@@ -864,16 +864,16 @@ decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as ContentWorkingGroup {
/// The mint currently funding the rewards for this module.
- pub Mint get(mint) config(): <T as minting::Trait>::MintId;
+ pub Mint get(mint) : <T as minting::Trait>::MintId;
/// The current lead.
- pub CurrentLeadId get(current_lead_id) config(): Option<LeadId<T>>;
+ pub CurrentLeadId get(current_lead_id) : Option<LeadId<T>>;
/// Maps identifier to corresponding lead.
- pub LeadById get(lead_by_id) config(): linked_map LeadId<T> => Lead<T::AccountId, T::RewardRelationshipId, T::BlockNumber>;
+ pub LeadById get(lead_by_id): linked_map LeadId<T> => Lead<T::AccountId, T::RewardRelationshipId, T::BlockNumber>;
/// Next identifier for new current lead.
- pub NextLeadId get(next_lead_id) config(): LeadId<T>;
+ pub NextLeadId get(next_lead_id): LeadId<T>;
/// Maps identifeir to curator opening.
pub CuratorOpeningById get(curator_opening_by_id) config(): linked_map CuratorOpeningId<T> => CuratorOpening<T::OpeningId, T::BlockNumber, BalanceOf<T>, CuratorApplicationId<T>>;
@@ -932,6 +932,21 @@ decl_storage! {
pub CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText get(curator_application_human_readable_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
pub CuratorExitRationaleText get(curator_exit_rationale_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ add_extra_genesis {
+ config(initial_lead) : Option<(T::MemberId, T::AccountId)>;
+ config(mint_capacity): minting::BalanceOf<T>;
+ // config(mint_adjustment): minting::Adjustment<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber> (add serialize/deserialize derivation for type)
+ build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
+ // create mint
+ let mint_id = <minting::Module<T>>::add_mint(config.mint_capacity, None).expect("Failed to create a mint for the content working group");
+ Mint::<T>::put(mint_id);
+ // create lead
+ if let Some((member_id, account_id)) = config.initial_lead.clone() {
+ <Module<T>>::do_set_lead(member_id, account_id).expect("Failed to create the lead for the content working group");
+ }
+ });
+ }
decl_event! {
@@ -1679,43 +1694,7 @@ decl_module! {
// Ensure root is origin
- // Ensure there is no current lead
- ensure!(
- <CurrentLeadId<T>>::get().is_none(),
- );
- // Ensure that member can actually become lead
- let new_lead_id = <NextLeadId<T>>::get();
- let _profile = <members::Module<T>>::can_register_role_on_member(
- &member,
- &role_types::ActorInRole::new(role_types::Role::CuratorLead, new_lead_id)
- )?;
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- // Construct lead
- let new_lead = Lead{
- role_account: role_account.clone(),
- reward_relationship: None,
- inducted: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
- stage: LeadRoleState::Active
- };
- // Store lead
- <LeadById<T>>::insert(new_lead_id, new_lead);
- // Update current lead
- <CurrentLeadId<T>>::put(new_lead_id); // Some(new_lead_id)
- // Update next lead counter
- <NextLeadId<T>>::mutate(|id| *id += <LeadId<T> as One>::one());
- // Trigger event
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::LeadSet(new_lead_id));
+ Self::do_set_lead(member, role_account)?;
/// Evict the currently unset lead
@@ -2435,4 +2414,47 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Introduce a lead when one is not currently set.
+ pub fn do_set_lead(member: T::MemberId, role_account: T::AccountId) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // Ensure there is no current lead
+ ensure!(
+ <CurrentLeadId<T>>::get().is_none(),
+ );
+ // Ensure that member can actually become lead
+ let new_lead_id = <NextLeadId<T>>::get();
+ let _profile = <members::Module<T>>::can_register_role_on_member(
+ &member,
+ &role_types::ActorInRole::new(role_types::Role::CuratorLead, new_lead_id),
+ )?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Construct lead
+ let new_lead = Lead {
+ role_account: role_account.clone(),
+ reward_relationship: None,
+ inducted: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ stage: LeadRoleState::Active,
+ };
+ // Store lead
+ <LeadById<T>>::insert(new_lead_id, new_lead);
+ // Update current lead
+ <CurrentLeadId<T>>::put(new_lead_id); // Some(new_lead_id)
+ // Update next lead counter
+ <NextLeadId<T>>::mutate(|id| *id += <LeadId<T> as One>::one());
+ // Trigger event
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::LeadSet(new_lead_id));
+ Ok(())
+ }