@@ -36,160 +36,17 @@ After cloning this repo, from this working directory, run these commands:
1. Set the required AWS configuration variables in `Pulumi.<stack>.yaml`
1. Set the required AWS configuration variables in `Pulumi.<stack>.yaml`
-1. Set `WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI` environment variable. Example `export WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI='wss://'`
+1. Set `WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI` environment variable.
+ ```bash
+ $ export WS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT_URI='wss://'
+ ```
1. Stand up the EKS cluster:
1. Stand up the EKS cluster:
Running `pulumi up -y` will deploy the EKS cluster. Note, provisioning a
Running `pulumi up -y` will deploy the EKS cluster. Note, provisioning a
new EKS cluster takes between 10-15 minutes.
new EKS cluster takes between 10-15 minutes.
- ```bash
- $ pulumi update
- Previewing update (eks-demo):
- Type Name Plan
- + pulumi:pulumi:Stack eks-hello-world-eks-demo create
- + ├─ eks:index:Cluster helloworld create
- + │ ├─ eks:index:ServiceRole helloworld-eksRole create
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:Role helloworld-eksRole-role create
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-eksRole-90eb1c99 create
- + │ │ └─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-eksRole-4b490823 create
- + │ ├─ eks:index:ServiceRole helloworld-instanceRole create
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:Role helloworld-instanceRole-role create
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-03516f97 create
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-e1b295bd create
- + │ │ └─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-3eb088f2 create
- + │ ├─ pulumi-nodejs:dynamic:Resource helloworld-cfnStackName create
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup helloworld-eksClusterSecurityGroup create
- + │ ├─ aws:iam:InstanceProfile helloworld-instanceProfile create
- + │ ├─ aws:eks:Cluster helloworld-eksCluster create
- + │ ├─ pulumi-nodejs:dynamic:Resource helloworld-vpc-cni create
- + │ ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes helloworld-eks-k8s create
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup helloworld-nodeSecurityGroup create
- + │ ├─ kubernetes:core:ConfigMap helloworld-nodeAccess create
- + │ ├─ kubernetes:storage.k8s.io:StorageClass helloworld-gp2 create
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule helloworld-eksClusterIngressRule create
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:LaunchConfiguration helloworld-nodeLaunchConfiguration create
- + │ ├─ aws:cloudformation:Stack helloworld-nodes create
- + │ └─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes helloworld-provider create
- + └─ aws-infra:network:Network vpc create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Vpc vpc create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Eip vpc-nat-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Eip vpc-nat-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:InternetGateway vpc create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-nat-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-nat-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:NatGateway vpc-nat-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-nat-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:NatGateway vpc-nat-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-nat-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc-nat-1 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc-nat-0 create
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-1 create
- + └─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-0 create
- Resources:
- + 42 to create
- clusterng (eks-demo):
- Type Name Status Info
- + pulumi:pulumi:Stack eks-hello-world-eks-demo created
- + ├─ eks:index:Cluster helloworld created
- + │ ├─ eks:index:ServiceRole helloworld-eksRole created
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:Role helloworld-eksRole-role created
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-eksRole-90eb1c99 created
- + │ │ └─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-eksRole-4b490823 created
- + │ ├─ eks:index:ServiceRole helloworld-instanceRole created
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:Role helloworld-instanceRole-role created
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-3eb088f2 created
- + │ │ ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-03516f97 created
- + │ │ └─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment helloworld-instanceRole-e1b295bd created
- + │ ├─ pulumi-nodejs:dynamic:Resource helloworld-cfnStackName created
- + │ ├─ aws:iam:InstanceProfile helloworld-instanceProfile created
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup helloworld-eksClusterSecurityGroup created
- + │ ├─ aws:eks:Cluster helloworld-eksCluster created
- + │ ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes helloworld-eks-k8s created
- + │ ├─ pulumi-nodejs:dynamic:Resource helloworld-vpc-cni created
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup helloworld-nodeSecurityGroup created
- + │ ├─ kubernetes:core:ConfigMap helloworld-nodeAccess created
- + │ ├─ kubernetes:storage.k8s.io:StorageClass helloworld-gp2 created
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule helloworld-eksClusterIngressRule created
- + │ ├─ aws:ec2:LaunchConfiguration helloworld-nodeLaunchConfiguration created
- + │ ├─ aws:cloudformation:Stack helloworld-nodes created
- + │ └─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes helloworld-provider created
- + └─ aws-infra:network:Network vpc created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Vpc vpc created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Eip vpc-nat-0 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Eip vpc-nat-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:InternetGateway vpc created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-nat-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-0 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-nat-0 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet vpc-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:NatGateway vpc-nat-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:NatGateway vpc-nat-0 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-nat-0 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-nat-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc-nat-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-1 created
- + ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable vpc-nat-0 created
- + └─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation vpc-0 created
- Diagnostics:
- pulumi:pulumi:Stack (eks-hello-world-eks-demo):
- Outputs:
- kubeconfig: {
- apiVersion : "v1"
- clusters : [
- [0]: {
- cluster: {
- certificate-authority-data: "<CERT_DATA>"
- server : "https://<SERVER_ADDR>.us-west-2.eks.amazonaws.com"
- }
- name : "kubernetes"
- }
- ]
- contexts : [
- [0]: {
- context: {
- cluster: "kubernetes"
- user : "aws"
- }
- name : "aws"
- }
- ]
- current-context: "aws"
- kind : "Config"
- users : [
- [0]: {
- name: "aws"
- user: {
- exec: {
- apiVersion: "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1"
- args : [
- [0]: "token"
- [1]: "-i"
- [2]: "helloworld-eksCluster-e9e1711"
- ]
- command : "aws-iam-authenticator"
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- Resources:
- + 42 created
- Duration: 13m7s
- ```
1. Access the Kubernetes Cluster using `kubectl`
1. Access the Kubernetes Cluster using `kubectl`
To access your new Kubernetes cluster using `kubectl`, we need to set up the
To access your new Kubernetes cluster using `kubectl`, we need to set up the
@@ -209,7 +66,25 @@ After cloning this repo, from this working directory, run these commands:
$ kubectl get service $(pulumi stack output serviceName) --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespaceName)
$ kubectl get service $(pulumi stack output serviceName) --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespaceName)
- By deploying the NGINX image in this way, it is outside of Pulumi's control. But this is simply to show that we can control our cluster via the CLI as well.
+ To get logs
+ ```bash
+ $ kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$(pulumi stack output namespaceName)
+ $ kubectl get pods
+ $ kubectl logs <PODNAME> --all-containers
+ ```
+ To see complete pulumi stack output
+ ```bash
+ $ pulumi stack output
+ ```
+ To execute a command
+ ```bash
+ $ kubectl exec --stdin --tty <PODNAME> -c colossus -- /bin/bash
+ ```
1. Once you've finished experimenting, tear down your stack's resources by destroying and removing it:
1. Once you've finished experimenting, tear down your stack's resources by destroying and removing it: