@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
-import { Table, Button, Label } from 'semantic-ui-react';
-import { History } from 'history';
+import styled from 'styled-components';
+import { Table, Button, Label, Icon } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import BN from 'bn.js';
import { Category, Thread, ThreadId, Post, PostId } from '@joystream/types/forum';
-import { Pagination, RepliesPerPage, CategoryCrumbs } from './utils';
+import { Pagination, RepliesPerPage, CategoryCrumbs, TimeAgoDate, usePagination, useQueryParam, ReplyIdxQueryParam, ReplyEditIdQueryParam } from './utils';
import { ViewReply } from './ViewReply';
import { Moderate } from './Moderate';
import { MutedSpan } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/MutedText';
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import { orderBy } from 'lodash';
import { bnToStr } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/index';
import { IfIAmForumSudo } from './ForumSudo';
import { MemberPreview } from '@polkadot/joy-members/MemberPreview';
+import { formatDate } from '@polkadot/joy-utils/functions/date';
+import { NewReply, EditReply } from './EditReply';
type ThreadTitleProps = {
thread: Thread;
@@ -36,12 +38,90 @@ function ThreadTitle (props: ThreadTitleProps) {
+const ThreadHeader = styled.div`
+ margin: 1rem 0;
+ h1 {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+const ThreadInfoAndActions = styled.div`
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
+ margin-top: .3rem;
+ h1 {
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+const ThreadInfo = styled.span`
+ display: inline-flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ font-size: .85rem;
+ color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
+const ThreadInfoMemberPreview = styled(MemberPreview)`
+ && {
+ margin: 0 .2rem;
+ .PrefixLabel {
+ color: inherit;
+ margin-right: .2rem;
+ }
+ }
+const ReplyEditContainer = styled.div`
+ margin-top: 30px;
+ padding-bottom: 60px;
+type ThreadPreviewProps = {
+ thread: Thread;
+ repliesCount: number;
+const ThreadPreview: React.FC<ThreadPreviewProps> = ({ thread, repliesCount }) => {
+ const title = <ThreadTitle thread={thread} />;
+ return (
+ <Table.Row>
+ <Table.Cell>
+ <Link to={`/forum/threads/${thread.id.toString()}`}>
+ {
+ thread.moderated
+ ? (
+ <MutedSpan>
+ <Label color='orange'>Moderated</Label> {title}
+ </MutedSpan>
+ )
+ : title
+ }
+ </Link>
+ </Table.Cell>
+ <Table.Cell>
+ {repliesCount}
+ </Table.Cell>
+ <Table.Cell>
+ <MemberPreview accountId={thread.author_id} />
+ </Table.Cell>
+ <Table.Cell>
+ {formatDate(thread.created_at.momentDate)}
+ </Table.Cell>
+ </Table.Row>
+ );
type InnerViewThreadProps = {
category: Category;
thread: Thread;
- page?: number;
preview?: boolean;
- history?: History;
type ViewThreadProps = ApiProps & InnerViewThreadProps & {
@@ -50,7 +130,22 @@ type ViewThreadProps = ApiProps & InnerViewThreadProps & {
function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
const [showModerateForm, setShowModerateForm] = useState(false);
- const { history, category, thread, page = 1, preview = false } = props;
+ const [displayedPosts, setDisplayedPosts] = useState<Post[]>([]);
+ const [quotedPost, setQuotedPost] = useState<Post | null>(null);
+ const postsRefs = useRef<Record<number, React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>>>({});
+ const replyFormRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
+ const [rawSelectedPostIdx, setSelectedPostIdx] = useQueryParam(ReplyIdxQueryParam);
+ const [rawEditedPostId, setEditedPostId] = useQueryParam(ReplyEditIdQueryParam);
+ const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = usePagination();
+ const parsedSelectedPostIdx = rawSelectedPostIdx ? parseInt(rawSelectedPostIdx) : null;
+ const selectedPostIdx = (parsedSelectedPostIdx && !Number.isNaN(parsedSelectedPostIdx)) ? parsedSelectedPostIdx : null;
+ const { category, thread, preview = false } = props;
+ const editedPostId = rawEditedPostId && new PostId(rawEditedPostId);
if (!thread) {
return <em>Loading thread details...</em>;
@@ -67,6 +162,11 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
const { id } = thread;
const totalPostsInThread = thread.num_posts_ever_created.toNumber();
+ const changePageAndClearSelectedPost = (page?: number | string) => {
+ setSelectedPostIdx(null);
+ setCurrentPage(page, [ReplyIdxQueryParam]);
+ };
if (!category) {
return <em>{'Thread\'s category was not found.'}</em>;
} else if (category.deleted) {
@@ -74,34 +174,14 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
if (preview) {
- const title = <ThreadTitle thread={thread} />;
- const repliesCount = totalPostsInThread - 1;
- return (
- <Table.Row>
- <Table.Cell>
- <Link to={`/forum/threads/${id.toString()}`}>{thread.moderated
- ? <MutedSpan><Label color='orange'>Moderated</Label> {title}</MutedSpan>
- : title
- }</Link>
- </Table.Cell>
- <Table.Cell>
- {repliesCount}
- </Table.Cell>
- <Table.Cell>
- <MemberPreview accountId={thread.author_id} />
- </Table.Cell>
- </Table.Row>
- );
- }
- if (!history) {
- return <em>History propoerty is undefined</em>;
+ return <ThreadPreview thread={thread} repliesCount={totalPostsInThread - 1} />;
const { api, nextPostId } = props;
const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);
const [posts, setPosts] = useState(new Array<Post>());
+ // fetch posts
useEffect(() => {
const loadPosts = async () => {
if (!nextPostId || totalPostsInThread === 0) return;
@@ -125,6 +205,13 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
+ // initialize refs for posts
+ postsRefs.current = sortedPosts.reduce((acc, reply) => {
+ const refKey = reply.nr_in_thread.toNumber();
+ acc[refKey] = React.createRef();
+ return acc;
+ }, postsRefs.current);
@@ -132,6 +219,73 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
}, [bnToStr(thread.id), bnToStr(nextPostId)]);
+ // handle selected post
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!selectedPostIdx) return;
+ const selectedPostPage = Math.ceil(selectedPostIdx / RepliesPerPage);
+ if (currentPage !== selectedPostPage) {
+ setCurrentPage(selectedPostPage);
+ }
+ if (!loaded) return;
+ if (selectedPostIdx > posts.length) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.warn(`Tried to open nonexistent reply with idx: ${selectedPostIdx}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ const postRef = postsRefs.current[selectedPostIdx];
+ // postpone scrolling for one render to make sure the ref is set
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (postRef.current) {
+ postRef.current.scrollIntoView();
+ } else {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.warn('Ref for selected post empty');
+ }
+ });
+ }, [loaded, selectedPostIdx, currentPage]);
+ // handle displayed posts based on pagination
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!loaded) return;
+ const minIdx = (currentPage - 1) * RepliesPerPage;
+ const maxIdx = minIdx + RepliesPerPage - 1;
+ const postsToDisplay = posts.filter((_id, i) => i >= minIdx && i <= maxIdx);
+ setDisplayedPosts(postsToDisplay);
+ }, [loaded, posts, currentPage]);
+ const scrollToReplyForm = () => {
+ if (!replyFormRef.current) return;
+ replyFormRef.current.scrollIntoView();
+ };
+ const clearEditedPost = () => {
+ setEditedPostId(null);
+ };
+ const onThreadReplyClick = () => {
+ clearEditedPost();
+ setQuotedPost(null);
+ scrollToReplyForm();
+ };
+ const onPostEditSuccess = async () => {
+ if (!editedPostId) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.error('editedPostId not set!');
+ return;
+ }
+ const updatedPost = await api.query.forum.postById(editedPostId) as Post;
+ const updatedPosts = posts.map(post => post.id.eq(editedPostId) ? updatedPost : post);
+ setPosts(updatedPosts);
+ clearEditedPost();
+ };
// console.log({ nextPostId: bnToStr(nextPostId), loaded, posts });
const renderPageOfPosts = () => {
@@ -139,29 +293,44 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
return <em>Loading posts...</em>;
- const onPageChange = (activePage?: string | number) => {
- history.push(`/forum/threads/${id.toString()}/page/${activePage}`);
- };
- const itemsPerPage = RepliesPerPage;
- const minIdx = (page - 1) * RepliesPerPage;
- const maxIdx = minIdx + RepliesPerPage - 1;
const pagination =
- currentPage={page}
- totalItems={totalPostsInThread}
- itemsPerPage={itemsPerPage}
- onPageChange={onPageChange}
+ currentPage={currentPage}
+ totalItems={posts.length}
+ itemsPerPage={RepliesPerPage}
+ onPageChange={changePageAndClearSelectedPost}
- const pageOfItems = posts
- .filter((_id, i) => i >= minIdx && i <= maxIdx)
- .map((reply, i) => <ViewReply key={i} category={category} thread={thread} reply={reply} />);
+ const renderedReplies = displayedPosts.map((reply) => {
+ const replyIdx = reply.nr_in_thread.toNumber();
+ const onReplyEditClick = () => {
+ setEditedPostId(reply.id.toString());
+ scrollToReplyForm();
+ };
+ const onReplyQuoteClick = () => {
+ setQuotedPost(reply);
+ scrollToReplyForm();
+ };
+ return (
+ <ViewReply
+ ref={postsRefs.current[replyIdx]}
+ key={replyIdx}
+ category={category}
+ thread={thread}
+ reply={reply}
+ selected={selectedPostIdx === replyIdx}
+ onEdit={onReplyEditClick}
+ onQuote={onReplyQuoteClick}
+ />
+ );
+ });
return <>
- {pageOfItems}
+ {renderedReplies}
@@ -171,13 +340,10 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
return null;
return <span className='JoyInlineActions'>
- <Link
- to={`/forum/threads/${id.toString()}/reply`}
- className='ui small button'
- >
- <i className='reply icon' />
+ <Button onClick={onThreadReplyClick}>
+ <Icon name="reply" />
- </Link>
+ </Button>
{/* TODO show 'Edit' button only if I am owner */}
{/* <Link
@@ -211,10 +377,20 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
return <div style={{ marginBottom: '1rem' }}>
<CategoryCrumbs categoryId={thread.category_id} />
- <h1 className='ForumPageTitle'>
- <ThreadTitle thread={thread} className='TitleText' />
- {renderActions()}
- </h1>
+ <ThreadHeader>
+ <h1 className='ForumPageTitle'>
+ <ThreadTitle thread={thread} className='TitleText' />
+ </h1>
+ <ThreadInfoAndActions>
+ <ThreadInfo>
+ Created
+ <ThreadInfoMemberPreview accountId={thread.author_id} inline prefixLabel="by" />
+ <TimeAgoDate date={thread.created_at.momentDate} id="thread" />
+ </ThreadInfo>
+ {renderActions()}
+ </ThreadInfoAndActions>
+ </ThreadHeader>
{category.archived &&
<JoyWarn title={'This thread is in archived category.'}>
No new replies can be posted.
@@ -227,6 +403,15 @@ function InnerViewThread (props: ViewThreadProps) {
? renderModerationRationale()
: renderPageOfPosts()
+ <ReplyEditContainer ref={replyFormRef}>
+ {
+ editedPostId ? (
+ <EditReply id={editedPostId} key={editedPostId.toString()} onEditSuccess={onPostEditSuccess} onEditCancel={clearEditedPost} />
+ ) : (
+ <NewReply threadId={thread.id} key={quotedPost?.id.toString()} quotedPost={quotedPost} />
+ )
+ }
+ </ReplyEditContainer>
@@ -239,27 +424,15 @@ export const ViewThread = withMulti(
type ViewThreadByIdProps = ApiProps & {
- history: History;
match: {
params: {
id: string;
- page?: string;
function InnerViewThreadById (props: ViewThreadByIdProps) {
- const { api, history, match: { params: { id, page: pageStr } } } = props;
- let page = 1;
- if (pageStr) {
- try {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:radix
- page = parseInt(pageStr);
- } catch (err) {
- console.log('Failed to parse page number form URL');
- }
- }
+ const { api, match: { params: { id } } } = props;
let threadId: ThreadId;
try {
@@ -286,7 +459,7 @@ function InnerViewThreadById (props: ViewThreadByIdProps) {
- }, [id, page]);
+ }, [id]);
// console.log({ threadId: id, page });
@@ -302,7 +475,7 @@ function InnerViewThreadById (props: ViewThreadByIdProps) {
return <em>{ 'Thread\'s category was not found' }</em>;
- return <ViewThread id={threadId} category={category} thread={thread} page={page} history={history} />;
+ return <ViewThread id={threadId} category={category} thread={thread} />;
export const ViewThreadById = withApi(InnerViewThreadById);