@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import { Api } from '../../Api'
+import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
+import { EventDetails, PostPath } from '../../types'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils'
+import { ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types/'
+import { ForumPostFieldsFragment, PostDeletedEventFieldsFragment } from '../../graphql/generated/queries'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { StandardizedFixture } from '../../Fixture'
+import { MemberId, PostId, ThreadId } from '@joystream/types/common'
+import { CategoryId } from '@joystream/types/forum'
+const DEFAULT_RATIONALE = 'State cleanup'
+type SinglePostRemovalInput = PostPath & {
+ hide?: boolean // defaults to "true"
+export type PostsRemovalInput = {
+ posts: SinglePostRemovalInput[]
+ asMember: MemberId
+ rationale?: string
+export class DeletePostsFixture extends StandardizedFixture {
+ protected removals: PostsRemovalInput[]
+ public constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi, removals: PostsRemovalInput[]) {
+ super(api, query)
+ this.removals = removals
+ }
+ protected async getSignerAccountOrAccounts(): Promise<string[]> {
+ return await Promise.all(
+ this.removals.map(async ({ asMember }) =>
+ (await this.api.query.members.membershipById(asMember)).controller_account.toString()
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ protected async getExtrinsics(): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[]> {
+ return this.removals.map((r) =>
+ this.api.tx.forum.deletePosts(
+ r.asMember,
+ r.posts.map(
+ ({ categoryId, threadId, postId, hide }) =>
+ [categoryId, threadId, postId, hide === undefined || hide] as [CategoryId, ThreadId, PostId, boolean]
+ ),
+ r.rationale || DEFAULT_RATIONALE
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ protected async getEventFromResult(result: ISubmittableResult): Promise<EventDetails> {
+ return this.api.retrieveForumEventDetails(result, 'PostDeleted')
+ }
+ protected assertQueriedPostsAreValid(
+ qPosts: ForumPostFieldsFragment[],
+ qEvents: PostDeletedEventFieldsFragment[]
+ ): void {
+ this.events.map((e, i) => {
+ const removal = this.removals[i]
+ const qEvent = this.findMatchingQueryNodeEvent(e, qEvents)
+ removal.posts.forEach((postRemoval) => {
+ const hidden = postRemoval.hide === undefined || postRemoval.hide
+ const expectedStatus = hidden ? 'PostStatusRemoved' : 'PostStatusLocked'
+ const qPost = qPosts.find((p) => p.id === postRemoval.postId.toString())
+ Utils.assert(qPost, 'Query node: Post not found')
+ Utils.assert(qPost.status.__typename === expectedStatus, `Invalid post status. Expected: ${expectedStatus}`)
+ Utils.assert(qPost.status.postDeletedEvent, 'Query node: Missing PostDeletedEvent ref')
+ assert.equal(qPost.status.postDeletedEvent.id, qEvent.id)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ protected assertQueryNodeEventIsValid(qEvent: PostDeletedEventFieldsFragment, i: number): void {
+ assert.equal(qEvent.actor.id, this.removals[i].asMember.toString())
+ assert.sameMembers(
+ qEvent.posts.map((p) => p.id),
+ this.removals[i].posts.map((p) => p.postId.toString())
+ )
+ assert.equal(qEvent.rationale, this.removals[i].rationale || DEFAULT_RATIONALE)
+ }
+ async runQueryNodeChecks(): Promise<void> {
+ await super.runQueryNodeChecks()
+ // Query the events
+ const qEvents = await this.query.tryQueryWithTimeout(
+ () => this.query.getPostDeletedEvents(this.events),
+ (qEvents) => this.assertQueryNodeEventsAreValid(qEvents)
+ )
+ // Query the posts
+ const qPosts = await this.query.getPostsByIds(
+ this.removals.reduce((allPostsIds, { posts }) => allPostsIds.concat(posts.map((p) => p.postId)), [] as PostId[])
+ )
+ this.assertQueriedPostsAreValid(qPosts, qEvents)
+ }