@@ -4,97 +4,82 @@ set -e
SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
-# Location to store runtime WASM for runtime upgrade
-# The joystream/node docker image tag to start chain
-export RUNTIME=${RUNTIME:=latest}
# The joystream/node docker image tag which contains WASM runtime to upgrade chain with
-# Prevent joystream cli from prompting
-export AUTO_CONFIRM=true
-# Create chainspec with Alice (sudo) as member so we can use her in joystream-cli
-CONTAINER_ID=$(MAKE_SUDO_MEMBER=true ./run-test-node-docker.sh)
-function cleanup() {
- docker logs ${CONTAINER_ID} --tail 15
- docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml down -v
- rm ./assets/TestChannel__rejectedContent.json || true
- rm ./assets/TestVideo__rejectedContent.json || true
+# The joystream/node docker image tag to start the chain with
+# Post migration assertions by means of typescript scenarios required
+# source common function used for node setup
+source ./node-utils.sh
+# use fork-off to generate a chainspec file with the current s
+# Globals:
+# Arguments:
+# None
+function fork_off_init() {
+ # chain-spec-raw already existing
+ if ! [[ -f ${DATA_PATH}/storage.json ]]; then
+ curl http://testnet-rpc-3-uk.joystream.org:9933 -H \
+ "Content-type: application/json" -d \
+ '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"state_getPairs","params":["0x"]}' \
+ > ${DATA_PATH}/storage.json
+ fi
+ if ! [[ -f ${DATA_PATH}/schema.json ]]; then
+ cp $SCRIPT_PATH/../../types/augment/all/defs.json ${DATA_PATH}/schema.json
+ fi
+ id=$(docker create joystream/node:${TARGET_RUNTIME_TAG})
+ docker cp $id:/joystream/runtime.compact.wasm ${DATA_PATH}/runtime.wasm
+ # RPC endpoint for live RUNTIME testnet
+ WS_RPC_ENDPOINT="wss://testnet-rpc-3-uk.joystream.org" \
+ yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict src/fork-off.ts
-function pre_migration_hook() {
- sleep 10 # needed otherwise docker image won't be ready yet
- # Display runtime version
- yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict src/status.ts | grep Runtime
- # assume older version of joystream-cli is installed globally. So we run these commands to
- # work against older runtime. Assert it is version `@joystream/cli/0.5.1` ?
- joystream-cli --version
- joystream-cli account:choose --address 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY # Alice
- echo "creating 1 channel"
- joystream-cli content:createChannel --input=./assets/TestChannel.json --context=Member || true
- echo "adding 1 video to the above channel"
- joystream-cli content:createVideo -c 1 --input=./assets/TestVideo.json || true
- # Confirm channel and video created successfully
- joystream-cli content:videos 1
- joystream-cli content:channel 1
+function export_chainspec_file_to_disk() {
+ echo "**** Initializing node database by exporting state ****"
+ # write the initial genesis state to db, in order to avoid waiting for an arbitrary amount of time
+ docker-compose -f ../../docker-compose.yml run \
+ -v ${DATA_PATH}:/spec joystream-node export-state \
+ --chain /spec/chain-spec-raw.json \
+ --base-path /data --pruning archive > ${DATA_PATH}/exported-state.json
-function post_migration_hook() {
- echo "*** verify existence of the 5 new groups ***"
- yarn joystream-cli working-groups:overview --group=operationsAlpha
- yarn joystream-cli working-groups:overview --group=operationsBeta
- yarn joystream-cli working-groups:overview --group=operationsGamma
- yarn joystream-cli working-groups:overview --group=curators
- yarn joystream-cli working-groups:overview --group=distributors
- echo "*** verify previously created channel and video are cleared ***"
- # Allow a few blocks for migration to complete
- sleep 12
- # FIXME: Howto assert these fail as expected. They should report video and channel do no exist
- # Can we get json output to more easily parse result of query?
- set +e
- yarn joystream-cli content:channel 1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Unexpected channel was found"
- exit -1
- fi
- # This cammand doesn't give error exit code if videos not found in a channel
- yarn joystream-cli content:videos 1
-trap cleanup EXIT
-if [ "$TARGET_RUNTIME" == "$RUNTIME" ]; then
- echo "Not Performing a runtime upgrade."
- pre_migration_hook
- # Copy new runtime wasm file from target joystream/node image
- echo "Extracting wasm blob from target joystream/node image."
- id=$(docker create joystream/node:${TARGET_RUNTIME})
- docker cp $id:/joystream/runtime.compact.wasm ${DATA_PATH}
- docker rm $id
- echo "Performing runtime upgrade."
- yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict \
- src/dev-set-runtime-code.ts -- ${DATA_PATH}/runtime.compact.wasm
- echo "Runtime upgraded."
- # Display runtime version
- yarn workspace api-scripts tsnode-strict src/status.ts | grep Runtime
- echo "Performing migration tests"
- post_migration_hook
+# entrypoint
+function main {
+ create_initial_config
+ create_chainspec_file
+ convert_chainspec
+ # use forkoff to update chainspec with the live state + update runtime code
+ fork_off_init
+ # export chain-spec BEFORE starting the node
+ export_chainspec_file_to_disk
+ CONTAINER_ID=$(start_node)
+ sleep 120
+ # verify assertion using typsecript
+ echo "***** POST MIGRATION TYPESCRIPT *****"
+ yarn workspace network-tests node-ts-strict src/scenarios/post-migration.ts
+ fi
- echo "Done with migrations tests"
+# main entrypoint
+main || :