@@ -1936,60 +1936,6 @@ decl_module! {
- /// The stake, with the given id, was unstaked.
- pub fn unstaked(
- origin,
- stake_id: StakeId<T>
- ) {
- // Ensure its a runtime root origin
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- // Ensure its an unstaker in this group
- let unstaker = Self::ensure_unstaker_exists(&stake_id)?;
- // Get curator doing the unstaking,
- // urrently the only possible unstaker in this module.
- let curator_id =
- if let WorkingGroupUnstaker::Curator(curator_id) = unstaker {
- curator_id
- } else {
- panic!("Should not be possible, only curators unstake in this module currently");
- };
- // Grab curator from id, unwrap, because this curator _must_ exist.
- let unstaking_curator = Self::ensure_curator_exists(&curator_id).unwrap();
- //
- // == MUTATION SAFE ==
- //
- // Update stage of curator
- let curator_exit_summary =
- if let CuratorRoleStage::Unstaking(summary) = unstaking_curator.stage {
- summary
- } else {
- panic!("Curator must be in unstaking stage");
- };
- let new_curator = Curator{
- stage: CuratorRoleStage::Exited(curator_exit_summary.clone()),
- ..unstaking_curator
- };
- CuratorById::<T>::insert(curator_id, new_curator);
- // Remove from unstaker
- UnstakerByStakeId::<T>::remove(stake_id);
- // Trigger event
- let event = match curator_exit_summary.origin {
- CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Lead => RawEvent::TerminatedCurator(curator_id),
- CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Curator => RawEvent::CuratorExited(curator_id),
- };
- Self::deposit_event(event);
- }
/// Add an opening for a curator role.
pub fn set_channel_creation_enabled(origin, enabled: bool) {
@@ -2679,4 +2625,57 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Trigger event
+ /// The stake, with the given id, was unstaked. Infalliable. Has no side effects if stake_id is not relevant
+ /// to this module.
+ pub fn unstaked(stake_id: StakeId<T>) {
+ // Ignore if unstaked doesn't exist
+ if !<UnstakerByStakeId<T>>::exists(stake_id) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Unstaker must be in this group
+ let unstaker = Self::ensure_unstaker_exists(&stake_id).unwrap();
+ // Get curator doing the unstaking,
+ // urrently the only possible unstaker in this module.
+ let curator_id = if let WorkingGroupUnstaker::Curator(curator_id) = unstaker {
+ curator_id
+ } else {
+ panic!("Should not be possible, only curators unstake in this module currently.");
+ };
+ // Grab curator from id, unwrap, because this curator _must_ exist.
+ let unstaking_curator = Self::ensure_curator_exists(&curator_id).unwrap();
+ //
+ // == MUTATION SAFE ==
+ //
+ // Update stage of curator
+ let curator_exit_summary =
+ if let CuratorRoleStage::Unstaking(summary) = unstaking_curator.stage {
+ summary
+ } else {
+ panic!("Curator must be in unstaking stage.");
+ };
+ let new_curator = Curator {
+ stage: CuratorRoleStage::Exited(curator_exit_summary.clone()),
+ ..unstaking_curator
+ };
+ CuratorById::<T>::insert(curator_id, new_curator);
+ // Remove from unstaker
+ UnstakerByStakeId::<T>::remove(stake_id);
+ // Trigger event
+ let event = match curator_exit_summary.origin {
+ CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Lead => RawEvent::TerminatedCurator(curator_id),
+ CuratorExitInitiationOrigin::Curator => RawEvent::CuratorExited(curator_id),
+ };
+ Self::deposit_event(event);
+ }