@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+use rstd::prelude::*;
+use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
+use runtime_primitives::traits::{MaybeSerialize, Member, One, SimpleArithmetic, Zero};
+use srml_support::{decl_module, decl_storage, ensure, Parameter};
+use minting::{self, BalanceOf};
+use system;
+mod mock;
+mod tests;
+pub trait Trait: system::Trait + minting::Trait {
+ type PayoutStatusHandler: PayoutStatusHandler<Self>;
+ /// Type of identifier for recipients.
+ type RecipientId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq;
+ /// Type for identifier for relationship representing that a recipient recieves recurring reward from a token mint
+ type RewardRelationshipId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq;
+/// Handler for aftermath of a payout attempt
+pub trait PayoutStatusHandler<T: Trait> {
+ fn payout_succeeded(
+ id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ destination_account: &T::AccountId,
+ amount: BalanceOf<T>,
+ );
+ fn payout_failed(
+ id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ destination_account: &T::AccountId,
+ amount: BalanceOf<T>,
+ );
+/// Makes `()` empty tuple, a PayoutStatusHandler that does nothing.
+impl<T: Trait> PayoutStatusHandler<T> for () {
+ fn payout_succeeded(
+ _id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ _destination_account: &T::AccountId,
+ _amount: BalanceOf<T>,
+ ) {
+ }
+ fn payout_failed(
+ _id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ _destination_account: &T::AccountId,
+ _amount: BalanceOf<T>,
+ ) {
+ }
+/// A recipient of recurring rewards
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Recipient<Balance> {
+ // stats
+ /// Total payout received by this recipient
+ total_reward_received: Balance,
+ /// Total payout missed for this recipient
+ total_reward_missed: Balance,
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
+pub struct RewardRelationship<AccountId, Balance, BlockNumber, MintId, RecipientId> {
+ /// Identifier for receiver
+ recipient: RecipientId,
+ /// Identifier for reward source
+ mint_id: MintId,
+ /// Destination account for reward
+ account: AccountId,
+ /// The payout amount at the next payout
+ amount_per_payout: Balance,
+ /// When set, identifies block when next payout should be processed,
+ /// otherwise there is no pending payout
+ next_payment_at_block: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ /// When set, will be the basis for automatically setting next payment,
+ /// otherwise any upcoming payout will be a one off.
+ payout_interval: Option<BlockNumber>,
+ // stats
+ /// Total payout received in this relationship
+ total_reward_received: Balance,
+ /// Total payout failed in this relationship
+ total_reward_missed: Balance,
+impl<AccountId: Clone, Balance: Clone, BlockNumber: Clone, MintId: Clone, RecipientId: Clone>
+ RewardRelationship<AccountId, Balance, BlockNumber, MintId, RecipientId>
+ /// Verifies whether relationship is active
+ pub fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
+ self.next_payment_at_block.is_some()
+ }
+ /// Make clone which is activated.
+ pub fn clone_activated(&self, start_at: &BlockNumber) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ next_payment_at_block: Some((*start_at).clone()),
+ ..((*self).clone())
+ }
+ }
+ /// Make clone which is deactivated
+ pub fn clone_deactivated(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ next_payment_at_block: None,
+ ..((*self).clone())
+ }
+ }
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as RecurringReward {
+ Recipients get(recipients): linked_map T::RecipientId => Recipient<BalanceOf<T>>;
+ RecipientsCreated get(recipients_created): T::RecipientId;
+ RewardRelationships get(reward_relationships): linked_map T::RewardRelationshipId => RewardRelationship<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber, T::MintId, T::RecipientId>;
+ RewardRelationshipsCreated get(reward_relationships_created): T::RewardRelationshipId;
+ }
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ fn on_finalize(now: T::BlockNumber) {
+ Self::do_payouts(now);
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum RewardsError {
+ RecipientNotFound,
+ RewardSourceNotFound,
+ NextPaymentNotInFuture,
+ RewardRelationshipNotFound,
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Adds a new Recipient and returns new recipient identifier.
+ pub fn add_recipient() -> T::RecipientId {
+ let next_id = Self::recipients_created();
+ <RecipientsCreated<T>>::put(next_id + One::one());
+ <Recipients<T>>::insert(&next_id, Recipient::default());
+ next_id
+ }
+ /// Adds a new RewardRelationship, for a given source mint, recipient, account.
+ pub fn add_reward_relationship(
+ mint_id: T::MintId,
+ recipient: T::RecipientId,
+ account: T::AccountId,
+ amount_per_payout: BalanceOf<T>,
+ next_payment_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
+ payout_interval: Option<T::BlockNumber>,
+ ) -> Result<T::RewardRelationshipId, RewardsError> {
+ ensure!(
+ <minting::Module<T>>::mint_exists(mint_id),
+ RewardsError::RewardSourceNotFound
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ <Recipients<T>>::exists(recipient),
+ RewardsError::RecipientNotFound
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ next_payment_at_block > <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ RewardsError::NextPaymentNotInFuture
+ );
+ let relationship_id = Self::reward_relationships_created();
+ <RewardRelationshipsCreated<T>>::put(relationship_id + One::one());
+ <RewardRelationships<T>>::insert(
+ relationship_id,
+ RewardRelationship {
+ mint_id,
+ recipient,
+ account,
+ amount_per_payout,
+ next_payment_at_block: Some(next_payment_at_block),
+ payout_interval,
+ total_reward_received: Zero::zero(),
+ total_reward_missed: Zero::zero(),
+ },
+ );
+ Ok(relationship_id)
+ }
+ /// Removes a relationship from RewardRelashionships and its recipient.
+ pub fn remove_reward_relationship(id: T::RewardRelationshipId) {
+ if <RewardRelationships<T>>::exists(&id) {
+ <Recipients<T>>::remove(<RewardRelationships<T>>::take(&id).recipient);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Will attempt to activat a deactivated reward relationship.
+ pub fn try_to_activate_relationship(
+ id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ next_payment_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
+ ) -> Result<bool, ()> {
+ // Ensure relationship exists
+ let reward_relationship = Self::ensure_reward_relationship_exists(&id)?;
+ let activated = if reward_relationship.is_active() {
+ // Was not activated
+ false
+ } else {
+ // Update as activated
+ let activated_relationship =
+ reward_relationship.clone_activated(&next_payment_at_block);
+ RewardRelationships::<T>::insert(id, activated_relationship);
+ // We activated
+ true
+ };
+ Ok(activated)
+ }
+ /// Will attempt to deactivat a activated reward relationship.
+ pub fn try_to_deactivate_relationship(id: T::RewardRelationshipId) -> Result<bool, ()> {
+ // Ensure relationship exists
+ let reward_relationship = Self::ensure_reward_relationship_exists(&id)?;
+ let deactivated = if reward_relationship.is_active() {
+ let deactivated_relationship = reward_relationship.clone_deactivated();
+ RewardRelationships::<T>::insert(id, deactivated_relationship);
+ // Was deactivated
+ true
+ } else {
+ // Was not deactivated
+ false
+ };
+ Ok(deactivated)
+ }
+ // For reward relationship found with given identifier, new values can be set for
+ // account, payout, block number when next payout will be made and the new interval after
+ // the next scheduled payout. All values are optional, but updating values are combined in this
+ // single method to ensure atomic updates.
+ pub fn set_reward_relationship(
+ id: T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ new_account: Option<T::AccountId>,
+ new_payout: Option<BalanceOf<T>>,
+ new_next_payment_at: Option<Option<T::BlockNumber>>,
+ new_payout_interval: Option<Option<T::BlockNumber>>,
+ ) -> Result<(), RewardsError> {
+ ensure!(
+ <RewardRelationships<T>>::exists(&id),
+ RewardsError::RewardRelationshipNotFound
+ );
+ let mut relationship = Self::reward_relationships(&id);
+ if let Some(account) = new_account {
+ relationship.account = account;
+ }
+ if let Some(payout) = new_payout {
+ relationship.amount_per_payout = payout;
+ }
+ if let Some(next_payout_at_block) = new_next_payment_at {
+ if let Some(blocknumber) = next_payout_at_block {
+ ensure!(
+ blocknumber > <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ RewardsError::NextPaymentNotInFuture
+ );
+ }
+ relationship.next_payment_at_block = next_payout_at_block;
+ }
+ if let Some(payout_interval) = new_payout_interval {
+ relationship.payout_interval = payout_interval;
+ }
+ <RewardRelationships<T>>::insert(&id, relationship);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /*
+ For all relationships where next_payment_at_block is set and matches current block height,
+ a call to pay_reward is made for the suitable amount, recipient and source.
+ The next_payment_in_block is updated based on payout_interval.
+ If the call succeeds, total_reward_received is incremented on both
+ recipient and dependency with amount_per_payout, and a call to T::PayoutStatusHandler is made.
+ Otherwise, analogous steps for failure.
+ */
+ fn do_payouts(now: T::BlockNumber) {
+ for (relationship_id, ref mut relationship) in <RewardRelationships<T>>::enumerate() {
+ assert!(<Recipients<T>>::exists(&relationship.recipient));
+ let mut recipient = Self::recipients(relationship.recipient);
+ if let Some(next_payment_at_block) = relationship.next_payment_at_block {
+ if next_payment_at_block != now {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the missed payout and try to pay those in addition to scheduled payout?
+ // let payout = relationship.total_reward_missed + relationship.amount_per_payout;
+ let payout = relationship.amount_per_payout;
+ // try to make payment
+ if <minting::Module<T>>::transfer_tokens(
+ relationship.mint_id,
+ payout,
+ &relationship.account,
+ )
+ .is_err()
+ {
+ // add only newly scheduled payout to total missed payout
+ relationship.total_reward_missed += relationship.amount_per_payout;
+ // update recipient stats
+ recipient.total_reward_missed += relationship.amount_per_payout;
+ T::PayoutStatusHandler::payout_failed(
+ relationship_id,
+ &relationship.account,
+ payout,
+ );
+ } else {
+ // update payout received stats
+ relationship.total_reward_received += payout;
+ recipient.total_reward_received += payout;
+ // update missed payout stats
+ // if relationship.total_reward_missed != Zero::zero() {
+ // // update recipient stats
+ // recipient.total_reward_missed -= relationship.total_reward_missed;
+ // // clear missed reward on relationship
+ // relationship.total_reward_missed = Zero::zero();
+ // }
+ T::PayoutStatusHandler::payout_succeeded(
+ relationship_id,
+ &relationship.account,
+ payout,
+ );
+ }
+ // update next payout blocknumber at interval if set
+ if let Some(payout_interval) = relationship.payout_interval {
+ relationship.next_payment_at_block = Some(now + payout_interval);
+ } else {
+ relationship.next_payment_at_block = None;
+ }
+ <Recipients<T>>::insert(relationship.recipient, recipient);
+ <RewardRelationships<T>>::insert(relationship_id, relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn ensure_reward_relationship_exists(
+ id: &T::RewardRelationshipId,
+ ) -> Result<
+ RewardRelationship<T::AccountId, BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber, T::MintId, T::RecipientId>,
+ (),
+ > {
+ ensure!(RewardRelationships::<T>::exists(id), ());
+ let relationship = RewardRelationships::<T>::get(id);
+ Ok(relationship)
+ }