@@ -18,10 +18,14 @@ mod migration;
mod tests; // Runtime integration tests
+use codec::Encode;
use frame_support::inherent::{CheckInherentsResult, InherentData};
use frame_support::traits::KeyOwnerProofSystem;
-use frame_support::weights::{IdentityFee, Weight};
-use frame_support::{construct_runtime, parameter_types, traits::Randomness};
+use frame_support::weights::{
+ constants::{BlockExecutionWeight, ExtrinsicBaseWeight, RocksDbWeight},
+ IdentityFee, Weight,
+use frame_support::{construct_runtime, debug, parameter_types, traits::Randomness};
use pallet_grandpa::fg_primitives;
use pallet_grandpa::{AuthorityId as GrandpaId, AuthorityList as GrandpaAuthorityList};
use pallet_im_online::sr25519::AuthorityId as ImOnlineId;
@@ -33,13 +37,14 @@ use sp_authority_discovery::AuthorityId as AuthorityDiscoveryId;
use sp_core::crypto::KeyTypeId;
use sp_core::OpaqueMetadata;
use sp_runtime::curve::PiecewiseLinear;
+use sp_runtime::generic::SignedPayload;
use sp_runtime::traits::{
- BlakeTwo256, Block as BlockT, IdentifyAccount, NumberFor, StaticLookup, Verify,
+ BlakeTwo256, Block as BlockT, IdentifyAccount, NumberFor, Saturating, StaticLookup, Verify,
use sp_runtime::transaction_validity::{TransactionSource, TransactionValidity};
use sp_runtime::{
create_runtime_str, generic, impl_opaque_keys, ApplyExtrinsicResult, FixedPointNumber,
- MultiSignature, Perbill, Perquintill,
+ MultiSignature, Perbill, Perquintill, SaturatedConversion,
use sp_std::boxed::Box;
use sp_std::vec::Vec;
@@ -83,9 +88,6 @@ pub type Index = u32;
/// A hash of some data used by the chain.
pub type Hash = sp_core::H256;
-/// Digest item type.
-pub type DigestItem = generic::DigestItem<Hash>;
/// Moment type
pub type Moment = u64;
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ pub type Credential = u64;
/// Note: Both modules expose type names ThreadId and PostId (which are defined on their Trait) and
/// used in state storage and dispatchable method's argument types,
/// and are therefore part of the public API/metadata of the runtime.
-/// In the currenlty version the polkadot-js/api that is used and is compatible with the runtime,
+/// In the current version the polkadot-js/api that is used and is compatible with the runtime,
/// the type registry has flat namespace and its not possible
/// to register identically named types from different modules, separately. And so we MUST configure
/// the underlying types to be identicaly to avoid issues with encoding/decoding these types on the client side.
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ pub type ActorId = u64;
/// Opaque types. These are used by the CLI to instantiate machinery that don't need to know
/// the specifics of the runtime. They can then be made to be agnostic over specific formats
/// of data like extrinsics, allowing for them to continue syncing the network through upgrades
-/// to even the core datastructures.
+/// to even the core data structures.
pub mod opaque {
use super::*;
@@ -138,11 +140,11 @@ pub mod opaque {
pub const VERSION: RuntimeVersion = RuntimeVersion {
spec_name: create_runtime_str!("joystream-node"),
impl_name: create_runtime_str!("joystream-node"),
- authoring_version: 6,
- spec_version: 20,
+ authoring_version: 7,
+ spec_version: 0,
impl_version: 0,
- transaction_version: 0, //TODO ??
+ transaction_version: 1,
/// Constants for Babe.
@@ -195,51 +197,15 @@ parameter_types! {
pub const AvailableBlockRatio: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75);
pub const MaximumBlockLength: u32 = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
pub const Version: RuntimeVersion = VERSION;
+ /// Assume 10% of weight for average on_initialize calls.
+ pub MaximumExtrinsicWeight: Weight =
+ AvailableBlockRatio::get().saturating_sub(AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_WEIGHT)
+ * MaximumBlockWeight::get();
+const AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_WEIGHT: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(10);
+// TODO: adjust weight
impl system::Trait for Runtime {
- /// The identifier used to distinguish between accounts.
- type AccountId = AccountId;
- /// The aggregated dispatch type that is available for extrinsics.
- type Call = Call;
- /// The lookup mechanism to get account ID from whatever is passed in dispatchers.
- type Lookup = Indices;
- /// The index type for storing how many extrinsics an account has signed.
- type Index = Index;
- /// The index type for blocks.
- type BlockNumber = BlockNumber;
- /// The type for hashing blocks and tries.
- type Hash = Hash;
- /// The hashing algorithm used.
- type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
- /// The header type.
- type Header = generic::Header<BlockNumber, BlakeTwo256>;
- /// The ubiquitous event type.
- type Event = Event;
- /// The ubiquitous origin type.
- type Origin = Origin;
- /// Maximum number of block number to block hash mappings to keep (oldest pruned first).
- type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
- /// Maximum weight of each block. With a default weight system of 1byte == 1weight, 4mb is ok.
- type MaximumBlockWeight = MaximumBlockWeight;
- /// Maximum size of all encoded transactions (in bytes) that are allowed in one block.
- type MaximumBlockLength = MaximumBlockLength;
- /// Portion of the block weight that is available to all normal transactions.
- type AvailableBlockRatio = AvailableBlockRatio;
- type Version = Version;
- //TODO
- type BaseCallFilter = ();
- type DbWeight = ();
- type BlockExecutionWeight = ();
- type ExtrinsicBaseWeight = ();
- type MaximumExtrinsicWeight = ();
- type ModuleToIndex = ();
- type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData<Balance>;
- type OnNewAccount = ();
- type OnKilledAccount = ();
type BaseCallFilter = ();
type Origin = Origin;
type Call = Call;
@@ -264,7 +230,7 @@ impl system::Trait for Runtime {
type AccountData = pallet_balances::AccountData<Balance>;
type OnNewAccount = ();
type OnKilledAccount = ();
parameter_types! {
pub const EpochDuration: u64 = EPOCH_DURATION_IN_SLOTS as u64;
@@ -279,11 +245,7 @@ impl pallet_babe::Trait for Runtime {
impl pallet_grandpa::Trait for Runtime {
type Event = Event;
- //toDO
type Call = Call;
- type KeyOwnerProofSystem = ();
type KeyOwnerProof =
<Self::KeyOwnerProofSystem as KeyOwnerProofSystem<(KeyTypeId, GrandpaId)>>::Proof;
@@ -292,28 +254,66 @@ impl pallet_grandpa::Trait for Runtime {
- type HandleEquivocation = ();
type KeyOwnerProofSystem = Historical;
- type KeyOwnerProof =
- <Self::KeyOwnerProofSystem as KeyOwnerProofSystem<(KeyTypeId, GrandpaId)>>::Proof;
- type KeyOwnerIdentification = <Self::KeyOwnerProofSystem as KeyOwnerProofSystem<(
- KeyTypeId,
- GrandpaId,
- )>>::IdentificationTuple;
type HandleEquivocation = pallet_grandpa::EquivocationHandler<
+impl<LocalCall> system::offchain::CreateSignedTransaction<LocalCall> for Runtime
+ Call: From<LocalCall>,
+ fn create_transaction<C: system::offchain::AppCrypto<Self::Public, Self::Signature>>(
+ call: Call,
+ public: <Signature as sp_runtime::traits::Verify>::Signer,
+ account: AccountId,
+ nonce: Index,
+ ) -> Option<(
+ Call,
+ <UncheckedExtrinsic as sp_runtime::traits::Extrinsic>::SignaturePayload,
+ )> {
+ // take the biggest period possible.
+ let period = BlockHashCount::get()
+ .checked_next_power_of_two()
+ .map(|c| c / 2)
+ .unwrap_or(2) as u64;
+ let current_block = System::block_number()
+ .saturated_into::<u64>()
+ // The `System::block_number` is initialized with `n+1`,
+ // so the actual block number is `n`.
+ .saturating_sub(1);
+ let tip = 0;
+ let extra: SignedExtra = (
+ system::CheckSpecVersion::<Runtime>::new(),
+ system::CheckTxVersion::<Runtime>::new(),
+ system::CheckGenesis::<Runtime>::new(),
+ system::CheckEra::<Runtime>::from(generic::Era::mortal(period, current_block)),
+ system::CheckNonce::<Runtime>::from(nonce),
+ system::CheckWeight::<Runtime>::new(),
+ pallet_transaction_payment::ChargeTransactionPayment::<Runtime>::from(tip),
+ pallet_grandpa::ValidateEquivocationReport::<Runtime>::new(),
+ );
+ let raw_payload = SignedPayload::new(call, extra)
+ .map_err(|e| {
+ debug::warn!("Unable to create signed payload: {:?}", e);
+ })
+ .ok()?;
+ let signature = raw_payload.using_encoded(|payload| C::sign(payload, public))?;
+ let address = Indices::unlookup(account);
+ let (call, extra, _) = raw_payload.deconstruct();
+ Some((call, (address, signature, extra)))
+ }
+impl system::offchain::SigningTypes for Runtime {
+ type Public = <Signature as sp_runtime::traits::Verify>::Signer;
+ type Signature = Signature;
impl<C> system::offchain::SendTransactionTypes<C> for Runtime
@@ -323,15 +323,14 @@ where
type OverarchingCall = Call;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub const IndexDeposit: Balance = 0; // no minimum deposit
impl pallet_indices::Trait for Runtime {
- /// The type for recording indexing into the account enumeration. If this ever overflows, there
- /// will be problems!
- type AccountIndex = u32;
- /// Use the standard means of resolving an index hint from an id.
- //type ResolveHint = pallet_indices::SimpleResolveHint<Self::AccountId, Self::AccountIndex>;
+ type AccountIndex = AccountIndex;
type Currency = Balances;
- //toDO
- type Deposit = ();
+ type Deposit = IndexDeposit;
type Event = Event;
@@ -353,20 +352,10 @@ parameter_types! {
impl pallet_balances::Trait for Runtime {
- /// The type for recording an account's balance.
type Balance = Balance;
- // /// What to do if an account's free balance gets zeroed.
- // type OnFreeBalanceZero = (Staking, Session);
- // /// What to do if a new account is created.
- // type OnNewAccount = (); // Indices; // disable use of Indices feature
- // /// The ubiquitous event type.
- type Event = Event;
type DustRemoval = ();
- //type TransferPayment = ();
+ type Event = Event;
type ExistentialDeposit = ExistentialDeposit;
- // type TransferFee = TransferFee;
- // type CreationFee = CreationFee;
type AccountStore = System;
@@ -491,8 +480,6 @@ impl pallet_staking::Trait for Runtime {
type UnsignedPriority = StakingUnsignedPriority;
-//type SubmitTransaction = TransactionSubmitter<ImOnlineId, Runtime, UncheckedExtrinsic>;
impl pallet_im_online::Trait for Runtime {
type AuthorityId = ImOnlineId;
type Event = Event;
@@ -501,11 +488,15 @@ impl pallet_im_online::Trait for Runtime {
type UnsignedPriority = ImOnlineUnsignedPriority;
+parameter_types! {
+ pub OffencesWeightSoftLimit: Weight = Perbill::from_percent(60) * MaximumBlockWeight::get();
impl pallet_offences::Trait for Runtime {
type Event = Event;
type IdentificationTuple = pallet_session::historical::IdentificationTuple<Self>;
type OnOffenceHandler = Staking;
- type WeightSoftLimit = (); //OffencesWeightSoftLimit;
+ type WeightSoftLimit = OffencesWeightSoftLimit;
impl pallet_authority_discovery::Trait for Runtime {}
@@ -529,10 +520,10 @@ impl versioned_store_permissions::Trait for Runtime {
type Credential = Credential;
type CredentialChecker = (
- integration::versioned_store::SudoKeyHasAllCredentials,
+ integration::versioned_store_permissions::SudoKeyHasAllCredentials,
type CreateClassPermissionsChecker =
- integration::versioned_store::ContentLeadOrSudoKeyCanCreateClasses;
+ integration::versioned_store_permissions::ContentLeadOrSudoKeyCanCreateClasses;
impl hiring::Trait for Runtime {
@@ -786,8 +777,6 @@ pub type SignedExtra = (
/// Unchecked extrinsic type as expected by this runtime.
pub type UncheckedExtrinsic = generic::UncheckedExtrinsic<Address, Call, Signature, SignedExtra>;
-/// Extrinsic type that has already been checked.
-pub type CheckedExtrinsic = generic::CheckedExtrinsic<AccountId, Call, SignedExtra>;
/// Executive: handles dispatch to the various modules.
pub type Executive =
frame_executive::Executive<Runtime, Block, system::ChainContext<Runtime>, Runtime, AllModules>;