@@ -2,99 +2,48 @@ language: rust
# Caching of the runtime .wasm blob poses a problem.
# See: https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues/466
-cache: cargo
+# Always starting with a clean slate is probably better, it allows us to ensure
+# the WASM runtime is always rebuilt. It also allows us to detect when certain upstream dependencies
+# sometimes break the build.
+# cache: cargo
- - 1.43.0
+ - nightly
- os: linux
env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- # - os: linux
- # env: TARGET=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
- # services: docker
- # - os: osx
- # env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin
- # - os: linux
- # env: TARGET=wasm-blob
- # services: docker
+ # Removed all other plaftorm builds sice the repo as growing in terms of activitly
+ # and CI checks are taking long to start due to concurrent no. of jobs
+ # one job should be sufficient for doing all manners of checks and unit nets, will defer
+ # building all platform binanires and wasm blob to a different system
- # This is not needed since travis will install rust stable as the default, and just specifying
- # stable might be newer that version defined in the .travis.yml file and available
- # as an env var: TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION
- # - rustup default stable
- # ensure main version is the default
- - rustup default $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION
- # We need nightly for WASM build, we choose a specific version so the built and cached artifacts
- # do not get invalidated every time a new nightly is released.
- # Nightly isn't always released for all platforms on the same date, so we pick based on target
- - |
- if [ "$TARGET" = "x86_64-apple-darwin" ]
- then
- export NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE=2020-05-14
- else
- export NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE=2020-05-23
- fi
- - rustup update nightly-${NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE}
- - rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly-${NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE}
+ - rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
# travis installs rust using rustup with the "minimal" profile so these tools are not installed by default
- - rustup component add rustfmt
- - rustup component add clippy --toolchain nightly-${NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE}
- - cargo fmt --all -- --check
+ - rustup component add rustfmt --tolchain nightly
+ # choosing to add clippy for the nightly toolchain only
+ # becuase we want to run it with nighly to avoid having to set BUILD_DUMMY_WASM_BINARY=0
+ # setting that variable requires changing it in a later run of cargo bulid to ensure runtime/build.rs
+ # actually builds the runtime .. the behaviour is a bit odd so choosing to avoid messing with it.
+ - rustup component add clippy --toolchain nightly
- - |
- if [ "$TARGET" = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" ]
- then
- docker pull joystream/rust-raspberry
- fi
+ - cargo +nightly fmt --all -- --check
- - |
- if [ "$TARGET" = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" ]
- then
- docker run -u root \
- --volume ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}:/home/cross/project \
- joystream/rust-raspberry \
- test --release && \
- docker run -u root \
- --volume ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}:/home/cross/project \
- joystream/rust-raspberry \
- build --release
- sudo chmod a+r ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/target/${TARGET}/release/joystream-node
- elif [ "$TARGET" = "wasm-blob" ]
- then
- docker build --tag joystream/node \
- --file ./devops/dockerfiles/node-and-runtime/Dockerfile \
- .
- docker create --name temp-container-joystream-node joystream/node
- docker cp temp-container-joystream-node:/joystream/runtime.compact.wasm joystream_runtime.wasm
- docker rm temp-container-joystream-node
- else
- cargo +nightly clippy --release --target=${TARGET} -- -D warnings && \
- cargo +nightly test --release --verbose --all --target=${TARGET} && \
- WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-${NIGHTLY_RELEASE_DATE} cargo +nightly build --release --target=${TARGET}
- fi
+ # we set release as build type for all steps to benefit from already compiled packages in prior steps
+ - cargo +nightly clippy --release --target=${TARGET} -- -D warnings
+ - cargo +nightly test --release --verbose --all --target=${TARGET}
+ - WASM_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=nightly cargo +nightly build --release --target=${TARGET}
- - |
- if [ "$TARGET" = "wasm-blob" ]
- then
- export ASSET="joystream_runtime.wasm"
- else
- cp ./target/${TARGET}/release/joystream-node .
- if [ "$TARGET" = "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" ]
- then
- export FILENAME="joystream-node-armv7-linux-gnueabihf"
- else
- export FILENAME=`./joystream-node --version | sed -e "s/ /-/g"`
- fi
- tar -cf ${FILENAME}.tar ./joystream-node
- gzip ${FILENAME}.tar
- export ASSET=${FILENAME}.tar.gz
- fi
+ - cp ./target/${TARGET}/release/joystream-node .
+ - FILENAME=`./joystream-node --version | sed -e "s/ /-/g"`
+ - tar -cf ${FILENAME}.tar ./joystream-node
+ - gzip ${FILENAME}.tar
+ - export ASSET=${FILENAME}.tar.gz
- provider: releases