@@ -106,12 +106,6 @@ decl_error! {
/// Voucher objects limit upper bound exceeded
/// Voucher objects limit upper bound exceeded
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor voucher size limit exceeded.
- GlobalVoucherSizeLimitExceeded,
- /// Contant uploading failed. Actor voucher objects limit exceeded.
- GlobalVoucherObjectsLimitExceeded,
/// Content uploading blocked.
/// Content uploading blocked.
@@ -119,7 +113,13 @@ decl_error! {
/// No storage provider available to service the request
/// No storage provider available to service the request
- NoProviderAvailable
+ NoProviderAvailable,
+ /// New voucher limit being set is less than used.
+ VoucherLimitLessThanUsed,
+ /// Overflow detected when changing
+ VoucherOverflow,
@@ -195,15 +195,17 @@ pub struct Delta {
/// Uploading voucher for StorageObjectOwner
/// Uploading voucher for StorageObjectOwner
+/// All fields are private. All changes should be done through the methods
+/// to avoid invalid state.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Voucher {
pub struct Voucher {
// Total objects size limit per StorageObjectOwner
// Total objects size limit per StorageObjectOwner
- pub size_limit: u64,
+ size_limit: u64,
// Total objects number limit per StorageObjectOwner
// Total objects number limit per StorageObjectOwner
- pub objects_limit: u64,
- pub size_used: u64,
- pub objects_used: u64,
+ objects_limit: u64,
+ size_used: u64,
+ objects_used: u64,
impl Voucher {
impl Voucher {
@@ -217,7 +219,24 @@ impl Voucher {
- /// Calculate voucher delta
+ pub fn get_size_limit(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.size_limit
+ }
+ pub fn get_objects_limit(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.objects_limit
+ }
+ pub fn get_size_used(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.size_used
+ }
+ pub fn get_objects_used(&self) -> u64 {
+ self.objects_used
+ }
+ /// Calculate voucher delta. We don't do checked_sub as the other methods
+ /// protect against state which would result in underflow.
pub fn calculate_delta(&self) -> Delta {
pub fn calculate_delta(&self) -> Delta {
Delta {
Delta {
size: self.size_limit - self.size_used,
size: self.size_limit - self.size_used,
@@ -225,28 +244,63 @@ impl Voucher {
- pub fn fill_voucher(self, voucher_delta: Delta) -> Self {
- Self {
- size_used: self.size_used + voucher_delta.size,
- objects_used: self.objects_used + voucher_delta.objects,
- ..self
+ /// Attempts to fill voucher and returns an updated Voucher if no overlflows occur
+ /// or limits are exceeded. Error otherwise.
+ pub fn fill_voucher<T: Trait>(self, voucher_delta: Delta) -> Result<Self, Error<T>> {
+ if let Some(size_used) = self.size_used.checked_add(voucher_delta.size) {
+ // Ensure size limit not exceeded
+ ensure!(
+ size_used <= self.size_limit,
+ Error::<T>::VoucherSizeLimitExceeded
+ );
+ if let Some(objects_used) = self.objects_used.checked_add(voucher_delta.objects) {
+ // Ensure objects limit not exceeded
+ ensure!(
+ objects_used <= self.objects_limit,
+ Error::<T>::VoucherObjectsLimitExceeded
+ );
+ return Ok(Self {
+ size_used,
+ objects_used,
+ ..self
+ });
+ }
+ Err(Error::<T>::VoucherOverflow)
- pub fn release_voucher(self, voucher_delta: Delta) -> Self {
- Self {
- size_used: self.size_used - voucher_delta.size,
- objects_used: self.objects_used - voucher_delta.objects,
- ..self
+ pub fn release_voucher<T: Trait>(self, voucher_delta: Delta) -> Result<Self, Error<T>> {
+ if let Some(size_used) = self.size_used.checked_sub(voucher_delta.size) {
+ if let Some(objects_used) = self.objects_used.checked_sub(voucher_delta.objects) {
+ return Ok(Self {
+ size_used,
+ objects_used,
+ ..self
+ });
+ }
+ Err(Error::<T>::VoucherOverflow)
- pub fn set_new_size_limit(&mut self, new_size_limit: u64) {
- self.size_limit = new_size_limit;
+ pub fn set_new_size_limit<T: Trait>(&mut self, new_size_limit: u64) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
+ if self.size_used > new_size_limit {
+ Err(Error::<T>::VoucherLimitLessThanUsed)
+ } else {
+ self.size_limit = new_size_limit;
+ Ok(())
+ }
- pub fn set_new_objects_limit(&mut self, new_objects_limit: u64) {
- self.objects_limit = new_objects_limit;
+ pub fn set_new_objects_limit<T: Trait>(
+ &mut self,
+ new_objects_limit: u64,
+ ) -> Result<(), Error<T>> {
+ if self.objects_used > new_objects_limit {
+ Err(Error::<T>::VoucherLimitLessThanUsed)
+ } else {
+ self.objects_limit = new_objects_limit;
+ Ok(())
+ }
@@ -271,7 +325,7 @@ decl_storage! {
pub VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBound get(fn voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound) config(): u64 = DEFAULT_VOUCHER_OBJECTS_LIMIT_UPPER_BOUND;
pub VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBound get(fn voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound) config(): u64 = DEFAULT_VOUCHER_OBJECTS_LIMIT_UPPER_BOUND;
/// Default content voucher for all actors.
/// Default content voucher for all actors.
- pub DefaultVoucher get(fn default_voucher) config(): Voucher;
+ pub DefaultVoucher get(fn default_voucher) config(): Voucher = DEFAULT_VOUCHER;
/// Global voucher.
/// Global voucher.
pub GlobalVoucher get(fn global_voucher) config(): Voucher = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VOUCHER;
pub GlobalVoucher get(fn global_voucher) config(): Voucher = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_VOUCHER;
@@ -332,6 +386,32 @@ decl_event! {
/// Params:
/// Params:
/// - UploadingStatus bool flag.
/// - UploadingStatus bool flag.
+ /// Emits when the global voucher size limit is updated.
+ /// Params:
+ /// - New limit
+ GlobalVoucherSizeLimitUpdated(u64),
+ /// Emits when the global voucher objects limit is updated.
+ /// Params:
+ /// - New limit
+ GlobalVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated(u64),
+ /// Emits when the size limit upper bound is updated.
+ /// Params:
+ /// - New Upper bound
+ VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundUpdated(u64),
+ /// Emits when the objects limit upper bound is updated.
+ /// Params:
+ /// - New Upper bound
+ VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundUpdated(u64),
+ /// Emits when the lead sets a new default voucher
+ /// Params:
+ /// - New size limit
+ /// - New objects limit
+ DefaultVoucherUpdated(u64, u64),
@@ -360,14 +440,8 @@ decl_module! {
- let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(&owner);
- // Ensure owner voucher constraints satisfied.
- // Calculate upload voucher delta
- let upload_voucher_delta = Self::ensure_owner_voucher_constraints_satisfied(owner_voucher, &content)?;
- // Ensure global voucher constraints satisfied.
- Self::ensure_global_voucher_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher_delta)?;
+ // Ensure owner and global voucher constraints satisfied.
+ let (new_owner_voucher, new_global_voucher) = Self::ensure_voucher_constraints_satisfied(&owner, &content)?;
let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
@@ -375,8 +449,13 @@ decl_module! {
- // Let's create the entry then
- Self::upload_content(owner_voucher, upload_voucher_delta, liaison, content.clone(), owner.clone());
+ // Updade or create owner voucher.
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&owner, new_owner_voucher);
+ // Update global voucher
+ <GlobalVoucher>::put(new_global_voucher);
+ Self::upload_content(liaison, content.clone(), owner.clone());
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(content, owner));
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentAdded(content, owner));
@@ -395,68 +474,181 @@ decl_module! {
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(&content_ids, &owner)?;
let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(&content_ids, &owner)?;
+ let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(&owner);
+ let removal_voucher = Self::calculate_content_voucher(content);
+ let new_owner_voucher = owner_voucher.release_voucher::<T>(removal_voucher)?;
+ let new_global_voucher = Self::global_voucher().release_voucher::<T>(removal_voucher)?;
- // Let's remove a content
- Self::delete_content(&owner, &content_ids, content);
+ // Updade owner voucher
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&owner, new_owner_voucher);
+ // Update global voucher
+ <GlobalVoucher>::put(new_global_voucher);
+ // Let's remove content
+ for content_id in &content_ids {
+ <DataByContentId<T>>::remove(content_id);
+ }
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRemoved(content_ids, owner));
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::ContentRemoved(content_ids, owner));
/// Updates storage object owner voucher objects limit. Requires leader privileges.
/// Updates storage object owner voucher objects limit. Requires leader privileges.
+ /// New limit cannot be less that used value.
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
pub fn update_storage_object_owner_voucher_objects_limit(
pub fn update_storage_object_owner_voucher_objects_limit(
- abstract_owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
+ object_owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
new_voucher_objects_limit: u64
new_voucher_objects_limit: u64
) {
) {
- ensure!(new_voucher_objects_limit <= Self::voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound(), Error::<T>::VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundExceeded);
+ ensure!(
+ new_voucher_objects_limit <= Self::voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound(),
+ Error::<T>::VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ let mut voucher = Self::get_voucher(&object_owner);
+ voucher.set_new_objects_limit::<T>(new_voucher_objects_limit)?;
- if <Vouchers<T>>::contains_key(&abstract_owner) {
- <Vouchers<T>>::mutate(&abstract_owner, |voucher| {
- voucher.set_new_objects_limit(new_voucher_objects_limit);
- });
- } else {
- let mut voucher = Self::default_voucher();
- voucher.set_new_objects_limit(new_voucher_objects_limit);
- <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&abstract_owner, voucher);
- };
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&object_owner, voucher);
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated(abstract_owner, new_voucher_objects_limit));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated(object_owner, new_voucher_objects_limit));
/// Updates storage object owner voucher size limit. Requires leader privileges.
/// Updates storage object owner voucher size limit. Requires leader privileges.
+ /// New limit cannot be less that used value.
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
#[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
pub fn update_storage_object_owner_voucher_size_limit(
pub fn update_storage_object_owner_voucher_size_limit(
- abstract_owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
+ object_owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
new_voucher_size_limit: u64
new_voucher_size_limit: u64
) {
) {
- ensure!(new_voucher_size_limit <= Self::voucher_size_limit_upper_bound(), Error::<T>::VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundExceeded);
+ ensure!(
+ new_voucher_size_limit <= Self::voucher_size_limit_upper_bound(),
+ Error::<T>::VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ let mut voucher = Self::get_voucher(&object_owner);
+ voucher.set_new_size_limit::<T>(new_voucher_size_limit)?;
- if <Vouchers<T>>::contains_key(&abstract_owner) {
- <Vouchers<T>>::mutate(&abstract_owner, |voucher| {
- voucher.set_new_size_limit(new_voucher_size_limit);
- });
- } else {
- let mut voucher = Self::default_voucher();
- voucher.set_new_size_limit(new_voucher_size_limit);
- <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&abstract_owner, voucher);
- };
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&object_owner, voucher);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerVoucherSizeLimitUpdated(object_owner, new_voucher_size_limit));
+ }
+ /// Sets global voucher size limit. Requires root privileges.
+ /// New limit cannot be less that used value.
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn set_global_voucher_size_limit(
+ origin,
+ new_size_limit: u64
+ ) {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ let mut voucher = Self::global_voucher();
+ voucher.set_new_size_limit::<T>(new_size_limit)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ GlobalVoucher::put(voucher);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::GlobalVoucherSizeLimitUpdated(new_size_limit));
+ }
+ /// Sets global voucher objects limit. Requires root privileges.
+ /// New limit cannot be less that used value.
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn set_global_voucher_objects_limit(
+ origin,
+ new_objects_limit: u64
+ ) {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ let mut voucher = Self::global_voucher();
+ voucher.set_new_objects_limit::<T>(new_objects_limit)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ GlobalVoucher::put(voucher);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::GlobalVoucherObjectsLimitUpdated(new_objects_limit));
+ }
+ /// Sets VoucherSizeLimitUpperBound. Requires root privileges.
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn set_voucher_size_limit_upper_bound(
+ origin,
+ new_upper_bound: u64
+ ) {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ VoucherSizeLimitUpperBound::put(new_upper_bound);
- Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::StorageObjectOwnerVoucherSizeLimitUpdated(abstract_owner, new_voucher_size_limit));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundUpdated(new_upper_bound));
+ }
+ /// Sets VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBound. Requires root privileges.
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn set_voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound(
+ origin,
+ new_upper_bound: u64
+ ) {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBound::put(new_upper_bound);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundUpdated(new_upper_bound));
+ }
+ /// Set the default owner voucher
+ #[weight = 10_000_000] // TODO: adjust weight
+ pub fn set_default_voucher(
+ origin,
+ size_limit: u64,
+ objects_limit: u64
+ ) {
+ <StorageWorkingGroup<T>>::ensure_origin_is_active_leader(origin)?;
+ // constrain to upper bounds
+ ensure!(
+ size_limit <= Self::voucher_size_limit_upper_bound(),
+ Error::<T>::VoucherSizeLimitUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ objects_limit <= Self::voucher_objects_limit_upper_bound(),
+ Error::<T>::VoucherObjectsLimitUpperBoundExceeded
+ );
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ DefaultVoucher::put(Voucher::new(size_limit, objects_limit));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::DefaultVoucherUpdated(size_limit, objects_limit));
/// Storage provider accepts a content. Requires signed storage provider account and its id.
/// Storage provider accepts a content. Requires signed storage provider account and its id.
@@ -557,37 +749,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- // Ensure owner voucher constraints satisfied, returns total object length and total size voucher delta for this upload.
- fn ensure_owner_voucher_constraints_satisfied(
- owner_voucher: Voucher,
- content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
- ) -> Result<Delta, Error<T>> {
- let owner_voucher_delta = owner_voucher.calculate_delta();
- // Ensure total content length is less or equal then available per given owner voucher
- let content_length = content.len() as u64;
- ensure!(
- owner_voucher_delta.objects >= content_length,
- Error::<T>::VoucherObjectsLimitExceeded
- );
- // Ensure total content size is less or equal then available per given owner voucher
- let content_size = content
- .iter()
- .fold(0, |total_size, content| total_size + content.size);
- ensure!(
- owner_voucher_delta.size >= content_size,
- Error::<T>::VoucherSizeLimitExceeded
- );
- Ok(Delta {
- size: content_size,
- objects: content_length,
- })
- }
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
fn ensure_content_can_be_removed(
fn ensure_content_can_be_removed(
content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
@@ -603,7 +764,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- // Calculates content voucher delta
+ /// Calculates content voucher delta of existing data objects
fn calculate_content_voucher(content: Vec<DataObject<T>>) -> Delta {
fn calculate_content_voucher(content: Vec<DataObject<T>>) -> Delta {
let content_length = content.len() as u64;
let content_length = content.len() as u64;
@@ -617,27 +778,36 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
- // Ensures global voucher constraints satisfied.
- fn ensure_global_voucher_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher_delta: Delta) -> DispatchResult {
- let global_voucher_voucher = Self::global_voucher().calculate_delta();
+ /// Calculates content voucher delta for new content being added
+ fn calculate_new_content_voucher(
+ content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
+ ) -> Delta {
+ let objects = content.len() as u64;
+ let size = content
+ .iter()
+ .fold(0, |total_size, content| total_size + content.size);
+ Delta { size, objects }
+ }
- ensure!(
- global_voucher_voucher.objects >= upload_voucher_delta.objects,
- Error::<T>::GlobalVoucherObjectsLimitExceeded
- );
+ /// Ensures new content satisfies both owner and global vouchers. Returns new vouchers
+ /// if constraints are satisfied, Error otherwise.
+ fn ensure_voucher_constraints_satisfied(
+ owner: &ObjectOwner<T>,
+ content: &[ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>],
+ ) -> Result<(Voucher, Voucher), Error<T>> {
+ let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(owner);
+ let global_voucher = Self::global_voucher();
+ let content_voucher_delta = Self::calculate_new_content_voucher(content);
- ensure!(
- global_voucher_voucher.size >= upload_voucher_delta.size,
- Error::<T>::GlobalVoucherSizeLimitExceeded
- );
+ let new_owner_voucher = owner_voucher.fill_voucher::<T>(content_voucher_delta)?;
+ let new_global_voucher = global_voucher.fill_voucher::<T>(content_voucher_delta)?;
- Ok(())
+ Ok((new_owner_voucher, new_global_voucher))
// Complete content upload, update vouchers
// Complete content upload, update vouchers
fn upload_content(
fn upload_content(
- owner_voucher: Voucher,
- upload_voucher_delta: Delta,
liaison: StorageProviderId<T>,
liaison: StorageProviderId<T>,
multi_content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
multi_content: Vec<ContentParameters<T::ContentId, DataObjectTypeId<T>>>,
owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
owner: ObjectOwner<T>,
@@ -655,33 +825,6 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
<DataByContentId<T>>::insert(content.content_id, data);
<DataByContentId<T>>::insert(content.content_id, data);
- // Updade or create owner voucher.
- <Vouchers<T>>::insert(owner, owner_voucher.fill_voucher(upload_voucher_delta));
- // Update global voucher
- <GlobalVoucher>::put(Self::global_voucher().fill_voucher(upload_voucher_delta));
- }
- // Complete content removal
- fn delete_content(
- owner: &ObjectOwner<T>,
- content_ids: &[T::ContentId],
- content: Vec<DataObject<T>>,
- ) {
- let removal_voucher = Self::calculate_content_voucher(content);
- for content_id in content_ids {
- <DataByContentId<T>>::remove(content_id);
- }
- // Updade owner voucher.
- <Vouchers<T>>::mutate(owner, |owner_voucher| {
- owner_voucher.release_voucher(removal_voucher)
- });
- // Update global voucher
- <GlobalVoucher>::put(Self::global_voucher().release_voucher(removal_voucher));
fn ensure_content_is_valid(
fn ensure_content_is_valid(
@@ -759,15 +902,9 @@ impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
- let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(&owner);
- // Ensure owner voucher constraints satisfied.
- // Calculate upload voucher
- let upload_voucher =
- Self::ensure_owner_voucher_constraints_satisfied(owner_voucher, &content)?;
- // Ensure global voucher constraints satisfied.
- Self::ensure_global_voucher_constraints_satisfied(upload_voucher)?;
+ // Ensure owner and global vouchers constraints satisfied.
+ let (new_owner_voucher, new_global_voucher) =
+ Self::ensure_voucher_constraints_satisfied(&owner, &content)?;
let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
let liaison = T::StorageProviderHelper::get_random_storage_provider()?;
@@ -775,9 +912,13 @@ impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
- // Let's create the entry then
+ // Updade or create owner voucher.
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(&owner, new_owner_voucher);
+ // Update global voucher
+ <GlobalVoucher>::put(new_global_voucher);
- Self::upload_content(owner_voucher, upload_voucher, liaison, content, owner);
+ Self::upload_content(liaison, content, owner);
@@ -788,12 +929,26 @@ impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
// Ensure content under given content ids can be successfully removed
let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(content_ids, owner)?;
let content = Self::ensure_content_can_be_removed(content_ids, owner)?;
+ let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(&owner);
+ let removal_voucher = Self::calculate_content_voucher(content);
+ let new_owner_voucher = owner_voucher.release_voucher::<T>(removal_voucher)?;
+ let new_global_voucher = Self::global_voucher().release_voucher::<T>(removal_voucher)?;
- // Let's remove a content
- Self::delete_content(owner, content_ids, content);
+ // Updade owner voucher.
+ <Vouchers<T>>::insert(owner, new_owner_voucher);
+ // Update global voucher
+ <GlobalVoucher>::put(new_global_voucher);
+ // Let's remove content
+ for content_id in content_ids {
+ <DataByContentId<T>>::remove(content_id);
+ }
@@ -804,10 +959,9 @@ impl<T: Trait> common::storage::StorageSystem<T> for Module<T> {
- let owner_voucher = Self::get_voucher(&owner);
- // Ensure owner voucher constraints satisfied.
- Self::ensure_owner_voucher_constraints_satisfied(owner_voucher, &content)?;
+ let _ = Self::ensure_voucher_constraints_satisfied(&owner, &content)?;