@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ import {
import { OpeningMetadata } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
import { AllProposalsOutcomesFixture, TestedProposal } from '../../fixtures/proposals/AllProposalsOutcomesFixture'
-// // TODO:
-// // RuntimeUpgradeProposal
-// // TODO: Blog-related proposals:
-// // CreateBlogPost
-// // EditBlogPostProposal
-// // LockBlogPostProposal
-// // UnlockBlogPostProposal
export default async function creatingProposals({ api, query }: FlowProps): Promise<void> {
const debug = Debugger('flow:creating-proposals')
@@ -28,7 +20,7 @@ export default async function creatingProposals({ api, query }: FlowProps): Prom
const createLeadOpeningsFixture = new CreateOpeningsFixture(
- 'storageWorkingGroup',
+ 'membershipWorkingGroup',
@@ -45,7 +37,7 @@ export default async function creatingProposals({ api, query }: FlowProps): Prom
await new FixtureRunner(addStakingAccountsFixture).run()
- const applyOnOpeningFixture = new ApplyOnOpeningsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, 'storageWorkingGroup', [
+ const applyOnOpeningFixture = new ApplyOnOpeningsHappyCaseFixture(api, query, 'membershipWorkingGroup', [
openingId: openingToFillId,
applicants: [
@@ -67,17 +59,22 @@ export default async function creatingProposals({ api, query }: FlowProps): Prom
const accountsToFund = (await api.createKeyPairs(5)).map((key) => key.address)
const proposalsToTest: TestedProposal[] = [
{ details: { AmendConstitution: 'New constitution' } },
- { details: { FundingRequest: accountsToFund.map((a, i) => ({ account: a, amount: (i + 1) * 1000 })) } },
+ {
+ details: { FundingRequest: accountsToFund.map((a, i) => ({ account: a, amount: (i + 1) * 1000 })) },
+ expectExecutionFailure: true, // InsufficientFunds
+ },
{ details: { Signal: 'Text' } },
{ details: { SetCouncilBudgetIncrement: 1_000_000 } },
{ details: { SetCouncilorReward: 100 } },
{ details: { SetInitialInvitationBalance: 10 } },
{ details: { SetInitialInvitationCount: 5 } },
{ details: { SetMaxValidatorCount: 100 } },
- { details: { SetMembershipLeadInvitationQuota: 50 } },
{ details: { SetMembershipPrice: 500 } },
{ details: { SetReferralCut: 25 } },
- { details: { UpdateWorkingGroupBudget: [10_000_000, 'Content', 'Negative'] }, expectExecutionFailure: true },
+ {
+ details: { UpdateWorkingGroupBudget: [10_000_000, 'Content', 'Negative'] },
+ expectExecutionFailure: true, // InsufficientFunds
+ },
details: {
CreateWorkingGroupLeadOpening: {
@@ -87,38 +84,46 @@ export default async function creatingProposals({ api, query }: FlowProps): Prom
leaving_unstaking_period: DEFAULT_OPENING_PARAMS.unstakingPeriod,
stake_amount: DEFAULT_OPENING_PARAMS.stake,
- working_group: 'Storage',
+ working_group: 'Membership',
- { details: { CancelWorkingGroupLeadOpening: [openingToCancelId, 'Storage'] } },
+ { details: { CancelWorkingGroupLeadOpening: [openingToCancelId, 'Membership'] } },
details: {
FillWorkingGroupLeadOpening: {
opening_id: openingToFillId,
successful_application_id: applicationId,
- working_group: 'Storage',
+ working_group: 'Membership',
+ { details: { CreateBlogPost: ['Blog title', 'Blog text'] } },
+ // Blogs not supported yet, so we currently use invalid id and expect failure
+ { details: { EditBlogPost: [999, 'New title', 'New text'] }, expectExecutionFailure: true },
+ { details: { LockBlogPost: 999 }, expectExecutionFailure: true },
+ { details: { UnlockBlogPost: 999 }, expectExecutionFailure: true },
const testAllOutcomesFixture = new AllProposalsOutcomesFixture(api, query, proposalsToTest)
await new FixtureRunner(testAllOutcomesFixture).run()
- // The storage lead should be hired at this point, so we can test lead-related proposals
+ // The membership lead should be hired at this point, so we can test lead-related proposals
- const leadId = (await api.query.storageWorkingGroup.currentLead()).unwrap()
+ const leadId = (await api.query.membershipWorkingGroup.currentLead()).unwrap()
const leadProposalsToTest: TestedProposal[] = [
- { details: { DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStake: [leadId, 100, 'Storage'] } },
- { details: { SetWorkingGroupLeadReward: [leadId, 50, 'Storage'] } },
- { details: { SlashWorkingGroupLead: [leadId, 100, 'Storage'] } },
+ { details: { SetMembershipLeadInvitationQuota: 50 } },
+ { details: { DecreaseWorkingGroupLeadStake: [leadId, 100, 'Membership'] } },
+ { details: { SetWorkingGroupLeadReward: [leadId, 50, 'Membership'] } },
+ { details: { SlashWorkingGroupLead: [leadId, 100, 'Membership'] } },
const leadProposalsOutcomesFixture = new AllProposalsOutcomesFixture(api, query, leadProposalsToTest)
await new FixtureRunner(leadProposalsOutcomesFixture).run()
const terminateLeadProposalOutcomesFixture = new AllProposalsOutcomesFixture(api, query, [
- { details: { TerminateWorkingGroupLead: { worker_id: leadId, working_group: 'Storage', slashing_amount: 100 } } },
+ {
+ details: { TerminateWorkingGroupLead: { worker_id: leadId, working_group: 'Membership', slashing_amount: 100 } },
+ },
await new FixtureRunner(terminateLeadProposalOutcomesFixture).run()