@@ -91,10 +91,18 @@ pub type PrincipalId<T> = <T as versioned_store_permissions::Trait>::PrincipalId
static MSG_CHANNEL_CREATION_DISABLED: &str = "Channel creation currently disabled";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_ALREADY_TAKEN: &str = "Channel handle is already taken";
static MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Channel handle too short";
static MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Channel handle too long";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_TITLE_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Channel title too short";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_TITLE_TOO_LONG: &str = "Channel title too long";
static MSG_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Channel description too short";
static MSG_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG: &str = "Channel description too long";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_AVATAR_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Channel avatar URL too short";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_AVATAR_TOO_LONG: &str = "Channel avatar URL too long";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_BANNER_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Channel banner URL too short";
+static MSG_CHANNEL_BANNER_TOO_LONG: &str = "Channel banner URL too long";
// "Member cannot become a publisher";
static MSG_CHANNEL_ID_INVALID: &str = "Channel id invalid";
@@ -123,15 +131,14 @@ static MSG_MEMBER_NO_LONGER_REGISTRABLE_AS_CURATOR: &str =
"Member no longer registrable as curator";
static MSG_CURATOR_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Curator does not exist";
static MSG_CURATOR_IS_NOT_ACTIVE: &str = "Curator is not active";
-static MSG_CURATOR_EXIT_RATIOANEL_TEXT_TOO_LONG: &str = "Curator exit rationale text is too long";
-static MSG_CURATOR_EXIT_RATIOANEL_TEXT_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Curator exit rationale text is too short";
+static MSG_CURATOR_EXIT_RATIONALE_TEXT_TOO_LONG: &str = "Curator exit rationale text is too long";
+static MSG_CURATOR_EXIT_RATIONALE_TEXT_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Curator exit rationale text is too short";
static MSG_CURATOR_APPLICATION_TEXT_TOO_LONG: &str = "Curator application text too long";
static MSG_CURATOR_APPLICATION_TEXT_TOO_SHORT: &str = "Curator application text too short";
static MSG_SIGNER_IS_NOT_CURATOR_ROLE_ACCOUNT: &str = "Signer is not curator role account";
static MSG_UNSTAKER_DOES_NOT_EXIST: &str = "Unstaker does not exist";
static MSG_CURATOR_HAS_NO_REWARD: &str = "Curator has no recurring reward";
static MSG_CURATOR_NOT_CONTROLLED_BY_MEMBER: &str = "Curator not controlled by member";
-static MSG_CHANNEL_HANDLE_ALREADY_TAKEN: &str = "Channel handle is already taken";
/// The exit stage of a lead involvement in the working group.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, Clone)]
@@ -493,9 +500,18 @@ pub struct Channel<MemberId, AccountId, BlockNumber, PrincipalId> {
/// Whether channel has been verified, in the normal Web2.0 platform sense of being authenticated.
pub verified: bool,
+ /// Human readable title of channel. Not required to be unique.
+ pub title: Vec<u8>,
/// Human readable description of channel purpose and scope.
pub description: Vec<u8>,
+ /// URL of a small avatar (logo) image of this channel.
+ pub avatar: Vec<u8>,
+ /// URL of a big background image of this channel.
+ pub banner: Vec<u8>,
/// The type of channel.
pub content: ChannelContentType,
@@ -910,8 +926,11 @@ decl_storage! {
// Vector length input guards
pub ChannelHandleConstraint get(channel_handle_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub ChannelTitleConstraint get(channel_title_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
pub ChannelDescriptionConstraint get(channel_description_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
- pub OpeningHumanReadableText get(opening_human_readble_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub ChannelAvatarConstraint get(channel_avatar_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub ChannelBannerConstraint get(channel_banner_constraint) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
+ pub OpeningHumanReadableText get(opening_human_readable_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
pub CuratorApplicationHumanReadableText get(curator_application_human_readable_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
pub CuratorExitRationaleText get(curator_exit_rationale_text) config(): InputValidationLengthConstraint;
@@ -965,7 +984,17 @@ decl_module! {
/// Create a new channel.
- pub fn create_channel(origin, owner: T::MemberId, role_account: T::AccountId, handle: Vec<u8>, description: Vec<u8>, content: ChannelContentType) {
+ pub fn create_channel(
+ origin,
+ owner: T::MemberId,
+ role_account: T::AccountId,
+ handle: Vec<u8>,
+ title: Vec<u8>,
+ description: Vec<u8>,
+ avatar: Vec<u8>,
+ banner: Vec<u8>,
+ content: ChannelContentType
+ ) {
// Ensure that it is signed
let signer_account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
@@ -984,12 +1013,21 @@ decl_module! {
// Ensure prospective owner member is currently allowed to become channel owner
let (member_in_role, next_channel_id) = Self::ensure_can_register_channel_owner_role_on_member(&owner, None)?;
- // Ensure channel name is acceptable length
+ // Ensure channel handle is acceptable length
+ // Ensure title is acceptable length
+ Self::ensure_channel_title_is_valid(&title)?;
// Ensure description is acceptable length
+ // Ensure avatar URL is acceptable length
+ Self::ensure_channel_avatar_is_valid(&avatar)?;
+ // Ensure banner URL is acceptable length
+ Self::ensure_channel_banner_is_valid(&banner)?;
@@ -1002,6 +1040,9 @@ decl_module! {
handle: handle.clone(),
verified: false,
description: description,
+ title: title,
+ avatar: avatar,
+ banner: banner,
content: content,
owner: owner,
role_account: role_account,
@@ -1081,8 +1122,12 @@ decl_module! {
channel_id: ChannelId<T>,
new_handle: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_title: Option<Vec<u8>>,
new_description: Option<Vec<u8>>,
- new_publishing_status: Option<ChannelPublishingStatus>) {
+ new_avatar: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_banner: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_publishing_status: Option<ChannelPublishingStatus>
+ ) {
// Ensure channel owner has signed
Self::ensure_channel_owner_signed(origin, &channel_id)?;
@@ -1092,24 +1137,41 @@ decl_module! {
+ // If set, ensure title is acceptable length
+ if let Some(ref title) = new_title {
+ Self::ensure_channel_title_is_valid(title)?;
+ }
// If set, ensure description is acceptable length
if let Some(ref description) = new_description {
+ // If set, ensure avatar image URL is acceptable length
+ if let Some(ref avatar) = new_avatar {
+ Self::ensure_channel_avatar_is_valid(avatar)?;
+ }
+ // If set, ensure banner image URL is acceptable length
+ if let Some(ref banner) = new_banner {
+ Self::ensure_channel_banner_is_valid(banner)?;
+ }
- &None,
- &None,
+ &new_handle,
+ &None, // verified
+ &new_title,
+ &new_avatar,
+ &new_banner,
- &None
+ &None // curation_status
/// Update channel as a curation actor
@@ -1120,7 +1182,7 @@ decl_module! {
new_verified: Option<bool>,
new_description: Option<Vec<u8>>,
new_curation_status: Option<ChannelCurationStatus>
- ) {
+ ) {
// Ensure curation actor signed
Self::ensure_curation_actor_signed(origin, &curation_actor)?;
@@ -1134,16 +1196,17 @@ decl_module! {
- &None,
+ &None, // handle
+ &None, // title
- &None,
+ &None, // avatar
+ &None, // banner
+ &None, // publishing_status
/// Add an opening for a curator role.
@@ -1904,6 +1967,14 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn ensure_channel_title_is_valid(title: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ChannelTitleConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ title.len(),
+ )
+ }
fn ensure_channel_description_is_valid(description: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
@@ -1912,6 +1983,22 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn ensure_channel_avatar_is_valid(avatar: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ChannelAvatarConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ avatar.len(),
+ )
+ }
+ fn ensure_channel_banner_is_valid(banner: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ChannelBannerConstraint::get().ensure_valid(
+ banner.len(),
+ )
+ }
fn ensure_curator_application_text_is_valid(text: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
@@ -1923,8 +2010,8 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
fn ensure_curator_exit_rationale_text_is_valid(text: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
@@ -2380,18 +2467,20 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
channel_id: &ChannelId<T>,
new_handle: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
new_verified: &Option<bool>,
- new_descriptin: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_title: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_description: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_avatar: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ new_banner: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
new_publishing_status: &Option<ChannelPublishingStatus>,
new_curation_status: &Option<ChannelCurationStatus>,
) {
- // Update name to channel mapping if there is a new name mapping
+ // Update channel id to handle mapping, if there is a new handle.
if let Some(ref handle) = new_handle {
- // Remove mapping under old name
+ // Remove mapping under old handle
let current_handle = ChannelById::<T>::get(channel_id).handle;
- // Establish mapping under new name
+ // Establish mapping under new handle
ChannelIdByHandle::<T>::insert(handle.clone(), channel_id);
@@ -2405,10 +2494,22 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
channel.verified = *verified;
- if let Some(ref description) = new_descriptin {
+ if let Some(ref title) = new_title {
+ channel.title = title.clone();
+ }
+ if let Some(ref description) = new_description {
channel.description = description.clone();
+ if let Some(ref avatar) = new_avatar {
+ channel.avatar = avatar.clone();
+ }
+ if let Some(ref banner) = new_banner {
+ channel.banner = banner.clone();
+ }
if let Some(ref publishing_status) = new_publishing_status {
channel.publishing_status = publishing_status.clone();