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Merge branch 'giza-types-operations-groups' into giza-protobuf-and-query-node

Leszek Wiesner 3 years ago

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1 - 1

+ 13 - 1

@@ -69,7 +69,19 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/consts' {
     members: {
       screenedMemberMaxInitialBalance: BalanceOf & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.
+       **/
+      maxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.
+       **/
+      maxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.

+ 797 - 1

@@ -1475,7 +1475,803 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/errors' {
       UnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not activate in the future.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * New application was crowded out.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake amount too low.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake missing when required.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake provided when redundant.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+       * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer does not match controller account.
+       **/
+      ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+       **/
+      CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+       **/
+      CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+       **/
+      CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Current lead is not set.
+       **/
+      CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group mint does not exist.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Applications not for opening.
+       **/
+      FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application not in active stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not in review period stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to apply.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not a lead account.
+       **/
+      IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group size limit exceeded.
+       **/
+      MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+       **/
+      MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member id is invalid.
+       **/
+      MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unsigned origin.
+       **/
+      MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+       **/
+      MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+       **/
+      NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too long.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too short.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin is not applicant.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Next payment is not in the future.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward relationship not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient reward source not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Relationship must exist.
+       **/
+      RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer is not worker role account.
+       **/
+      SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Already unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot change stake by zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance in source account.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not staked.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake not found.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Successful worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application is not active.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not accepting applications.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Redundant unstaking period provided
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker has no recurring reward.
+       **/
+      WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not activate in the future.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * New application was crowded out.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake amount too low.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake missing when required.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake provided when redundant.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+       * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer does not match controller account.
+       **/
+      ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+       **/
+      CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+       **/
+      CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+       **/
+      CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Current lead is not set.
+       **/
+      CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group mint does not exist.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Applications not for opening.
+       **/
+      FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application not in active stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not in review period stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to apply.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not a lead account.
+       **/
+      IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group size limit exceeded.
+       **/
+      MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+       **/
+      MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member id is invalid.
+       **/
+      MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unsigned origin.
+       **/
+      MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+       **/
+      MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+       **/
+      NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too long.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too short.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin is not applicant.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Next payment is not in the future.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward relationship not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient reward source not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Relationship must exist.
+       **/
+      RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer is not worker role account.
+       **/
+      SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Already unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot change stake by zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance in source account.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not staked.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake not found.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Successful worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application is not active.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not accepting applications.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Redundant unstaking period provided
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker has no recurring reward.
+       **/
+      WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Opening does not exist.

+ 261 - 1

@@ -581,7 +581,267 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/events' {
       Offence: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [Kind, OpaqueTimeSlot, bool]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       * - Application id
+       **/
+      AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker id.
+       **/
+      LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on un-setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       **/
+      LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, []>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on changing working group mint capacity.
+       * Params:
+       * - mint id.
+       * - new mint balance.
+       **/
+      MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [MintId, MintBalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding new worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on filling the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker opening id
+       * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
+       **/
+      OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - leader worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on exiting the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - exit rationale text
+       **/
+      WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Member id of the worker.
+       * - Reward account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the role account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Role account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the worker storage role.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Raw storage field.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       * - Application id
+       **/
+      AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker id.
+       **/
+      LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on un-setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       **/
+      LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, []>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on changing working group mint capacity.
+       * Params:
+       * - mint id.
+       * - new mint balance.
+       **/
+      MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [MintId, MintBalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding new worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on filling the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker opening id
+       * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
+       **/
+      OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - leader worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on exiting the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - exit rationale text
+       **/
+      WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Member id of the worker.
+       * - Reward account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the role account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Role account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the worker storage role.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Raw storage field.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
        * Params:

+ 127 - 1

@@ -583,7 +583,133 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/storage' {
       reportsByKindIndex: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: Kind | string | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [Kind]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Count of active workers.
+       **/
+      activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u32>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker application on opening.
+       **/
+      applicationById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<ApplicationOf>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The current lead.
+       **/
+      currentLead: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<Option<WorkerId>>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Map member id by hiring application id.
+       * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking.
+       **/
+      memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: HiringApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<MemberId>, [HiringApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module.
+       **/
+      mint: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<MintId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker application.
+       **/
+      nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<ApplicationId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker opening.
+       **/
+      nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<OpeningId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier for new worker.
+       **/
+      nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<WorkerId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker opening.
+       **/
+      openingById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<OpeningOf>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Opening human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker.
+       **/
+      workerById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<WorkerOf>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text length limits.
+       **/
+      workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker storage.
+       **/
+      workerStorage: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage size upper bound.
+       **/
+      workerStorageSize: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u16>, []>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Count of active workers.
+       **/
+      activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u32>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker application on opening.
+       **/
+      applicationById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<ApplicationOf>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The current lead.
+       **/
+      currentLead: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<Option<WorkerId>>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Map member id by hiring application id.
+       * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking.
+       **/
+      memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: HiringApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<MemberId>, [HiringApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module.
+       **/
+      mint: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<MintId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker application.
+       **/
+      nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<ApplicationId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker opening.
+       **/
+      nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<OpeningId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier for new worker.
+       **/
+      nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<WorkerId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker opening.
+       **/
+      openingById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<OpeningOf>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Opening human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker.
+       **/
+      workerById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<WorkerOf>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text length limits.
+       **/
+      workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker storage.
+       **/
+      workerStorage: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage size upper bound.
+       **/
+      workerStorageSize: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u16>, []>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Count of active workers.

+ 168 - 6

@@ -587,7 +587,169 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
     memo: {
       updateMemo: AugmentedSubmittable<(memo: MemoText | string) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemoText]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Add an opening for a worker role.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
+      /**
+       * Apply on a worker opening.
+       **/
+      applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
+       * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
+       **/
+      decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Fill opening for worker/lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
+      /**
+       * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
+       * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
+       **/
+      increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Leave the role by the active worker.
+       **/
+      leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
+       **/
+      setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
+       * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
+       **/
+      slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
+       **/
+      terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
+       **/
+      terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       **/
+      updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
+       **/
+      updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
+       **/
+      updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role storage.
+       **/
+      updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
+       **/
+      withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Add an opening for a worker role.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
+      /**
+       * Apply on a worker opening.
+       **/
+      applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
+       * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
+       **/
+      decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Fill opening for worker/lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
+      /**
+       * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
+       * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
+       **/
+      increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Leave the role by the active worker.
+       **/
+      leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
+       **/
+      setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
+       * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
+       **/
+      slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
+       **/
+      terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
+       **/
+      terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       **/
+      updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
+       **/
+      updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
+       **/
+      updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role storage.
+       **/
+      updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
+       **/
+      withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
        * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
@@ -678,12 +840,12 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
        * Create 'Begin review working group leader applications' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `begin_applicant_review()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
-      createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, OpeningId, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, OpeningId, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'decrease working group leader stake' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `decrease_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, decreasingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, decreasingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Fill working group leader opening' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `fill_opening()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
@@ -708,17 +870,17 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
        * Create 'set working group leader reward' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `update_reward_amount()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rewardAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rewardAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Set working group mint capacity' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `set_mint_capacity()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, mintBalance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, mintBalance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'slash working group leader stake' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `slash_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Spending' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `spend_from_council_mint()` extrinsic from the `governance::council`  module.

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 4 - 3

@@ -86,9 +86,11 @@
-            "Operations",
+            "OperationsAlpha",
-            "Distribution"
+            "Distribution",
+            "OperationsBeta",
+            "OperationsGamma"
     "SlashingTerms": {
@@ -105,7 +107,6 @@
     "Address": "AccountId",
     "LookupSource": "AccountId",
     "ChannelId": "u64",
-    "DAOId": "u64",
     "Url": "Text",
     "EntryMethod": {
         "_enum": {

+ 3 - 4

@@ -363,9 +363,6 @@ export interface CuratorOpening extends Null {}
 /** @name CuratorOpeningId */
 export interface CuratorOpeningId extends Null {}
-/** @name DAOId */
-export interface DAOId extends u64 {}
 /** @name DataObject */
 export interface DataObject extends Struct {
   readonly accepted: bool;
@@ -1413,9 +1410,11 @@ export interface WorkingGroup extends Enum {
   readonly isReserved1: boolean;
   readonly isStorage: boolean;
   readonly isContent: boolean;
-  readonly isOperations: boolean;
+  readonly isOperationsAlpha: boolean;
   readonly isGateway: boolean;
   readonly isDistribution: boolean;
+  readonly isOperationsBeta: boolean;
+  readonly isOperationsGamma: boolean;
 /** @name WorkingGroupUnstaker */

+ 13 - 1

@@ -69,7 +69,19 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/consts' {
     members: {
       screenedMemberMaxInitialBalance: BalanceOf & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.
+       **/
+      maxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.
+       **/
+      maxWorkerNumberLimit: u32 & AugmentedConst<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Exports const -  max simultaneous active worker number.

+ 797 - 1

@@ -1475,7 +1475,803 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/errors' {
       UnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not activate in the future.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * New application was crowded out.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake amount too low.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake missing when required.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake provided when redundant.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+       * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer does not match controller account.
+       **/
+      ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+       **/
+      CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+       **/
+      CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+       **/
+      CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Current lead is not set.
+       **/
+      CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group mint does not exist.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Applications not for opening.
+       **/
+      FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application not in active stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not in review period stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to apply.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not a lead account.
+       **/
+      IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group size limit exceeded.
+       **/
+      MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+       **/
+      MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member id is invalid.
+       **/
+      MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unsigned origin.
+       **/
+      MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+       **/
+      MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+       **/
+      NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too long.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too short.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin is not applicant.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Next payment is not in the future.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward relationship not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient reward source not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Relationship must exist.
+       **/
+      RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer is not worker role account.
+       **/
+      SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Already unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot change stake by zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance in source account.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not staked.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake not found.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Successful worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application is not active.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not accepting applications.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Redundant unstaking period provided
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker has no recurring reward.
+       **/
+      WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting to begin.
+       **/
+      AcceptWorkerApplicationsOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not activate in the future.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningActivatesInThePast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening application stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningApplicationStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningAppliicationStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * New application was crowded out.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningNewApplicationWasCrowdedOut: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening is not in accepting applications stage.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInAcceptingApplicationStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Add worker opening role stake cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake amount less than minimum currency balance.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningRoleStakeLessThanMinimum: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake amount too low.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeAmountTooLow: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake missing when required.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeMissingWhenRequired: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake provided when redundant.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningStakeProvidedWhenRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application rationing has zero max active applicants.
+       **/
+      AddWorkerOpeningZeroMaxApplicantCount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_rationing_policy):
+       * max_active_applicants should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationRationingPolicyMaxActiveApplicantsIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (application_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ApplicationStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer does not match controller account.
+       **/
+      ApplyOnWorkerOpeningSignerNotControllerAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening Is Not in Waiting.
+       **/
+      BeginWorkerApplicantReviewOpeningOpeningIsNotWaitingToBegin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot find mint in the minting module.
+       **/
+      CannotFindMint: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * There is leader already, cannot hire another one.
+       **/
+      CannotHireLeaderWhenLeaderExists: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot fill opening with multiple applications.
+       **/
+      CannotHireMultipleLeaders: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Current lead is not set.
+       **/
+      CurrentLeadNotSet: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * exit_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      ExitRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningFailedApplicantRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward policy has invalid next payment block number.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningInvalidNextPaymentBlock: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group mint does not exist.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningMintDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      FillOpeningSuccessfulApplicantApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Applications not for opening.
+       **/
+      FillWorkerOpeningApplicationForWrongOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application not in active stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * OpeningDoesNotExist.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not in review period stage.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningOpeningNotInReviewPeriodStage: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningSuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application stake unstaking period for successful applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants redundant.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodRedundant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Role stake unstaking period for failed applicants too short.
+       **/
+      FullWorkerOpeningUnsuccessfulRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to apply.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToApply: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance to cover stake.
+       **/
+      InsufficientBalanceToCoverStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not a lead account.
+       **/
+      IsNotLeadAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Working group size limit exceeded.
+       **/
+      MaxActiveWorkerNumberExceeded: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member already has an active application on the opening.
+       **/
+      MemberHasActiveApplicationOnOpening: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Member id is invalid.
+       **/
+      MembershipInvalidMemberId: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unsigned origin.
+       **/
+      MembershipUnsignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Minting error: NextAdjustmentInPast
+       **/
+      MintingErrorNextAdjustmentInPast: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot get the worker stake profile.
+       **/
+      NoWorkerStakeProfile: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening does not exist.
+       **/
+      OpeningDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too long.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening text too short.
+       **/
+      OpeningTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin must be controller or root account of member.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNeitherMemberControllerOrRoot: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Origin is not applicant.
+       **/
+      OriginIsNotApplicant: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Next payment is not in the future.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsNextPaymentNotInFuture: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRecipientNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Reward relationship not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardRelationshipNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Recipient reward source not found.
+       **/
+      RecurringRewardsRewardSourceNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Relationship must exist.
+       **/
+      RelationshipMustExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require root origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireRootOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Require signed origin in extrinsics.
+       **/
+      RequireSignedOrigin: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * crowded_out_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyCrowdedOutUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter (role_staking_policy):
+       * review_period_expired_unstaking_period_length should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      RoleStakingPolicyReviewPeriodUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Signer is not worker role account.
+       **/
+      SignerIsNotWorkerRoleAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Provided stake balance cannot be zero.
+       **/
+      StakeBalanceCannotBeZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Already unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorAlreadyUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot change stake by zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotChangeStakeByZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot decrease stake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotDecreaseWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot increase stake while unstaking.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotIncreaseStakeWhileUnstaking: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Cannot unstake while slashes ongoing.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorCannotUnstakeWhileSlashesOngoing: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient balance in source account.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientBalanceInSourceAccount: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Insufficient stake to decrease.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorInsufficientStake: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Not staked.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorNotStaked: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Slash amount should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorSlashAmountShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Stake not found.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorStakeNotFound: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Unstaking period should be greater than zero.
+       **/
+      StakingErrorUnstakingPeriodShouldBeGreaterThanZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Successful worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      SuccessfulWorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateApplicationStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Invalid OpeningPolicyCommitment parameter:
+       * terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period should be non-zero.
+       **/
+      TerminateRoleStakeUnstakingPeriodIsZero: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Application is not active.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationApplicationNotActive: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Opening not accepting applications.
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationOpeningNotAcceptingApplications: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Redundant unstaking period provided
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationRedundantUnstakingPeriod: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       **/
+      WithdrawWorkerApplicationUnstakingPeriodTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application text too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerApplicationTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker does not exist.
+       **/
+      WorkerDoesNotExist: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text is too short.
+       **/
+      WorkerExitRationaleTextTooShort: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker has no recurring reward.
+       **/
+      WorkerHasNoReward: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage text is too long.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageValueTooLong: AugmentedError<ApiType>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Opening does not exist.

+ 261 - 1

@@ -581,7 +581,267 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/events' {
       Offence: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [Kind, OpaqueTimeSlot, bool]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       * - Application id
+       **/
+      AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker id.
+       **/
+      LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on un-setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       **/
+      LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, []>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on changing working group mint capacity.
+       * Params:
+       * - mint id.
+       * - new mint balance.
+       **/
+      MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [MintId, MintBalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding new worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on filling the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker opening id
+       * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
+       **/
+      OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - leader worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on exiting the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - exit rationale text
+       **/
+      WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Member id of the worker.
+       * - Reward account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the role account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Role account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the worker storage role.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Raw storage field.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      AcceptedApplications: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationTerminated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on withdrawing the application for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker application id
+       **/
+      ApplicationWithdrawn: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding the application for the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       * - Application id
+       **/
+      AppliedOnOpening: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on beginning the application review for the worker/lead opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      BeganApplicationReview: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker id.
+       **/
+      LeaderSet: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on un-setting the leader.
+       * Params:
+       **/
+      LeaderUnset: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, []>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on changing working group mint capacity.
+       * Params:
+       * - mint id.
+       * - new mint balance.
+       **/
+      MintCapacityChanged: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [MintId, MintBalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on adding new worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Opening id
+       **/
+      OpeningAdded: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on filling the worker opening.
+       * Params:
+       * - Worker opening id
+       * - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
+       **/
+      OpeningFilled: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on decreasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeDecreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on increasing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeIncreased: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on slashing the worker/lead stake.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker/lead id.
+       **/
+      StakeSlashed: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the leader.
+       * Params:
+       * - leader worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedLeader: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on terminating the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - termination rationale text
+       **/
+      TerminatedWorker: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on exiting the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - worker id.
+       * - exit rationale text
+       **/
+      WorkerExited: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, RationaleText]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Member id of the worker.
+       * - Reward account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the reward amount of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRewardAmountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the role account of the worker.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Role account id of the worker.
+       **/
+      WorkerRoleAccountUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Emits on updating the worker storage role.
+       * Params:
+       * - Id of the worker.
+       * - Raw storage field.
+       **/
+      WorkerStorageUpdated: AugmentedEvent<ApiType, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Emits on accepting application for the worker opening.
        * Params:

+ 127 - 1

@@ -583,7 +583,133 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/storage' {
       reportsByKindIndex: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: Kind | string | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [Kind]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Count of active workers.
+       **/
+      activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u32>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker application on opening.
+       **/
+      applicationById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<ApplicationOf>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The current lead.
+       **/
+      currentLead: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<Option<WorkerId>>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Map member id by hiring application id.
+       * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking.
+       **/
+      memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: HiringApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<MemberId>, [HiringApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module.
+       **/
+      mint: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<MintId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker application.
+       **/
+      nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<ApplicationId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker opening.
+       **/
+      nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<OpeningId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier for new worker.
+       **/
+      nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<WorkerId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker opening.
+       **/
+      openingById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<OpeningOf>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Opening human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker.
+       **/
+      workerById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<WorkerOf>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text length limits.
+       **/
+      workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker storage.
+       **/
+      workerStorage: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage size upper bound.
+       **/
+      workerStorageSize: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u16>, []>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Count of active workers.
+       **/
+      activeWorkerCount: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u32>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker application on opening.
+       **/
+      applicationById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<ApplicationOf>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The current lead.
+       **/
+      currentLead: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<Option<WorkerId>>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Map member id by hiring application id.
+       * Required by StakingEventsHandler callback call to refund the balance on unstaking.
+       **/
+      memberIdByHiringApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: HiringApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<MemberId>, [HiringApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * The mint currently funding the rewards for this module.
+       **/
+      mint: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<MintId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker application.
+       **/
+      nextApplicationId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<ApplicationId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier value for new worker opening.
+       **/
+      nextOpeningId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<OpeningId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Next identifier for new worker.
+       **/
+      nextWorkerId: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<WorkerId>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to worker opening.
+       **/
+      openingById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<OpeningOf>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Opening human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      openingHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Worker application human readable text length limits
+       **/
+      workerApplicationHumanReadableText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker.
+       **/
+      workerById: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<WorkerOf>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker exit rationale text length limits.
+       **/
+      workerExitRationaleText: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<InputValidationLengthConstraint>, []>;
+      /**
+       * Maps identifier to corresponding worker storage.
+       **/
+      workerStorage: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, (arg: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => Observable<Bytes>, [WorkerId]>;
+      /**
+       * Worker storage size upper bound.
+       **/
+      workerStorageSize: AugmentedQuery<ApiType, () => Observable<u16>, []>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Count of active workers.

+ 168 - 6

@@ -587,7 +587,169 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
     memo: {
       updateMemo: AugmentedSubmittable<(memo: MemoText | string) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemoText]>;
-    operationsWorkingGroup: {
+    operationsWorkingGroupAlpha: {
+      /**
+       * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Add an opening for a worker role.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
+      /**
+       * Apply on a worker opening.
+       **/
+      applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
+       * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
+       **/
+      decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Fill opening for worker/lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
+      /**
+       * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
+       * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
+       **/
+      increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Leave the role by the active worker.
+       **/
+      leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
+       **/
+      setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
+       * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
+       **/
+      slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
+       **/
+      terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
+       **/
+      terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       **/
+      updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
+       **/
+      updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
+       **/
+      updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role storage.
+       **/
+      updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
+       **/
+      withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupBeta: {
+      /**
+       * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      acceptApplications: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Add an opening for a worker role.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to add opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      addOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(activateAt: ActivateOpeningAt | { CurrentBlock: any } | { ExactBlock: any } | string | Uint8Array, commitment: OpeningPolicyCommitment | { application_rationing_policy?: any; max_review_period_length?: any; application_staking_policy?: any; role_staking_policy?: any; role_slashing_terms?: any; fill_opening_successful_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_application_stake_unstaking_period?: any; exit_role_stake_unstaking_period?: any } | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, openingType: OpeningType | 'Leader' | 'Worker' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ActivateOpeningAt, OpeningPolicyCommitment, Bytes, OpeningType]>;
+      /**
+       * Apply on a worker opening.
+       **/
+      applyOnOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, roleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array, optRoleStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, optApplicationStakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, humanReadableText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, OpeningId, AccountId, Option<BalanceOf>, Option<BalanceOf>, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Begin reviewing, and therefore not accepting new applications.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to begin review applications for the leader position).
+       **/
+      beginApplicantReview: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId]>;
+      /**
+       * Decreases the worker/lead stake and returns the remainder to the worker role_account_id.
+       * Can be decreased to zero, no actions on zero stake.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to decrease the leader stake).
+       **/
+      decreaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Fill opening for worker/lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
+       **/
+      fillOpening: AugmentedSubmittable<(openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, successfulApplicationIds: ApplicationIdSet, rewardPolicy: Option<RewardPolicy> | null | object | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [OpeningId, ApplicationIdSet, Option<RewardPolicy>]>;
+      /**
+       * Increases the worker/lead stake, demands a worker origin. Transfers tokens from the worker
+       * role_account_id to the stake. No limits on the stake.
+       **/
+      increaseStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Leave the role by the active worker.
+       **/
+      leaveRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Sets the capacity to enable working group budget. Requires root origin.
+       **/
+      setMintCapacity: AugmentedSubmittable<(newCapacity: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Slashes the worker stake, demands a leader origin. No limits, no actions on zero stake.
+       * If slashing balance greater than the existing stake - stake is slashed to zero.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to slash the leader stake).
+       **/
+      slashStake: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, balance: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOf]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the worker application. Can be done by the lead only.
+       **/
+      terminateApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+      /**
+       * Terminate the active worker by the lead.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
+       **/
+      terminateRole: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rationaleText: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, slashStake: bool | boolean | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes, bool]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward account associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       **/
+      updateRewardAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRewardAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the reward amount associated with a set reward relationship for the active worker.
+       * Require signed leader origin or the root (to update leader reward amount).
+       **/
+      updateRewardAmount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, BalanceOfMint]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role account of the active worker/lead.
+       **/
+      updateRoleAccount: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, newRoleAccountId: AccountId | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, AccountId]>;
+      /**
+       * Update the associated role storage.
+       **/
+      updateRoleStorage: AugmentedSubmittable<(workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, storage: Bytes | string | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [WorkerId, Bytes]>;
+      /**
+       * Withdraw the worker application. Can be done by the worker itself only.
+       **/
+      withdrawApplication: AugmentedSubmittable<(applicationId: ApplicationId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [ApplicationId]>;
+    };
+    operationsWorkingGroupGamma: {
        * Begin accepting worker applications to an opening that is active.
        * Require signed leader origin or the root (to accept applications for the leader position).
@@ -678,12 +840,12 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
        * Create 'Begin review working group leader applications' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `begin_applicant_review()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
-      createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, OpeningId, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createBeginReviewWorkingGroupLeaderApplicationsProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, openingId: OpeningId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, OpeningId, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'decrease working group leader stake' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `decrease_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, decreasingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createDecreaseWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, decreasingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Fill working group leader opening' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `fill_opening()` extrinsic from the Joystream `working group` module.
@@ -708,17 +870,17 @@ declare module '@polkadot/api/types/submittable' {
        * Create 'set working group leader reward' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `update_reward_amount()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rewardAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSetWorkingGroupLeaderRewardProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, rewardAmount: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Set working group mint capacity' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `set_mint_capacity()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, mintBalance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSetWorkingGroupMintCapacityProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, mintBalance: BalanceOfMint | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, BalanceOfMint, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'slash working group leader stake' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `slash_stake()` extrinsic from the `working-group`  module.
-      createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'Operations' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
+      createSlashWorkingGroupLeaderStakeProposal: AugmentedSubmittable<(memberId: MemberId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, title: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, description: Bytes | string | Uint8Array, stakeBalance: Option<BalanceOf> | null | object | string | Uint8Array, workerId: WorkerId | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, slashingStake: BalanceOf | AnyNumber | Uint8Array, workingGroup: WorkingGroup | '_Reserved0' | '_Reserved1' | 'Storage' | 'Content' | 'OperationsAlpha' | 'Gateway' | 'Distribution' | 'OperationsBeta' | 'OperationsGamma' | number | Uint8Array) => SubmittableExtrinsic<ApiType>, [MemberId, Bytes, Bytes, Option<BalanceOf>, WorkerId, BalanceOf, WorkingGroup]>;
        * Create 'Spending' proposal type.
        * This proposal uses `spend_from_council_mint()` extrinsic from the `governance::council`  module.

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 3 - 3

@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ export function JoyBTreeSet<V extends UInt>(valType: Constructor<V>): Constructo
 export class Url extends Text {}
 export class ChannelId extends u64 {}
-export class DAOId extends u64 {}
 // common types between Forum and Proposal Discussions modules
 export class ThreadId extends u64 {}
@@ -97,9 +96,11 @@ export const WorkingGroupDef = {
   // _Reserved1
   Storage: Null,
   Content: Null,
-  Operations: Null,
+  OperationsAlpha: Null,
   Gateway: Null,
   Distribution: Null,
+  OperationsBeta: Null,
+  OperationsGamma: Null,
 } as const
 export type WorkingGroupKey = keyof typeof WorkingGroupDef
 export class WorkingGroup extends JoyEnum({
@@ -149,7 +150,6 @@ export const commonTypes: RegistryTypes = {
-  DAOId,

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff