@@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ export default async function initFaucet({ api, env, query }: FlowProps): Promis
const debug = extendDebug('flow:initFaucet')
+ const invitesToTransfer = 100
// Get membership working group leader
const membershipWorkingGroup = 'membershipWorkingGroup'
const [, membershipLeader] = await api.getLeader(membershipWorkingGroup)
// Grant lead invitation quota
- const setLeaderInvitationQuotaFixture = new SetLeaderInvitationQuotaFixture(api, query, membershipWorkingGroup, 50)
+ const setLeaderInvitationQuotaFixture = new SetLeaderInvitationQuotaFixture(
+ api,
+ query,
+ membershipWorkingGroup,
+ invitesToTransfer + 10
+ )
await new FixtureRunner(setLeaderInvitationQuotaFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
// The membership working group should have a budget allocated
@@ -25,23 +31,26 @@ export default async function initFaucet({ api, env, query }: FlowProps): Promis
await new FixtureRunner(setGroupBudgetFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
// Create a membership account for faucet
- const faucetAccounts = [api.createCustomKeyPair(env.SCREENING_AUTHORITY_SEED || '//Faucet').address]
- const happyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(api, query, faucetAccounts)
+ const faucetSuri = env.SCREENING_AUTHORITY_SEED || '//Faucet'
+ const faucetAccount = api.createCustomKeyPair(faucetSuri, true).address
+ const happyCaseFixture = new BuyMembershipHappyCaseFixture(api, query, [faucetAccount])
await new FixtureRunner(happyCaseFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
const [faucetMemberId] = happyCaseFixture.getCreatedMembers()
// Give the faucet member accounts some funds (they need some funds for extrinsics)
- await api.treasuryTransferBalanceToAccounts(faucetAccounts, new BN(200))
+ await api.treasuryTransferBalanceToAccounts([faucetAccount], new BN(200))
// Use the above membershipLeader to give faucet account permission to invite other members
const transferInvitesHappyCaseFixture = new TransferInvitesHappyCaseFixture(
{ memberId: membershipLeader.member_id, account: membershipLeader.role_account_id.toString() },
- { memberId: faucetMemberId, account: faucetAccounts[0] },
- 10
+ { memberId: faucetMemberId, account: faucetAccount },
+ invitesToTransfer
await new FixtureRunner(transferInvitesHappyCaseFixture).runWithQueryNodeChecks()
+ api.setFaucetInfo({ suri: faucetSuri, memberId: faucetMemberId.toNumber() })