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Merge pull request #2775 from ahhda/repair-ga-cf-delete

DevOps - Delegate CloudFormation deletion task to Github Action
Mokhtar Naamani há 3 anos atrás

+ 10 - 1

@@ -56,4 +56,13 @@ jobs:
           options: |
             --extra-vars "git_repo=${{ github.repository }} \
                           branch_name=${{ steps.extract_branch.outputs.branch }} instance_id=${{ steps.deploy_stack.outputs.InstanceId }}
-                          stack_name=${{ env.STACK_NAME }} ami_name=${{ env.ami_name }}"
+                          ami_name=${{ env.ami_name }}"
+      - name: Delete CloudFormation Stack
+        if: always()
+        continue-on-error: true
+        run: |
+          echo "Deleting ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} stack"
+          aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
+          echo "Waiting for ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} to be deleted..."
+          aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}

+ 10 - 1

@@ -142,9 +142,18 @@ jobs:
                           docker_password=${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }} \
                           tag_name=${{ steps.compute_shasum.outputs.shasum }}-${{ matrix.platform_tag }} \
                           repository=${{ env.REPOSITORY }} dockerfile=${{ matrix.file }} \
-                          stack_name=${{ env.STACK_NAME }} platform=${{ matrix.platform }}"
+                          platform=${{ matrix.platform }}"
         if: ${{ steps.compute_image_exists.outputs.image_exists == 1 }}
+      - name: Delete CloudFormation Stack
+        if: always()
+        continue-on-error: true
+        run: |
+          echo "Deleting ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} stack"
+          aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
+          echo "Waiting for ${{ env.STACK_NAME }} to be deleted..."
+          aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --stack-name ${{ env.STACK_NAME }}
     name: Create manifest using both the arch images
     needs: [push-amd64, push-arm]

+ 34 - 42

@@ -5,49 +5,41 @@
   hosts: all
-    - block:
-        - name: Get code from git repo
-          include_role:
-            name: common
-            tasks_from: get-code-git
+    - name: Get code from git repo
+      include_role:
+        name: common
+        tasks_from: get-code-git
-        - name: Install Docker Module for Python
-          pip:
-            name: docker
+    - name: Install Docker Module for Python
+      pip:
+        name: docker
-        - name: Log into DockerHub
-          community.docker.docker_login:
-            username: '{{ docker_username }}'
-            password: '{{ docker_password }}'
+    - name: Log into DockerHub
+      community.docker.docker_login:
+        username: '{{ docker_username }}'
+        password: '{{ docker_password }}'
-        - name: Build an image and push it to a private repo
-          community.docker.docker_image:
-            build:
-              path: ./joystream
-              dockerfile: '{{ dockerfile }}'
-              platform: '{{ platform }}'
-            name: '{{ repository }}'
-            tag: '{{ tag_name }}'
-            push: yes
-            source: build
-          # Run in async fashion for max duration of 2 hours
-          async: 7200
-          poll: 0
-          register: build_result
+    - name: Build an image and push it to a private repo
+      community.docker.docker_image:
+        build:
+          path: ./joystream
+          dockerfile: '{{ dockerfile }}'
+          platform: '{{ platform }}'
+        name: '{{ repository }}'
+        tag: '{{ tag_name }}'
+        push: yes
+        source: build
+      # Run in async fashion for max duration of 2 hours
+      async: 7200
+      poll: 0
+      register: build_result
-        - name: Check on build async task
-          async_status:
-            jid: '{{ build_result.ansible_job_id }}'
-          register: job_result
-          until: job_result.finished
-          # Max number of times to check for status
-          retries: 72
-          # Check for the status every 100s
-          delay: 100
-      always:
-        - name: Delete the stack
-            stack_name: '{{ stack_name }}'
-            state: 'absent'
-          delegate_to: localhost
+    - name: Check on build async task
+      async_status:
+        jid: '{{ build_result.ansible_job_id }}'
+      register: job_result
+      until: job_result.finished
+      # Max number of times to check for status
+      retries: 72
+      # Check for the status every 100s
+      delay: 100

+ 26 - 34

@@ -5,41 +5,33 @@
   hosts: all
-    - block:
-      - name: Get code from git repo
-        include_role:
-          name: common
-          tasks_from: get-code-git
+    - name: Get code from git repo
+      include_role:
+        name: common
+        tasks_from: get-code-git
-      - name: Run setup and build
-        include_role:
-          name: common
-          tasks_from: run-setup-build
+    - name: Run setup and build
+      include_role:
+        name: common
+        tasks_from: run-setup-build
-      - name: Install subkey
-        include_role:
-          name: admin
-          tasks_from: main
+    - name: Install subkey
+      include_role:
+        name: admin
+        tasks_from: main
-      - name: Basic AMI Creation
-          instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}"
-          wait: yes
-          name: "{{ ami_name }}"
-          launch_permissions:
-            group_names: ['all']
-          tags:
-            Name: "{{ ami_name }}"
-        register: ami_data
-        delegate_to: localhost
+    - name: Basic AMI Creation
+        instance_id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+        wait: yes
+        name: '{{ ami_name }}'
+        launch_permissions:
+          group_names: ['all']
+        tags:
+          Name: '{{ ami_name }}'
+      register: ami_data
+      delegate_to: localhost
-      - name: Print AMI ID
-        debug:
-          msg: "AMI ID is: {{ ami_data.image_id }}"
-      always:
-      - name: Delete the stack
-          stack_name: "{{ stack_name }}"
-          state: "absent"
-        delegate_to: localhost
+    - name: Print AMI ID
+      debug:
+        msg: 'AMI ID is: {{ ami_data.image_id }}'