@@ -206,3 +206,45 @@ fn issue_nft_royalty_bounds_violated() {
assert_err!(issue_nft_result, Error::<Test>::RoyaltyLowerBoundExceeded);
+fn issue_nft_fails_with_invalid_auction_parameters() {
+ with_default_mock_builder(|| {
+ // Run to block one to see emitted events
+ run_to_block(1);
+ let video_id = NextVideoId::<Test>::get();
+ create_initial_storage_buckets_helper();
+ increase_account_balance_helper(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID, INITIAL_BALANCE);
+ create_default_member_owned_channel_with_video();
+ let auction_params = AuctionParams {
+ starting_price: Content::min_starting_price() - 1,
+ buy_now_price: None,
+ auction_type: AuctionType::Open(OpenAuctionDetails {
+ bid_lock_duration: Content::min_bid_lock_duration(),
+ }),
+ minimal_bid_step: Content::min_bid_step(),
+ starts_at: None,
+ whitelist: BTreeSet::new(),
+ };
+ // Make an attempt to issue nft with wrong credentials
+ let issue_nft_result = Content::issue_nft(
+ ContentActor::Member(DEFAULT_MEMBER_ID),
+ video_id,
+ NFTIssuanceParameters::<Test> {
+ init_transactional_status: InitTransactionalStatus::<Test>::Auction(auction_params),
+ ..NFTIssuanceParameters::<Test>::default()
+ },
+ );
+ // Failure checked
+ assert_err!(
+ issue_nft_result,
+ Error::<Test>::StartingPriceLowerBoundExceeded
+ );
+ })