@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-import {
- Transport,
- ParsedProposal,
- ProposalType,
- ProposalTypes,
- ParsedMember,
- ProposalVote,
- IStorageRoleParameters
-} from "./transport";
-import { Proposal, ProposalId, Seats, VoteKind, ElectionParameters } from "@joystream/types/proposals";
-import { MemberId, Profile, ActorInRole, RoleKeys, Role } from "@joystream/types/members";
-import { ApiProps } from "@polkadot/react-api/types";
-import { u32, u128, Vec, Option } from "@polkadot/types/";
-import { Balance, Moment, AccountId, BlockNumber, BalanceOf } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
-import { ApiPromise } from "@polkadot/api";
-import { FIRST_MEMBER_ID } from "@polkadot/joy-members/constants";
-import { includeKeys, calculateStake, calculateMetaFromType, splitOnUpperCase } from "../utils";
-import { MintId, Mint } from "@joystream/types/mint";
-import { LeadId } from "@joystream/types/content-working-group";
-export class SubstrateTransport extends Transport {
- protected api: ApiPromise;
- constructor(api: ApiProps) {
- super();
- if (!api) {
- throw new Error("Cannot create SubstrateTransport: A Substrate API is required");
- } else if (!api.isApiReady) {
- throw new Error("Cannot create a SubstrateTransport: The Substrate API is not ready yet.");
- }
- this.api = api.api;
- }
- get proposalsEngine() {
- return this.api.query.proposalsEngine;
- }
- get proposalsCodex() {
- return this.api.query.proposalsCodex;
- }
- get members() {
- return this.api.query.members;
- }
- get council() {
- return this.api.query.council;
- }
- get councilElection() {
- return this.api.query.councilElection;
- }
- get actors() {
- return this.api.query.actors;
- }
- get contentWorkingGroup() {
- return this.api.query.contentWorkingGroup;
- }
- get minting() {
- return this.api.query.minting;
- }
- totalIssuance() {
- return this.api.query.balances.totalIssuance<Balance>();
- }
- async blockHash(height: number): Promise<string> {
- const blockHash = await this.api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(height);
- return blockHash.toString();
- }
- async blockTimestamp(height: number): Promise<Date> {
- const blockTime = (await this.api.query.timestamp.now.at(await this.blockHash(height))) as Moment;
- return new Date(blockTime.toNumber());
- }
- proposalCount() {
- return this.proposalsEngine.proposalCount<u32>();
- }
- rawProposalById(id: ProposalId) {
- return this.proposalsEngine.proposals<Proposal>(id);
- }
- proposalDetailsById(id: ProposalId) {
- return this.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(id);
- }
- memberProfile(id: MemberId | number): Promise<Option<Profile>> {
- return this.members.memberProfile(id) as Promise<Option<Profile>>;
- }
- async cancellationFee(): Promise<number> {
- return ((await this.api.consts.proposalsEngine.cancellationFee) as BalanceOf).toNumber();
- }
- async proposalById(id: ProposalId): Promise<ParsedProposal> {
- const rawDetails = (await this.proposalDetailsById(id)).toJSON() as { [k: string]: any };
- const type = Object.keys(rawDetails)[0] as ProposalType;
- const details = Array.isArray(rawDetails[type]) ? rawDetails[type] : [rawDetails[type]];
- const rawProposal = await this.rawProposalById(id);
- const proposer = (await this.memberProfile(rawProposal.proposerId)).toJSON() as ParsedMember;
- const proposal = rawProposal.toJSON() as {
- title: string;
- description: string;
- parameters: any;
- votingResults: any;
- proposerId: number;
- status: any;
- };
- const createdAtBlock = rawProposal.createdAt;
- const createdAt = await this.blockTimestamp(createdAtBlock.toNumber());
- const cancellationFee = await this.cancellationFee();
- return {
- id,
- ...proposal,
- details,
- type,
- proposer,
- createdAtBlock: createdAtBlock.toJSON(),
- createdAt,
- cancellationFee
- };
- }
- async proposalsIds() {
- const total: number = (await this.proposalCount()).toNumber();
- return Array.from({ length: total }, (_, i) => new ProposalId(i + 1));
- }
- async proposals() {
- const ids = await this.proposalsIds();
- return Promise.all(ids.map(id => this.proposalById(id)));
- }
- async activeProposals() {
- const activeProposalIds = await this.proposalsEngine.activeProposalIds<ProposalId[]>();
- return Promise.all(activeProposalIds.map(id => this.proposalById(id)));
- }
- async proposedBy(member: MemberId) {
- const proposals = await this.proposals();
- return proposals.filter(({ proposerId }) => member.eq(proposerId));
- }
- async proposalDetails(id: ProposalId) {
- return this.proposalsCodex.proposalDetailsByProposalId(id);
- }
- async councilMembers(): Promise<(ParsedMember & { memberId: MemberId })[]> {
- const council = (await this.council.activeCouncil()) as Seats;
- return Promise.all(
- council.map(async seat => {
- const memberIds = (await this.members.memberIdsByControllerAccountId(seat.member)) as Vec<MemberId>;
- const member = (await this.memberProfile(memberIds[0])).toJSON() as ParsedMember;
- return {
- ...member,
- memberId: memberIds[0]
- };
- })
- );
- }
- async voteByProposalAndMember(proposalId: ProposalId, voterId: MemberId): Promise<VoteKind | null> {
- const vote = await this.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter<VoteKind>(proposalId, voterId);
- const hasVoted = (await this.proposalsEngine.voteExistsByProposalByVoter.size(proposalId, voterId)).toNumber();
- return hasVoted ? vote : null;
- }
- async votes(proposalId: ProposalId): Promise<ProposalVote[]> {
- const councilMembers = await this.councilMembers();
- return Promise.all(
- councilMembers.map(async member => {
- const vote = await this.voteByProposalAndMember(proposalId, member.memberId);
- return {
- vote,
- member
- };
- })
- );
- }
- async fetchProposalMethodsFromCodex(includeKey: string) {
- const methods = includeKeys(this.proposalsCodex, includeKey);
- // methods = [proposalTypeVotingPeriod...]
- return methods.reduce(async (prevProm, method) => {
- const obj = await prevProm;
- const period = (await this.proposalsCodex[method]()) as u32;
- // setValidatorCountProposalVotingPeriod to SetValidatorCount
- const key = splitOnUpperCase(method)
- .slice(0, -3)
- .map((w, i) => (i === 0 ? w.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + w.slice(1) : w))
- .join("") as ProposalType;
- return { ...obj, [`${key}`]: period.toNumber() };
- }, Promise.resolve({}) as Promise<{ [k in ProposalType]: number }>);
- }
- async proposalTypesGracePeriod(): Promise<{ [k in ProposalType]: number }> {
- return this.fetchProposalMethodsFromCodex("GracePeriod");
- }
- async proposalTypesVotingPeriod(): Promise<{ [k in ProposalType]: number }> {
- return this.fetchProposalMethodsFromCodex("VotingPeriod");
- }
- async parametersFromProposalType(type: ProposalType) {
- const votingPeriod = (await this.proposalTypesVotingPeriod())[type];
- const gracePeriod = (await this.proposalTypesGracePeriod())[type];
- const issuance = (await this.totalIssuance()).toNumber();
- const stake = calculateStake(type, issuance);
- const meta = calculateMetaFromType(type);
- // Currently it's same for all types, but this will change soon
- const cancellationFee = await this.cancellationFee();
- return {
- type,
- votingPeriod,
- gracePeriod,
- stake,
- cancellationFee,
- ...meta
- };
- }
- async proposalsTypesParameters() {
- return Promise.all(ProposalTypes.map(type => this.parametersFromProposalType(type)));
- }
- async bestBlock() {
- return await this.api.derive.chain.bestNumber();
- }
- async storageProviders(): Promise<AccountId[]> {
- const providers = (await this.actors.accountIdsByRole(RoleKeys.StorageProvider)) as Vec<AccountId>;
- return providers.toArray();
- }
- async membersExceptCouncil(): Promise<{ id: number; profile: Profile }[]> {
- // Council members to filter out
- const activeCouncil = (await this.council.activeCouncil()) as Seats;
- const membersCount = ((await this.members.membersCreated()) as MemberId).toNumber();
- const profiles: { id: number; profile: Profile }[] = [];
- for (let id = FIRST_MEMBER_ID.toNumber(); id < membersCount; ++id) {
- const profile = (await this.memberProfile(new MemberId(id))).unwrapOr(null);
- if (
- !profile ||
- // Filter out council members
- activeCouncil.some(
- seat =>
- seat.member.toString() === profile.controller_account.toString() ||
- seat.member.toString() === profile.root_account.toString()
- )
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- profiles.push({ id, profile });
- }
- return profiles;
- }
- async storageRoleParameters(): Promise<IStorageRoleParameters> {
- const params = (
- await this.api.query.actors.parameters(RoleKeys.StorageProvider)
- ).toJSON() as IStorageRoleParameters;
- return params;
- }
- async maxValidatorCount(): Promise<number> {
- const count = ((await this.api.query.staking.validatorCount()) as u32).toNumber();
- return count;
- }
- async electionParameters(): Promise<ElectionParameters> {
- const announcing_period = (await this.councilElection.announcingPeriod()) as BlockNumber;
- const voting_period = (await this.councilElection.votingPeriod()) as BlockNumber;
- const revealing_period = (await this.councilElection.revealingPeriod()) as BlockNumber;
- const new_term_duration = (await this.councilElection.newTermDuration()) as BlockNumber;
- const min_council_stake = (await this.councilElection.minCouncilStake()) as Balance;
- const min_voting_stake = (await this.councilElection.minVotingStake()) as Balance;
- const candidacy_limit = (await this.councilElection.candidacyLimit()) as u32;
- const council_size = (await this.councilElection.councilSize()) as u32;
- return new ElectionParameters({
- announcing_period,
- voting_period,
- revealing_period,
- new_term_duration,
- min_council_stake,
- min_voting_stake,
- candidacy_limit,
- council_size
- });
- }
- async WGMintCap(): Promise<number> {
- const WGMintId = (await this.contentWorkingGroup.mint()) as MintId;
- const WGMint = (await this.minting.mints(WGMintId)) as Vec<Mint>;
- return (WGMint[0].get("capacity") as u128).toNumber();
- }
- async WGLead(): Promise<{ id: number; profile: Profile } | null> {
- const optLeadId = (await this.contentWorkingGroup.currentLeadId()) as Option<LeadId>;
- const leadId = optLeadId.unwrapOr(null);
- if (!leadId) return null;
- const actorInRole = new ActorInRole({
- role: new Role(RoleKeys.CuratorLead),
- actor_id: leadId
- });
- const memberId = (await this.members.membershipIdByActorInRole(actorInRole)) as MemberId;
- const profile = (await this.memberProfile(memberId)).unwrapOr(null);
- return profile && { id: memberId.toNumber(), profile };
- }