title_in?: String[] | String | null
+  description_eq?: String | null
+  description_contains?: String | null
+  description_startsWith?: String | null
+  description_endsWith?: String | null
+  description_in?: String[] | String | null
+  duration_eq?: Int | null
+  duration_gt?: Int | null
+  duration_gte?: Int | null
+  duration_lt?: Int | null
+  duration_lte?: Int | null
+  duration_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  thumbnailAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
+  thumbnailAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
+  languageId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  languageId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  hasMarketing_eq?: Boolean | null
+  hasMarketing_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq?: DateTime | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt?: DateTime | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte?: DateTime | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt?: DateTime | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte?: DateTime | null
+  isPublic_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isPublic_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  isCensored_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  isExplicit_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isExplicit_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+  licenseId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  licenseId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  mediaDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  mediaAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
+  mediaAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
+  mediaMetadataId_eq?: ID_Input | null
+  mediaMetadataId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
+  happenedIn_eq?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_gte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lt?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_lte?: Int | null
+  happenedIn_in?: Int[] | Int | null
+  isFeatured_eq?: Boolean | null
+  isFeatured_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
+export interface VideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+export interface DeleteResponse {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface BaseModel extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+export interface BaseModelUUID extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+export interface Channel extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  ownerMember?: Membership | null
+  ownerMemberId?: String | null
+  ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroup | null
+  ownerCuratorGroupId?: String | null
+  category?: ChannelCategory | null
+  categoryId?: String | null
+  rewardAccount?: String | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObject | null
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: String | null
+  coverPhotoUrls: Array<String>
+  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  avatarDataObject?: DataObject | null
+  avatarDataObjectId?: String | null
+  avatarUrls: Array<String>
+  avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  language?: Language | null
+  languageId?: String | null
+  videos: Array<Video>
+  happenedIn: Int
+export interface ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
+  item: ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult
+  rank: Float
+  isTypeOf: String
+  highlight: String
+ * Category of media channel
+ */
+export interface ChannelCategory extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  name?: String | null
+  channels: Array<Channel>
+  happenedIn: Int
+export interface ChannelCategoryConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<ChannelCategoryEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface ChannelCategoryEdge {
+  node: ChannelCategory
+  cursor: String
+export interface ChannelConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<ChannelEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface ChannelEdge {
+  node: Channel
+  cursor: String
+export interface CuratorGroup extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  curatorIds: Array<BigInt>
+  isActive: Boolean
+  channels: Array<Channel>
+export interface CuratorGroupConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<CuratorGroupEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface CuratorGroupEdge {
+  node: CuratorGroup
+  cursor: String
+ * Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it
+ */
+export interface DataObject extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  owner: DataObjectOwner
+  addedAt: Int
+  typeId: Int
+  size: BigInt
+  liaisonId: BigInt
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
+  ipfsContentId: String
+  joystreamContentId: String
+  channelcoverPhotoDataObject?: Array<Channel> | null
+  channelavatarDataObject?: Array<Channel> | null
+  videothumbnailDataObject?: Array<Video> | null
+  videomediaDataObject?: Array<Video> | null
+export interface DataObjectConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<DataObjectEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface DataObjectEdge {
+  node: DataObject
+  cursor: String
+export interface DataObjectOwnerChannel {
+  channel: BigInt
+  dummy?: Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncil {
+  dummy?: Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerDao {
+  dao: BigInt
+export interface DataObjectOwnerMember {
+  member: BigInt
+  dummy?: Int | null
+export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup {
+  dummy?: Int | null
+export interface FeaturedVideo extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  video: Video
+  videoId: String
+export interface FeaturedVideoConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<FeaturedVideoEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface FeaturedVideoEdge {
+  node: FeaturedVideo
+  cursor: String
+export interface Language extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  iso: String
+  happenedIn: Int
+  channellanguage?: Array<Channel> | null
+  videolanguage?: Array<Video> | null
+export interface LanguageConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<LanguageEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface LanguageEdge {
+  node: Language
+  cursor: String
+export interface License extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  code?: Int | null
+  attribution?: String | null
+  customText?: String | null
+  videolicense?: Array<Video> | null
+export interface LicenseConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<LicenseEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface LicenseEdge {
+  node: License
+  cursor: String
+export interface MembersByHandleFTSOutput {
+  item: MembersByHandleSearchResult
+  rank: Float
+  isTypeOf: String
+  highlight: String
+ * Stored information about a registered user
+ */
+export interface Membership extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  handle: String
+  avatarUri?: String | null
+  about?: String | null
+  controllerAccount: String
+  rootAccount: String
+  registeredAtBlock: Int
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
+  subscription?: BigInt | null
+  channels: Array<Channel>
+export interface MembershipConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<MembershipEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface MembershipEdge {
+  node: Membership
+  cursor: String
+export interface PageInfo {
+  hasNextPage: Boolean
+  hasPreviousPage: Boolean
+  startCursor?: String | null
+  endCursor?: String | null
+export interface ProcessorState {
+  lastCompleteBlock: Float
+  lastProcessedEvent: String
+  indexerHead: Float
+  chainHead: Float
+export interface SearchFTSOutput {
+  item: SearchSearchResult
+  rank: Float
+  isTypeOf: String
+  highlight: String
+export interface StandardDeleteResponse {
+  id: ID_Output
+export interface Video extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  channel: Channel
+  channelId: String
+  category?: VideoCategory | null
+  categoryId?: String | null
+  title?: String | null
+  description?: String | null
+  duration?: Int | null
+  thumbnailDataObject?: DataObject | null
+  thumbnailDataObjectId?: String | null
+  thumbnailUrls: Array<String>
+  thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  language?: Language | null
+  languageId?: String | null
+  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
+  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
+  isPublic?: Boolean | null
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
+  license?: License | null
+  licenseId?: String | null
+  mediaDataObject?: DataObject | null
+  mediaDataObjectId?: String | null
+  mediaUrls: Array<String>
+  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadata | null
+  mediaMetadataId?: String | null
+  happenedIn: Int
+  isFeatured: Boolean
+  featured?: FeaturedVideo | null
+export interface VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
+  item: VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult
+  rank: Float
+  isTypeOf: String
+  highlight: String
+export interface VideoCategory extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  name?: String | null
+  videos: Array<Video>
+  happenedIn: Int
+export interface VideoCategoryConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<VideoCategoryEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface VideoCategoryEdge {
+  node: VideoCategory
+  cursor: String
+export interface VideoConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<VideoEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface VideoEdge {
+  node: Video
+  cursor: String
+export interface VideoMediaEncoding extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  codecName?: String | null
+  container?: String | null
+  mimeMediaType?: String | null
+  videomediametadataencoding?: Array<VideoMediaMetadata> | null
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<VideoMediaEncodingEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface VideoMediaEncodingEdge {
+  node: VideoMediaEncoding
+  cursor: String
+export interface VideoMediaMetadata extends BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID_Output
+  createdAt: DateTime
+  createdById: String
+  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
+  updatedById?: String | null
+  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
+  deletedById?: String | null
+  version: Int
+  encoding?: VideoMediaEncoding | null
+  encodingId?: String | null
+  pixelWidth?: Int | null
+  pixelHeight?: Int | null
+  size?: BigInt | null
+  video?: Video | null
+  happenedIn: Int
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataConnection {
+  totalCount: Int
+  edges: Array<VideoMediaMetadataEdge>
+  pageInfo: PageInfo
+export interface VideoMediaMetadataEdge {
+  node: VideoMediaMetadata
+  cursor: String
+GraphQL representation of BigInt
+export type BigInt = string
+The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.
+export type Boolean = boolean
+The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
+export type DateTime = Date | string
+The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point).
+export type Float = number
+The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID.
+export type ID_Input = string | number
+export type ID_Output = string
+The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
+export type Int = number
+The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
+    export type JsonValue = JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray;
+    export type JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null | {};
+        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
+    export interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
+    export type JsonObject = { [member: string]: JsonValue };
+    export type JSONObject = JsonObject;
+The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
+export type String = string
+export type ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult = ChannelCategory
+export type DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember | DataObjectOwnerChannel | DataObjectOwnerDao | DataObjectOwnerCouncil | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
+export type MembersByHandleSearchResult = Membership
+export type SearchSearchResult = Channel | Video
+export type VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult = VideoCategory

+ 3801 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3801 @@
+// This file has been auto-generated by Warthog.  Do not update directly as it
+// will be re-written.  If you need to change this file, update models or add
+// new TypeGraphQL objects
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore
+import { DateResolver as Date } from 'graphql-scalars';
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore
+import { GraphQLID as ID } from 'graphql';
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore
+import { ArgsType, Field as TypeGraphQLField, Float, InputType as TypeGraphQLInputType, Int } from 'type-graphql';
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore
+import { registerEnumType, GraphQLISODateTime as DateTime } from "type-graphql";
+import * as BN from "bn.js";
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
+const { GraphQLJSONObject } = require('graphql-type-json');
+// prettier-ignore
+// @ts-ignore
+import { BaseWhereInput, JsonObject, PaginationArgs, DateOnlyString, DateTimeString, BigInt, Bytes } from 'warthog';
+import { MembershipEntryMethod } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
+import { AssetAvailability } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
+import { LiaisonJudgement } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Membership } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { CuratorGroup } from "../src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { VideoCategory } from "../src/modules/video-category/video-category.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Language } from "../src/modules/language/language.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { License } from "../src/modules/license/license.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { VideoMediaEncoding } from "../src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { VideoMediaMetadata } from "../src/modules/video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { FeaturedVideo } from "../src/modules/featured-video/featured-video.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Video } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { DataObject } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { Channel } from "../src/modules/channel/channel.model";
+// @ts-ignore
+import { ChannelCategory } from "../src/modules/channel-category/channel-category.model";
+export enum MembershipOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  handle_ASC = "handle_ASC",
+  handle_DESC = "handle_DESC",
+  avatarUri_ASC = "avatarUri_ASC",
+  avatarUri_DESC = "avatarUri_DESC",
+  about_ASC = "about_ASC",
+  about_DESC = "about_DESC",
+  controllerAccount_ASC = "controllerAccount_ASC",
+  controllerAccount_DESC = "controllerAccount_DESC",
+  rootAccount_ASC = "rootAccount_ASC",
+  rootAccount_DESC = "rootAccount_DESC",
+  registeredAtBlock_ASC = "registeredAtBlock_ASC",
+  registeredAtBlock_DESC = "registeredAtBlock_DESC",
+  registeredAtTime_ASC = "registeredAtTime_ASC",
+  registeredAtTime_DESC = "registeredAtTime_DESC",
+  entry_ASC = "entry_ASC",
+  entry_DESC = "entry_DESC",
+  subscription_ASC = "subscription_ASC",
+  subscription_DESC = "subscription_DESC"
+registerEnumType(MembershipOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "MembershipOrderByInput"
+export class MembershipWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  handle_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  handle_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  handle_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  handle_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  handle_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  avatarUri_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  about_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rootAccount_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rootAccount_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rootAccount_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rootAccount_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  rootAccount_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime_eq?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime_lt?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime_lte?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime_gt?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime_gte?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
+  entry_eq?: MembershipEntryMethod;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipEntryMethod], { nullable: true })
+  entry_in?: MembershipEntryMethod[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  subscription_in?: BN[];
+export class MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => String, { nullable: true })
+  handle?: string;
+export class MembershipCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  handle!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  controllerAccount!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  rootAccount!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  registeredAtBlock!: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime)
+  registeredAtTime!: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod)
+  entry!: MembershipEntryMethod;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription?: BN;
+export class MembershipUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  handle?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  avatarUri?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  about?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  controllerAccount?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rootAccount?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  registeredAtBlock?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  registeredAtTime?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
+  entry?: MembershipEntryMethod;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  subscription?: BN;
+export class MembershipWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: MembershipWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: MembershipOrderByEnum;
+export class MembershipCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipCreateInput])
+  data!: MembershipCreateInput[];
+export class MembershipUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: MembershipUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: MembershipWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum CuratorGroupOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  isActive_ASC = "isActive_ASC",
+  isActive_DESC = "isActive_DESC"
+registerEnumType(CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "CuratorGroupOrderByInput"
+export class CuratorGroupWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isActive_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isActive_in?: Boolean[];
+export class CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class CuratorGroupCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt])
+  curatorIds!: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  isActive!: boolean;
+export class CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  curatorIds?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isActive?: boolean;
+export class CuratorGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: CuratorGroupOrderByEnum;
+export class CuratorGroupCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [CuratorGroupCreateInput])
+  data!: CuratorGroupCreateInput[];
+export class CuratorGroupUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: CuratorGroupUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  channel_ASC = "channel_ASC",
+  channel_DESC = "channel_DESC",
+  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
+  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  channel_in?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  dummy_in?: number[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt)
+  channel!: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  channel?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
+  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  dummy_in?: number[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  dao_ASC = "dao_ASC",
+  dao_DESC = "dao_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  dao_in?: BN[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt)
+  dao!: BN;
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  dao?: BN;
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  member_ASC = "member_ASC",
+  member_DESC = "member_DESC",
+  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
+  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  member_in?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  dummy_in?: number[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt)
+  member!: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  member?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
+  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  dummy_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  dummy_in?: number[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  dummy?: number;
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
+    nullable: true
+  })
+  where?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
+    nullable: true
+  })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum VideoCategoryOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  name_ASC = "name_ASC",
+  name_DESC = "name_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC"
+registerEnumType(VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "VideoCategoryOrderByInput"
+export class VideoCategoryWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  name_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+export class VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class VideoCategoryCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+export class VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+export class VideoCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: VideoCategoryOrderByEnum;
+export class VideoCategoryCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCategoryCreateInput])
+  data!: VideoCategoryCreateInput[];
+export class VideoCategoryUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoCategoryUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum LanguageOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  iso_ASC = "iso_ASC",
+  iso_DESC = "iso_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC"
+registerEnumType(LanguageOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "LanguageOrderByInput"
+export class LanguageWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  iso_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  iso_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  iso_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  iso_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  iso_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+export class LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class LanguageCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  iso!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+export class LanguageUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  iso?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+export class LanguageWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: LanguageWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: LanguageOrderByEnum;
+export class LanguageCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LanguageCreateInput])
+  data!: LanguageCreateInput[];
+export class LanguageUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LanguageUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LanguageWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum LicenseOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  code_ASC = "code_ASC",
+  code_DESC = "code_DESC",
+  attribution_ASC = "attribution_ASC",
+  attribution_DESC = "attribution_DESC",
+  customText_ASC = "customText_ASC",
+  customText_DESC = "customText_DESC"
+registerEnumType(LicenseOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "LicenseOrderByInput"
+export class LicenseWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  code_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  code_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  code_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  code_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  code_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  code_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  attribution_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  customText_in?: string[];
+export class LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class LicenseCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  code?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText?: string;
+export class LicenseUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  code?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  attribution?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  customText?: string;
+export class LicenseWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: LicenseWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: LicenseOrderByEnum;
+export class LicenseCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LicenseCreateInput])
+  data!: LicenseCreateInput[];
+export class LicenseUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LicenseUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LicenseWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  codecName_ASC = "codecName_ASC",
+  codecName_DESC = "codecName_DESC",
+  container_ASC = "container_ASC",
+  container_DESC = "container_DESC",
+  mimeMediaType_ASC = "mimeMediaType_ASC",
+  mimeMediaType_DESC = "mimeMediaType_DESC"
+registerEnumType(VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput"
+export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  codecName_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  container_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType_in?: string[];
+export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType?: string;
+export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  codecName?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  container?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  mimeMediaType?: string;
+export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum;
+export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput])
+  data!: VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput[];
+export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  encodingId_ASC = "encodingId_ASC",
+  encodingId_DESC = "encodingId_DESC",
+  pixelWidth_ASC = "pixelWidth_ASC",
+  pixelWidth_DESC = "pixelWidth_DESC",
+  pixelHeight_ASC = "pixelHeight_ASC",
+  pixelHeight_DESC = "pixelHeight_DESC",
+  size_ASC = "size_ASC",
+  size_DESC = "size_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC"
+registerEnumType(VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput"
+export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  encodingId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  encodingId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  size_in?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  encodingId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  encodingId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  pixelWidth?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  pixelHeight?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum;
+export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput])
+  data!: VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput[];
+export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum FeaturedVideoOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  videoId_ASC = "videoId_ASC",
+  videoId_DESC = "videoId_DESC"
+registerEnumType(FeaturedVideoOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "FeaturedVideoOrderByInput"
+export class FeaturedVideoWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  videoId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  videoId_in?: string[];
+export class FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class FeaturedVideoCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  videoId!: string;
+export class FeaturedVideoUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  videoId?: string;
+export class FeaturedVideoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => FeaturedVideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: FeaturedVideoWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => FeaturedVideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: FeaturedVideoOrderByEnum;
+export class FeaturedVideoCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [FeaturedVideoCreateInput])
+  data!: FeaturedVideoCreateInput[];
+export class FeaturedVideoUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: FeaturedVideoUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum VideoOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  channelId_ASC = "channelId_ASC",
+  channelId_DESC = "channelId_DESC",
+  categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
+  categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
+  title_ASC = "title_ASC",
+  title_DESC = "title_DESC",
+  description_ASC = "description_ASC",
+  description_DESC = "description_DESC",
+  duration_ASC = "duration_ASC",
+  duration_DESC = "duration_DESC",
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_ASC = "thumbnailDataObjectId_ASC",
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_DESC = "thumbnailDataObjectId_DESC",
+  thumbnailAvailability_ASC = "thumbnailAvailability_ASC",
+  thumbnailAvailability_DESC = "thumbnailAvailability_DESC",
+  languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
+  languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
+  hasMarketing_ASC = "hasMarketing_ASC",
+  hasMarketing_DESC = "hasMarketing_DESC",
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC",
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC",
+  isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
+  isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
+  isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
+  isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
+  isExplicit_ASC = "isExplicit_ASC",
+  isExplicit_DESC = "isExplicit_DESC",
+  licenseId_ASC = "licenseId_ASC",
+  licenseId_DESC = "licenseId_DESC",
+  mediaDataObjectId_ASC = "mediaDataObjectId_ASC",
+  mediaDataObjectId_DESC = "mediaDataObjectId_DESC",
+  mediaAvailability_ASC = "mediaAvailability_ASC",
+  mediaAvailability_DESC = "mediaAvailability_DESC",
+  mediaMetadataId_ASC = "mediaMetadataId_ASC",
+  mediaMetadataId_DESC = "mediaMetadataId_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC",
+  isFeatured_ASC = "isFeatured_ASC",
+  isFeatured_DESC = "isFeatured_DESC"
+registerEnumType(VideoOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "VideoOrderByInput"
+export class VideoWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  channelId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  channelId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  categoryId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  title_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  description_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  duration_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  duration_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  duration_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  duration_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  duration_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  duration_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  languageId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  hasMarketing_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  hasMarketing_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isExplicit_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isExplicit_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  licenseId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  licenseId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaDataObjectId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  mediaDataObjectId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  mediaAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
+  mediaAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaMetadataId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  mediaMetadataId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isFeatured_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isFeatured_in?: Boolean[];
+export class VideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class VideoCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  channelId!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  duration?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
+  thumbnailUrls!: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
+  thumbnailAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  hasMarketing?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isPublic?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  isCensored!: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isExplicit?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  licenseId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
+  mediaUrls!: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
+  mediaAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaMetadataId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  isFeatured!: boolean;
+export class VideoUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  channelId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  duration?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailUrls?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  thumbnailAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  hasMarketing?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isPublic?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isCensored?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isExplicit?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  licenseId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  mediaUrls?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  mediaAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  mediaMetadataId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isFeatured?: boolean;
+export class VideoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: VideoWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: VideoOrderByEnum;
+export class VideoCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCreateInput])
+  data!: VideoCreateInput[];
+export class VideoUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum DataObjectOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  addedAt_ASC = "addedAt_ASC",
+  addedAt_DESC = "addedAt_DESC",
+  typeId_ASC = "typeId_ASC",
+  typeId_DESC = "typeId_DESC",
+  size_ASC = "size_ASC",
+  size_DESC = "size_DESC",
+  liaisonId_ASC = "liaisonId_ASC",
+  liaisonId_DESC = "liaisonId_DESC",
+  liaisonJudgement_ASC = "liaisonJudgement_ASC",
+  liaisonJudgement_DESC = "liaisonJudgement_DESC",
+  ipfsContentId_ASC = "ipfsContentId_ASC",
+  ipfsContentId_DESC = "ipfsContentId_DESC",
+  joystreamContentId_ASC = "joystreamContentId_ASC",
+  joystreamContentId_DESC = "joystreamContentId_DESC"
+registerEnumType(DataObjectOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "DataObjectOrderByInput"
+export class DataObjectWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
+  owner_json?: JsonObject;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  addedAt_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  typeId_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  typeId_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  typeId_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  typeId_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  typeId_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  typeId_in?: number[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  size_in?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_eq?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_gt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_gte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_lt?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_lte?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [BigInt], { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId_in?: BN[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonJudgement_eq?: LiaisonJudgement;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LiaisonJudgement], { nullable: true })
+  liaisonJudgement_in?: LiaisonJudgement[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId_in?: string[];
+export class DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class DataObjectCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject)
+  owner!: JsonObject;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  addedAt!: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  typeId!: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt)
+  size!: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt)
+  liaisonId!: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement)
+  liaisonJudgement!: LiaisonJudgement;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  ipfsContentId!: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  joystreamContentId!: string;
+export class DataObjectUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
+  owner?: JsonObject;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  addedAt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  typeId?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  size?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => BigInt, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonId?: BN;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
+  liaisonJudgement?: LiaisonJudgement;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  ipfsContentId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  joystreamContentId?: string;
+export class DataObjectWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: DataObjectWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: DataObjectOrderByEnum;
+export class DataObjectCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectCreateInput])
+  data!: DataObjectCreateInput[];
+export class DataObjectUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum ChannelOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  ownerMemberId_ASC = "ownerMemberId_ASC",
+  ownerMemberId_DESC = "ownerMemberId_DESC",
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC",
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC",
+  categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
+  categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
+  rewardAccount_ASC = "rewardAccount_ASC",
+  rewardAccount_DESC = "rewardAccount_DESC",
+  title_ASC = "title_ASC",
+  title_DESC = "title_DESC",
+  description_ASC = "description_ASC",
+  description_DESC = "description_DESC",
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
+  coverPhotoAvailability_ASC = "coverPhotoAvailability_ASC",
+  coverPhotoAvailability_DESC = "coverPhotoAvailability_DESC",
+  avatarDataObjectId_ASC = "avatarDataObjectId_ASC",
+  avatarDataObjectId_DESC = "avatarDataObjectId_DESC",
+  avatarAvailability_ASC = "avatarAvailability_ASC",
+  avatarAvailability_DESC = "avatarAvailability_DESC",
+  isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
+  isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
+  isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
+  isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
+  languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
+  languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC"
+registerEnumType(ChannelOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "ChannelOrderByInput"
+export class ChannelWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerMemberId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  ownerMemberId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  categoryId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  title_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  description_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  avatarDataObjectId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  avatarDataObjectId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  avatarAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
+  avatarAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
+  isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
+  isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  languageId_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+export class ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class ChannelCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerMemberId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
+  coverPhotoUrls!: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
+  coverPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  avatarDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
+  avatarUrls!: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
+  avatarAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isPublic?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  isCensored!: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+export class ChannelUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerMemberId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  categoryId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  rewardAccount?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  title?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  description?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoUrls?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  coverPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  avatarDataObjectId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  avatarUrls?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
+  avatarAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isPublic?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  isCensored?: boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  languageId?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+export class ChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: ChannelWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: ChannelOrderByEnum;
+export class ChannelCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCreateInput])
+  data!: ChannelCreateInput[];
+export class ChannelUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelWhereUniqueInput;
+export enum ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum {
+  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
+  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
+  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
+  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
+  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
+  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
+  name_ASC = "name_ASC",
+  name_DESC = "name_DESC",
+  happenedIn_ASC = "happenedIn_ASC",
+  happenedIn_DESC = "happenedIn_DESC"
+registerEnumType(ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, {
+  name: "ChannelCategoryOrderByInput"
+export class ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  id_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  id_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  createdAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  createdById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  createdById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  updatedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
+  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
+  deletedById_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_eq?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_contains?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_startsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name_endsWith?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
+  name_in?: string[];
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_eq?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_gte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lt?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_lte?: number;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
+  happenedIn_in?: number[];
+export class ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
+  id?: string;
+export class ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField()
+  happenedIn!: number;
+export class ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  name?: string;
+  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
+  happenedIn?: number;
+export class ChannelCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
+  where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
+  orderBy?: ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum;
+export class ChannelCategoryCreateManyArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCategoryCreateInput])
+  data!: ChannelCategoryCreateInput[];
+export class ChannelCategoryUpdateArgs {
+  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelCategoryUpdateInput;
+  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from './classes';

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { getBaseConfig } from 'warthog';
+module.exports = getBaseConfig();

+ 2053 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
+enum AssetAvailability {
+interface BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+type BaseModel implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+type BaseModelUUID implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+input BaseWhereInput {
+  id_eq: String
+  id_in: [String!]
+  createdAt_eq: String
+  createdAt_lt: String
+  createdAt_lte: String
+  createdAt_gt: String
+  createdAt_gte: String
+  createdById_eq: String
+  updatedAt_eq: String
+  updatedAt_lt: String
+  updatedAt_lte: String
+  updatedAt_gt: String
+  updatedAt_gte: String
+  updatedById_eq: String
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: String
+  deletedAt_lt: String
+  deletedAt_lte: String
+  deletedAt_gt: String
+  deletedAt_gte: String
+  deletedById_eq: String
+"""GraphQL representation of BigInt"""
+scalar BigInt
+type Channel implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  ownerMember: Membership
+  ownerMemberId: String
+  ownerCuratorGroup: CuratorGroup
+  ownerCuratorGroupId: String
+  category: ChannelCategory
+  categoryId: String
+  """Reward account where revenue is sent if set."""
+  rewardAccount: String
+  """The title of the Channel"""
+  title: String
+  """The description of a Channel"""
+  description: String
+  coverPhotoDataObject: DataObject
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId: String
+  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
+  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]!
+  """Availability meta information"""
+  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  avatarDataObject: DataObject
+  avatarDataObjectId: String
+  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
+  avatarUrls: [String!]!
+  """Availability meta information"""
+  avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  """Flag signaling whether a channel is public."""
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  """Flag signaling whether a channel is censored."""
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  language: Language
+  languageId: String
+  videos: [Video!]!
+  happenedIn: Int!
+type ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
+  item: ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult!
+  rank: Float!
+  isTypeOf: String!
+  highlight: String!
+union ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult = ChannelCategory
+"""Category of media channel"""
+type ChannelCategory implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """The name of the category"""
+  name: String
+  channels: [Channel!]!
+  happenedIn: Int!
+type ChannelCategoryConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [ChannelCategoryEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
+  name: String
+  happenedIn: Float!
+type ChannelCategoryEdge {
+  node: ChannelCategory!
+  cursor: String!
+enum ChannelCategoryOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  name_ASC
+  name_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+input ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
+  name: String
+  happenedIn: Float
+input ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  name_eq: String
+  name_contains: String
+  name_startsWith: String
+  name_endsWith: String
+  name_in: [String!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+input ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type ChannelConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [ChannelEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input ChannelCreateInput {
+  ownerMemberId: ID
+  ownerCuratorGroupId: ID
+  categoryId: ID
+  rewardAccount: String
+  title: String
+  description: String
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId: ID
+  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]!
+  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  avatarDataObjectId: ID
+  avatarUrls: [String!]!
+  avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  languageId: ID
+  happenedIn: Float!
+type ChannelEdge {
+  node: Channel!
+  cursor: String!
+enum ChannelOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  ownerMemberId_ASC
+  ownerMemberId_DESC
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC
+  categoryId_ASC
+  categoryId_DESC
+  rewardAccount_ASC
+  rewardAccount_DESC
+  title_ASC
+  title_DESC
+  description_ASC
+  description_DESC
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC
+  coverPhotoAvailability_ASC
+  coverPhotoAvailability_DESC
+  avatarDataObjectId_ASC
+  avatarDataObjectId_DESC
+  avatarAvailability_ASC
+  avatarAvailability_DESC
+  isPublic_ASC
+  isPublic_DESC
+  isCensored_ASC
+  isCensored_DESC
+  languageId_ASC
+  languageId_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+input ChannelUpdateInput {
+  ownerMemberId: ID
+  ownerCuratorGroupId: ID
+  categoryId: ID
+  rewardAccount: String
+  title: String
+  description: String
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId: ID
+  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]
+  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  avatarDataObjectId: ID
+  avatarUrls: [String!]
+  avatarAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  languageId: ID
+  happenedIn: Float
+input ChannelWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  ownerMemberId_eq: ID
+  ownerMemberId_in: [ID!]
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq: ID
+  ownerCuratorGroupId_in: [ID!]
+  categoryId_eq: ID
+  categoryId_in: [ID!]
+  rewardAccount_eq: String
+  rewardAccount_contains: String
+  rewardAccount_startsWith: String
+  rewardAccount_endsWith: String
+  rewardAccount_in: [String!]
+  title_eq: String
+  title_contains: String
+  title_startsWith: String
+  title_endsWith: String
+  title_in: [String!]
+  description_eq: String
+  description_contains: String
+  description_startsWith: String
+  description_endsWith: String
+  description_in: [String!]
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq: ID
+  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
+  coverPhotoAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
+  coverPhotoAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
+  avatarDataObjectId_eq: ID
+  avatarDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
+  avatarAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
+  avatarAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
+  isPublic_eq: Boolean
+  isPublic_in: [Boolean!]
+  isCensored_eq: Boolean
+  isCensored_in: [Boolean!]
+  languageId_eq: ID
+  languageId_in: [ID!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+input ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type CuratorGroup implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """Curators belonging to this group"""
+  curatorIds: [BigInt!]!
+  """Is group active or not"""
+  isActive: Boolean!
+  channels: [Channel!]!
+type CuratorGroupConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [CuratorGroupEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input CuratorGroupCreateInput {
+  curatorIds: [BigInt!]!
+  isActive: Boolean!
+type CuratorGroupEdge {
+  node: CuratorGroup!
+  cursor: String!
+enum CuratorGroupOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  isActive_ASC
+  isActive_DESC
+input CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
+  curatorIds: [BigInt!]
+  isActive: Boolean
+input CuratorGroupWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  isActive_eq: Boolean
+  isActive_in: [Boolean!]
+input CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+"""Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it"""
+type DataObject implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """Content owner"""
+  owner: DataObjectOwner!
+  """Content added at"""
+  addedAt: Int!
+  """Content type id"""
+  typeId: Int!
+  """Content size in bytes"""
+  size: BigInt!
+  """Storage provider id of the liaison"""
+  liaisonId: BigInt!
+  """Storage provider as liaison judgment"""
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
+  """IPFS content id"""
+  ipfsContentId: String!
+  """Joystream runtime content"""
+  joystreamContentId: String!
+  channelcoverPhotoDataObject: [Channel!]
+  channelavatarDataObject: [Channel!]
+  videothumbnailDataObject: [Video!]
+  videomediaDataObject: [Video!]
+type DataObjectConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [DataObjectEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input DataObjectCreateInput {
+  owner: JSONObject!
+  addedAt: Float!
+  typeId: Float!
+  size: BigInt!
+  liaisonId: BigInt!
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
+  ipfsContentId: String!
+  joystreamContentId: String!
+type DataObjectEdge {
+  node: DataObject!
+  cursor: String!
+enum DataObjectOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  addedAt_ASC
+  addedAt_DESC
+  typeId_ASC
+  typeId_DESC
+  size_ASC
+  size_DESC
+  liaisonId_ASC
+  liaisonId_DESC
+  liaisonJudgement_ASC
+  liaisonJudgement_DESC
+  ipfsContentId_ASC
+  ipfsContentId_DESC
+  joystreamContentId_ASC
+  joystreamContentId_DESC
+union DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember | DataObjectOwnerChannel | DataObjectOwnerDao | DataObjectOwnerCouncil | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
+type DataObjectOwnerChannel {
+  """Channel identifier"""
+  channel: BigInt!
+  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
+  dummy: Int
+input DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
+  channel: BigInt!
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
+  channel: BigInt
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  channel_eq: BigInt
+  channel_gt: BigInt
+  channel_gte: BigInt
+  channel_lt: BigInt
+  channel_lte: BigInt
+  channel_in: [BigInt!]
+  dummy_eq: Int
+  dummy_gt: Int
+  dummy_gte: Int
+  dummy_lt: Int
+  dummy_lte: Int
+  dummy_in: [Int!]
+input DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type DataObjectOwnerCouncil {
+  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
+  dummy: Int
+input DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  dummy_eq: Int
+  dummy_gt: Int
+  dummy_gte: Int
+  dummy_lt: Int
+  dummy_lte: Int
+  dummy_in: [Int!]
+input DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type DataObjectOwnerDao {
+  """DAO identifier"""
+  dao: BigInt!
+input DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
+  dao: BigInt!
+input DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
+  dao: BigInt
+input DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  dao_eq: BigInt
+  dao_gt: BigInt
+  dao_gte: BigInt
+  dao_lt: BigInt
+  dao_lte: BigInt
+  dao_in: [BigInt!]
+input DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type DataObjectOwnerMember {
+  """Member identifier"""
+  member: BigInt!
+  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
+  dummy: Int
+input DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
+  member: BigInt!
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
+  member: BigInt
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  member_eq: BigInt
+  member_gt: BigInt
+  member_gte: BigInt
+  member_lt: BigInt
+  member_lte: BigInt
+  member_in: [BigInt!]
+  dummy_eq: Int
+  dummy_gt: Int
+  dummy_gte: Int
+  dummy_lt: Int
+  dummy_lte: Int
+  dummy_in: [Int!]
+input DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup {
+  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
+  dummy: Int
+input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
+  dummy: Float
+input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  dummy_eq: Int
+  dummy_gt: Int
+  dummy_gte: Int
+  dummy_lt: Int
+  dummy_lte: Int
+  dummy_in: [Int!]
+input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+input DataObjectUpdateInput {
+  owner: JSONObject
+  addedAt: Float
+  typeId: Float
+  size: BigInt
+  liaisonId: BigInt
+  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
+  ipfsContentId: String
+  joystreamContentId: String
+input DataObjectWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  owner_json: JSONObject
+  addedAt_eq: Int
+  addedAt_gt: Int
+  addedAt_gte: Int
+  addedAt_lt: Int
+  addedAt_lte: Int
+  addedAt_in: [Int!]
+  typeId_eq: Int
+  typeId_gt: Int
+  typeId_gte: Int
+  typeId_lt: Int
+  typeId_lte: Int
+  typeId_in: [Int!]
+  size_eq: BigInt
+  size_gt: BigInt
+  size_gte: BigInt
+  size_lt: BigInt
+  size_lte: BigInt
+  size_in: [BigInt!]
+  liaisonId_eq: BigInt
+  liaisonId_gt: BigInt
+  liaisonId_gte: BigInt
+  liaisonId_lt: BigInt
+  liaisonId_lte: BigInt
+  liaisonId_in: [BigInt!]
+  liaisonJudgement_eq: LiaisonJudgement
+  liaisonJudgement_in: [LiaisonJudgement!]
+  ipfsContentId_eq: String
+  ipfsContentId_contains: String
+  ipfsContentId_startsWith: String
+  ipfsContentId_endsWith: String
+  ipfsContentId_in: [String!]
+  joystreamContentId_eq: String
+  joystreamContentId_contains: String
+  joystreamContentId_startsWith: String
+  joystreamContentId_endsWith: String
+  joystreamContentId_in: [String!]
+input DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
+scalar DateTime
+interface DeleteResponse {
+  id: ID!
+type FeaturedVideo implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  video: Video!
+  videoId: String!
+type FeaturedVideoConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [FeaturedVideoEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input FeaturedVideoCreateInput {
+  videoId: ID!
+type FeaturedVideoEdge {
+  node: FeaturedVideo!
+  cursor: String!
+enum FeaturedVideoOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  videoId_ASC
+  videoId_DESC
+input FeaturedVideoUpdateInput {
+  videoId: ID
+input FeaturedVideoWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  videoId_eq: ID
+  videoId_in: [ID!]
+input FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
+scalar JSONObject
+type Language implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """Language identifier ISO 639-1"""
+  iso: String!
+  happenedIn: Int!
+  channellanguage: [Channel!]
+  videolanguage: [Video!]
+type LanguageConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [LanguageEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input LanguageCreateInput {
+  iso: String!
+  happenedIn: Float!
+type LanguageEdge {
+  node: Language!
+  cursor: String!
+enum LanguageOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  iso_ASC
+  iso_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+input LanguageUpdateInput {
+  iso: String
+  happenedIn: Float
+input LanguageWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  iso_eq: String
+  iso_contains: String
+  iso_startsWith: String
+  iso_endsWith: String
+  iso_in: [String!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+input LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+enum LiaisonJudgement {
+type License implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """License code defined by Joystream"""
+  code: Int
+  """Attribution (if required by the license)"""
+  attribution: String
+  """Custom license content"""
+  customText: String
+  videolicense: [Video!]
+type LicenseConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [LicenseEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input LicenseCreateInput {
+  code: Float
+  attribution: String
+  customText: String
+type LicenseEdge {
+  node: License!
+  cursor: String!
+enum LicenseOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  code_ASC
+  code_DESC
+  attribution_ASC
+  attribution_DESC
+  customText_ASC
+  customText_DESC
+input LicenseUpdateInput {
+  code: Float
+  attribution: String
+  customText: String
+input LicenseWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  code_eq: Int
+  code_gt: Int
+  code_gte: Int
+  code_lt: Int
+  code_lte: Int
+  code_in: [Int!]
+  attribution_eq: String
+  attribution_contains: String
+  attribution_startsWith: String
+  attribution_endsWith: String
+  attribution_in: [String!]
+  customText_eq: String
+  customText_contains: String
+  customText_startsWith: String
+  customText_endsWith: String
+  customText_in: [String!]
+input LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type MembersByHandleFTSOutput {
+  item: MembersByHandleSearchResult!
+  rank: Float!
+  isTypeOf: String!
+  highlight: String!
+union MembersByHandleSearchResult = Membership
+"""Stored information about a registered user"""
+type Membership implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """The unique handle chosen by member"""
+  handle: String!
+  """A Url to member's Avatar image"""
+  avatarUri: String
+  """Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"""
+  about: String
+  """Member's controller account id"""
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  """Member's root account id"""
+  rootAccount: String!
+  """Blocknumber when member was registered"""
+  registeredAtBlock: Int!
+  """Timestamp when member was registered"""
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime!
+  """How the member was registered"""
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
+  """The type of subscription the member has purchased if any."""
+  subscription: BigInt
+  channels: [Channel!]!
+type MembershipConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [MembershipEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input MembershipCreateInput {
+  handle: String!
+  avatarUri: String
+  about: String
+  controllerAccount: String!
+  rootAccount: String!
+  registeredAtBlock: Float!
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime!
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
+  subscription: BigInt
+type MembershipEdge {
+  node: Membership!
+  cursor: String!
+enum MembershipEntryMethod {
+enum MembershipOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  handle_ASC
+  handle_DESC
+  avatarUri_ASC
+  avatarUri_DESC
+  about_ASC
+  about_DESC
+  controllerAccount_ASC
+  controllerAccount_DESC
+  rootAccount_ASC
+  rootAccount_DESC
+  registeredAtBlock_ASC
+  registeredAtBlock_DESC
+  registeredAtTime_ASC
+  registeredAtTime_DESC
+  entry_ASC
+  entry_DESC
+  subscription_ASC
+  subscription_DESC
+input MembershipUpdateInput {
+  handle: String
+  avatarUri: String
+  about: String
+  controllerAccount: String
+  rootAccount: String
+  registeredAtBlock: Float
+  registeredAtTime: DateTime
+  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
+  subscription: BigInt
+input MembershipWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  handle_eq: String
+  handle_contains: String
+  handle_startsWith: String
+  handle_endsWith: String
+  handle_in: [String!]
+  avatarUri_eq: String
+  avatarUri_contains: String
+  avatarUri_startsWith: String
+  avatarUri_endsWith: String
+  avatarUri_in: [String!]
+  about_eq: String
+  about_contains: String
+  about_startsWith: String
+  about_endsWith: String
+  about_in: [String!]
+  controllerAccount_eq: String
+  controllerAccount_contains: String
+  controllerAccount_startsWith: String
+  controllerAccount_endsWith: String
+  controllerAccount_in: [String!]
+  rootAccount_eq: String
+  rootAccount_contains: String
+  rootAccount_startsWith: String
+  rootAccount_endsWith: String
+  rootAccount_in: [String!]
+  registeredAtBlock_eq: Int
+  registeredAtBlock_gt: Int
+  registeredAtBlock_gte: Int
+  registeredAtBlock_lt: Int
+  registeredAtBlock_lte: Int
+  registeredAtBlock_in: [Int!]
+  registeredAtTime_eq: DateTime
+  registeredAtTime_lt: DateTime
+  registeredAtTime_lte: DateTime
+  registeredAtTime_gt: DateTime
+  registeredAtTime_gte: DateTime
+  entry_eq: MembershipEntryMethod
+  entry_in: [MembershipEntryMethod!]
+  subscription_eq: BigInt
+  subscription_gt: BigInt
+  subscription_gte: BigInt
+  subscription_lt: BigInt
+  subscription_lte: BigInt
+  subscription_in: [BigInt!]
+input MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID
+  handle: String
+type PageInfo {
+  hasNextPage: Boolean!
+  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
+  startCursor: String
+  endCursor: String
+type ProcessorState {
+  lastCompleteBlock: Float!
+  lastProcessedEvent: String!
+  indexerHead: Float!
+  chainHead: Float!
+type Query {
+  channelCategories(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: ChannelCategoryOrderByInput): [ChannelCategory!]!
+  channelCategoryByUniqueInput(where: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput!): ChannelCategory
+  channelCategoriesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: ChannelCategoryOrderByInput): ChannelCategoryConnection!
+  channels(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: ChannelWhereInput, orderBy: ChannelOrderByInput): [Channel!]!
+  channelByUniqueInput(where: ChannelWhereUniqueInput!): Channel
+  channelsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: ChannelWhereInput, orderBy: ChannelOrderByInput): ChannelConnection!
+  curatorGroups(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: CuratorGroupWhereInput, orderBy: CuratorGroupOrderByInput): [CuratorGroup!]!
+  curatorGroupByUniqueInput(where: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput!): CuratorGroup
+  curatorGroupsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: CuratorGroupWhereInput, orderBy: CuratorGroupOrderByInput): CuratorGroupConnection!
+  dataObjects(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DataObjectWhereInput, orderBy: DataObjectOrderByInput): [DataObject!]!
+  dataObjectByUniqueInput(where: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput!): DataObject
+  dataObjectsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DataObjectWhereInput, orderBy: DataObjectOrderByInput): DataObjectConnection!
+  featuredVideos(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: FeaturedVideoWhereInput, orderBy: FeaturedVideoOrderByInput): [FeaturedVideo!]!
+  featuredVideoByUniqueInput(where: FeaturedVideoWhereUniqueInput!): FeaturedVideo
+  featuredVideosConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: FeaturedVideoWhereInput, orderBy: FeaturedVideoOrderByInput): FeaturedVideoConnection!
+  languages(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: LanguageWhereInput, orderBy: LanguageOrderByInput): [Language!]!
+  languageByUniqueInput(where: LanguageWhereUniqueInput!): Language
+  languagesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: LanguageWhereInput, orderBy: LanguageOrderByInput): LanguageConnection!
+  licenses(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: LicenseWhereInput, orderBy: LicenseOrderByInput): [License!]!
+  licenseByUniqueInput(where: LicenseWhereUniqueInput!): License
+  licensesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: LicenseWhereInput, orderBy: LicenseOrderByInput): LicenseConnection!
+  memberships(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: MembershipWhereInput, orderBy: MembershipOrderByInput): [Membership!]!
+  membershipByUniqueInput(where: MembershipWhereUniqueInput!): Membership
+  membershipsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: MembershipWhereInput, orderBy: MembershipOrderByInput): MembershipConnection!
+  channelCategoriesByName(whereChannelCategory: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput!]!
+  membersByHandle(whereMembership: MembershipWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [MembersByHandleFTSOutput!]!
+  search(whereVideo: VideoWhereInput, whereChannel: ChannelWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [SearchFTSOutput!]!
+  videoCategoriesByName(whereVideoCategory: VideoCategoryWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput!]!
+  videoCategories(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: VideoCategoryOrderByInput): [VideoCategory!]!
+  videoCategoryByUniqueInput(where: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput!): VideoCategory
+  videoCategoriesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: VideoCategoryOrderByInput): VideoCategoryConnection!
+  videoMediaEncodings(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, orderBy: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput): [VideoMediaEncoding!]!
+  videoMediaEncodingByUniqueInput(where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput!): VideoMediaEncoding
+  videoMediaEncodingsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, orderBy: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput): VideoMediaEncodingConnection!
+  videoMediaMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput): [VideoMediaMetadata!]!
+  videoMediaMetadataByUniqueInput(where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): VideoMediaMetadata
+  videoMediaMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput): VideoMediaMetadataConnection!
+  videos(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoWhereInput, orderBy: VideoOrderByInput): [Video!]!
+  videoByUniqueInput(where: VideoWhereUniqueInput!): Video
+  videosConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoWhereInput, orderBy: VideoOrderByInput): VideoConnection!
+type SearchFTSOutput {
+  item: SearchSearchResult!
+  rank: Float!
+  isTypeOf: String!
+  highlight: String!
+union SearchSearchResult = Channel | Video
+type StandardDeleteResponse {
+  id: ID!
+type Subscription {
+  stateSubscription: ProcessorState!
+type Video implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  channel: Channel!
+  channelId: String!
+  category: VideoCategory
+  categoryId: String
+  """The title of the video"""
+  title: String
+  """The description of the Video"""
+  description: String
+  """Video duration in seconds"""
+  duration: Int
+  thumbnailDataObject: DataObject
+  thumbnailDataObjectId: String
+  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
+  thumbnailUrls: [String!]!
+  """Availability meta information"""
+  thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  language: Language
+  languageId: String
+  """Whether or not Video contains marketing"""
+  hasMarketing: Boolean
+  """
+  If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date
+  """
+  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
+  """Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed"""
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  """Flag signaling whether a video is censored."""
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  """Whether the Video contains explicit material."""
+  isExplicit: Boolean
+  license: License
+  licenseId: String
+  mediaDataObject: DataObject
+  mediaDataObjectId: String
+  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
+  mediaUrls: [String!]!
+  """Availability meta information"""
+  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  mediaMetadata: VideoMediaMetadata
+  mediaMetadataId: String
+  happenedIn: Int!
+  """Is video featured or not"""
+  isFeatured: Boolean!
+  featured: FeaturedVideo
+type VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
+  item: VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult!
+  rank: Float!
+  isTypeOf: String!
+  highlight: String!
+union VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult = VideoCategory
+type VideoCategory implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """The name of the category"""
+  name: String
+  videos: [Video!]!
+  happenedIn: Int!
+type VideoCategoryConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [VideoCategoryEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input VideoCategoryCreateInput {
+  name: String
+  happenedIn: Float!
+type VideoCategoryEdge {
+  node: VideoCategory!
+  cursor: String!
+enum VideoCategoryOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  name_ASC
+  name_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+input VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
+  name: String
+  happenedIn: Float
+input VideoCategoryWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  name_eq: String
+  name_contains: String
+  name_startsWith: String
+  name_endsWith: String
+  name_in: [String!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+input VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type VideoConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [VideoEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input VideoCreateInput {
+  channelId: ID!
+  categoryId: ID
+  title: String
+  description: String
+  duration: Float
+  thumbnailDataObjectId: ID
+  thumbnailUrls: [String!]!
+  thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  languageId: ID
+  hasMarketing: Boolean
+  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  isCensored: Boolean!
+  isExplicit: Boolean
+  licenseId: ID
+  mediaDataObjectId: ID
+  mediaUrls: [String!]!
+  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability!
+  mediaMetadataId: ID
+  happenedIn: Float!
+  isFeatured: Boolean!
+type VideoEdge {
+  node: Video!
+  cursor: String!
+type VideoMediaEncoding implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  """Encoding of the video media object"""
+  codecName: String
+  """Media container format"""
+  container: String
+  """Content MIME type"""
+  mimeMediaType: String
+  videomediametadataencoding: [VideoMediaMetadata!]
+type VideoMediaEncodingConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [VideoMediaEncodingEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
+  codecName: String
+  container: String
+  mimeMediaType: String
+type VideoMediaEncodingEdge {
+  node: VideoMediaEncoding!
+  cursor: String!
+enum VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  codecName_ASC
+  codecName_DESC
+  container_ASC
+  container_DESC
+  mimeMediaType_ASC
+  mimeMediaType_DESC
+input VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
+  codecName: String
+  container: String
+  mimeMediaType: String
+input VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  codecName_eq: String
+  codecName_contains: String
+  codecName_startsWith: String
+  codecName_endsWith: String
+  codecName_in: [String!]
+  container_eq: String
+  container_contains: String
+  container_startsWith: String
+  container_endsWith: String
+  container_in: [String!]
+  mimeMediaType_eq: String
+  mimeMediaType_contains: String
+  mimeMediaType_startsWith: String
+  mimeMediaType_endsWith: String
+  mimeMediaType_in: [String!]
+input VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+type VideoMediaMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
+  id: ID!
+  createdAt: DateTime!
+  createdById: String!
+  updatedAt: DateTime
+  updatedById: String
+  deletedAt: DateTime
+  deletedById: String
+  version: Int!
+  encoding: VideoMediaEncoding
+  encodingId: String
+  """Video media width in pixels"""
+  pixelWidth: Int
+  """Video media height in pixels"""
+  pixelHeight: Int
+  """Video media size in bytes"""
+  size: BigInt
+  video: Video
+  happenedIn: Int!
+type VideoMediaMetadataConnection {
+  totalCount: Int!
+  edges: [VideoMediaMetadataEdge!]!
+  pageInfo: PageInfo!
+input VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
+  encodingId: ID
+  pixelWidth: Float
+  pixelHeight: Float
+  size: BigInt
+  happenedIn: Float!
+type VideoMediaMetadataEdge {
+  node: VideoMediaMetadata!
+  cursor: String!
+enum VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  encodingId_ASC
+  encodingId_DESC
+  pixelWidth_ASC
+  pixelWidth_DESC
+  pixelHeight_ASC
+  pixelHeight_DESC
+  size_ASC
+  size_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+input VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
+  encodingId: ID
+  pixelWidth: Float
+  pixelHeight: Float
+  size: BigInt
+  happenedIn: Float
+input VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  encodingId_eq: ID
+  encodingId_in: [ID!]
+  pixelWidth_eq: Int
+  pixelWidth_gt: Int
+  pixelWidth_gte: Int
+  pixelWidth_lt: Int
+  pixelWidth_lte: Int
+  pixelWidth_in: [Int!]
+  pixelHeight_eq: Int
+  pixelHeight_gt: Int
+  pixelHeight_gte: Int
+  pixelHeight_lt: Int
+  pixelHeight_lte: Int
+  pixelHeight_in: [Int!]
+  size_eq: BigInt
+  size_gt: BigInt
+  size_gte: BigInt
+  size_lt: BigInt
+  size_lte: BigInt
+  size_in: [BigInt!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+input VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!
+enum VideoOrderByInput {
+  createdAt_ASC
+  createdAt_DESC
+  updatedAt_ASC
+  updatedAt_DESC
+  deletedAt_ASC
+  deletedAt_DESC
+  channelId_ASC
+  channelId_DESC
+  categoryId_ASC
+  categoryId_DESC
+  title_ASC
+  title_DESC
+  description_ASC
+  description_DESC
+  duration_ASC
+  duration_DESC
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_ASC
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_DESC
+  thumbnailAvailability_ASC
+  thumbnailAvailability_DESC
+  languageId_ASC
+  languageId_DESC
+  hasMarketing_ASC
+  hasMarketing_DESC
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC
+  isPublic_ASC
+  isPublic_DESC
+  isCensored_ASC
+  isCensored_DESC
+  isExplicit_ASC
+  isExplicit_DESC
+  licenseId_ASC
+  licenseId_DESC
+  mediaDataObjectId_ASC
+  mediaDataObjectId_DESC
+  mediaAvailability_ASC
+  mediaAvailability_DESC
+  mediaMetadataId_ASC
+  mediaMetadataId_DESC
+  happenedIn_ASC
+  happenedIn_DESC
+  isFeatured_ASC
+  isFeatured_DESC
+input VideoUpdateInput {
+  channelId: ID
+  categoryId: ID
+  title: String
+  description: String
+  duration: Float
+  thumbnailDataObjectId: ID
+  thumbnailUrls: [String!]
+  thumbnailAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  languageId: ID
+  hasMarketing: Boolean
+  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
+  isPublic: Boolean
+  isCensored: Boolean
+  isExplicit: Boolean
+  licenseId: ID
+  mediaDataObjectId: ID
+  mediaUrls: [String!]
+  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
+  mediaMetadataId: ID
+  happenedIn: Float
+  isFeatured: Boolean
+input VideoWhereInput {
+  id_eq: ID
+  id_in: [ID!]
+  createdAt_eq: DateTime
+  createdAt_lt: DateTime
+  createdAt_lte: DateTime
+  createdAt_gt: DateTime
+  createdAt_gte: DateTime
+  createdById_eq: ID
+  createdById_in: [ID!]
+  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
+  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
+  updatedById_eq: ID
+  updatedById_in: [ID!]
+  deletedAt_all: Boolean
+  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
+  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
+  deletedById_eq: ID
+  deletedById_in: [ID!]
+  channelId_eq: ID
+  channelId_in: [ID!]
+  categoryId_eq: ID
+  categoryId_in: [ID!]
+  title_eq: String
+  title_contains: String
+  title_startsWith: String
+  title_endsWith: String
+  title_in: [String!]
+  description_eq: String
+  description_contains: String
+  description_startsWith: String
+  description_endsWith: String
+  description_in: [String!]
+  duration_eq: Int
+  duration_gt: Int
+  duration_gte: Int
+  duration_lt: Int
+  duration_lte: Int
+  duration_in: [Int!]
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_eq: ID
+  thumbnailDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
+  thumbnailAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
+  thumbnailAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
+  languageId_eq: ID
+  languageId_in: [ID!]
+  hasMarketing_eq: Boolean
+  hasMarketing_in: [Boolean!]
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq: DateTime
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt: DateTime
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte: DateTime
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt: DateTime
+  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte: DateTime
+  isPublic_eq: Boolean
+  isPublic_in: [Boolean!]
+  isCensored_eq: Boolean
+  isCensored_in: [Boolean!]
+  isExplicit_eq: Boolean
+  isExplicit_in: [Boolean!]
+  licenseId_eq: ID
+  licenseId_in: [ID!]
+  mediaDataObjectId_eq: ID
+  mediaDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
+  mediaAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
+  mediaAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
+  mediaMetadataId_eq: ID
+  mediaMetadataId_in: [ID!]
+  happenedIn_eq: Int
+  happenedIn_gt: Int
+  happenedIn_gte: Int
+  happenedIn_lt: Int
+  happenedIn_lte: Int
+  happenedIn_in: [Int!]
+  isFeatured_eq: Boolean
+  isFeatured_in: [Boolean!]
+input VideoWhereUniqueInput {
+  id: ID!

+ 1 - 0

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata
 import { FeaturedVideo } from '../featured-video/featured-video.model';
 import { AssetAvailability } from '../enums/enums';
+export { AssetAvailability };
 @Model({ api: {} })
 export class Video extends BaseModel {