@@ -1492,17 +1492,33 @@ fn add_member_and_apply_on_opening(
// Guarantee sufficient stake
- let role_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy().role_staking_policy.unwrap().amount;
- let application_stake_balance = get_baseline_opening_policy().application_staking_policy.unwrap().amount;
+ let role_stake_balance =
+ if let Some(policy) = get_baseline_opening_policy().role_staking_policy {
+ policy.amount
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ let application_stake_balance =
+ if let Some(policy) = get_baseline_opening_policy().application_staking_policy {
+ policy.amount
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
let total_balance = role_stake_balance + application_stake_balance;
- // Credit staking source account
- let _ = balances::Module::<Test>::deposit_creating(&source_account, total_balance);
+ // Credit staking source account if required
+ if total_balance > 0 {
+ let _ = balances::Module::<Test>::deposit_creating(&source_account, total_balance);
+ }
let expected_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
let old_curator_opening = CuratorOpeningById::<Test>::get(curator_opening_id);
+ let new_curator_application_id = NextCuratorApplicationId::<Test>::get();
* Test
@@ -1579,6 +1595,8 @@ fn setup_normal_opening() -> NormalOpeningConstructed {
let new_member_as_lead = add_member_and_set_as_lead();
+ let expected_curator_opening_id = NextCuratorOpeningId::<Test>::get();
@@ -1712,23 +1730,27 @@ fn setup_and_fill_opening(applicants: &Vec<FillOpeningApplicantParams>) -> Setup
* Asserts
- let (
- event_curator_opening_id,
- event_successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id
- ) = ensure_curatoropeningfilled_event_deposited();
- // Event has correct payload
- assert_eq!(
- setup_opening_in_review.normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
- event_curator_opening_id
- );
+ let successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id =
+ successful_curator_application_ids
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(index, item)| -> (CuratorApplicationId<Test>, CuratorId<Test>) {
+ let curator_id = original_next_curator_id + (index as CuratorId<Test>);
+ (
+ *item,
+ curator_id
+ )
+ })
+ .collect::<BTreeMap<_,_>>();
- successful_curator_application_ids,
- event_successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id
- .keys()
- .cloned()
- .collect::<BTreeSet<_>>()
+ get_last_event_or_panic(),
+ lib::RawEvent::CuratorOpeningFilled(
+ setup_opening_in_review.normal_opening_constructed.curator_opening_id,
+ successful_curator_application_id_to_curator_id
+ )
// The right number of curators have been created