Leszek Wiesner 3 éve
80 módosított fájl, 0 hozzáadás és 19405 törlés
  1. BIN
  2. 0 21
  3. 0 6
  4. 0 46
  5. 0 46
  6. 0 73
  7. 0 46
  8. 0 42
  9. 0 2246
  10. 0 4447
  11. 0 1
  12. 0 3
  13. 0 2324
  14. 0 51
  15. 0 105
  16. 0 7
  17. 0 53
  18. 0 35
  19. 0 27
  20. 0 142
  21. 0 28
  22. 0 151
  23. 0 213
  24. 0 28
  25. 0 30
  26. 0 142
  27. 0 28
  28. 0 108
  29. 0 188
  30. 0 31
  31. 0 23
  32. 0 36
  33. 0 154
  34. 0 28
  35. 0 38
  36. 0 142
  37. 0 28
  38. 0 66
  39. 0 142
  40. 0 28
  41. 0 14
  42. 0 128
  43. 0 28
  44. 0 46
  45. 0 170
  46. 0 46
  47. 0 170
  48. 0 49
  49. 0 175
  50. 0 46
  51. 0 170
  52. 0 85
  53. 0 28
  54. 0 142
  55. 0 28
  56. 0 38
  57. 0 142
  58. 0 28
  59. 0 55
  60. 0 154
  61. 0 28
  62. 0 177
  63. 0 213
  64. 0 28
  65. 0 42
  66. 0 142
  67. 0 28
  68. 0 38
  69. 0 52
  70. 0 72
  71. 0 53
  72. 0 26
  73. 0 3
  74. 0 2477
  75. 0 459
  76. 0 469
  77. 0 16
  78. 0 686
  79. 0 469
  80. 0 832


+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Dependencies
-# OS metadata

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
-export class ChannelCategoriesByNameMigration1617981663820 implements MigrationInterface {
-    name = 'channelCategoriesByNameMigration1617981663820'
-    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        // TODO: escape 
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE channel_category 
-            ADD COLUMN channel_categories_by_name_tsv tsvector 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("name", '')), 'A') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE channel_category 
-            ADD COLUMN channel_categories_by_name_doc text 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    coalesce("name", '') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX channel_categories_by_name_channel_category_idx ON channel_category USING GIN (channel_categories_by_name_tsv)`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX channel_category_id_idx ON channel_category (('channel_category' || '_' || id))`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            CREATE VIEW channel_categories_by_name_view AS
-            SELECT 
-                text 'channel_category' AS origin_table, 'channel_category' || '_' || id AS unique_id, id, channel_categories_by_name_tsv AS tsv, channel_categories_by_name_doc AS document 
-            FROM
-                channel_category
-        `);
-    }
-    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP VIEW channel_categories_by_name_view`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX channel_categories_by_name_channel_category_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX channel_category_id_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE channel_category DROP COLUMN channel_categories_by_name_tsv`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE channel_category DROP COLUMN channel_categories_by_name_doc`);
-    }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
-export class MembersByHandleMigration1617981663821 implements MigrationInterface {
-    name = 'membersByHandleMigration1617981663821'
-    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        // TODO: escape 
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE membership 
-            ADD COLUMN members_by_handle_tsv tsvector 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("handle", '')), 'A') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE membership 
-            ADD COLUMN members_by_handle_doc text 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    coalesce("handle", '') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX members_by_handle_membership_idx ON membership USING GIN (members_by_handle_tsv)`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX membership_id_idx ON membership (('membership' || '_' || id))`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            CREATE VIEW members_by_handle_view AS
-            SELECT 
-                text 'membership' AS origin_table, 'membership' || '_' || id AS unique_id, id, members_by_handle_tsv AS tsv, members_by_handle_doc AS document 
-            FROM
-                membership
-        `);
-    }
-    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP VIEW members_by_handle_view`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX members_by_handle_membership_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX membership_id_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE membership DROP COLUMN members_by_handle_tsv`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE membership DROP COLUMN members_by_handle_doc`);
-    }

+ 0 - 73

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
-export class SearchMigration1617981663819 implements MigrationInterface {
-    name = 'searchMigration1617981663819'
-    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        // TODO: escape 
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE channel 
-            ADD COLUMN search_tsv tsvector 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("title", '')), 'A') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE channel 
-            ADD COLUMN search_doc text 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    coalesce("title", '') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX search_channel_idx ON channel USING GIN (search_tsv)`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX channel_id_idx ON channel (('channel' || '_' || id))`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE video 
-            ADD COLUMN search_tsv tsvector 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("title", '')), 'A') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE video 
-            ADD COLUMN search_doc text 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    coalesce("title", '') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX search_video_idx ON video USING GIN (search_tsv)`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX video_id_idx ON video (('video' || '_' || id))`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            CREATE VIEW search_view AS
-            SELECT 
-                text 'channel' AS origin_table, 'channel' || '_' || id AS unique_id, id, search_tsv AS tsv, search_doc AS document 
-            FROM
-                channel
-            UNION ALL
-            SELECT 
-                text 'video' AS origin_table, 'video' || '_' || id AS unique_id, id, search_tsv AS tsv, search_doc AS document 
-            FROM
-                video
-        `);
-    }
-    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP VIEW search_view`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX search_channel_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX channel_id_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE channel DROP COLUMN search_tsv`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE channel DROP COLUMN search_doc`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX search_video_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX video_id_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE video DROP COLUMN search_tsv`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE video DROP COLUMN search_doc`);
-    }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from "typeorm";
-export class VideoCategoriesByNameMigration1617981663821 implements MigrationInterface {
-    name = 'videoCategoriesByNameMigration1617981663821'
-    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        // TODO: escape 
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE video_category 
-            ADD COLUMN video_categories_by_name_tsv tsvector 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("name", '')), 'A') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            ALTER TABLE video_category 
-            ADD COLUMN video_categories_by_name_doc text 
-            GENERATED ALWAYS AS (  
-                    coalesce("name", '') 
-                ) 
-            STORED;
-        `);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX video_categories_by_name_video_category_idx ON video_category USING GIN (video_categories_by_name_tsv)`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX video_category_id_idx ON video_category (('video_category' || '_' || id))`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`
-            CREATE VIEW video_categories_by_name_view AS
-            SELECT 
-                text 'video_category' AS origin_table, 'video_category' || '_' || id AS unique_id, id, video_categories_by_name_tsv AS tsv, video_categories_by_name_doc AS document 
-            FROM
-                video_category
-        `);
-    }
-    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP VIEW video_categories_by_name_view`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX video_categories_by_name_video_category_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX video_category_id_idx`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE video_category DROP COLUMN video_categories_by_name_tsv`);
-        await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE video_category DROP COLUMN video_categories_by_name_doc`);
-    }

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-default_env: &default_env
-    ## if the DB is synced, the new columns 
-    ## created by migrations are dropped, no good
-    ## one should run `WARTHOG_DB_SYNCHRONIZE=true yarn sync` manually instead
-    PGUSER: ${env:DB_USER}
-    PGHOST: ${env:DB_HOST}
-    PGPORT: ${env:DB_PORT}
-    <<: *default_env
-    DEBUG: 'qnode-cli:*'
-    NODE_ENV: development
-    <<: *default_env
-    NODE_ENV: production
-    WARTHOG_DB_ENTITIES: dist/src/**/*.model.js  
-    WARTHOG_DB_SUBSCRIBERS: dist/src/**/*.model.js
-    WARTHOG_RESOLVERS_PATH: dist/src/**/*.resolver.js
-    WARTHOG_DB_MIGRATIONS: dist/db/migrations/**/*.js
-    DEBUG: 'qnode-cli:*'
-    <<: *default_env

+ 0 - 2246

@@ -1,2246 +0,0 @@
-import 'graphql-import-node'; // Needed so you can import *.graphql files 
-import { makeBindingClass, Options } from 'graphql-binding'
-import { GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'
-import { IResolvers } from 'graphql-tools/dist/Interfaces'
-import * as schema from  './schema.graphql'
-export interface Query {
-    curatorGroups: <T = Array<CuratorGroup>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<CuratorGroupOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    curatorGroupByUniqueInput: <T = CuratorGroup | null>(args: { where: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    curatorGroupsConnection: <T = CuratorGroupConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<CuratorGroupOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    dataObjects: <T = Array<DataObject>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: DataObjectWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<DataObjectOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    dataObjectByUniqueInput: <T = DataObject | null>(args: { where: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    dataObjectsConnection: <T = DataObjectConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: DataObjectWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<DataObjectOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    channelCategories: <T = Array<ChannelCategory>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<ChannelCategoryOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    channelCategoryByUniqueInput: <T = ChannelCategory | null>(args: { where: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    channelCategoriesConnection: <T = ChannelCategoryConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<ChannelCategoryOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    channels: <T = Array<Channel>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: ChannelWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<ChannelOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    channelByUniqueInput: <T = Channel | null>(args: { where: ChannelWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    channelsConnection: <T = ChannelConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: ChannelWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<ChannelOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    languages: <T = Array<Language>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: LanguageWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<LanguageOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    languageByUniqueInput: <T = Language | null>(args: { where: LanguageWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    languagesConnection: <T = LanguageConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: LanguageWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<LanguageOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    licenses: <T = Array<License>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: LicenseWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<LicenseOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    licenseByUniqueInput: <T = License | null>(args: { where: LicenseWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    licensesConnection: <T = LicenseConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: LicenseWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<LicenseOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    memberships: <T = Array<Membership>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: MembershipWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<MembershipOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    membershipByUniqueInput: <T = Membership | null>(args: { where: MembershipWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    membershipsConnection: <T = MembershipConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: MembershipWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<MembershipOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    nextEntityIds: <T = Array<NextEntityId>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: NextEntityIdWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<NextEntityIdOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    nextEntityIdByUniqueInput: <T = NextEntityId | null>(args: { where: NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    nextEntityIdsConnection: <T = NextEntityIdConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: NextEntityIdWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<NextEntityIdOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    channelCategoriesByName: <T = Array<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>(args: { whereChannelCategory?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    membersByHandle: <T = Array<MembersByHandleFTSOutput>>(args: { whereMembership?: MembershipWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    search: <T = Array<SearchFTSOutput>>(args: { whereVideo?: VideoWhereInput | null, whereChannel?: ChannelWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoCategoriesByName: <T = Array<VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>(args: { whereVideoCategory?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, skip?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, text: String }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoCategories: <T = Array<VideoCategory>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoCategoryOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoCategoryByUniqueInput: <T = VideoCategory | null>(args: { where: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    videoCategoriesConnection: <T = VideoCategoryConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoCategoryOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoMediaEncodings: <T = Array<VideoMediaEncoding>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoMediaEncodingByUniqueInput: <T = VideoMediaEncoding | null>(args: { where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    videoMediaEncodingsConnection: <T = VideoMediaEncodingConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoMediaMetadata: <T = Array<VideoMediaMetadata>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoMediaMetadataByUniqueInput: <T = VideoMediaMetadata | null>(args: { where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    videoMediaMetadataConnection: <T = VideoMediaMetadataConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videos: <T = Array<Video>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: VideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    videoByUniqueInput: <T = Video | null>(args: { where: VideoWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    videosConnection: <T = VideoConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: VideoWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<VideoOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    workers: <T = Array<Worker>>(args: { offset?: Int | null, limit?: Int | null, where?: WorkerWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<WorkerOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> ,
-    workerByUniqueInput: <T = Worker | null>(args: { where: WorkerWhereUniqueInput }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T | null> ,
-    workersConnection: <T = WorkerConnection>(args: { first?: Int | null, after?: String | null, last?: Int | null, before?: String | null, where?: WorkerWhereInput | null, orderBy?: Array<WorkerOrderByInput> | null }, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<T> 
-  }
-export interface Mutation {}
-export interface Subscription {
-    stateSubscription: <T = ProcessorState>(args?: {}, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<AsyncIterator<T>> 
-  }
-export interface Binding {
-  query: Query
-  mutation: Mutation
-  subscription: Subscription
-  request: <T = any>(query: string, variables?: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<T>
-  delegate(operation: 'query' | 'mutation', fieldName: string, args: {
-      [key: string]: any;
-  }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options): Promise<any>;
-  delegateSubscription(fieldName: string, args?: {
-      [key: string]: any;
-  }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options): Promise<AsyncIterator<any>>;
-  getAbstractResolvers(filterSchema?: GraphQLSchema | string): IResolvers;
-export interface BindingConstructor<T> {
-  new(...args: any[]): T
-export const Binding = makeBindingClass<BindingConstructor<Binding>>({ schema: schema as any })
- * Types
-export type AssetAvailability =   'ACCEPTED' |
-  'PENDING' |
-export type CuratorGroupOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'isActive_ASC' |
-  'isActive_DESC'
-export type DataObjectOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC' |
-  'typeId_ASC' |
-  'typeId_DESC' |
-  'size_ASC' |
-  'size_DESC' |
-  'liaison_ASC' |
-  'liaison_DESC' |
-  'liaisonId_ASC' |
-  'liaisonId_DESC' |
-  'liaisonJudgement_ASC' |
-  'liaisonJudgement_DESC' |
-  'ipfsContentId_ASC' |
-  'ipfsContentId_DESC' |
-  'joystreamContentId_ASC' |
-  'joystreamContentId_DESC'
-export type ChannelCategoryOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'name_ASC' |
-  'name_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC'
-export type ChannelOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'ownerMember_ASC' |
-  'ownerMember_DESC' |
-  'ownerMemberId_ASC' |
-  'ownerMemberId_DESC' |
-  'ownerCuratorGroup_ASC' |
-  'ownerCuratorGroup_DESC' |
-  'ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC' |
-  'ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC' |
-  'category_ASC' |
-  'category_DESC' |
-  'categoryId_ASC' |
-  'categoryId_DESC' |
-  'rewardAccount_ASC' |
-  'rewardAccount_DESC' |
-  'title_ASC' |
-  'title_DESC' |
-  'description_ASC' |
-  'description_DESC' |
-  'coverPhotoDataObject_ASC' |
-  'coverPhotoDataObject_DESC' |
-  'coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC' |
-  'coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC' |
-  'coverPhotoAvailability_ASC' |
-  'coverPhotoAvailability_DESC' |
-  'avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC' |
-  'avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC' |
-  'avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC' |
-  'avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC' |
-  'avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC' |
-  'avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC' |
-  'isPublic_ASC' |
-  'isPublic_DESC' |
-  'isCensored_ASC' |
-  'isCensored_DESC' |
-  'language_ASC' |
-  'language_DESC' |
-  'languageId_ASC' |
-  'languageId_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC'
-export type LanguageOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'iso_ASC' |
-  'iso_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC'
-export type LiaisonJudgement =   'PENDING' |
-export type LicenseOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'code_ASC' |
-  'code_DESC' |
-  'attribution_ASC' |
-  'attribution_DESC' |
-  'customText_ASC' |
-  'customText_DESC'
-export type MembershipEntryMethod =   'PAID' |
-export type MembershipOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'handle_ASC' |
-  'handle_DESC' |
-  'avatarUri_ASC' |
-  'avatarUri_DESC' |
-  'about_ASC' |
-  'about_DESC' |
-  'controllerAccount_ASC' |
-  'controllerAccount_DESC' |
-  'rootAccount_ASC' |
-  'rootAccount_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC' |
-  'entry_ASC' |
-  'entry_DESC' |
-  'subscription_ASC' |
-  'subscription_DESC'
-export type NextEntityIdOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'nextId_ASC' |
-  'nextId_DESC'
-export type VideoCategoryOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'name_ASC' |
-  'name_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC'
-export type VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'codecName_ASC' |
-  'codecName_DESC' |
-  'container_ASC' |
-  'container_DESC' |
-  'mimeMediaType_ASC' |
-  'mimeMediaType_DESC'
-export type VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'encoding_ASC' |
-  'encoding_DESC' |
-  'encodingId_ASC' |
-  'encodingId_DESC' |
-  'pixelWidth_ASC' |
-  'pixelWidth_DESC' |
-  'pixelHeight_ASC' |
-  'pixelHeight_DESC' |
-  'size_ASC' |
-  'size_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC'
-export type VideoOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'channel_ASC' |
-  'channel_DESC' |
-  'channelId_ASC' |
-  'channelId_DESC' |
-  'category_ASC' |
-  'category_DESC' |
-  'categoryId_ASC' |
-  'categoryId_DESC' |
-  'title_ASC' |
-  'title_DESC' |
-  'description_ASC' |
-  'description_DESC' |
-  'duration_ASC' |
-  'duration_DESC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC' |
-  'thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC' |
-  'language_ASC' |
-  'language_DESC' |
-  'languageId_ASC' |
-  'languageId_DESC' |
-  'hasMarketing_ASC' |
-  'hasMarketing_DESC' |
-  'publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC' |
-  'publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC' |
-  'isPublic_ASC' |
-  'isPublic_DESC' |
-  'isCensored_ASC' |
-  'isCensored_DESC' |
-  'isExplicit_ASC' |
-  'isExplicit_DESC' |
-  'license_ASC' |
-  'license_DESC' |
-  'licenseId_ASC' |
-  'licenseId_DESC' |
-  'mediaDataObject_ASC' |
-  'mediaDataObject_DESC' |
-  'mediaDataObjectId_ASC' |
-  'mediaDataObjectId_DESC' |
-  'mediaAvailability_ASC' |
-  'mediaAvailability_DESC' |
-  'mediaMetadata_ASC' |
-  'mediaMetadata_DESC' |
-  'mediaMetadataId_ASC' |
-  'mediaMetadataId_DESC' |
-  'createdInBlock_ASC' |
-  'createdInBlock_DESC' |
-  'isFeatured_ASC' |
-  'isFeatured_DESC'
-export type WorkerOrderByInput =   'createdAt_ASC' |
-  'createdAt_DESC' |
-  'updatedAt_ASC' |
-  'updatedAt_DESC' |
-  'deletedAt_ASC' |
-  'deletedAt_DESC' |
-  'isActive_ASC' |
-  'isActive_DESC' |
-  'workerId_ASC' |
-  'workerId_DESC' |
-  'type_ASC' |
-  'type_DESC' |
-  'metadata_ASC' |
-  'metadata_DESC'
-export type WorkerType =   'GATEWAY' |
-export interface BaseWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: String | null
-  id_in?: String[] | String | null
-  createdAt_eq?: String | null
-  createdAt_lt?: String | null
-  createdAt_lte?: String | null
-  createdAt_gt?: String | null
-  createdAt_gte?: String | null
-  createdById_eq?: String | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: String | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: String | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: String | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: String | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: String | null
-  updatedById_eq?: String | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: String | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: String | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: String | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: String | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: String | null
-  deletedById_eq?: String | null
-export interface CuratorGroupCreateInput {
-  curatorIds: Array<Int>
-  isActive: Boolean
-export interface CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
-  curatorIds?: Int[] | Int | null
-  isActive?: Boolean | null
-export interface CuratorGroupWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  curatorIds_containsAll?: Int[] | Int | null
-  curatorIds_containsNone?: Int[] | Int | null
-  curatorIds_containsAny?: Int[] | Int | null
-  isActive_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isActive_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  AND?: CuratorGroupWhereInput[] | CuratorGroupWhereInput | null
-  OR?: CuratorGroupWhereInput[] | CuratorGroupWhereInput | null
-export interface CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectCreateInput {
-  owner: JSONObject
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  typeId: Float
-  size: Float
-  liaison?: ID_Input | null
-  liaisonId?: ID_Input | null
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
-  ipfsContentId: String
-  joystreamContentId: String
-export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  dummy_eq?: Int | null
-  dummy_gt?: Int | null
-  dummy_gte?: Int | null
-  dummy_lt?: Int | null
-  dummy_lte?: Int | null
-  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  AND?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
-  dao: Float
-export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
-  dao?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  dao_eq?: Int | null
-  dao_gt?: Int | null
-  dao_gte?: Int | null
-  dao_lt?: Int | null
-  dao_lte?: Int | null
-  dao_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  AND?: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
-  channel: Float
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
-  channel?: Float | null
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  channel_eq?: Int | null
-  channel_gt?: Int | null
-  channel_gte?: Int | null
-  channel_lt?: Int | null
-  channel_lte?: Int | null
-  channel_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  dummy_eq?: Int | null
-  dummy_gt?: Int | null
-  dummy_gte?: Int | null
-  dummy_lt?: Int | null
-  dummy_lte?: Int | null
-  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  AND?: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
-  member: Float
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
-  member?: Float | null
-  dummy?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  member_eq?: Int | null
-  member_gt?: Int | null
-  member_gte?: Int | null
-  member_lt?: Int | null
-  member_lte?: Int | null
-  member_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  dummy_eq?: Int | null
-  dummy_gt?: Int | null
-  dummy_gte?: Int | null
-  dummy_lt?: Int | null
-  dummy_lte?: Int | null
-  dummy_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  AND?: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
-  workingGroup: Float
-export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
-  workingGroup?: Float | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  workingGroup_eq?: Int | null
-  workingGroup_gt?: Int | null
-  workingGroup_gte?: Int | null
-  workingGroup_lt?: Int | null
-  workingGroup_lte?: Int | null
-  workingGroup_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  AND?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput[] | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface DataObjectUpdateInput {
-  owner?: JSONObject | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-  typeId?: Float | null
-  size?: Float | null
-  liaison?: ID_Input | null
-  liaisonId?: ID_Input | null
-  liaisonJudgement?: LiaisonJudgement | null
-  ipfsContentId?: String | null
-  joystreamContentId?: String | null
-export interface DataObjectWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  owner_json?: JSONObject | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  typeId_eq?: Int | null
-  typeId_gt?: Int | null
-  typeId_gte?: Int | null
-  typeId_lt?: Int | null
-  typeId_lte?: Int | null
-  typeId_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  size_eq?: Float | null
-  size_gt?: Float | null
-  size_gte?: Float | null
-  size_lt?: Float | null
-  size_lte?: Float | null
-  size_in?: Float[] | Float | null
-  liaisonId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  liaisonId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  liaisonJudgement_eq?: LiaisonJudgement | null
-  liaisonJudgement_in?: LiaisonJudgement[] | LiaisonJudgement | null
-  ipfsContentId_eq?: String | null
-  ipfsContentId_contains?: String | null
-  ipfsContentId_startsWith?: String | null
-  ipfsContentId_endsWith?: String | null
-  ipfsContentId_in?: String[] | String | null
-  joystreamContentId_eq?: String | null
-  joystreamContentId_contains?: String | null
-  joystreamContentId_startsWith?: String | null
-  joystreamContentId_endsWith?: String | null
-  joystreamContentId_in?: String[] | String | null
-  liaison?: WorkerWhereInput | null
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videomediaDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videomediaDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videomediaDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  AND?: DataObjectWhereInput[] | DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  OR?: DataObjectWhereInput[] | DataObjectWhereInput | null
-export interface DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
-  name?: String | null
-  createdInBlock: Float
-export interface ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
-  name?: String | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-export interface ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  name_eq?: String | null
-  name_contains?: String | null
-  name_startsWith?: String | null
-  name_endsWith?: String | null
-  name_in?: String[] | String | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  AND?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput[] | ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null
-  OR?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput[] | ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null
-export interface ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface ChannelCreateInput {
-  ownerMember?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerMemberId?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerCuratorGroupId?: ID_Input | null
-  category?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
-  rewardAccount?: String | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  coverPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  avatarPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  language?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId?: ID_Input | null
-  createdInBlock: Float
-export interface ChannelUpdateInput {
-  ownerMember?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerMemberId?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerCuratorGroupId?: ID_Input | null
-  category?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
-  rewardAccount?: String | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  coverPhotoUrls?: String[] | String | null
-  coverPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls?: String[] | String | null
-  avatarPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored?: Boolean | null
-  language?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId?: ID_Input | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-export interface ChannelWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  ownerMemberId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerMemberId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  categoryId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  rewardAccount_eq?: String | null
-  rewardAccount_contains?: String | null
-  rewardAccount_startsWith?: String | null
-  rewardAccount_endsWith?: String | null
-  rewardAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
-  title_eq?: String | null
-  title_contains?: String | null
-  title_startsWith?: String | null
-  title_endsWith?: String | null
-  title_in?: String[] | String | null
-  description_eq?: String | null
-  description_contains?: String | null
-  description_startsWith?: String | null
-  description_endsWith?: String | null
-  description_in?: String[] | String | null
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAll?: String[] | String | null
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsNone?: String[] | String | null
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAny?: String[] | String | null
-  coverPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
-  coverPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAll?: String[] | String | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsNone?: String[] | String | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAny?: String[] | String | null
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
-  isPublic_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isPublic_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  isCensored_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  languageId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  ownerMember?: MembershipWhereInput | null
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroupWhereInput | null
-  category?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput | null
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  language?: LanguageWhereInput | null
-  videos_none?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videos_some?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videos_every?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  AND?: ChannelWhereInput[] | ChannelWhereInput | null
-  OR?: ChannelWhereInput[] | ChannelWhereInput | null
-export interface ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface LanguageCreateInput {
-  iso: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-export interface LanguageUpdateInput {
-  iso?: String | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-export interface LanguageWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  iso_eq?: String | null
-  iso_contains?: String | null
-  iso_startsWith?: String | null
-  iso_endsWith?: String | null
-  iso_in?: String[] | String | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  channellanguage_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channellanguage_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channellanguage_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  AND?: LanguageWhereInput[] | LanguageWhereInput | null
-  OR?: LanguageWhereInput[] | LanguageWhereInput | null
-export interface LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface LicenseCreateInput {
-  code?: Float | null
-  attribution?: String | null
-  customText?: String | null
-export interface LicenseUpdateInput {
-  code?: Float | null
-  attribution?: String | null
-  customText?: String | null
-export interface LicenseWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  code_eq?: Int | null
-  code_gt?: Int | null
-  code_gte?: Int | null
-  code_lt?: Int | null
-  code_lte?: Int | null
-  code_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  attribution_eq?: String | null
-  attribution_contains?: String | null
-  attribution_startsWith?: String | null
-  attribution_endsWith?: String | null
-  attribution_in?: String[] | String | null
-  customText_eq?: String | null
-  customText_contains?: String | null
-  customText_startsWith?: String | null
-  customText_endsWith?: String | null
-  customText_in?: String[] | String | null
-  videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  AND?: LicenseWhereInput[] | LicenseWhereInput | null
-  OR?: LicenseWhereInput[] | LicenseWhereInput | null
-export interface LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface MembershipCreateInput {
-  handle: String
-  avatarUri?: String | null
-  about?: String | null
-  controllerAccount: String
-  rootAccount: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
-  subscription?: Float | null
-export interface MembershipUpdateInput {
-  handle?: String | null
-  avatarUri?: String | null
-  about?: String | null
-  controllerAccount?: String | null
-  rootAccount?: String | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-  entry?: MembershipEntryMethod | null
-  subscription?: Float | null
-export interface MembershipWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  handle_eq?: String | null
-  handle_contains?: String | null
-  handle_startsWith?: String | null
-  handle_endsWith?: String | null
-  handle_in?: String[] | String | null
-  avatarUri_eq?: String | null
-  avatarUri_contains?: String | null
-  avatarUri_startsWith?: String | null
-  avatarUri_endsWith?: String | null
-  avatarUri_in?: String[] | String | null
-  about_eq?: String | null
-  about_contains?: String | null
-  about_startsWith?: String | null
-  about_endsWith?: String | null
-  about_in?: String[] | String | null
-  controllerAccount_eq?: String | null
-  controllerAccount_contains?: String | null
-  controllerAccount_startsWith?: String | null
-  controllerAccount_endsWith?: String | null
-  controllerAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
-  rootAccount_eq?: String | null
-  rootAccount_contains?: String | null
-  rootAccount_startsWith?: String | null
-  rootAccount_endsWith?: String | null
-  rootAccount_in?: String[] | String | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  entry_eq?: MembershipEntryMethod | null
-  entry_in?: MembershipEntryMethod[] | MembershipEntryMethod | null
-  subscription_eq?: Int | null
-  subscription_gt?: Int | null
-  subscription_gte?: Int | null
-  subscription_lt?: Int | null
-  subscription_lte?: Int | null
-  subscription_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  AND?: MembershipWhereInput[] | MembershipWhereInput | null
-  OR?: MembershipWhereInput[] | MembershipWhereInput | null
-export interface MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
-  id?: ID_Input | null
-  handle?: String | null
-export interface NextEntityIdCreateInput {
-  nextId: Float
-export interface NextEntityIdUpdateInput {
-  nextId?: Float | null
-export interface NextEntityIdWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  nextId_eq?: Float | null
-  nextId_gt?: Float | null
-  nextId_gte?: Float | null
-  nextId_lt?: Float | null
-  nextId_lte?: Float | null
-  nextId_in?: Float[] | Float | null
-  AND?: NextEntityIdWhereInput[] | NextEntityIdWhereInput | null
-  OR?: NextEntityIdWhereInput[] | NextEntityIdWhereInput | null
-export interface NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface VideoCategoryCreateInput {
-  name?: String | null
-  createdInBlock: Float
-export interface VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
-  name?: String | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-export interface VideoCategoryWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  name_eq?: String | null
-  name_contains?: String | null
-  name_startsWith?: String | null
-  name_endsWith?: String | null
-  name_in?: String[] | String | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  videos_none?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videos_some?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  videos_every?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  AND?: VideoCategoryWhereInput[] | VideoCategoryWhereInput | null
-  OR?: VideoCategoryWhereInput[] | VideoCategoryWhereInput | null
-export interface VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface VideoCreateInput {
-  channel?: ID_Input | null
-  channelId?: ID_Input | null
-  category?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  duration?: Float | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  language?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId?: ID_Input | null
-  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
-  license?: ID_Input | null
-  licenseId?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaUrls: Array<String>
-  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  mediaMetadata?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaMetadataId?: ID_Input | null
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  isFeatured: Boolean
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
-  codecName?: String | null
-  container?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType?: String | null
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
-  codecName?: String | null
-  container?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType?: String | null
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  codecName_eq?: String | null
-  codecName_contains?: String | null
-  codecName_startsWith?: String | null
-  codecName_endsWith?: String | null
-  codecName_in?: String[] | String | null
-  container_eq?: String | null
-  container_contains?: String | null
-  container_startsWith?: String | null
-  container_endsWith?: String | null
-  container_in?: String[] | String | null
-  mimeMediaType_eq?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType_contains?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType_startsWith?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType_endsWith?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType_in?: String[] | String | null
-  videomediametadataencoding_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videomediametadataencoding_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  videomediametadataencoding_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  AND?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput[] | VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null
-  OR?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput[] | VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
-  encoding?: ID_Input | null
-  encodingId?: ID_Input | null
-  pixelWidth?: Float | null
-  pixelHeight?: Float | null
-  size?: Float | null
-  createdInBlock: Float
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
-  encoding?: ID_Input | null
-  encodingId?: ID_Input | null
-  pixelWidth?: Float | null
-  pixelHeight?: Float | null
-  size?: Float | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  encodingId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  encodingId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  pixelWidth_eq?: Int | null
-  pixelWidth_gt?: Int | null
-  pixelWidth_gte?: Int | null
-  pixelWidth_lt?: Int | null
-  pixelWidth_lte?: Int | null
-  pixelWidth_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  pixelHeight_eq?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight_gt?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight_gte?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight_lt?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight_lte?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  size_eq?: Float | null
-  size_gt?: Float | null
-  size_gte?: Float | null
-  size_lt?: Float | null
-  size_lte?: Float | null
-  size_in?: Float[] | Float | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  encoding?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput | null
-  video?: VideoWhereInput | null
-  AND?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput[] | VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  OR?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput[] | VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface VideoUpdateInput {
-  channel?: ID_Input | null
-  channelId?: ID_Input | null
-  category?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId?: ID_Input | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  duration?: Float | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls?: String[] | String | null
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
-  language?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId?: ID_Input | null
-  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored?: Boolean | null
-  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
-  license?: ID_Input | null
-  licenseId?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaDataObject?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaDataObjectId?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaUrls?: String[] | String | null
-  mediaAvailability?: AssetAvailability | null
-  mediaMetadata?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaMetadataId?: ID_Input | null
-  createdInBlock?: Float | null
-  isFeatured?: Boolean | null
-export interface VideoWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  channelId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  channelId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  categoryId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  categoryId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  title_eq?: String | null
-  title_contains?: String | null
-  title_startsWith?: String | null
-  title_endsWith?: String | null
-  title_in?: String[] | String | null
-  description_eq?: String | null
-  description_contains?: String | null
-  description_startsWith?: String | null
-  description_endsWith?: String | null
-  description_in?: String[] | String | null
-  duration_eq?: Int | null
-  duration_gt?: Int | null
-  duration_gte?: Int | null
-  duration_lt?: Int | null
-  duration_lte?: Int | null
-  duration_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAll?: String[] | String | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsNone?: String[] | String | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAny?: String[] | String | null
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
-  languageId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  languageId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  hasMarketing_eq?: Boolean | null
-  hasMarketing_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq?: DateTime | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt?: DateTime | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte?: DateTime | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt?: DateTime | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte?: DateTime | null
-  isPublic_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isPublic_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  isCensored_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  isExplicit_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isExplicit_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  licenseId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  licenseId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  mediaDataObjectId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaDataObjectId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  mediaUrls_containsAll?: String[] | String | null
-  mediaUrls_containsNone?: String[] | String | null
-  mediaUrls_containsAny?: String[] | String | null
-  mediaAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability | null
-  mediaAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[] | AssetAvailability | null
-  mediaMetadataId_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  mediaMetadataId_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdInBlock_eq?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_gte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lt?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_lte?: Int | null
-  createdInBlock_in?: Int[] | Int | null
-  isFeatured_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isFeatured_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  channel?: ChannelWhereInput | null
-  category?: VideoCategoryWhereInput | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  language?: LanguageWhereInput | null
-  license?: LicenseWhereInput | null
-  mediaDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput | null
-  AND?: VideoWhereInput[] | VideoWhereInput | null
-  OR?: VideoWhereInput[] | VideoWhereInput | null
-export interface VideoWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface WorkerCreateInput {
-  isActive: Boolean
-  workerId: String
-  type: WorkerType
-  metadata?: String | null
-export interface WorkerUpdateInput {
-  isActive?: Boolean | null
-  workerId?: String | null
-  type?: WorkerType | null
-  metadata?: String | null
-export interface WorkerWhereInput {
-  id_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  id_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  createdAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  createdById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  createdById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  updatedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  updatedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean | null
-  deletedAt_eq?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_lte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedAt_gte?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById_eq?: ID_Input | null
-  deletedById_in?: ID_Output[] | ID_Output | null
-  isActive_eq?: Boolean | null
-  isActive_in?: Boolean[] | Boolean | null
-  workerId_eq?: String | null
-  workerId_contains?: String | null
-  workerId_startsWith?: String | null
-  workerId_endsWith?: String | null
-  workerId_in?: String[] | String | null
-  type_eq?: WorkerType | null
-  type_in?: WorkerType[] | WorkerType | null
-  metadata_eq?: String | null
-  metadata_contains?: String | null
-  metadata_startsWith?: String | null
-  metadata_endsWith?: String | null
-  metadata_in?: String[] | String | null
-  dataObjects_none?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  dataObjects_some?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  dataObjects_every?: DataObjectWhereInput | null
-  AND?: WorkerWhereInput[] | WorkerWhereInput | null
-  OR?: WorkerWhereInput[] | WorkerWhereInput | null
-export interface WorkerWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-export interface DeleteResponse {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface BaseModel extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-export interface BaseModelUUID extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-export interface CuratorGroup extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  curatorIds: Array<Int>
-  isActive: Boolean
-  channels: Array<Channel>
-export interface CuratorGroupConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<CuratorGroupEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface CuratorGroupEdge {
-  node: CuratorGroup
-  cursor: String
- * Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it
- */
-export interface DataObject extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  owner: DataObjectOwner
-  createdInBlock: Int
-  typeId: Int
-  size: Float
-  liaison?: Worker | null
-  liaisonId?: String | null
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
-  ipfsContentId: String
-  joystreamContentId: String
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject?: Array<Channel> | null
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject?: Array<Channel> | null
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject?: Array<Video> | null
-  videomediaDataObject?: Array<Video> | null
-export interface DataObjectConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<DataObjectEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface DataObjectEdge {
-  node: DataObject
-  cursor: String
-export interface DataObjectOwnerCouncil {
-  dummy?: Int | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerDao {
-  dao: Int
-export interface DataObjectOwnerChannel {
-  channel: Int
-  dummy?: Int | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerMember {
-  member: Int
-  dummy?: Int | null
-export interface DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup {
-  workingGroup: Int
-export interface Channel extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  ownerMember?: Membership | null
-  ownerMemberId?: String | null
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroup | null
-  ownerCuratorGroupId?: String | null
-  category?: ChannelCategory | null
-  categoryId?: String | null
-  rewardAccount?: String | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObject | null
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: String | null
-  coverPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObject | null
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: String | null
-  avatarPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  avatarPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  language?: Language | null
-  languageId?: String | null
-  videos: Array<Video>
-  createdInBlock: Int
-export interface ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-  item: ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult
-  rank: Float
-  isTypeOf: String
-  highlight: String
- * Category of media channel
- */
-export interface ChannelCategory extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  name?: String | null
-  channels: Array<Channel>
-  createdInBlock: Int
-export interface ChannelCategoryConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<ChannelCategoryEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface ChannelCategoryEdge {
-  node: ChannelCategory
-  cursor: String
-export interface ChannelConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<ChannelEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface ChannelEdge {
-  node: Channel
-  cursor: String
-export interface Language extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  iso: String
-  createdInBlock: Int
-  channellanguage?: Array<Channel> | null
-  videolanguage?: Array<Video> | null
-export interface LanguageConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<LanguageEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface LanguageEdge {
-  node: Language
-  cursor: String
-export interface License extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  code?: Int | null
-  attribution?: String | null
-  customText?: String | null
-  videolicense?: Array<Video> | null
-export interface LicenseConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<LicenseEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface LicenseEdge {
-  node: License
-  cursor: String
-export interface MembersByHandleFTSOutput {
-  item: MembersByHandleSearchResult
-  rank: Float
-  isTypeOf: String
-  highlight: String
- * Stored information about a registered user
- */
-export interface Membership extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  handle: String
-  avatarUri?: String | null
-  about?: String | null
-  controllerAccount: String
-  rootAccount: String
-  createdInBlock: Int
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
-  subscription?: Int | null
-  channels: Array<Channel>
-export interface MembershipConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<MembershipEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface MembershipEdge {
-  node: Membership
-  cursor: String
-export interface NextEntityId extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  nextId: Float
-export interface NextEntityIdConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<NextEntityIdEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface NextEntityIdEdge {
-  node: NextEntityId
-  cursor: String
-export interface PageInfo {
-  hasNextPage: Boolean
-  hasPreviousPage: Boolean
-  startCursor?: String | null
-  endCursor?: String | null
-export interface ProcessorState {
-  lastCompleteBlock: Float
-  lastProcessedEvent: String
-  indexerHead: Float
-  chainHead: Float
-export interface SearchFTSOutput {
-  item: SearchSearchResult
-  rank: Float
-  isTypeOf: String
-  highlight: String
-export interface StandardDeleteResponse {
-  id: ID_Output
-export interface Video extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  channel?: Channel | null
-  channelId?: String | null
-  category?: VideoCategory | null
-  categoryId?: String | null
-  title?: String | null
-  description?: String | null
-  duration?: Int | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: DataObject | null
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: String | null
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls: Array<String>
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  language?: Language | null
-  languageId?: String | null
-  hasMarketing?: Boolean | null
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTime | null
-  isPublic?: Boolean | null
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  isExplicit?: Boolean | null
-  license?: License | null
-  licenseId?: String | null
-  mediaDataObject?: DataObject | null
-  mediaDataObjectId?: String | null
-  mediaUrls: Array<String>
-  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadata | null
-  mediaMetadataId?: String | null
-  createdInBlock: Int
-  isFeatured: Boolean
-export interface VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-  item: VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult
-  rank: Float
-  isTypeOf: String
-  highlight: String
-export interface VideoCategory extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  name?: String | null
-  videos: Array<Video>
-  createdInBlock: Int
-export interface VideoCategoryConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<VideoCategoryEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface VideoCategoryEdge {
-  node: VideoCategory
-  cursor: String
-export interface VideoConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<VideoEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface VideoEdge {
-  node: Video
-  cursor: String
-export interface VideoMediaEncoding extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  codecName?: String | null
-  container?: String | null
-  mimeMediaType?: String | null
-  videomediametadataencoding?: Array<VideoMediaMetadata> | null
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<VideoMediaEncodingEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface VideoMediaEncodingEdge {
-  node: VideoMediaEncoding
-  cursor: String
-export interface VideoMediaMetadata extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  encoding?: VideoMediaEncoding | null
-  encodingId?: String | null
-  pixelWidth?: Int | null
-  pixelHeight?: Int | null
-  size?: Float | null
-  video?: Video | null
-  createdInBlock: Int
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<VideoMediaMetadataEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface VideoMediaMetadataEdge {
-  node: VideoMediaMetadata
-  cursor: String
-export interface Worker extends BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID_Output
-  createdAt: DateTime
-  createdById: String
-  updatedAt?: DateTime | null
-  updatedById?: String | null
-  deletedAt?: DateTime | null
-  deletedById?: String | null
-  version: Int
-  isActive: Boolean
-  workerId: String
-  type: WorkerType
-  metadata?: String | null
-  dataObjects: Array<DataObject>
-export interface WorkerConnection {
-  totalCount: Int
-  edges: Array<WorkerEdge>
-  pageInfo: PageInfo
-export interface WorkerEdge {
-  node: Worker
-  cursor: String
-The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.
-export type Boolean = boolean
-The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
-export type DateTime = Date | string
-The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point).
-export type Float = number
-The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID.
-export type ID_Input = string | number
-export type ID_Output = string
-The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
-export type Int = number
-The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
-    export type JsonValue = JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray;
-    export type JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null | {};
-        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
-    export interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
-    export type JsonObject = { [member: string]: JsonValue };
-    export type JSONObject = JsonObject;
-The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
-export type String = string
-export type DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember | DataObjectOwnerChannel | DataObjectOwnerDao | DataObjectOwnerCouncil | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
-export type ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult = ChannelCategory
-export type MembersByHandleSearchResult = Membership
-export type SearchSearchResult = Channel | Video
-export type VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult = VideoCategory

+ 0 - 4447

@@ -1,4447 +0,0 @@
-// This file has been auto-generated by Warthog.  Do not update directly as it
-// will be re-written.  If you need to change this file, update models or add
-// new TypeGraphQL objects
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { DateResolver as Date } from 'graphql-scalars';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { GraphQLID as ID } from 'graphql';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { ArgsType, Field as TypeGraphQLField, Float, InputType as TypeGraphQLInputType, Int } from 'type-graphql';
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { registerEnumType, GraphQLISODateTime as DateTime } from "type-graphql";
-import * as BN from "bn.js";
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-const { GraphQLJSONObject } = require('graphql-type-json');
-// prettier-ignore
-// @ts-ignore
-import { BaseWhereInput, JsonObject, PaginationArgs, DateOnlyString, DateTimeString, BigInt, Bytes } from 'warthog';
-import { WorkerType } from "../src/modules/worker/worker.model";
-import { AssetAvailability } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
-import { LiaisonJudgement } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
-import { MembershipEntryMethod } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { CuratorGroup } from "../src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { ChannelCategory } from "../src/modules/channel-category/channel-category.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Worker } from "../src/modules/worker/worker.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoCategory } from "../src/modules/video-category/video-category.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Language } from "../src/modules/language/language.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { License } from "../src/modules/license/license.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from "../src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from "../src/modules/video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Video } from "../src/modules/video/video.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { DataObject } from "../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Channel } from "../src/modules/channel/channel.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { Membership } from "../src/modules/membership/membership.model";
-// @ts-ignore
-import { NextEntityId } from "../src/modules/next-entity-id/next-entity-id.model";
-export enum CuratorGroupOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  isActive_ASC = "isActive_ASC",
-  isActive_DESC = "isActive_DESC"
-registerEnumType(CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "CuratorGroupOrderByInput"
-export class CuratorGroupWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  curatorIds_containsAll?: [number];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  curatorIds_containsNone?: [number];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  curatorIds_containsAny?: [number];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isActive_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isActive_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [CuratorGroupWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [CuratorGroupWhereInput];
-export class CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class CuratorGroupCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int])
-  curatorIds!: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  isActive!: boolean;
-export class CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  curatorIds?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isActive?: boolean;
-export class CuratorGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: CuratorGroupOrderByEnum[];
-export class CuratorGroupCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [CuratorGroupCreateInput])
-  data!: CuratorGroupCreateInput[];
-export class CuratorGroupUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: CuratorGroupUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  name_ASC = "name_ASC",
-  name_DESC = "name_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "ChannelCategoryOrderByInput"
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  name_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput];
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-export class ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-export class ChannelCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum[];
-export class ChannelCategoryCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCategoryCreateInput])
-  data!: ChannelCategoryCreateInput[];
-export class ChannelCategoryUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelCategoryUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  channel_ASC = "channel_ASC",
-  channel_DESC = "channel_DESC",
-  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
-  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  channel_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  channel_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  channel_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  channel_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  channel_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  channel_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  dummy_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  channel!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  channel?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerChannelOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
-  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  dummy_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerCouncilOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  dao_ASC = "dao_ASC",
-  dao_DESC = "dao_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dao_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dao_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dao_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dao_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dao_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  dao_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  dao!: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dao?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerDaoOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  member_ASC = "member_ASC",
-  member_DESC = "member_DESC",
-  dummy_ASC = "dummy_ASC",
-  dummy_DESC = "dummy_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  member_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  member_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  member_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  member_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  member_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  member_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  dummy_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  dummy_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  member!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  member?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerMemberOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  workingGroup_ASC = "workingGroup_ASC",
-  workingGroup_DESC = "workingGroup_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  workingGroup_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
-    nullable: true
-  })
-  AND?: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
-    nullable: true
-  })
-  OR?: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  workingGroup!: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workingGroup?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput, {
-    nullable: true
-  })
-  where?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum, {
-    nullable: true
-  })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum WorkerOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  isActive_ASC = "isActive_ASC",
-  isActive_DESC = "isActive_DESC",
-  workerId_ASC = "workerId_ASC",
-  workerId_DESC = "workerId_DESC",
-  type_ASC = "type_ASC",
-  type_DESC = "type_DESC",
-  metadata_ASC = "metadata_ASC",
-  metadata_DESC = "metadata_DESC"
-registerEnumType(WorkerOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "WorkerOrderByInput"
-export class WorkerWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isActive_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isActive_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workerId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workerId_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workerId_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workerId_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  workerId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType, { nullable: true })
-  type_eq?: WorkerType;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [WorkerType], { nullable: true })
-  type_in?: WorkerType[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  metadata_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  dataObjects_none?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  dataObjects_some?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  dataObjects_every?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [WorkerWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [WorkerWhereInput];
-export class WorkerWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class WorkerCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  isActive!: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  workerId!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType)
-  type!: WorkerType;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata?: string;
-export class WorkerUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isActive?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  workerId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerType, { nullable: true })
-  type?: WorkerType;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  metadata?: string;
-export class WorkerWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: WorkerWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: WorkerOrderByEnum[];
-export class WorkerCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [WorkerCreateInput])
-  data!: WorkerCreateInput[];
-export class WorkerUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: WorkerUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: WorkerWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoCategoryOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  name_ASC = "name_ASC",
-  name_DESC = "name_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "VideoCategoryOrderByInput"
-export class VideoCategoryWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  name_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_none?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_some?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_every?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [VideoCategoryWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [VideoCategoryWhereInput];
-export class VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class VideoCategoryCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-export class VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  name?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-export class VideoCategoryWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: VideoCategoryOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoCategoryCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCategoryCreateInput])
-  data!: VideoCategoryCreateInput[];
-export class VideoCategoryUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoCategoryUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum LanguageOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  iso_ASC = "iso_ASC",
-  iso_DESC = "iso_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(LanguageOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "LanguageOrderByInput"
-export class LanguageWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  iso_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  iso_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  iso_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  iso_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  iso_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channellanguage_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channellanguage_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channellanguage_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [LanguageWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [LanguageWhereInput];
-export class LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class LanguageCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  iso!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-export class LanguageUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  iso?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-export class LanguageWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: LanguageWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: LanguageOrderByEnum[];
-export class LanguageCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LanguageCreateInput])
-  data!: LanguageCreateInput[];
-export class LanguageUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LanguageUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LanguageWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum LicenseOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  code_ASC = "code_ASC",
-  code_DESC = "code_DESC",
-  attribution_ASC = "attribution_ASC",
-  attribution_DESC = "attribution_DESC",
-  customText_ASC = "customText_ASC",
-  customText_DESC = "customText_DESC"
-registerEnumType(LicenseOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "LicenseOrderByInput"
-export class LicenseWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  code_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  code_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  code_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  code_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  code_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  code_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  attribution_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  customText_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_none?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_some?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videolanguage_every?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [LicenseWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [LicenseWhereInput];
-export class LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class LicenseCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  code?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText?: string;
-export class LicenseUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  code?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  attribution?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  customText?: string;
-export class LicenseWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: LicenseWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: LicenseOrderByEnum[];
-export class LicenseCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LicenseCreateInput])
-  data!: LicenseCreateInput[];
-export class LicenseUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: LicenseUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: LicenseWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  codecName_ASC = "codecName_ASC",
-  codecName_DESC = "codecName_DESC",
-  container_ASC = "container_ASC",
-  container_DESC = "container_DESC",
-  mimeMediaType_ASC = "mimeMediaType_ASC",
-  mimeMediaType_DESC = "mimeMediaType_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput"
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  codecName_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  container_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediametadataencoding_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediametadataencoding_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediametadataencoding_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  codecName?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  container?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  mimeMediaType?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput])
-  data!: VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput[];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  encoding_ASC = "encoding_ASC",
-  encoding_DESC = "encoding_DESC",
-  encodingId_ASC = "encodingId_ASC",
-  encodingId_DESC = "encodingId_DESC",
-  pixelWidth_ASC = "pixelWidth_ASC",
-  pixelWidth_DESC = "pixelWidth_DESC",
-  pixelHeight_ASC = "pixelHeight_ASC",
-  pixelHeight_DESC = "pixelHeight_DESC",
-  size_ASC = "size_ASC",
-  size_DESC = "size_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput"
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  encodingId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  encodingId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
-  size_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  encoding?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  video?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  encoding?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  encodingId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  size?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  encoding?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  encodingId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  pixelWidth?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  pixelHeight?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  size?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput])
-  data!: VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput[];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum VideoOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  channel_ASC = "channel_ASC",
-  channel_DESC = "channel_DESC",
-  channelId_ASC = "channelId_ASC",
-  channelId_DESC = "channelId_DESC",
-  category_ASC = "category_ASC",
-  category_DESC = "category_DESC",
-  categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
-  categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
-  title_ASC = "title_ASC",
-  title_DESC = "title_DESC",
-  description_ASC = "description_ASC",
-  description_DESC = "description_DESC",
-  duration_ASC = "duration_ASC",
-  duration_DESC = "duration_DESC",
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC",
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC",
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC = "thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC",
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC = "thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC",
-  language_ASC = "language_ASC",
-  language_DESC = "language_DESC",
-  languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
-  languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
-  hasMarketing_ASC = "hasMarketing_ASC",
-  hasMarketing_DESC = "hasMarketing_DESC",
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC",
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC = "publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC",
-  isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
-  isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
-  isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
-  isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
-  isExplicit_ASC = "isExplicit_ASC",
-  isExplicit_DESC = "isExplicit_DESC",
-  license_ASC = "license_ASC",
-  license_DESC = "license_DESC",
-  licenseId_ASC = "licenseId_ASC",
-  licenseId_DESC = "licenseId_DESC",
-  mediaDataObject_ASC = "mediaDataObject_ASC",
-  mediaDataObject_DESC = "mediaDataObject_DESC",
-  mediaDataObjectId_ASC = "mediaDataObjectId_ASC",
-  mediaDataObjectId_DESC = "mediaDataObjectId_DESC",
-  mediaAvailability_ASC = "mediaAvailability_ASC",
-  mediaAvailability_DESC = "mediaAvailability_DESC",
-  mediaMetadata_ASC = "mediaMetadata_ASC",
-  mediaMetadata_DESC = "mediaMetadata_DESC",
-  mediaMetadataId_ASC = "mediaMetadataId_ASC",
-  mediaMetadataId_DESC = "mediaMetadataId_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
-  isFeatured_ASC = "isFeatured_ASC",
-  isFeatured_DESC = "isFeatured_DESC"
-registerEnumType(VideoOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "VideoOrderByInput"
-export class VideoWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  channelId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  channelId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  categoryId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  title_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  description_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  duration_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  duration_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  duration_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  duration_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  duration_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  duration_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  languageId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  hasMarketing_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  hasMarketing_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isExplicit_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isExplicit_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  licenseId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  licenseId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObjectId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObjectId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  mediaUrls_containsAll?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  mediaUrls_containsNone?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  mediaUrls_containsAny?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  mediaAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
-  mediaAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadataId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadataId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isFeatured_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isFeatured_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channel?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  category?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  language?: LanguageWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  license?: LicenseWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [VideoWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [VideoWhereInput];
-export class VideoWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class VideoCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  channel?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  channelId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  category?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  duration?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  language?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  hasMarketing?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  isCensored!: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isExplicit?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  license?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  licenseId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
-  mediaUrls!: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
-  mediaAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadata?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadataId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  isFeatured!: boolean;
-export class VideoUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  channel?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  channelId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  category?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  duration?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  language?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  hasMarketing?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: DateTimeString;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isCensored?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isExplicit?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  license?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  licenseId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  mediaUrls?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  mediaAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadata?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  mediaMetadataId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isFeatured?: boolean;
-export class VideoWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: VideoOrderByEnum[];
-export class VideoCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [VideoCreateInput])
-  data!: VideoCreateInput[];
-export class VideoUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: VideoUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: VideoWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum DataObjectOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
-  typeId_ASC = "typeId_ASC",
-  typeId_DESC = "typeId_DESC",
-  size_ASC = "size_ASC",
-  size_DESC = "size_DESC",
-  liaison_ASC = "liaison_ASC",
-  liaison_DESC = "liaison_DESC",
-  liaisonId_ASC = "liaisonId_ASC",
-  liaisonId_DESC = "liaisonId_DESC",
-  liaisonJudgement_ASC = "liaisonJudgement_ASC",
-  liaisonJudgement_DESC = "liaisonJudgement_DESC",
-  ipfsContentId_ASC = "ipfsContentId_ASC",
-  ipfsContentId_DESC = "ipfsContentId_DESC",
-  joystreamContentId_ASC = "joystreamContentId_ASC",
-  joystreamContentId_DESC = "joystreamContentId_DESC"
-registerEnumType(DataObjectOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "DataObjectOrderByInput"
-export class DataObjectWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
-  owner_json?: JsonObject;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  typeId_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  typeId_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  typeId_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  typeId_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  typeId_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  typeId_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  size_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
-  size_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  liaisonId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  liaisonId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
-  liaisonJudgement_eq?: LiaisonJudgement;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [LiaisonJudgement], { nullable: true })
-  liaisonJudgement_in?: LiaisonJudgement[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  liaison?: WorkerWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediaDataObject_none?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediaDataObject_some?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videomediaDataObject_every?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [DataObjectWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [DataObjectWhereInput];
-export class DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class DataObjectCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject)
-  owner!: JsonObject;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  typeId!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  size!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  liaison?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  liaisonId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement)
-  liaisonJudgement!: LiaisonJudgement;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  ipfsContentId!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  joystreamContentId!: string;
-export class DataObjectUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => GraphQLJSONObject, { nullable: true })
-  owner?: JsonObject;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  typeId?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  size?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  liaison?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  liaisonId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LiaisonJudgement, { nullable: true })
-  liaisonJudgement?: LiaisonJudgement;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  ipfsContentId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  joystreamContentId?: string;
-export class DataObjectWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: DataObjectOrderByEnum[];
-export class DataObjectCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [DataObjectCreateInput])
-  data!: DataObjectCreateInput[];
-export class DataObjectUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: DataObjectUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum ChannelOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  ownerMember_ASC = "ownerMember_ASC",
-  ownerMember_DESC = "ownerMember_DESC",
-  ownerMemberId_ASC = "ownerMemberId_ASC",
-  ownerMemberId_DESC = "ownerMemberId_DESC",
-  ownerCuratorGroup_ASC = "ownerCuratorGroup_ASC",
-  ownerCuratorGroup_DESC = "ownerCuratorGroup_DESC",
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC",
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC = "ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC",
-  category_ASC = "category_ASC",
-  category_DESC = "category_DESC",
-  categoryId_ASC = "categoryId_ASC",
-  categoryId_DESC = "categoryId_DESC",
-  rewardAccount_ASC = "rewardAccount_ASC",
-  rewardAccount_DESC = "rewardAccount_DESC",
-  title_ASC = "title_ASC",
-  title_DESC = "title_DESC",
-  description_ASC = "description_ASC",
-  description_DESC = "description_DESC",
-  coverPhotoDataObject_ASC = "coverPhotoDataObject_ASC",
-  coverPhotoDataObject_DESC = "coverPhotoDataObject_DESC",
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
-  coverPhotoAvailability_ASC = "coverPhotoAvailability_ASC",
-  coverPhotoAvailability_DESC = "coverPhotoAvailability_DESC",
-  avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC = "avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC",
-  avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC = "avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC",
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC = "avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC",
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC = "avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC",
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC = "avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC",
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC = "avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC",
-  isPublic_ASC = "isPublic_ASC",
-  isPublic_DESC = "isPublic_DESC",
-  isCensored_ASC = "isCensored_ASC",
-  isCensored_DESC = "isCensored_DESC",
-  language_ASC = "language_ASC",
-  language_DESC = "language_DESC",
-  languageId_ASC = "languageId_ASC",
-  languageId_DESC = "languageId_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC"
-registerEnumType(ChannelOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "ChannelOrderByInput"
-export class ChannelWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMemberId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  ownerMemberId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  categoryId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  title_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  description_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAll?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsNone?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAny?: [string];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_eq?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [AssetAvailability], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_in?: AssetAvailability[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isPublic_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isPublic_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Boolean, { nullable: true })
-  isCensored_eq?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Boolean], { nullable: true })
-  isCensored_in?: Boolean[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  languageId_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMember?: MembershipWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  category?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  language?: LanguageWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_none?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_some?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  videos_every?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [ChannelWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [ChannelWhereInput];
-export class ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class ChannelCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMember?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMemberId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  category?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
-  coverPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
-  coverPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String])
-  avatarPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability)
-  avatarPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  isCensored!: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  language?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-export class ChannelUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMember?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerMemberId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  ownerCuratorGroupId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  category?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  categoryId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rewardAccount?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  title?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  description?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoUrls?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  coverPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoUrls?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => AssetAvailability, { nullable: true })
-  avatarPhotoAvailability?: AssetAvailability;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  isCensored?: boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  language?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  languageId?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-export class ChannelWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: ChannelOrderByEnum[];
-export class ChannelCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ChannelCreateInput])
-  data!: ChannelCreateInput[];
-export class ChannelUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: ChannelUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: ChannelWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum MembershipOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  handle_ASC = "handle_ASC",
-  handle_DESC = "handle_DESC",
-  avatarUri_ASC = "avatarUri_ASC",
-  avatarUri_DESC = "avatarUri_DESC",
-  about_ASC = "about_ASC",
-  about_DESC = "about_DESC",
-  controllerAccount_ASC = "controllerAccount_ASC",
-  controllerAccount_DESC = "controllerAccount_DESC",
-  rootAccount_ASC = "rootAccount_ASC",
-  rootAccount_DESC = "rootAccount_DESC",
-  createdInBlock_ASC = "createdInBlock_ASC",
-  createdInBlock_DESC = "createdInBlock_DESC",
-  entry_ASC = "entry_ASC",
-  entry_DESC = "entry_DESC",
-  subscription_ASC = "subscription_ASC",
-  subscription_DESC = "subscription_DESC"
-registerEnumType(MembershipOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "MembershipOrderByInput"
-export class MembershipWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  handle_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  handle_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  handle_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  handle_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  handle_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  avatarUri_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  about_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rootAccount_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rootAccount_contains?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rootAccount_startsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rootAccount_endsWith?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [String], { nullable: true })
-  rootAccount_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
-  entry_eq?: MembershipEntryMethod;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipEntryMethod], { nullable: true })
-  entry_in?: MembershipEntryMethod[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  subscription_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  subscription_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  subscription_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  subscription_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  subscription_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Int], { nullable: true })
-  subscription_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_none?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_some?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  channels_every?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [MembershipWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [MembershipWhereInput];
-export class MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  handle?: string;
-export class MembershipCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  handle!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  controllerAccount!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  rootAccount!: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod)
-  entry!: MembershipEntryMethod;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  subscription?: number;
-export class MembershipUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  handle?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  avatarUri?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  about?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  controllerAccount?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  rootAccount?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  createdInBlock?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipEntryMethod, { nullable: true })
-  entry?: MembershipEntryMethod;
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  subscription?: number;
-export class MembershipWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: MembershipWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => MembershipOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: MembershipOrderByEnum[];
-export class MembershipCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [MembershipCreateInput])
-  data!: MembershipCreateInput[];
-export class MembershipUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: MembershipUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: MembershipWhereUniqueInput;
-export enum NextEntityIdOrderByEnum {
-  createdAt_ASC = "createdAt_ASC",
-  createdAt_DESC = "createdAt_DESC",
-  updatedAt_ASC = "updatedAt_ASC",
-  updatedAt_DESC = "updatedAt_DESC",
-  deletedAt_ASC = "deletedAt_ASC",
-  deletedAt_DESC = "deletedAt_DESC",
-  nextId_ASC = "nextId_ASC",
-  nextId_DESC = "nextId_DESC"
-registerEnumType(NextEntityIdOrderByEnum, {
-  name: "NextEntityIdOrderByInput"
-export class NextEntityIdWhereInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  id_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  id_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  createdAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  createdById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  createdById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  updatedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  updatedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_all?: Boolean;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_eq?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_lte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gt?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => DateTime, { nullable: true })
-  deletedAt_gte?: Date;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID, { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_eq?: string;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [ID], { nullable: true })
-  deletedById_in?: string[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  nextId_eq?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  nextId_gt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  nextId_gte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  nextId_lt?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => Float, { nullable: true })
-  nextId_lte?: number;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [Float], { nullable: true })
-  nextId_in?: number[];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  AND?: [NextEntityIdWhereInput];
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  OR?: [NextEntityIdWhereInput];
-export class NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => ID)
-  id?: string;
-export class NextEntityIdCreateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField()
-  nextId!: number;
-export class NextEntityIdUpdateInput {
-  @TypeGraphQLField({ nullable: true })
-  nextId?: number;
-export class NextEntityIdWhereArgs extends PaginationArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: NextEntityIdWhereInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => NextEntityIdOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: NextEntityIdOrderByEnum[];
-export class NextEntityIdCreateManyArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField(() => [NextEntityIdCreateInput])
-  data!: NextEntityIdCreateInput[];
-export class NextEntityIdUpdateArgs {
-  @TypeGraphQLField() data!: NextEntityIdUpdateInput;
-  @TypeGraphQLField() where!: NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export * from './classes';

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-import { getBaseConfig } from 'warthog';
-module.exports = getBaseConfig();

+ 0 - 2324

@@ -1,2324 +0,0 @@
-enum AssetAvailability {
-interface BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-type BaseModel implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-type BaseModelUUID implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-input BaseWhereInput {
-  id_eq: String
-  id_in: [String!]
-  createdAt_eq: String
-  createdAt_lt: String
-  createdAt_lte: String
-  createdAt_gt: String
-  createdAt_gte: String
-  createdById_eq: String
-  updatedAt_eq: String
-  updatedAt_lt: String
-  updatedAt_lte: String
-  updatedAt_gt: String
-  updatedAt_gte: String
-  updatedById_eq: String
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: String
-  deletedAt_lt: String
-  deletedAt_lte: String
-  deletedAt_gt: String
-  deletedAt_gte: String
-  deletedById_eq: String
-type CuratorGroup implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Curators belonging to this group"""
-  curatorIds: [Int!]!
-  """Is group active or not"""
-  isActive: Boolean!
-  channels: [Channel!]!
-type CuratorGroupConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [CuratorGroupEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input CuratorGroupCreateInput {
-  curatorIds: [Int!]!
-  isActive: Boolean!
-type CuratorGroupEdge {
-  node: CuratorGroup!
-  cursor: String!
-enum CuratorGroupOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  isActive_ASC
-  isActive_DESC
-input CuratorGroupUpdateInput {
-  curatorIds: [Int!]
-  isActive: Boolean
-input CuratorGroupWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  curatorIds_containsAll: [Int!]
-  curatorIds_containsNone: [Int!]
-  curatorIds_containsAny: [Int!]
-  isActive_eq: Boolean
-  isActive_in: [Boolean!]
-  channels_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  AND: [CuratorGroupWhereInput!]
-  OR: [CuratorGroupWhereInput!]
-input CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-"""Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it"""
-type DataObject implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Content owner"""
-  owner: DataObjectOwner!
-  """Content added at"""
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-  """Content type id"""
-  typeId: Int!
-  """Content size in bytes"""
-  size: Float!
-  liaison: Worker
-  liaisonId: String
-  """Storage provider as liaison judgment"""
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
-  """IPFS content id"""
-  ipfsContentId: String!
-  """Joystream runtime content"""
-  joystreamContentId: String!
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject: [Channel!]
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject: [Channel!]
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject: [Video!]
-  videomediaDataObject: [Video!]
-type DataObjectConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [DataObjectEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input DataObjectCreateInput {
-  owner: JSONObject!
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-  typeId: Float!
-  size: Float!
-  liaison: ID
-  liaisonId: ID
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement!
-  ipfsContentId: String!
-  joystreamContentId: String!
-type DataObjectEdge {
-  node: DataObject!
-  cursor: String!
-enum DataObjectOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-  typeId_ASC
-  typeId_DESC
-  size_ASC
-  size_DESC
-  liaison_ASC
-  liaison_DESC
-  liaisonId_ASC
-  liaisonId_DESC
-  liaisonJudgement_ASC
-  liaisonJudgement_DESC
-  ipfsContentId_ASC
-  ipfsContentId_DESC
-  joystreamContentId_ASC
-  joystreamContentId_DESC
-union DataObjectOwner = DataObjectOwnerMember | DataObjectOwnerChannel | DataObjectOwnerDao | DataObjectOwnerCouncil | DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup
-type DataObjectOwnerCouncil {
-  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
-  dummy: Int
-input DataObjectOwnerCouncilCreateInput {
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerCouncilUpdateInput {
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  dummy_eq: Int
-  dummy_gt: Int
-  dummy_gte: Int
-  dummy_lt: Int
-  dummy_lte: Int
-  dummy_in: [Int!]
-  AND: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectOwnerCouncilWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type DataObjectOwnerDao {
-  """DAO identifier"""
-  dao: Int!
-input DataObjectOwnerDaoCreateInput {
-  dao: Float!
-input DataObjectOwnerDaoUpdateInput {
-  dao: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  dao_eq: Int
-  dao_gt: Int
-  dao_gte: Int
-  dao_lt: Int
-  dao_lte: Int
-  dao_in: [Int!]
-  AND: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectOwnerDaoWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type DataObjectOwnerChannel {
-  """Channel identifier"""
-  channel: Int!
-  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
-  dummy: Int
-input DataObjectOwnerChannelCreateInput {
-  channel: Float!
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerChannelUpdateInput {
-  channel: Float
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  channel_eq: Int
-  channel_gt: Int
-  channel_gte: Int
-  channel_lt: Int
-  channel_lte: Int
-  channel_in: [Int!]
-  dummy_eq: Int
-  dummy_gt: Int
-  dummy_gte: Int
-  dummy_lt: Int
-  dummy_lte: Int
-  dummy_in: [Int!]
-  AND: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectOwnerChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type DataObjectOwnerMember {
-  """Member identifier"""
-  member: Int!
-  """Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used."""
-  dummy: Int
-input DataObjectOwnerMemberCreateInput {
-  member: Float!
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerMemberUpdateInput {
-  member: Float
-  dummy: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  member_eq: Int
-  member_gt: Int
-  member_gte: Int
-  member_lt: Int
-  member_lte: Int
-  member_in: [Int!]
-  dummy_eq: Int
-  dummy_gt: Int
-  dummy_gte: Int
-  dummy_lt: Int
-  dummy_lte: Int
-  dummy_in: [Int!]
-  AND: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectOwnerMemberWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup {
-  """Working group identifier"""
-  workingGroup: Int!
-input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupCreateInput {
-  workingGroup: Float!
-input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupUpdateInput {
-  workingGroup: Float
-input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  workingGroup_eq: Int
-  workingGroup_gt: Int
-  workingGroup_gte: Int
-  workingGroup_lt: Int
-  workingGroup_lte: Int
-  workingGroup_in: [Int!]
-  AND: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroupWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-input DataObjectUpdateInput {
-  owner: JSONObject
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  typeId: Float
-  size: Float
-  liaison: ID
-  liaisonId: ID
-  liaisonJudgement: LiaisonJudgement
-  ipfsContentId: String
-  joystreamContentId: String
-input DataObjectWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  owner_json: JSONObject
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  typeId_eq: Int
-  typeId_gt: Int
-  typeId_gte: Int
-  typeId_lt: Int
-  typeId_lte: Int
-  typeId_in: [Int!]
-  size_eq: Float
-  size_gt: Float
-  size_gte: Float
-  size_lt: Float
-  size_lte: Float
-  size_in: [Float!]
-  liaisonId_eq: ID
-  liaisonId_in: [ID!]
-  liaisonJudgement_eq: LiaisonJudgement
-  liaisonJudgement_in: [LiaisonJudgement!]
-  ipfsContentId_eq: String
-  ipfsContentId_contains: String
-  ipfsContentId_startsWith: String
-  ipfsContentId_endsWith: String
-  ipfsContentId_in: [String!]
-  joystreamContentId_eq: String
-  joystreamContentId_contains: String
-  joystreamContentId_startsWith: String
-  joystreamContentId_endsWith: String
-  joystreamContentId_in: [String!]
-  liaison: WorkerWhereInput
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_none: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_some: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject_every: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videomediaDataObject_none: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videomediaDataObject_some: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videomediaDataObject_every: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  AND: [DataObjectWhereInput!]
-  OR: [DataObjectWhereInput!]
-input DataObjectWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-The javascript `Date` as string. Type represents date and time as the ISO Date string.
-scalar DateTime
-interface DeleteResponse {
-  id: ID!
-type Channel implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  ownerMember: Membership
-  ownerMemberId: String
-  ownerCuratorGroup: CuratorGroup
-  ownerCuratorGroupId: String
-  category: ChannelCategory
-  categoryId: String
-  """Reward account where revenue is sent if set."""
-  rewardAccount: String
-  """The title of the Channel"""
-  title: String
-  """The description of a Channel"""
-  description: String
-  coverPhotoDataObject: DataObject
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId: String
-  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
-  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  """Availability meta information"""
-  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  avatarPhotoDataObject: DataObject
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId: String
-  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
-  avatarPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  """Availability meta information"""
-  avatarPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  """Flag signaling whether a channel is public."""
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  """Flag signaling whether a channel is censored."""
-  isCensored: Boolean!
-  language: Language
-  languageId: String
-  videos: [Video!]!
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-type ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-  item: ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult!
-  rank: Float!
-  isTypeOf: String!
-  highlight: String!
-union ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult = ChannelCategory
-"""Category of media channel"""
-type ChannelCategory implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """The name of the category"""
-  name: String
-  channels: [Channel!]!
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-type ChannelCategoryConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [ChannelCategoryEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input ChannelCategoryCreateInput {
-  name: String
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-type ChannelCategoryEdge {
-  node: ChannelCategory!
-  cursor: String!
-enum ChannelCategoryOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  name_ASC
-  name_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-input ChannelCategoryUpdateInput {
-  name: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-input ChannelCategoryWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  name_eq: String
-  name_contains: String
-  name_startsWith: String
-  name_endsWith: String
-  name_in: [String!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  channels_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  AND: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput!]
-  OR: [ChannelCategoryWhereInput!]
-input ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type ChannelConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [ChannelEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input ChannelCreateInput {
-  ownerMember: ID
-  ownerMemberId: ID
-  ownerCuratorGroup: ID
-  ownerCuratorGroupId: ID
-  category: ID
-  categoryId: ID
-  rewardAccount: String
-  title: String
-  description: String
-  coverPhotoDataObject: ID
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  avatarPhotoDataObject: ID
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  avatarPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  avatarPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  isCensored: Boolean!
-  language: ID
-  languageId: ID
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-type ChannelEdge {
-  node: Channel!
-  cursor: String!
-enum ChannelOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  ownerMember_ASC
-  ownerMember_DESC
-  ownerMemberId_ASC
-  ownerMemberId_DESC
-  ownerCuratorGroup_ASC
-  ownerCuratorGroup_DESC
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_ASC
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_DESC
-  category_ASC
-  category_DESC
-  categoryId_ASC
-  categoryId_DESC
-  rewardAccount_ASC
-  rewardAccount_DESC
-  title_ASC
-  title_DESC
-  description_ASC
-  description_DESC
-  coverPhotoDataObject_ASC
-  coverPhotoDataObject_DESC
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_ASC
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_DESC
-  coverPhotoAvailability_ASC
-  coverPhotoAvailability_DESC
-  avatarPhotoDataObject_ASC
-  avatarPhotoDataObject_DESC
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_ASC
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_DESC
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_ASC
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_DESC
-  isPublic_ASC
-  isPublic_DESC
-  isCensored_ASC
-  isCensored_DESC
-  language_ASC
-  language_DESC
-  languageId_ASC
-  languageId_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-input ChannelUpdateInput {
-  ownerMember: ID
-  ownerMemberId: ID
-  ownerCuratorGroup: ID
-  ownerCuratorGroupId: ID
-  category: ID
-  categoryId: ID
-  rewardAccount: String
-  title: String
-  description: String
-  coverPhotoDataObject: ID
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  coverPhotoUrls: [String!]
-  coverPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  avatarPhotoDataObject: ID
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  avatarPhotoUrls: [String!]
-  avatarPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  language: ID
-  languageId: ID
-  createdInBlock: Float
-input ChannelWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  ownerMemberId_eq: ID
-  ownerMemberId_in: [ID!]
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_eq: ID
-  ownerCuratorGroupId_in: [ID!]
-  categoryId_eq: ID
-  categoryId_in: [ID!]
-  rewardAccount_eq: String
-  rewardAccount_contains: String
-  rewardAccount_startsWith: String
-  rewardAccount_endsWith: String
-  rewardAccount_in: [String!]
-  title_eq: String
-  title_contains: String
-  title_startsWith: String
-  title_endsWith: String
-  title_in: [String!]
-  description_eq: String
-  description_contains: String
-  description_startsWith: String
-  description_endsWith: String
-  description_in: [String!]
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_eq: ID
-  coverPhotoDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAll: [String!]
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsNone: [String!]
-  coverPhotoUrls_containsAny: [String!]
-  coverPhotoAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
-  coverPhotoAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_eq: ID
-  avatarPhotoDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAll: [String!]
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsNone: [String!]
-  avatarPhotoUrls_containsAny: [String!]
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
-  avatarPhotoAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
-  isPublic_eq: Boolean
-  isPublic_in: [Boolean!]
-  isCensored_eq: Boolean
-  isCensored_in: [Boolean!]
-  languageId_eq: ID
-  languageId_in: [ID!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  ownerMember: MembershipWhereInput
-  ownerCuratorGroup: CuratorGroupWhereInput
-  category: ChannelCategoryWhereInput
-  coverPhotoDataObject: DataObjectWhereInput
-  avatarPhotoDataObject: DataObjectWhereInput
-  language: LanguageWhereInput
-  videos_none: VideoWhereInput
-  videos_some: VideoWhereInput
-  videos_every: VideoWhereInput
-  AND: [ChannelWhereInput!]
-  OR: [ChannelWhereInput!]
-input ChannelWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-The `JSONObject` scalar type represents JSON objects as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
-scalar JSONObject
-type Language implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Language identifier ISO 639-1"""
-  iso: String!
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-  channellanguage: [Channel!]
-  videolanguage: [Video!]
-type LanguageConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [LanguageEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input LanguageCreateInput {
-  iso: String!
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-type LanguageEdge {
-  node: Language!
-  cursor: String!
-enum LanguageOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  iso_ASC
-  iso_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-input LanguageUpdateInput {
-  iso: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-input LanguageWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  iso_eq: String
-  iso_contains: String
-  iso_startsWith: String
-  iso_endsWith: String
-  iso_in: [String!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  channellanguage_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channellanguage_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channellanguage_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  videolanguage_none: VideoWhereInput
-  videolanguage_some: VideoWhereInput
-  videolanguage_every: VideoWhereInput
-  AND: [LanguageWhereInput!]
-  OR: [LanguageWhereInput!]
-input LanguageWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-enum LiaisonJudgement {
-type License implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """License code defined by Joystream"""
-  code: Int
-  """Attribution (if required by the license)"""
-  attribution: String
-  """Custom license content"""
-  customText: String
-  videolicense: [Video!]
-type LicenseConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [LicenseEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input LicenseCreateInput {
-  code: Float
-  attribution: String
-  customText: String
-type LicenseEdge {
-  node: License!
-  cursor: String!
-enum LicenseOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  code_ASC
-  code_DESC
-  attribution_ASC
-  attribution_DESC
-  customText_ASC
-  customText_DESC
-input LicenseUpdateInput {
-  code: Float
-  attribution: String
-  customText: String
-input LicenseWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  code_eq: Int
-  code_gt: Int
-  code_gte: Int
-  code_lt: Int
-  code_lte: Int
-  code_in: [Int!]
-  attribution_eq: String
-  attribution_contains: String
-  attribution_startsWith: String
-  attribution_endsWith: String
-  attribution_in: [String!]
-  customText_eq: String
-  customText_contains: String
-  customText_startsWith: String
-  customText_endsWith: String
-  customText_in: [String!]
-  videolanguage_none: VideoWhereInput
-  videolanguage_some: VideoWhereInput
-  videolanguage_every: VideoWhereInput
-  AND: [LicenseWhereInput!]
-  OR: [LicenseWhereInput!]
-input LicenseWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type MembersByHandleFTSOutput {
-  item: MembersByHandleSearchResult!
-  rank: Float!
-  isTypeOf: String!
-  highlight: String!
-union MembersByHandleSearchResult = Membership
-"""Stored information about a registered user"""
-type Membership implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """The unique handle chosen by member"""
-  handle: String!
-  """A Url to member's Avatar image"""
-  avatarUri: String
-  """Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves"""
-  about: String
-  """Member's controller account id"""
-  controllerAccount: String!
-  """Member's root account id"""
-  rootAccount: String!
-  """Blocknumber when member was registered"""
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-  """How the member was registered"""
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
-  """The type of subscription the member has purchased if any."""
-  subscription: Int
-  channels: [Channel!]!
-type MembershipConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [MembershipEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input MembershipCreateInput {
-  handle: String!
-  avatarUri: String
-  about: String
-  controllerAccount: String!
-  rootAccount: String!
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod!
-  subscription: Float
-type MembershipEdge {
-  node: Membership!
-  cursor: String!
-enum MembershipEntryMethod {
-enum MembershipOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  handle_ASC
-  handle_DESC
-  avatarUri_ASC
-  avatarUri_DESC
-  about_ASC
-  about_DESC
-  controllerAccount_ASC
-  controllerAccount_DESC
-  rootAccount_ASC
-  rootAccount_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-  entry_ASC
-  entry_DESC
-  subscription_ASC
-  subscription_DESC
-input MembershipUpdateInput {
-  handle: String
-  avatarUri: String
-  about: String
-  controllerAccount: String
-  rootAccount: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  entry: MembershipEntryMethod
-  subscription: Float
-input MembershipWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  handle_eq: String
-  handle_contains: String
-  handle_startsWith: String
-  handle_endsWith: String
-  handle_in: [String!]
-  avatarUri_eq: String
-  avatarUri_contains: String
-  avatarUri_startsWith: String
-  avatarUri_endsWith: String
-  avatarUri_in: [String!]
-  about_eq: String
-  about_contains: String
-  about_startsWith: String
-  about_endsWith: String
-  about_in: [String!]
-  controllerAccount_eq: String
-  controllerAccount_contains: String
-  controllerAccount_startsWith: String
-  controllerAccount_endsWith: String
-  controllerAccount_in: [String!]
-  rootAccount_eq: String
-  rootAccount_contains: String
-  rootAccount_startsWith: String
-  rootAccount_endsWith: String
-  rootAccount_in: [String!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  entry_eq: MembershipEntryMethod
-  entry_in: [MembershipEntryMethod!]
-  subscription_eq: Int
-  subscription_gt: Int
-  subscription_gte: Int
-  subscription_lt: Int
-  subscription_lte: Int
-  subscription_in: [Int!]
-  channels_none: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_some: ChannelWhereInput
-  channels_every: ChannelWhereInput
-  AND: [MembershipWhereInput!]
-  OR: [MembershipWhereInput!]
-input MembershipWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID
-  handle: String
-type NextEntityId implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Next deterministic id for entities without custom id"""
-  nextId: Float!
-type NextEntityIdConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [NextEntityIdEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input NextEntityIdCreateInput {
-  nextId: Float!
-type NextEntityIdEdge {
-  node: NextEntityId!
-  cursor: String!
-enum NextEntityIdOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  nextId_ASC
-  nextId_DESC
-input NextEntityIdUpdateInput {
-  nextId: Float
-input NextEntityIdWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  nextId_eq: Float
-  nextId_gt: Float
-  nextId_gte: Float
-  nextId_lt: Float
-  nextId_lte: Float
-  nextId_in: [Float!]
-  AND: [NextEntityIdWhereInput!]
-  OR: [NextEntityIdWhereInput!]
-input NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type PageInfo {
-  hasNextPage: Boolean!
-  hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
-  startCursor: String
-  endCursor: String
-type ProcessorState {
-  lastCompleteBlock: Float!
-  lastProcessedEvent: String!
-  indexerHead: Float!
-  chainHead: Float!
-type Query {
-  curatorGroups(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: CuratorGroupWhereInput, orderBy: [CuratorGroupOrderByInput!]): [CuratorGroup!]!
-  curatorGroupByUniqueInput(where: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput!): CuratorGroup
-  curatorGroupsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: CuratorGroupWhereInput, orderBy: [CuratorGroupOrderByInput!]): CuratorGroupConnection!
-  dataObjects(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: DataObjectWhereInput, orderBy: [DataObjectOrderByInput!]): [DataObject!]!
-  dataObjectByUniqueInput(where: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput!): DataObject
-  dataObjectsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: DataObjectWhereInput, orderBy: [DataObjectOrderByInput!]): DataObjectConnection!
-  channelCategories(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: [ChannelCategoryOrderByInput!]): [ChannelCategory!]!
-  channelCategoryByUniqueInput(where: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput!): ChannelCategory
-  channelCategoriesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: [ChannelCategoryOrderByInput!]): ChannelCategoryConnection!
-  channels(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: ChannelWhereInput, orderBy: [ChannelOrderByInput!]): [Channel!]!
-  channelByUniqueInput(where: ChannelWhereUniqueInput!): Channel
-  channelsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: ChannelWhereInput, orderBy: [ChannelOrderByInput!]): ChannelConnection!
-  languages(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: LanguageWhereInput, orderBy: [LanguageOrderByInput!]): [Language!]!
-  languageByUniqueInput(where: LanguageWhereUniqueInput!): Language
-  languagesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: LanguageWhereInput, orderBy: [LanguageOrderByInput!]): LanguageConnection!
-  licenses(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: LicenseWhereInput, orderBy: [LicenseOrderByInput!]): [License!]!
-  licenseByUniqueInput(where: LicenseWhereUniqueInput!): License
-  licensesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: LicenseWhereInput, orderBy: [LicenseOrderByInput!]): LicenseConnection!
-  memberships(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: MembershipWhereInput, orderBy: [MembershipOrderByInput!]): [Membership!]!
-  membershipByUniqueInput(where: MembershipWhereUniqueInput!): Membership
-  membershipsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: MembershipWhereInput, orderBy: [MembershipOrderByInput!]): MembershipConnection!
-  nextEntityIds(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: NextEntityIdWhereInput, orderBy: [NextEntityIdOrderByInput!]): [NextEntityId!]!
-  nextEntityIdByUniqueInput(where: NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput!): NextEntityId
-  nextEntityIdsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: NextEntityIdWhereInput, orderBy: [NextEntityIdOrderByInput!]): NextEntityIdConnection!
-  channelCategoriesByName(whereChannelCategory: ChannelCategoryWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput!]!
-  membersByHandle(whereMembership: MembershipWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [MembersByHandleFTSOutput!]!
-  search(whereVideo: VideoWhereInput, whereChannel: ChannelWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [SearchFTSOutput!]!
-  videoCategoriesByName(whereVideoCategory: VideoCategoryWhereInput, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 5, text: String!): [VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput!]!
-  videoCategories(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoCategoryOrderByInput!]): [VideoCategory!]!
-  videoCategoryByUniqueInput(where: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput!): VideoCategory
-  videoCategoriesConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoCategoryWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoCategoryOrderByInput!]): VideoCategoryConnection!
-  videoMediaEncodings(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput!]): [VideoMediaEncoding!]!
-  videoMediaEncodingByUniqueInput(where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput!): VideoMediaEncoding
-  videoMediaEncodingsConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput!]): VideoMediaEncodingConnection!
-  videoMediaMetadata(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput!]): [VideoMediaMetadata!]!
-  videoMediaMetadataByUniqueInput(where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput!): VideoMediaMetadata
-  videoMediaMetadataConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput!]): VideoMediaMetadataConnection!
-  videos(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: VideoWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoOrderByInput!]): [Video!]!
-  videoByUniqueInput(where: VideoWhereUniqueInput!): Video
-  videosConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: VideoWhereInput, orderBy: [VideoOrderByInput!]): VideoConnection!
-  workers(offset: Int, limit: Int = 50, where: WorkerWhereInput, orderBy: [WorkerOrderByInput!]): [Worker!]!
-  workerByUniqueInput(where: WorkerWhereUniqueInput!): Worker
-  workersConnection(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, where: WorkerWhereInput, orderBy: [WorkerOrderByInput!]): WorkerConnection!
-type SearchFTSOutput {
-  item: SearchSearchResult!
-  rank: Float!
-  isTypeOf: String!
-  highlight: String!
-union SearchSearchResult = Channel | Video
-type StandardDeleteResponse {
-  id: ID!
-type Subscription {
-  stateSubscription: ProcessorState!
-type Video implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  channel: Channel
-  channelId: String
-  category: VideoCategory
-  categoryId: String
-  """The title of the video"""
-  title: String
-  """The description of the Video"""
-  description: String
-  """Video duration in seconds"""
-  duration: Int
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject: DataObject
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId: String
-  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  """Availability meta information"""
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  language: Language
-  languageId: String
-  """Whether or not Video contains marketing"""
-  hasMarketing: Boolean
-  """
-  If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date
-  """
-  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
-  """Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed"""
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  """Flag signaling whether a video is censored."""
-  isCensored: Boolean!
-  """Whether the Video contains explicit material."""
-  isExplicit: Boolean
-  license: License
-  licenseId: String
-  mediaDataObject: DataObject
-  mediaDataObjectId: String
-  """URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)"""
-  mediaUrls: [String!]!
-  """Availability meta information"""
-  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  mediaMetadata: VideoMediaMetadata
-  mediaMetadataId: String
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-  """Is video featured or not"""
-  isFeatured: Boolean!
-type VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-  item: VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult!
-  rank: Float!
-  isTypeOf: String!
-  highlight: String!
-union VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult = VideoCategory
-type VideoCategory implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """The name of the category"""
-  name: String
-  videos: [Video!]!
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-type VideoCategoryConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [VideoCategoryEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input VideoCategoryCreateInput {
-  name: String
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-type VideoCategoryEdge {
-  node: VideoCategory!
-  cursor: String!
-enum VideoCategoryOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  name_ASC
-  name_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-input VideoCategoryUpdateInput {
-  name: String
-  createdInBlock: Float
-input VideoCategoryWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  name_eq: String
-  name_contains: String
-  name_startsWith: String
-  name_endsWith: String
-  name_in: [String!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  videos_none: VideoWhereInput
-  videos_some: VideoWhereInput
-  videos_every: VideoWhereInput
-  AND: [VideoCategoryWhereInput!]
-  OR: [VideoCategoryWhereInput!]
-input VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type VideoConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [VideoEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input VideoCreateInput {
-  channel: ID
-  channelId: ID
-  category: ID
-  categoryId: ID
-  title: String
-  description: String
-  duration: Float
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject: ID
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls: [String!]!
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  language: ID
-  languageId: ID
-  hasMarketing: Boolean
-  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  isCensored: Boolean!
-  isExplicit: Boolean
-  license: ID
-  licenseId: ID
-  mediaDataObject: ID
-  mediaDataObjectId: ID
-  mediaUrls: [String!]!
-  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability!
-  mediaMetadata: ID
-  mediaMetadataId: ID
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-  isFeatured: Boolean!
-type VideoEdge {
-  node: Video!
-  cursor: String!
-type VideoMediaEncoding implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Encoding of the video media object"""
-  codecName: String
-  """Media container format"""
-  container: String
-  """Content MIME type"""
-  mimeMediaType: String
-  videomediametadataencoding: [VideoMediaMetadata!]
-type VideoMediaEncodingConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [VideoMediaEncodingEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput {
-  codecName: String
-  container: String
-  mimeMediaType: String
-type VideoMediaEncodingEdge {
-  node: VideoMediaEncoding!
-  cursor: String!
-enum VideoMediaEncodingOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  codecName_ASC
-  codecName_DESC
-  container_ASC
-  container_DESC
-  mimeMediaType_ASC
-  mimeMediaType_DESC
-input VideoMediaEncodingUpdateInput {
-  codecName: String
-  container: String
-  mimeMediaType: String
-input VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  codecName_eq: String
-  codecName_contains: String
-  codecName_startsWith: String
-  codecName_endsWith: String
-  codecName_in: [String!]
-  container_eq: String
-  container_contains: String
-  container_startsWith: String
-  container_endsWith: String
-  container_in: [String!]
-  mimeMediaType_eq: String
-  mimeMediaType_contains: String
-  mimeMediaType_startsWith: String
-  mimeMediaType_endsWith: String
-  mimeMediaType_in: [String!]
-  videomediametadataencoding_none: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videomediametadataencoding_some: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  videomediametadataencoding_every: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  AND: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput!]
-  OR: [VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput!]
-input VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type VideoMediaMetadata implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  encoding: VideoMediaEncoding
-  encodingId: String
-  """Video media width in pixels"""
-  pixelWidth: Int
-  """Video media height in pixels"""
-  pixelHeight: Int
-  """Video media size in bytes"""
-  size: Float
-  video: Video
-  createdInBlock: Int!
-type VideoMediaMetadataConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [VideoMediaMetadataEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput {
-  encoding: ID
-  encodingId: ID
-  pixelWidth: Float
-  pixelHeight: Float
-  size: Float
-  createdInBlock: Float!
-type VideoMediaMetadataEdge {
-  node: VideoMediaMetadata!
-  cursor: String!
-enum VideoMediaMetadataOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  encoding_ASC
-  encoding_DESC
-  encodingId_ASC
-  encodingId_DESC
-  pixelWidth_ASC
-  pixelWidth_DESC
-  pixelHeight_ASC
-  pixelHeight_DESC
-  size_ASC
-  size_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-input VideoMediaMetadataUpdateInput {
-  encoding: ID
-  encodingId: ID
-  pixelWidth: Float
-  pixelHeight: Float
-  size: Float
-  createdInBlock: Float
-input VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  encodingId_eq: ID
-  encodingId_in: [ID!]
-  pixelWidth_eq: Int
-  pixelWidth_gt: Int
-  pixelWidth_gte: Int
-  pixelWidth_lt: Int
-  pixelWidth_lte: Int
-  pixelWidth_in: [Int!]
-  pixelHeight_eq: Int
-  pixelHeight_gt: Int
-  pixelHeight_gte: Int
-  pixelHeight_lt: Int
-  pixelHeight_lte: Int
-  pixelHeight_in: [Int!]
-  size_eq: Float
-  size_gt: Float
-  size_gte: Float
-  size_lt: Float
-  size_lte: Float
-  size_in: [Float!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  encoding: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput
-  video: VideoWhereInput
-  AND: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput!]
-  OR: [VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput!]
-input VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-enum VideoOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  channel_ASC
-  channel_DESC
-  channelId_ASC
-  channelId_DESC
-  category_ASC
-  category_DESC
-  categoryId_ASC
-  categoryId_DESC
-  title_ASC
-  title_DESC
-  description_ASC
-  description_DESC
-  duration_ASC
-  duration_DESC
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject_ASC
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject_DESC
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_ASC
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_DESC
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_ASC
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_DESC
-  language_ASC
-  language_DESC
-  languageId_ASC
-  languageId_DESC
-  hasMarketing_ASC
-  hasMarketing_DESC
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_ASC
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_DESC
-  isPublic_ASC
-  isPublic_DESC
-  isCensored_ASC
-  isCensored_DESC
-  isExplicit_ASC
-  isExplicit_DESC
-  license_ASC
-  license_DESC
-  licenseId_ASC
-  licenseId_DESC
-  mediaDataObject_ASC
-  mediaDataObject_DESC
-  mediaDataObjectId_ASC
-  mediaDataObjectId_DESC
-  mediaAvailability_ASC
-  mediaAvailability_DESC
-  mediaMetadata_ASC
-  mediaMetadata_DESC
-  mediaMetadataId_ASC
-  mediaMetadataId_DESC
-  createdInBlock_ASC
-  createdInBlock_DESC
-  isFeatured_ASC
-  isFeatured_DESC
-input VideoUpdateInput {
-  channel: ID
-  channelId: ID
-  category: ID
-  categoryId: ID
-  title: String
-  description: String
-  duration: Float
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject: ID
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId: ID
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls: [String!]
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  language: ID
-  languageId: ID
-  hasMarketing: Boolean
-  publishedBeforeJoystream: DateTime
-  isPublic: Boolean
-  isCensored: Boolean
-  isExplicit: Boolean
-  license: ID
-  licenseId: ID
-  mediaDataObject: ID
-  mediaDataObjectId: ID
-  mediaUrls: [String!]
-  mediaAvailability: AssetAvailability
-  mediaMetadata: ID
-  mediaMetadataId: ID
-  createdInBlock: Float
-  isFeatured: Boolean
-input VideoWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  channelId_eq: ID
-  channelId_in: [ID!]
-  categoryId_eq: ID
-  categoryId_in: [ID!]
-  title_eq: String
-  title_contains: String
-  title_startsWith: String
-  title_endsWith: String
-  title_in: [String!]
-  description_eq: String
-  description_contains: String
-  description_startsWith: String
-  description_endsWith: String
-  description_in: [String!]
-  duration_eq: Int
-  duration_gt: Int
-  duration_gte: Int
-  duration_lt: Int
-  duration_lte: Int
-  duration_in: [Int!]
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_eq: ID
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAll: [String!]
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsNone: [String!]
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls_containsAny: [String!]
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
-  languageId_eq: ID
-  languageId_in: [ID!]
-  hasMarketing_eq: Boolean
-  hasMarketing_in: [Boolean!]
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_eq: DateTime
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lt: DateTime
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_lte: DateTime
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gt: DateTime
-  publishedBeforeJoystream_gte: DateTime
-  isPublic_eq: Boolean
-  isPublic_in: [Boolean!]
-  isCensored_eq: Boolean
-  isCensored_in: [Boolean!]
-  isExplicit_eq: Boolean
-  isExplicit_in: [Boolean!]
-  licenseId_eq: ID
-  licenseId_in: [ID!]
-  mediaDataObjectId_eq: ID
-  mediaDataObjectId_in: [ID!]
-  mediaUrls_containsAll: [String!]
-  mediaUrls_containsNone: [String!]
-  mediaUrls_containsAny: [String!]
-  mediaAvailability_eq: AssetAvailability
-  mediaAvailability_in: [AssetAvailability!]
-  mediaMetadataId_eq: ID
-  mediaMetadataId_in: [ID!]
-  createdInBlock_eq: Int
-  createdInBlock_gt: Int
-  createdInBlock_gte: Int
-  createdInBlock_lt: Int
-  createdInBlock_lte: Int
-  createdInBlock_in: [Int!]
-  isFeatured_eq: Boolean
-  isFeatured_in: [Boolean!]
-  channel: ChannelWhereInput
-  category: VideoCategoryWhereInput
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject: DataObjectWhereInput
-  language: LanguageWhereInput
-  license: LicenseWhereInput
-  mediaDataObject: DataObjectWhereInput
-  mediaMetadata: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput
-  AND: [VideoWhereInput!]
-  OR: [VideoWhereInput!]
-input VideoWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!
-type Worker implements BaseGraphQLObject {
-  id: ID!
-  createdAt: DateTime!
-  createdById: String!
-  updatedAt: DateTime
-  updatedById: String
-  deletedAt: DateTime
-  deletedById: String
-  version: Int!
-  """Sign of worker still being active"""
-  isActive: Boolean!
-  """Runtime identifier"""
-  workerId: String!
-  """Associated working group"""
-  type: WorkerType!
-  """Custom metadata set by provider"""
-  metadata: String
-  dataObjects: [DataObject!]!
-type WorkerConnection {
-  totalCount: Int!
-  edges: [WorkerEdge!]!
-  pageInfo: PageInfo!
-input WorkerCreateInput {
-  isActive: Boolean!
-  workerId: String!
-  type: WorkerType!
-  metadata: String
-type WorkerEdge {
-  node: Worker!
-  cursor: String!
-enum WorkerOrderByInput {
-  createdAt_ASC
-  createdAt_DESC
-  updatedAt_ASC
-  updatedAt_DESC
-  deletedAt_ASC
-  deletedAt_DESC
-  isActive_ASC
-  isActive_DESC
-  workerId_ASC
-  workerId_DESC
-  type_ASC
-  type_DESC
-  metadata_ASC
-  metadata_DESC
-enum WorkerType {
-input WorkerUpdateInput {
-  isActive: Boolean
-  workerId: String
-  type: WorkerType
-  metadata: String
-input WorkerWhereInput {
-  id_eq: ID
-  id_in: [ID!]
-  createdAt_eq: DateTime
-  createdAt_lt: DateTime
-  createdAt_lte: DateTime
-  createdAt_gt: DateTime
-  createdAt_gte: DateTime
-  createdById_eq: ID
-  createdById_in: [ID!]
-  updatedAt_eq: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_lte: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gt: DateTime
-  updatedAt_gte: DateTime
-  updatedById_eq: ID
-  updatedById_in: [ID!]
-  deletedAt_all: Boolean
-  deletedAt_eq: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_lte: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gt: DateTime
-  deletedAt_gte: DateTime
-  deletedById_eq: ID
-  deletedById_in: [ID!]
-  isActive_eq: Boolean
-  isActive_in: [Boolean!]
-  workerId_eq: String
-  workerId_contains: String
-  workerId_startsWith: String
-  workerId_endsWith: String
-  workerId_in: [String!]
-  type_eq: WorkerType
-  type_in: [WorkerType!]
-  metadata_eq: String
-  metadata_contains: String
-  metadata_startsWith: String
-  metadata_endsWith: String
-  metadata_in: [String!]
-  dataObjects_none: DataObjectWhereInput
-  dataObjects_some: DataObjectWhereInput
-  dataObjects_every: DataObjectWhereInput
-  AND: [WorkerWhereInput!]
-  OR: [WorkerWhereInput!]
-input WorkerWhereUniqueInput {
-  id: ID!

+ 0 - 51

@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import { Channel } from '../src/modules/channel/channel.model';
-export { Channel };
-import { ChannelCategory } from '../src/modules/channel-category/channel-category.model';
-export { ChannelCategory };
-import { CuratorGroup } from '../src/modules/curator-group/curator-group.model';
-export { CuratorGroup };
-import { DataObject } from '../src/modules/data-object/data-object.model';
-export { DataObject };
-import { Language } from '../src/modules/language/language.model';
-export { Language };
-import { License } from '../src/modules/license/license.model';
-export { License };
-import { Membership } from '../src/modules/membership/membership.model';
-export { Membership };
-import { NextEntityId } from '../src/modules/next-entity-id/next-entity-id.model';
-export { NextEntityId };
-import { Video } from '../src/modules/video/video.model';
-export { Video };
-import { VideoCategory } from '../src/modules/video-category/video-category.model';
-export { VideoCategory };
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from '../src/modules/video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model';
-export { VideoMediaEncoding };
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../src/modules/video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model';
-export { VideoMediaMetadata };
-import { Worker } from '../src/modules/worker/worker.model';
-export { Worker };
-import { Network } from '../src/modules/enums/enums';
-export { Network };
-import { MembershipEntryMethod } from '../src/modules/enums/enums';
-export { MembershipEntryMethod };
-import { AssetAvailability } from '../src/modules/enums/enums';
-export { AssetAvailability };
-import { LiaisonJudgement } from '../src/modules/enums/enums';
-export { LiaisonJudgement };
-import { WorkerType } from '../src/modules/enums/enums';
-export { WorkerType };
-import { DataObjectOwnerChannel } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwnerChannel };
-import { DataObjectOwnerCouncil } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwnerCouncil };
-import { DataObjectOwnerDao } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwnerDao };
-import { DataObjectOwnerMember } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwnerMember };
-import { DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup };
-import { DataObjectOwner } from '../src/modules/variants/variants.model';
-export { DataObjectOwner };

+ 0 - 105

@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "query-node",
-  "version": "0.1.0",
-  "description": "Generated Warthog Project",
-  "license": "MIT",
-  "main": "dist/model/index.js",
-  "types": "dist/model/index.d.ts",
-  "scripts": {
-    "bootstrap": "yarn bootstrap:dev",
-    "bootstrap:dev": "yarn && yarn build:dev && yarn db:drop && yarn db:create && yarn db:migrate && yarn db:seed",
-    "bootstrap:prod": "yarn && yarn build:prod && yarn start:prod",
-    "//": "This is the default command run in CI, so it should point to Prod and also create Prod config",
-    "build": "yarn build:prod",
-    "build:prod": "WARTHOG_ENV=production yarn run config && yarn compile",
-    "build:dev": "yarn run config:dev && yarn codegen && yarn compile",
-    "check:code": "tsc --noEmit && yarn lint && prettier ./{src,test,tools}/**/*.ts --write",
-    "clean": "yarn db:drop && rm -rf ./node_modules ./generated ./dist",
-    "codegen": "warthog codegen",
-    "config": "WARTHOG_ENV=$NODE_ENV yarn dotenv:generate",
-    "config:dev": "WARTHOG_ENV=development yarn dotenv:generate",
-    "compile": "rm -rf ./dist && yarn tsc",
-    "deploy": "heroku git:remote -a warthog-starter && git push heroku main && WARTHOG_ENV=production yarn dotenv:generate && warthog db:migrate",
-    "dotenv:generate": "dotenvi -s ${WARTHOG_ENV:-development}",
-    "db:create": "warthog db:create",
-    "db:drop": "warthog db:drop",
-    "db:migrate:generate": "warthog db:migrate:generate --name",
-    "db:migrate": "warthog db:migrate",
-    "db:seed": "ts-node tools/seed.ts",
-    "lint": "eslint './+(src|test|tools)/**/*.{js,ts}' --fix",
-    "list:users": "ts-node ./tools/list-users.ts",
-    "playground": "warthog playground",
-    "prettier": "prettier ./{src,test,tools}/**/*.ts --write",
-    "start": "yarn start:prod",
-    "start:dev": "ts-node --type-check src/index.ts",
-    "start:dev:watch": "nodemon -e ts,graphql -x ts-node --type-check src/index.ts",
-    "start:prod": "WARTHOG_ENV=production yarn dotenv:generate && node dist/src/index.js",
-    "test": "DEBUG= jest --verbose --coverage",
-    "test:watch": "DEBUG= jest --watch",
-    "db:sync": "SYNC=true WARTHOG_DB_SYNCHRONIZE=true ts-node --type-check src/index.ts"
-  },
-  "husky": {
-    "hooks": {
-      "pre-commit": "yarn run config:dev && lint-staged && tsc -p ./tsconfig.json && yarn test"
-    }
-  },
-  "lint-staged": {
-    "linters": {
-      "*.ts": [
-        "eslint --fix",
-        "prettier --write",
-        "git add"
-      ],
-      "*.{js,json}": [
-        "prettier --write",
-        "git add"
-      ]
-    },
-    "ignore": [
-      "**/generated/*"
-    ]
-  },
-  "hydra": "https://github.com/Joystream/warthog/releases/download/v2.37.0/joystream-warthog-v2.37.0.tgz",
-  "dependencies": {
-    "dotenv": "^8.2.0",
-    "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13",
-    "warthog": "https://github.com/Joystream/warthog/releases/download/v2.37.0/joystream-warthog-v2.37.0.tgz",
-    "@types/bn.js": "^4.11.6",
-    "bn.js": "^5.1.3",
-    "lodash": "^4.17.15",
-    "pg-listen": "^1.7.0",
-    "typeorm": "^0.2.31"
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "@types/jest": "^24.0.23",
-    "dotenvi": "^0.9.0",
-    "jest": "^24.9.0",
-    "ts-jest": "^24.1.0",
-    "ts-node": "^8.10",
-    "ts-node-dev": "^1.0.0-pre.60",
-    "typescript": "^3.9.7"
-  },
-  "jest": {
-    "globals": {
-      "ts-jest": {
-        "tsConfig": "tsconfig.test.json"
-      }
-    },
-    "transform": {
-      ".ts": "ts-jest"
-    },
-    "testRegex": "\\.test\\.ts$",
-    "moduleFileExtensions": [
-      "js",
-      "ts"
-    ],
-    "coveragePathIgnorePatterns": [
-      "/node_modules/",
-      "\\.test\\.ts$"
-    ]
-  },
-  "prettier": {
-    "printWidth": 100,
-    "singleQuote": true
-  }

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
-import * as path from 'path';
-export function loadConfig() {
-  delete process.env.NODE_ENV;
-  dotenv.config({ path: path.join(__dirname, '../.env') });

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import 'reflect-metadata';
-import { SnakeNamingStrategy } from 'warthog';
-import { snakeCase } from 'typeorm/util/StringUtils';
-import { loadConfig } from '../src/config';
-import { Logger } from '../src/logger';
-import { buildServerSchema, getServer } from './server';
-import { startPgSubsribers } from './pubsub';
-import { queryTemplates } from './queryTemplates'
-class CustomNamingStrategy extends SnakeNamingStrategy {
-  constructor() {
-    super();
-  }
-  tableName(className: string, customName?: string): string {
-    return customName ? customName : `${snakeCase(className)}`;
-  }
-async function bootstrap() {
-  await loadConfig();
-  const appOptions = {
-    playgroundConfig: {
-      queryTemplates,
-      cdnUrl: process.env.GRAPHQL_PLAYGROUND_CDN || '',
-    }
-  }
-  const server = getServer(appOptions, { namingStrategy: new CustomNamingStrategy() });
-  // Create database tables. Warthog migrate command does not support CustomNamingStrategy thats why
-  // we have this code
-  const syncDatabase: string | undefined = process.env.SYNC;
-  if (syncDatabase === 'true') {
-    await server.establishDBConnection();
-    process.exit(0);
-  }
-  await buildServerSchema(server);
-  await startPgSubsribers();
-  await server.start();
-bootstrap().catch((error: Error) => {
-  Logger.error(error);
-  if (error.stack) {
-    Logger.error(error.stack.split('\n'));
-  }
-  process.exit(1);

+ 0 - 35

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-console */
-import * as util from 'util';
-import { getBindingError } from 'warthog';
-export class Logger {
-  static info(...args: any[]) {
-    args = args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args;
-    console.log(util.inspect(args, { showHidden: false, depth: null }));
-  }
-  static error(...args: any[]) {
-    args = args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args;
-    console.error(util.inspect(args, { showHidden: false, depth: null }));
-  }
-  // static debug(...args: any[]) {
-  //   console.debug(args);
-  // }
-  static log(...args: any[]) {
-    console.log(args);
-  }
-  static warn(...args: any[]) {
-    console.warn(args);
-  }
-  // This takes a raw GraphQL error and pulls out the relevant info
-  static logGraphQLError(error: Error) {
-    console.error(util.inspect(getBindingError(error), { showHidden: false, depth: null }));
-  }
-/* eslint-enable no-console */

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, Model, OneToMany, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-@Model({ api: { description: `Category of media channel` } })
-export class ChannelCategory extends BaseModel {
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The name of the category`,
-  })
-  name?: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.category, {
-    modelName: 'ChannelCategory',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channels',
-  })
-  channels?: Channel[];
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<ChannelCategory>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  ChannelCategoryCreateInput,
-  ChannelCategoryCreateManyArgs,
-  ChannelCategoryUpdateArgs,
-  ChannelCategoryWhereArgs,
-  ChannelCategoryWhereInput,
-  ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput,
-  ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { ChannelCategory } from './channel-category.model';
-import { ChannelCategoryService } from './channel-category.service';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class ChannelCategoryEdge {
-  @Field(() => ChannelCategory, { nullable: false })
-  node!: ChannelCategory;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class ChannelCategoryConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [ChannelCategoryEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: ChannelCategoryEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class ChannelCategoryConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => ChannelCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [ChannelCategoryOrderByEnum];
-export class ChannelCategoryResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('ChannelCategoryService') public readonly service: ChannelCategoryService) {}
-  @Query(() => [ChannelCategory])
-  async channelCategories(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: ChannelCategoryWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<ChannelCategory[]> {
-    return this.service.find<ChannelCategoryWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => ChannelCategory, { nullable: true })
-  async channelCategoryByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: ChannelCategoryWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<ChannelCategory | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => ChannelCategoryConnection)
-  async channelCategoriesConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: ChannelCategoryConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<ChannelCategoryConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<ChannelCategoryWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<ChannelCategoryConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channels(@Root() r: ChannelCategory): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(ChannelCategory)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channels'] });
-    if (result && result.channels !== undefined) {
-      return result.channels;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { ChannelCategory } from './channel-category.model';
-export class ChannelCategoryService extends BaseService<ChannelCategory> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(ChannelCategory) protected readonly repository: Repository<ChannelCategory>) {
-    super(ChannelCategory, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<ChannelCategory[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 151

@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  BaseModel,
-  BooleanField,
-  IntField,
-  Model,
-  ManyToOne,
-  OneToMany,
-  CustomField,
-  EnumField,
-  StringField,
-} from 'warthog';
-import { Membership } from '../membership/membership.model';
-import { CuratorGroup } from '../curator-group/curator-group.model';
-import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { Language } from '../language/language.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { AssetAvailability } from '../enums/enums';
-export { AssetAvailability };
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class Channel extends BaseModel {
-  @ManyToOne(() => Membership, (param: Membership) => param.channels, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'Membership',
-    propertyName: 'ownerMember',
-  })
-  ownerMember?: Membership;
-  @ManyToOne(() => CuratorGroup, (param: CuratorGroup) => param.channels, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'CuratorGroup',
-    propertyName: 'ownerCuratorGroup',
-  })
-  ownerCuratorGroup?: CuratorGroup;
-  @ManyToOne(() => ChannelCategory, (param: ChannelCategory) => param.channels, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'ChannelCategory',
-    propertyName: 'category',
-  })
-  category?: ChannelCategory;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Reward account where revenue is sent if set.`,
-  })
-  rewardAccount?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The title of the Channel`,
-  })
-  title?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The description of a Channel`,
-  })
-  description?: string;
-  @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.channelcoverPhotoDataObject, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'DataObject',
-    propertyName: 'coverPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  coverPhotoDataObject?: DataObject;
-  @CustomField({
-    db: { type: 'text', array: true },
-    api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` },
-  })
-  coverPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, {
-    description: `Availability meta information`,
-  })
-  coverPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.channelavatarPhotoDataObject, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'DataObject',
-    propertyName: 'avatarPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  avatarPhotoDataObject?: DataObject;
-  @CustomField({
-    db: { type: 'text', array: true },
-    api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` },
-  })
-  avatarPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, {
-    description: `Availability meta information`,
-  })
-  avatarPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @BooleanField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Flag signaling whether a channel is public.`,
-  })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @BooleanField({
-    description: `Flag signaling whether a channel is censored.`,
-  })
-  isCensored!: boolean;
-  @ManyToOne(() => Language, (param: Language) => param.channellanguage, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'Language',
-    propertyName: 'language',
-  })
-  language?: Language;
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.channel, {
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Channel',
-    relModelName: 'Video',
-    propertyName: 'videos',
-  })
-  videos?: Video[];
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<Channel>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 213

@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  ChannelCreateInput,
-  ChannelCreateManyArgs,
-  ChannelUpdateArgs,
-  ChannelWhereArgs,
-  ChannelWhereInput,
-  ChannelWhereUniqueInput,
-  ChannelOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { Channel } from './channel.model';
-import { ChannelService } from './channel.service';
-import { Membership } from '../membership/membership.model';
-import { CuratorGroup } from '../curator-group/curator-group.model';
-import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { Language } from '../language/language.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class ChannelEdge {
-  @Field(() => Channel, { nullable: false })
-  node!: Channel;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class ChannelConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [ChannelEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: ChannelEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class ChannelConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => ChannelWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: ChannelWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => ChannelOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [ChannelOrderByEnum];
-export class ChannelResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('ChannelService') public readonly service: ChannelService) {}
-  @Query(() => [Channel])
-  async channels(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: ChannelWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Channel[]> {
-    return this.service.find<ChannelWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => Channel, { nullable: true })
-  async channelByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: ChannelWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Channel | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => ChannelConnection)
-  async channelsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: ChannelConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<ChannelConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<ChannelWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<ChannelConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Membership)
-  async ownerMember(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<Membership | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['ownerMember'] });
-    if (result && result.ownerMember !== undefined) {
-      return result.ownerMember;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => CuratorGroup)
-  async ownerCuratorGroup(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<CuratorGroup | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['ownerCuratorGroup'] });
-    if (result && result.ownerCuratorGroup !== undefined) {
-      return result.ownerCuratorGroup;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => ChannelCategory)
-  async category(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<ChannelCategory | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['category'] });
-    if (result && result.category !== undefined) {
-      return result.category;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => DataObject)
-  async coverPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<DataObject | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['coverPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.coverPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.coverPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => DataObject)
-  async avatarPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<DataObject | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['avatarPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.avatarPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.avatarPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Language)
-  async language(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<Language | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['language'] });
-    if (result && result.language !== undefined) {
-      return result.language;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videos(@Root() r: Channel): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Channel)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videos'] });
-    if (result && result.videos !== undefined) {
-      return result.videos;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from './channel.model';
-export class ChannelService extends BaseService<Channel> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(Channel) protected readonly repository: Repository<Channel>) {
-    super(Channel, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<Channel[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 30

@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, BooleanField, IntField, Model, OneToMany, CustomField, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class CuratorGroup extends BaseModel {
-  @CustomField({
-    db: { type: 'integer', array: true },
-    api: { type: 'integer', description: `Curators belonging to this group` },
-  })
-  curatorIds!: number[];
-  @BooleanField({
-    description: `Is group active or not`,
-  })
-  isActive!: boolean;
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.ownerCuratorGroup, { 
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'CuratorGroup',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channels',
-  })
-  channels?: Channel[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<CuratorGroup>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  CuratorGroupCreateInput,
-  CuratorGroupCreateManyArgs,
-  CuratorGroupUpdateArgs,
-  CuratorGroupWhereArgs,
-  CuratorGroupWhereInput,
-  CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput,
-  CuratorGroupOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { CuratorGroup } from './curator-group.model';
-import { CuratorGroupService } from './curator-group.service';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class CuratorGroupEdge {
-  @Field(() => CuratorGroup, { nullable: false })
-  node!: CuratorGroup;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class CuratorGroupConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [CuratorGroupEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: CuratorGroupEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class CuratorGroupConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => CuratorGroupWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: CuratorGroupWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => CuratorGroupOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [CuratorGroupOrderByEnum];
-export class CuratorGroupResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('CuratorGroupService') public readonly service: CuratorGroupService) {}
-  @Query(() => [CuratorGroup])
-  async curatorGroups(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: CuratorGroupWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<CuratorGroup[]> {
-    return this.service.find<CuratorGroupWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => CuratorGroup, { nullable: true })
-  async curatorGroupByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: CuratorGroupWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<CuratorGroup | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => CuratorGroupConnection)
-  async curatorGroupsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: CuratorGroupConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<CuratorGroupConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<CuratorGroupWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<CuratorGroupConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channels(@Root() r: CuratorGroup): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(CuratorGroup)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channels'] });
-    if (result && result.channels !== undefined) {
-      return result.channels;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { CuratorGroup } from './curator-group.model';
-export class CuratorGroupService extends BaseService<CuratorGroup> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(CuratorGroup) protected readonly repository: Repository<CuratorGroup>) {
-    super(CuratorGroup, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<CuratorGroup[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, FloatField, IntField, Model, ManyToOne, OneToMany, EnumField, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Column } from 'typeorm';
-import { Field } from 'type-graphql';
-import { WarthogField } from 'warthog';
-import { DataObjectOwner } from '../variants/variants.model';
-import { Worker } from '../worker/worker.model';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { LiaisonJudgement } from '../enums/enums';
-export { LiaisonJudgement };
-@Model({ api: { description: `Manages content ids, type and storage provider decision about it` } })
-export class DataObject extends BaseModel {
-  @Column('jsonb')
-  @WarthogField('json')
-  @Field((type) => DataObjectOwner, {
-    description: `Content owner`,
-  })
-  owner!: typeof DataObjectOwner;
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Content added at`,
-  })
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Content type id`,
-  })
-  typeId!: number;
-  // Size is meant to be integer, but since `IntField` represents only 4-bytes long number
-  // (sadly, `dataType: bigint` settings only fixes DB, but GraphQL server still uses 4-bytes)
-  // `NumericField` seems to always return string (when using transform directive number<->string)
-  // `FloatField` field fixes this issue.
-  @FloatField({
-    description: `Content size in bytes`,
-  })
-  size!: number;
-  @ManyToOne(() => Worker, (param: Worker) => param.dataObjects, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    modelName: 'DataObject',
-    relModelName: 'Worker',
-    propertyName: 'liaison',
-  })
-  liaison?: Worker;
-  @EnumField('LiaisonJudgement', LiaisonJudgement, {
-    description: `Storage provider as liaison judgment`,
-  })
-  liaisonJudgement!: LiaisonJudgement;
-  @StringField({
-    description: `IPFS content id`,
-  })
-  ipfsContentId!: string;
-  @StringField({
-    description: `Joystream runtime content`,
-  })
-  joystreamContentId!: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.coverPhotoDataObject, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'DataObject',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channelcoverPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  channelcoverPhotoDataObject?: Channel[];
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.avatarPhotoDataObject, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'DataObject',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channelavatarPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  channelavatarPhotoDataObject?: Channel[];
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.thumbnailPhotoDataObject, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'DataObject',
-    relModelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    propertyName: 'videothumbnailPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  videothumbnailPhotoDataObject?: Video[];
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.mediaDataObject, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'DataObject',
-    relModelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    propertyName: 'videomediaDataObject',
-  })
-  videomediaDataObject?: Video[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<DataObject>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 188

@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  DataObjectCreateInput,
-  DataObjectCreateManyArgs,
-  DataObjectUpdateArgs,
-  DataObjectWhereArgs,
-  DataObjectWhereInput,
-  DataObjectWhereUniqueInput,
-  DataObjectOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { DataObject } from './data-object.model';
-import { DataObjectService } from './data-object.service';
-import { Worker } from '../worker/worker.model';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class DataObjectEdge {
-  @Field(() => DataObject, { nullable: false })
-  node!: DataObject;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class DataObjectConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [DataObjectEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: DataObjectEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class DataObjectConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => DataObjectWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: DataObjectWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => DataObjectOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [DataObjectOrderByEnum];
-export class DataObjectResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('DataObjectService') public readonly service: DataObjectService) {}
-  @Query(() => [DataObject])
-  async dataObjects(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: DataObjectWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<DataObject[]> {
-    return this.service.find<DataObjectWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => DataObject, { nullable: true })
-  async dataObjectByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: DataObjectWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<DataObject | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => DataObjectConnection)
-  async dataObjectsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: DataObjectConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<DataObjectConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<DataObjectWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<DataObjectConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Worker)
-  async liaison(@Root() r: DataObject): Promise<Worker | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(DataObject)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['liaison'] });
-    if (result && result.liaison !== undefined) {
-      return result.liaison;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channelcoverPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: DataObject): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(DataObject)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channelcoverPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.channelcoverPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.channelcoverPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channelavatarPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: DataObject): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(DataObject)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channelavatarPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.channelavatarPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.channelavatarPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videothumbnailPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: DataObject): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(DataObject)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videothumbnailPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.videothumbnailPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.videothumbnailPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videomediaDataObject(@Root() r: DataObject): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(DataObject)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videomediaDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.videomediaDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.videomediaDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 31

@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { DataObject } from './data-object.model';
-export class DataObjectService extends BaseService<DataObject> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(DataObject) protected readonly repository: Repository<DataObject>) {
-    super(DataObject, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<DataObject[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    if (!f.includes('owner')) {
-      f = [...f, 'owner'];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 23

@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-export enum Network {
-  ROME = 'ROME',
-export enum MembershipEntryMethod {
-  PAID = 'PAID',
-export enum AssetAvailability {
-export enum LiaisonJudgement {
-export enum WorkerType {

+ 0 - 36

@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, Model, OneToMany, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class Language extends BaseModel {
-  @StringField({
-    description: `Language identifier ISO 639-1`,
-  })
-  iso!: string;
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.language, {
-    nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Language',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channellanguage',
-  })
-  channellanguage?: Channel[];
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.language, {
-    nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Language',
-    relModelName: 'Video',
-    propertyName: 'videolanguage',
-  })
-  videolanguage?: Video[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<Language>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 154

@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  LanguageCreateInput,
-  LanguageCreateManyArgs,
-  LanguageUpdateArgs,
-  LanguageWhereArgs,
-  LanguageWhereInput,
-  LanguageWhereUniqueInput,
-  LanguageOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { Language } from './language.model';
-import { LanguageService } from './language.service';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class LanguageEdge {
-  @Field(() => Language, { nullable: false })
-  node!: Language;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class LanguageConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [LanguageEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: LanguageEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class LanguageConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => LanguageWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: LanguageWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => LanguageOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [LanguageOrderByEnum];
-export class LanguageResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('LanguageService') public readonly service: LanguageService) {}
-  @Query(() => [Language])
-  async languages(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: LanguageWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Language[]> {
-    return this.service.find<LanguageWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => Language, { nullable: true })
-  async languageByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: LanguageWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Language | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => LanguageConnection)
-  async languagesConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: LanguageConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<LanguageConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<LanguageWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<LanguageConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channellanguage(@Root() r: Language): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Language)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channellanguage'] });
-    if (result && result.channellanguage !== undefined) {
-      return result.channellanguage;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videolanguage(@Root() r: Language): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Language)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videolanguage'] });
-    if (result && result.videolanguage !== undefined) {
-      return result.videolanguage;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { Language } from './language.model';
-export class LanguageService extends BaseService<Language> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(Language) protected readonly repository: Repository<Language>) {
-    super(Language, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<Language[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, Model, OneToMany, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class License extends BaseModel {
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `License code defined by Joystream`,
-  })
-  code?: number;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Attribution (if required by the license)`,
-  })
-  attribution?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Custom license content`,
-  })
-  customText?: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.license, { 
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'License',
-    relModelName: 'Video',
-    propertyName: 'videolanguage',
-  })
-  videolicense?: Video[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<License>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  LicenseCreateInput,
-  LicenseCreateManyArgs,
-  LicenseUpdateArgs,
-  LicenseWhereArgs,
-  LicenseWhereInput,
-  LicenseWhereUniqueInput,
-  LicenseOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { License } from './license.model';
-import { LicenseService } from './license.service';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class LicenseEdge {
-  @Field(() => License, { nullable: false })
-  node!: License;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class LicenseConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [LicenseEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: LicenseEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class LicenseConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => LicenseWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: LicenseWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => LicenseOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [LicenseOrderByEnum];
-export class LicenseResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('LicenseService') public readonly service: LicenseService) {}
-  @Query(() => [License])
-  async licenses(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: LicenseWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<License[]> {
-    return this.service.find<LicenseWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => License, { nullable: true })
-  async licenseByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: LicenseWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<License | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => LicenseConnection)
-  async licensesConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: LicenseConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<LicenseConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<LicenseWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<LicenseConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videolicense(@Root() r: License): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(License)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videolicense'] });
-    if (result && result.videolicense !== undefined) {
-      return result.videolicense;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { License } from './license.model';
-export class LicenseService extends BaseService<License> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(License) protected readonly repository: Repository<License>) {
-    super(License, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<License[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 66

@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, Model, OneToMany, EnumField, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { MembershipEntryMethod } from '../enums/enums';
-export { MembershipEntryMethod };
-@Model({ api: { description: `Stored information about a registered user` } })
-export class Membership extends BaseModel {
-  @StringField({
-    description: `The unique handle chosen by member`,
-    unique: true,
-  })
-  handle!: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `A Url to member's Avatar image`,
-  })
-  avatarUri?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves`,
-  })
-  about?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    description: `Member's controller account id`,
-  })
-  controllerAccount!: string;
-  @StringField({
-    description: `Member's root account id`,
-  })
-  rootAccount!: string;
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Blocknumber when member was registered`,
-  })
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @EnumField('MembershipEntryMethod', MembershipEntryMethod, {
-    description: `How the member was registered`,
-  })
-  entry!: MembershipEntryMethod;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The type of subscription the member has purchased if any.`,
-  })
-  subscription?: number;
-  @OneToMany(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.ownerMember, {
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Membership',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channels',
-  })
-  channels?: Channel[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<Membership>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  MembershipCreateInput,
-  MembershipCreateManyArgs,
-  MembershipUpdateArgs,
-  MembershipWhereArgs,
-  MembershipWhereInput,
-  MembershipWhereUniqueInput,
-  MembershipOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { Membership } from './membership.model';
-import { MembershipService } from './membership.service';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class MembershipEdge {
-  @Field(() => Membership, { nullable: false })
-  node!: Membership;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class MembershipConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [MembershipEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: MembershipEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class MembershipConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => MembershipWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: MembershipWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => MembershipOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [MembershipOrderByEnum];
-export class MembershipResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('MembershipService') public readonly service: MembershipService) {}
-  @Query(() => [Membership])
-  async memberships(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: MembershipWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Membership[]> {
-    return this.service.find<MembershipWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => Membership, { nullable: true })
-  async membershipByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: MembershipWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Membership | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => MembershipConnection)
-  async membershipsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: MembershipConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<MembershipConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<MembershipWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<MembershipConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channels(@Root() r: Membership): Promise<Channel[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Membership)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channels'] });
-    if (result && result.channels !== undefined) {
-      return result.channels;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { Membership } from './membership.model';
-export class MembershipService extends BaseService<Membership> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(Membership) protected readonly repository: Repository<Membership>) {
-    super(Membership, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<Membership[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, FloatField, Model, StringField } from 'warthog';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class NextEntityId extends BaseModel {
-  @FloatField({
-    description: `Next deterministic id for entities without custom id`,
-  })
-  nextId!: number;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<NextEntityId>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 128

@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  NextEntityIdCreateInput,
-  NextEntityIdCreateManyArgs,
-  NextEntityIdUpdateArgs,
-  NextEntityIdWhereArgs,
-  NextEntityIdWhereInput,
-  NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput,
-  NextEntityIdOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { NextEntityId } from './next-entity-id.model';
-import { NextEntityIdService } from './next-entity-id.service';
-export class NextEntityIdEdge {
-  @Field(() => NextEntityId, { nullable: false })
-  node!: NextEntityId;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class NextEntityIdConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [NextEntityIdEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: NextEntityIdEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class NextEntityIdConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => NextEntityIdWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: NextEntityIdWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => NextEntityIdOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [NextEntityIdOrderByEnum];
-export class NextEntityIdResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('NextEntityIdService') public readonly service: NextEntityIdService) {}
-  @Query(() => [NextEntityId])
-  async nextEntityIds(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: NextEntityIdWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<NextEntityId[]> {
-    return this.service.find<NextEntityIdWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => NextEntityId, { nullable: true })
-  async nextEntityIdByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: NextEntityIdWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<NextEntityId | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => NextEntityIdConnection)
-  async nextEntityIdsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: NextEntityIdConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<NextEntityIdConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<NextEntityIdWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<NextEntityIdConnection>;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { NextEntityId } from './next-entity-id.model';
-export class NextEntityIdService extends BaseService<NextEntityId> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(NextEntityId) protected readonly repository: Repository<NextEntityId>) {
-    super(NextEntityId, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<NextEntityId[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { ObjectType, Field, Float, Int, Arg, Query, Resolver, createUnionType } from 'type-graphql';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model';
-import { ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService } from './channelCategoriesByName.service';
-import {  ChannelCategoryWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-export class ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-    @Field(type => ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchItem)
-    item!: typeof ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchItem
-    @Field(type => Float)
-    rank!: number
-    @Field(type => String)
-    isTypeOf!: string
-    @Field(type => String)
-    highlight!: string
-export const ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchItem = createUnionType({
-    name: "ChannelCategoriesByNameSearchResult",
-    types: () => [
-        ChannelCategory,
-    ],
-export default class ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSResolver {
-    constructor(@Inject('ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService') readonly service: ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService) {}
-    @Query(() => [ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput])
-    async channelCategoriesByName(
-      @Arg('text') query: string, 
-      @Arg('limit', () => Int, { defaultValue: 5 }) limit: number,
-      @Arg('skip', () => Int, { defaultValue: 0 }) skip: number,
-      @Arg('whereChannelCategory', { nullable: true }) whereChannelCategory?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput,
-    ):Promise<Array<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>{
-      return this.service.search(query, limit, skip, whereChannelCategory,);
-    }

+ 0 - 170

@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-import { Service, Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { ChannelCategory } from '../channel-category/channel-category.model';
-import { ChannelCategoryService } from '../channel-category/channel-category.service';
-import {  ChannelCategoryWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { Repository, getConnection, EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
-import { ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput } from './channelCategoriesByName.resolver';
-interface RawSQLResult {
-    origin_table: string,
-    id: string,
-    rank: number,
-    highlight: string
-export class ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSService {
-    readonly channelCategoryRepository: Repository<ChannelCategory>;
-    constructor(
-      @InjectRepository(ChannelCategory) channelCategoryRepository: Repository<ChannelCategory>
-      ,@Inject('ChannelCategoryService') public readonly channelCategoryService: ChannelCategoryService 
-    ) {
-       this.channelCategoryRepository = channelCategoryRepository;  
-    }
-    /**
-    * It takes available where inputs for the full text search(fts), generates sql queries
-    * to be run with fts query.
-    * @param wheres WhereInput[]
-    */
-    private async processWheres(wheres: any[]): Promise<[string, any[], number]> {
-      const services: any[] = [this.channelCategoryService, ]
-      const repositories = [this.channelCategoryRepository, ]
-      let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-      const generateSqlQuery = (table: string, where: string) =>
-        `
-  SELECT '${table}_' || id AS unique_id FROM "${table}" ` + where;
-      wheres.map((w, index) => {
-        if (w) {
-          let WHERE = `WHERE `;
-          // Combine queries
-          if (queries !== ``) {
-            queries = queries.concat(`
-          }
-          const qb = services[index].buildFindQuery(w as any, undefined, undefined, ['id']);
-          // Add query parameters to the parameters list
-          parameters.push(...qb.getQueryAndParameters()[1]);
-          // Remove the last item which is "table_name"."deleted_at" IS NULL
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.pop();
-          // Combine conditions
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.map((w: any, index: number) => {
-            let c = ``;
-            if (w.condition.includes(`IN (:...`)) {
-              // IN condition parameters
-              const params: any[] = qb.expressionMap.parameters[`param${index}`];
-              // Do nothing when IN condition has an empty list of values
-              if (params.length !== 0) {
-                const paramsAsString = params
-                  .map((_: any) => {
-                    parameterCounter += 1;
-                    return `$${parameterCounter}`;
-                  })
-                  .join(`, `);
-                c = w.condition.replace(`(:...param${index})`, `(${paramsAsString})`);
-              }
-            } else if (w.condition.includes(`->>`)) {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              const m = w.condition.match(/->>.*\s=\s:.*/g);
-              if (m === null)
-                throw Error(`Failed to construct where condition for json field: ${w.condition}`);
-              c = w.condition.replace(/=\s:.*/g, `= $${parameterCounter}`);
-            } else {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              c = w.condition.replace(`:param${index}`, `$${parameterCounter}`);
-            }
-            WHERE = WHERE.concat(c, ` `, w.type.toUpperCase(), ` `);
-          });
-          // Remove unnecessary AND at the end.
-          WHERE = WHERE.slice(0, -4);
-          // Add new query to queryString
-          queries = queries.concat(generateSqlQuery(repositories[index].metadata.tableName, WHERE));
-        }
-      });
-      queries = `
-  WITH selected_ids AS (`.concat(
-        queries,
-        `
-  )`
-      );
-      return [queries, parameters, parameterCounter];
-    }
-    async search(
-      text: string,
-      limit = 5,
-      skip = 0,
-      whereChannelCategory?: ChannelCategoryWhereInput,
-    ): Promise<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]> {
-        const wheres = [whereChannelCategory, ]
-        let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-        if (wheres.some(f => f !== undefined)) {
-          [queries, parameters, parameterCounter] = await this.processWheres(wheres);
-        }
-        parameters.push(...[text, limit, skip]);
-        return getConnection().transaction<ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]>(
-          'REPEATABLE READ',
-          async (em: EntityManager) => {
-            const query = `
-              ${queries}
-              SELECT origin_table, id, 
-                  ts_rank(tsv, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1})) as rank,
-                  ts_headline(document, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter +
-                    1})) as highlight
-              FROM channel_categories_by_name_view
-              WHERE phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1}) @@ tsv
-              ${
-                queries !== ``
-                  ? `AND unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM selected_ids)`
-                  : ``
-              } 
-              ORDER BY rank DESC
-              LIMIT $${parameterCounter + 2}
-              OFFSET $${parameterCounter + 3}`;
-            const results = (await em.query(query, parameters)) as RawSQLResult[];
-            if (results.length === 0) {
-                return [];
-            }
-            const idMap:{ [id:string]: RawSQLResult } = {};
-            results.forEach(item => idMap[item.id] = item);
-            const ids: string[] = results.map(item => item.id);
-            const channelCategorys: ChannelCategory[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<ChannelCategory>(ChannelCategory, 'ChannelCategory')
-                        .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
-            const enhancedEntities = [...channelCategorys ].map((e) => {
-                return { item: e, 
-                    rank: idMap[e.id].rank, 
-                    highlight: idMap[e.id].highlight,
-                    isTypeOf: idMap[e.id].origin_table } as ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput;
-            });
-            return enhancedEntities.reduce((accum: ChannelCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[], entity) => {
-                if (entity.rank > 0) {
-                    accum.push(entity);
-                }
-                return accum;
-            }, []).sort((a,b) => b.rank - a.rank);
-        })
-    }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { ObjectType, Field, Float, Int, Arg, Query, Resolver, createUnionType } from 'type-graphql';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Membership } from '../membership/membership.model';
-import { MembersByHandleFTSService } from './membersByHandle.service';
-import {  MembershipWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-export class MembersByHandleFTSOutput {
-    @Field(type => MembersByHandleSearchItem)
-    item!: typeof MembersByHandleSearchItem
-    @Field(type => Float)
-    rank!: number
-    @Field(type => String)
-    isTypeOf!: string
-    @Field(type => String)
-    highlight!: string
-export const MembersByHandleSearchItem = createUnionType({
-    name: "MembersByHandleSearchResult",
-    types: () => [
-        Membership,
-    ],
-export default class MembersByHandleFTSResolver {
-    constructor(@Inject('MembersByHandleFTSService') readonly service: MembersByHandleFTSService) {}
-    @Query(() => [MembersByHandleFTSOutput])
-    async membersByHandle(
-      @Arg('text') query: string, 
-      @Arg('limit', () => Int, { defaultValue: 5 }) limit: number,
-      @Arg('skip', () => Int, { defaultValue: 0 }) skip: number,
-      @Arg('whereMembership', { nullable: true }) whereMembership?: MembershipWhereInput,
-    ):Promise<Array<MembersByHandleFTSOutput>>{
-      return this.service.search(query, limit, skip, whereMembership,);
-    }

+ 0 - 170

@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-import { Service, Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Membership } from '../membership/membership.model';
-import { MembershipService } from '../membership/membership.service';
-import {  MembershipWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { Repository, getConnection, EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
-import { MembersByHandleFTSOutput } from './membersByHandle.resolver';
-interface RawSQLResult {
-    origin_table: string,
-    id: string,
-    rank: number,
-    highlight: string
-export class MembersByHandleFTSService {
-    readonly membershipRepository: Repository<Membership>;
-    constructor(
-      @InjectRepository(Membership) membershipRepository: Repository<Membership>
-      ,@Inject('MembershipService') public readonly membershipService: MembershipService 
-    ) {
-       this.membershipRepository = membershipRepository;  
-    }
-    /**
-    * It takes available where inputs for the full text search(fts), generates sql queries
-    * to be run with fts query.
-    * @param wheres WhereInput[]
-    */
-    private async processWheres(wheres: any[]): Promise<[string, any[], number]> {
-      const services: any[] = [this.membershipService, ]
-      const repositories = [this.membershipRepository, ]
-      let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-      const generateSqlQuery = (table: string, where: string) =>
-        `
-  SELECT '${table}_' || id AS unique_id FROM "${table}" ` + where;
-      wheres.map((w, index) => {
-        if (w) {
-          let WHERE = `WHERE `;
-          // Combine queries
-          if (queries !== ``) {
-            queries = queries.concat(`
-          }
-          const qb = services[index].buildFindQuery(w as any, undefined, undefined, ['id']);
-          // Add query parameters to the parameters list
-          parameters.push(...qb.getQueryAndParameters()[1]);
-          // Remove the last item which is "table_name"."deleted_at" IS NULL
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.pop();
-          // Combine conditions
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.map((w: any, index: number) => {
-            let c = ``;
-            if (w.condition.includes(`IN (:...`)) {
-              // IN condition parameters
-              const params: any[] = qb.expressionMap.parameters[`param${index}`];
-              // Do nothing when IN condition has an empty list of values
-              if (params.length !== 0) {
-                const paramsAsString = params
-                  .map((_: any) => {
-                    parameterCounter += 1;
-                    return `$${parameterCounter}`;
-                  })
-                  .join(`, `);
-                c = w.condition.replace(`(:...param${index})`, `(${paramsAsString})`);
-              }
-            } else if (w.condition.includes(`->>`)) {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              const m = w.condition.match(/->>.*\s=\s:.*/g);
-              if (m === null)
-                throw Error(`Failed to construct where condition for json field: ${w.condition}`);
-              c = w.condition.replace(/=\s:.*/g, `= $${parameterCounter}`);
-            } else {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              c = w.condition.replace(`:param${index}`, `$${parameterCounter}`);
-            }
-            WHERE = WHERE.concat(c, ` `, w.type.toUpperCase(), ` `);
-          });
-          // Remove unnecessary AND at the end.
-          WHERE = WHERE.slice(0, -4);
-          // Add new query to queryString
-          queries = queries.concat(generateSqlQuery(repositories[index].metadata.tableName, WHERE));
-        }
-      });
-      queries = `
-  WITH selected_ids AS (`.concat(
-        queries,
-        `
-  )`
-      );
-      return [queries, parameters, parameterCounter];
-    }
-    async search(
-      text: string,
-      limit = 5,
-      skip = 0,
-      whereMembership?: MembershipWhereInput,
-    ): Promise<MembersByHandleFTSOutput[]> {
-        const wheres = [whereMembership, ]
-        let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-        if (wheres.some(f => f !== undefined)) {
-          [queries, parameters, parameterCounter] = await this.processWheres(wheres);
-        }
-        parameters.push(...[text, limit, skip]);
-        return getConnection().transaction<MembersByHandleFTSOutput[]>(
-          'REPEATABLE READ',
-          async (em: EntityManager) => {
-            const query = `
-              ${queries}
-              SELECT origin_table, id, 
-                  ts_rank(tsv, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1})) as rank,
-                  ts_headline(document, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter +
-                    1})) as highlight
-              FROM members_by_handle_view
-              WHERE phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1}) @@ tsv
-              ${
-                queries !== ``
-                  ? `AND unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM selected_ids)`
-                  : ``
-              } 
-              ORDER BY rank DESC
-              LIMIT $${parameterCounter + 2}
-              OFFSET $${parameterCounter + 3}`;
-            const results = (await em.query(query, parameters)) as RawSQLResult[];
-            if (results.length === 0) {
-                return [];
-            }
-            const idMap:{ [id:string]: RawSQLResult } = {};
-            results.forEach(item => idMap[item.id] = item);
-            const ids: string[] = results.map(item => item.id);
-            const memberships: Membership[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<Membership>(Membership, 'Membership')
-                        .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
-            const enhancedEntities = [...memberships ].map((e) => {
-                return { item: e, 
-                    rank: idMap[e.id].rank, 
-                    highlight: idMap[e.id].highlight,
-                    isTypeOf: idMap[e.id].origin_table } as MembersByHandleFTSOutput;
-            });
-            return enhancedEntities.reduce((accum: MembersByHandleFTSOutput[], entity) => {
-                if (entity.rank > 0) {
-                    accum.push(entity);
-                }
-                return accum;
-            }, []).sort((a,b) => b.rank - a.rank);
-        })
-    }

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import { ObjectType, Field, Float, Int, Arg, Query, Resolver, createUnionType } from 'type-graphql';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { SearchFTSService } from './search.service';
-import {  ChannelWhereInput,  VideoWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-export class SearchFTSOutput {
-    @Field(type => SearchSearchItem)
-    item!: typeof SearchSearchItem
-    @Field(type => Float)
-    rank!: number
-    @Field(type => String)
-    isTypeOf!: string
-    @Field(type => String)
-    highlight!: string
-export const SearchSearchItem = createUnionType({
-    name: "SearchSearchResult",
-    types: () => [
-        Channel,
-        Video,
-    ],
-export default class SearchFTSResolver {
-    constructor(@Inject('SearchFTSService') readonly service: SearchFTSService) {}
-    @Query(() => [SearchFTSOutput])
-    async search(
-      @Arg('text') query: string, 
-      @Arg('limit', () => Int, { defaultValue: 5 }) limit: number,
-      @Arg('skip', () => Int, { defaultValue: 0 }) skip: number,
-      @Arg('whereChannel', { nullable: true }) whereChannel?: ChannelWhereInput,
-      @Arg('whereVideo', { nullable: true }) whereVideo?: VideoWhereInput,
-    ):Promise<Array<SearchFTSOutput>>{
-      return this.service.search(query, limit, skip, whereChannel,whereVideo,);
-    }

+ 0 - 175

@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-import { Service, Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { ChannelService } from '../channel/channel.service';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { VideoService } from '../video/video.service';
-import {  ChannelWhereInput,  VideoWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { Repository, getConnection, EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
-import { SearchFTSOutput } from './search.resolver';
-interface RawSQLResult {
-    origin_table: string,
-    id: string,
-    rank: number,
-    highlight: string
-export class SearchFTSService {
-    readonly channelRepository: Repository<Channel>;
-    readonly videoRepository: Repository<Video>;
-    constructor(
-      @InjectRepository(Channel) channelRepository: Repository<Channel>,@InjectRepository(Video) videoRepository: Repository<Video>
-      ,@Inject('ChannelService') public readonly channelService: ChannelService ,@Inject('VideoService') public readonly videoService: VideoService 
-    ) {
-       this.channelRepository = channelRepository;  this.videoRepository = videoRepository;  
-    }
-    /**
-    * It takes available where inputs for the full text search(fts), generates sql queries
-    * to be run with fts query.
-    * @param wheres WhereInput[]
-    */
-    private async processWheres(wheres: any[]): Promise<[string, any[], number]> {
-      const services: any[] = [this.channelService, this.videoService, ]
-      const repositories = [this.channelRepository, this.videoRepository, ]
-      let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-      const generateSqlQuery = (table: string, where: string) =>
-        `
-  SELECT '${table}_' || id AS unique_id FROM "${table}" ` + where;
-      wheres.map((w, index) => {
-        if (w) {
-          let WHERE = `WHERE `;
-          // Combine queries
-          if (queries !== ``) {
-            queries = queries.concat(`
-          }
-          const qb = services[index].buildFindQuery(w as any, undefined, undefined, ['id']);
-          // Add query parameters to the parameters list
-          parameters.push(...qb.getQueryAndParameters()[1]);
-          // Remove the last item which is "table_name"."deleted_at" IS NULL
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.pop();
-          // Combine conditions
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.map((w: any, index: number) => {
-            let c = ``;
-            if (w.condition.includes(`IN (:...`)) {
-              // IN condition parameters
-              const params: any[] = qb.expressionMap.parameters[`param${index}`];
-              // Do nothing when IN condition has an empty list of values
-              if (params.length !== 0) {
-                const paramsAsString = params
-                  .map((_: any) => {
-                    parameterCounter += 1;
-                    return `$${parameterCounter}`;
-                  })
-                  .join(`, `);
-                c = w.condition.replace(`(:...param${index})`, `(${paramsAsString})`);
-              }
-            } else if (w.condition.includes(`->>`)) {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              const m = w.condition.match(/->>.*\s=\s:.*/g);
-              if (m === null)
-                throw Error(`Failed to construct where condition for json field: ${w.condition}`);
-              c = w.condition.replace(/=\s:.*/g, `= $${parameterCounter}`);
-            } else {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              c = w.condition.replace(`:param${index}`, `$${parameterCounter}`);
-            }
-            WHERE = WHERE.concat(c, ` `, w.type.toUpperCase(), ` `);
-          });
-          // Remove unnecessary AND at the end.
-          WHERE = WHERE.slice(0, -4);
-          // Add new query to queryString
-          queries = queries.concat(generateSqlQuery(repositories[index].metadata.tableName, WHERE));
-        }
-      });
-      queries = `
-  WITH selected_ids AS (`.concat(
-        queries,
-        `
-  )`
-      );
-      return [queries, parameters, parameterCounter];
-    }
-    async search(
-      text: string,
-      limit = 5,
-      skip = 0,
-      whereChannel?: ChannelWhereInput,whereVideo?: VideoWhereInput,
-    ): Promise<SearchFTSOutput[]> {
-        const wheres = [whereChannel, whereVideo, ]
-        let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-        if (wheres.some(f => f !== undefined)) {
-          [queries, parameters, parameterCounter] = await this.processWheres(wheres);
-        }
-        parameters.push(...[text, limit, skip]);
-        return getConnection().transaction<SearchFTSOutput[]>(
-          'REPEATABLE READ',
-          async (em: EntityManager) => {
-            const query = `
-              ${queries}
-              SELECT origin_table, id, 
-                  ts_rank(tsv, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1})) as rank,
-                  ts_headline(document, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter +
-                    1})) as highlight
-              FROM search_view
-              WHERE phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1}) @@ tsv
-              ${
-                queries !== ``
-                  ? `AND unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM selected_ids)`
-                  : ``
-              } 
-              ORDER BY rank DESC
-              LIMIT $${parameterCounter + 2}
-              OFFSET $${parameterCounter + 3}`;
-            const results = (await em.query(query, parameters)) as RawSQLResult[];
-            if (results.length === 0) {
-                return [];
-            }
-            const idMap:{ [id:string]: RawSQLResult } = {};
-            results.forEach(item => idMap[item.id] = item);
-            const ids: string[] = results.map(item => item.id);
-            const channels: Channel[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<Channel>(Channel, 'Channel')
-                        .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
-            const videos: Video[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<Video>(Video, 'Video')
-                        .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
-            const enhancedEntities = [...channels ,...videos ].map((e) => {
-                return { item: e, 
-                    rank: idMap[e.id].rank, 
-                    highlight: idMap[e.id].highlight,
-                    isTypeOf: idMap[e.id].origin_table } as SearchFTSOutput;
-            });
-            return enhancedEntities.reduce((accum: SearchFTSOutput[], entity) => {
-                if (entity.rank > 0) {
-                    accum.push(entity);
-                }
-                return accum;
-            }, []).sort((a,b) => b.rank - a.rank);
-        })
-    }

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import { ObjectType, Field, Float, Int, Arg, Query, Resolver, createUnionType } from 'type-graphql';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { VideoCategory } from '../video-category/video-category.model';
-import { VideoCategoriesByNameFTSService } from './videoCategoriesByName.service';
-import {  VideoCategoryWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-export class VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput {
-    @Field(type => VideoCategoriesByNameSearchItem)
-    item!: typeof VideoCategoriesByNameSearchItem
-    @Field(type => Float)
-    rank!: number
-    @Field(type => String)
-    isTypeOf!: string
-    @Field(type => String)
-    highlight!: string
-export const VideoCategoriesByNameSearchItem = createUnionType({
-    name: "VideoCategoriesByNameSearchResult",
-    types: () => [
-        VideoCategory,
-    ],
-export default class VideoCategoriesByNameFTSResolver {
-    constructor(@Inject('VideoCategoriesByNameFTSService') readonly service: VideoCategoriesByNameFTSService) {}
-    @Query(() => [VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput])
-    async videoCategoriesByName(
-      @Arg('text') query: string, 
-      @Arg('limit', () => Int, { defaultValue: 5 }) limit: number,
-      @Arg('skip', () => Int, { defaultValue: 0 }) skip: number,
-      @Arg('whereVideoCategory', { nullable: true }) whereVideoCategory?: VideoCategoryWhereInput,
-    ):Promise<Array<VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput>>{
-      return this.service.search(query, limit, skip, whereVideoCategory,);
-    }

+ 0 - 170

@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-import { Service, Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { VideoCategory } from '../video-category/video-category.model';
-import { VideoCategoryService } from '../video-category/video-category.service';
-import {  VideoCategoryWhereInput,  } from '../../../generated';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { Repository, getConnection, EntityManager } from 'typeorm';
-import { VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput } from './videoCategoriesByName.resolver';
-interface RawSQLResult {
-    origin_table: string,
-    id: string,
-    rank: number,
-    highlight: string
-export class VideoCategoriesByNameFTSService {
-    readonly videoCategoryRepository: Repository<VideoCategory>;
-    constructor(
-      @InjectRepository(VideoCategory) videoCategoryRepository: Repository<VideoCategory>
-      ,@Inject('VideoCategoryService') public readonly videoCategoryService: VideoCategoryService 
-    ) {
-       this.videoCategoryRepository = videoCategoryRepository;  
-    }
-    /**
-    * It takes available where inputs for the full text search(fts), generates sql queries
-    * to be run with fts query.
-    * @param wheres WhereInput[]
-    */
-    private async processWheres(wheres: any[]): Promise<[string, any[], number]> {
-      const services: any[] = [this.videoCategoryService, ]
-      const repositories = [this.videoCategoryRepository, ]
-      let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-      const generateSqlQuery = (table: string, where: string) =>
-        `
-  SELECT '${table}_' || id AS unique_id FROM "${table}" ` + where;
-      wheres.map((w, index) => {
-        if (w) {
-          let WHERE = `WHERE `;
-          // Combine queries
-          if (queries !== ``) {
-            queries = queries.concat(`
-          }
-          const qb = services[index].buildFindQuery(w as any, undefined, undefined, ['id']);
-          // Add query parameters to the parameters list
-          parameters.push(...qb.getQueryAndParameters()[1]);
-          // Remove the last item which is "table_name"."deleted_at" IS NULL
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.pop();
-          // Combine conditions
-          qb.expressionMap.wheres.map((w: any, index: number) => {
-            let c = ``;
-            if (w.condition.includes(`IN (:...`)) {
-              // IN condition parameters
-              const params: any[] = qb.expressionMap.parameters[`param${index}`];
-              // Do nothing when IN condition has an empty list of values
-              if (params.length !== 0) {
-                const paramsAsString = params
-                  .map((_: any) => {
-                    parameterCounter += 1;
-                    return `$${parameterCounter}`;
-                  })
-                  .join(`, `);
-                c = w.condition.replace(`(:...param${index})`, `(${paramsAsString})`);
-              }
-            } else if (w.condition.includes(`->>`)) {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              const m = w.condition.match(/->>.*\s=\s:.*/g);
-              if (m === null)
-                throw Error(`Failed to construct where condition for json field: ${w.condition}`);
-              c = w.condition.replace(/=\s:.*/g, `= $${parameterCounter}`);
-            } else {
-              parameterCounter += 1;
-              c = w.condition.replace(`:param${index}`, `$${parameterCounter}`);
-            }
-            WHERE = WHERE.concat(c, ` `, w.type.toUpperCase(), ` `);
-          });
-          // Remove unnecessary AND at the end.
-          WHERE = WHERE.slice(0, -4);
-          // Add new query to queryString
-          queries = queries.concat(generateSqlQuery(repositories[index].metadata.tableName, WHERE));
-        }
-      });
-      queries = `
-  WITH selected_ids AS (`.concat(
-        queries,
-        `
-  )`
-      );
-      return [queries, parameters, parameterCounter];
-    }
-    async search(
-      text: string,
-      limit = 5,
-      skip = 0,
-      whereVideoCategory?: VideoCategoryWhereInput,
-    ): Promise<VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]> {
-        const wheres = [whereVideoCategory, ]
-        let [queries, parameters, parameterCounter]: [string, any[], number] = [``, [], 0];
-        if (wheres.some(f => f !== undefined)) {
-          [queries, parameters, parameterCounter] = await this.processWheres(wheres);
-        }
-        parameters.push(...[text, limit, skip]);
-        return getConnection().transaction<VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[]>(
-          'REPEATABLE READ',
-          async (em: EntityManager) => {
-            const query = `
-              ${queries}
-              SELECT origin_table, id, 
-                  ts_rank(tsv, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1})) as rank,
-                  ts_headline(document, phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter +
-                    1})) as highlight
-              FROM video_categories_by_name_view
-              WHERE phraseto_tsquery('english', $${parameterCounter + 1}) @@ tsv
-              ${
-                queries !== ``
-                  ? `AND unique_id IN (SELECT unique_id FROM selected_ids)`
-                  : ``
-              } 
-              ORDER BY rank DESC
-              LIMIT $${parameterCounter + 2}
-              OFFSET $${parameterCounter + 3}`;
-            const results = (await em.query(query, parameters)) as RawSQLResult[];
-            if (results.length === 0) {
-                return [];
-            }
-            const idMap:{ [id:string]: RawSQLResult } = {};
-            results.forEach(item => idMap[item.id] = item);
-            const ids: string[] = results.map(item => item.id);
-            const videoCategorys: VideoCategory[] = await em.createQueryBuilder<VideoCategory>(VideoCategory, 'VideoCategory')
-                        .where("id IN (:...ids)", { ids }).getMany();
-            const enhancedEntities = [...videoCategorys ].map((e) => {
-                return { item: e, 
-                    rank: idMap[e.id].rank, 
-                    highlight: idMap[e.id].highlight,
-                    isTypeOf: idMap[e.id].origin_table } as VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput;
-            });
-            return enhancedEntities.reduce((accum: VideoCategoriesByNameFTSOutput[], entity) => {
-                if (entity.rank > 0) {
-                    accum.push(entity);
-                }
-                return accum;
-            }, []).sort((a,b) => b.rank - a.rank);
-        })
-    }

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  BaseModel,
-  BooleanField,
-  DateField,
-  FloatField,
-  IntField,
-  NumericField,
-  JSONField,
-  BytesField,
-  EnumField,
-  StringField,
-} from 'warthog';
-import { ObjectType, Field, createUnionType } from 'type-graphql';
-export class DataObjectOwnerChannel {
-  public isTypeOf: string = 'DataObjectOwnerChannel';
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Channel identifier`,
-  })
-  channel!: number;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used.`,
-  })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerCouncil {
-  public isTypeOf: string = 'DataObjectOwnerCouncil';
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used.`,
-  })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerDao {
-  public isTypeOf: string = 'DataObjectOwnerDao';
-  @IntField({
-    description: `DAO identifier`,
-  })
-  dao!: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerMember {
-  public isTypeOf: string = 'DataObjectOwnerMember';
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Member identifier`,
-  })
-  member!: number;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Variant needs to have at least one property. This value is not used.`,
-  })
-  dummy?: number;
-export class DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup {
-  public isTypeOf: string = 'DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup';
-  @IntField({
-    description: `Working group identifier`,
-  })
-  workingGroup!: number;
-export const DataObjectOwner = createUnionType({
-  name: 'DataObjectOwner',
-  types: () => [
-    DataObjectOwnerMember,
-    DataObjectOwnerChannel,
-    DataObjectOwnerDao,
-    DataObjectOwnerCouncil,
-    DataObjectOwnerWorkingGroup,
-  ],
-  resolveType: (value) => (value.isTypeOf ? value.isTypeOf : undefined),

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, Model, OneToMany, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class VideoCategory extends BaseModel {
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The name of the category`,
-  })
-  name?: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.category, {
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'VideoCategory',
-    relModelName: 'Video',
-    propertyName: 'videos',
-  })
-  videos?: Video[];
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<VideoCategory>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  VideoCategoryCreateInput,
-  VideoCategoryCreateManyArgs,
-  VideoCategoryUpdateArgs,
-  VideoCategoryWhereArgs,
-  VideoCategoryWhereInput,
-  VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput,
-  VideoCategoryOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { VideoCategory } from './video-category.model';
-import { VideoCategoryService } from './video-category.service';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class VideoCategoryEdge {
-  @Field(() => VideoCategory, { nullable: false })
-  node!: VideoCategory;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class VideoCategoryConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [VideoCategoryEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: VideoCategoryEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class VideoCategoryConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => VideoCategoryWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoCategoryWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => VideoCategoryOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [VideoCategoryOrderByEnum];
-export class VideoCategoryResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('VideoCategoryService') public readonly service: VideoCategoryService) {}
-  @Query(() => [VideoCategory])
-  async videoCategories(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: VideoCategoryWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoCategory[]> {
-    return this.service.find<VideoCategoryWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoCategory, { nullable: true })
-  async videoCategoryByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: VideoCategoryWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoCategory | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoCategoryConnection)
-  async videoCategoriesConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: VideoCategoryConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<VideoCategoryConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<VideoCategoryWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<VideoCategoryConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async videos(@Root() r: VideoCategory): Promise<Video[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(VideoCategory)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videos'] });
-    if (result && result.videos !== undefined) {
-      return result.videos;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { VideoCategory } from './video-category.model';
-export class VideoCategoryService extends BaseService<VideoCategory> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(VideoCategory) protected readonly repository: Repository<VideoCategory>) {
-    super(VideoCategory, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoCategory[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, Model, OneToMany, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class VideoMediaEncoding extends BaseModel {
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Encoding of the video media object`,
-  })
-  codecName?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Media container format`,
-  })
-  container?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Content MIME type`,
-  })
-  mimeMediaType?: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => VideoMediaMetadata, (param: VideoMediaMetadata) => param.encoding, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'VideoMediaEncoding',
-    relModelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    propertyName: 'videomediametadataencoding',
-  })
-  videomediametadataencoding?: VideoMediaMetadata[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<VideoMediaEncoding>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  VideoMediaEncodingCreateInput,
-  VideoMediaEncodingCreateManyArgs,
-  VideoMediaEncodingUpdateArgs,
-  VideoMediaEncodingWhereArgs,
-  VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput,
-  VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput,
-  VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from './video-media-encoding.model';
-import { VideoMediaEncodingService } from './video-media-encoding.service';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class VideoMediaEncodingEdge {
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaEncoding, { nullable: false })
-  node!: VideoMediaEncoding;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [VideoMediaEncodingEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: VideoMediaEncodingEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class VideoMediaEncodingConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [VideoMediaEncodingOrderByEnum];
-export class VideoMediaEncodingResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('VideoMediaEncodingService') public readonly service: VideoMediaEncodingService) {}
-  @Query(() => [VideoMediaEncoding])
-  async videoMediaEncodings(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: VideoMediaEncodingWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaEncoding[]> {
-    return this.service.find<VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoMediaEncoding, { nullable: true })
-  async videoMediaEncodingByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: VideoMediaEncodingWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaEncoding | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoMediaEncodingConnection)
-  async videoMediaEncodingsConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: VideoMediaEncodingConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaEncodingConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<VideoMediaEncodingWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<VideoMediaEncodingConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => VideoMediaMetadata)
-  async videomediametadataencoding(@Root() r: VideoMediaEncoding): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(VideoMediaEncoding)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['videomediametadataencoding'] });
-    if (result && result.videomediametadataencoding !== undefined) {
-      return result.videomediametadataencoding;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from './video-media-encoding.model';
-export class VideoMediaEncodingService extends BaseService<VideoMediaEncoding> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(VideoMediaEncoding) protected readonly repository: Repository<VideoMediaEncoding>) {
-    super(VideoMediaEncoding, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaEncoding[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 55

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, IntField, FloatField, Model, ManyToOne, OneToOne, OneToOneJoin, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from '../video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class VideoMediaMetadata extends BaseModel {
-  @ManyToOne(() => VideoMediaEncoding, (param: VideoMediaEncoding) => param.videomediametadataencoding, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    relModelName: 'VideoMediaEncoding',
-    propertyName: 'encoding',
-  })
-  encoding?: VideoMediaEncoding;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Video media width in pixels`,
-  })
-  pixelWidth?: number;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Video media height in pixels`,
-  })
-  pixelHeight?: number;
-  // Size is meant to be integer, but since `IntField` represents only 4-bytes long number
-  // (sadly, `dataType: bigint` settings only fixes DB, but GraphQL server still uses 4-bytes)
-  // `NumericField` seems to always return string (when using transform directive number<->string)
-  // `FloatField` field fixes this issue.
-  @FloatField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Video media size in bytes`,
-  })
-  size?: number;
-  @OneToOne(() => Video, (param: Video) => param.mediaMetadata, { 
-    nullable: true, cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    relModelName: 'Video',
-    propertyName: 'video',
-  })
-  video?: Video;
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<VideoMediaMetadata>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 154

@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  VideoMediaMetadataCreateInput,
-  VideoMediaMetadataCreateManyArgs,
-  VideoMediaMetadataUpdateArgs,
-  VideoMediaMetadataWhereArgs,
-  VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput,
-  VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput,
-  VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from './video-media-metadata.model';
-import { VideoMediaMetadataService } from './video-media-metadata.service';
-import { VideoMediaEncoding } from '../video-media-encoding/video-media-encoding.model';
-import { Video } from '../video/video.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class VideoMediaMetadataEdge {
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaMetadata, { nullable: false })
-  node!: VideoMediaMetadata;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [VideoMediaMetadataEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: VideoMediaMetadataEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class VideoMediaMetadataConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [VideoMediaMetadataOrderByEnum];
-export class VideoMediaMetadataResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('VideoMediaMetadataService') public readonly service: VideoMediaMetadataService) {}
-  @Query(() => [VideoMediaMetadata])
-  async videoMediaMetadata(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: VideoMediaMetadataWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata[]> {
-    return this.service.find<VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoMediaMetadata, { nullable: true })
-  async videoMediaMetadataByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: VideoMediaMetadataWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoMediaMetadataConnection)
-  async videoMediaMetadataConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: VideoMediaMetadataConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaMetadataConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<VideoMediaMetadataWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<VideoMediaMetadataConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => VideoMediaEncoding)
-  async encoding(@Root() r: VideoMediaMetadata): Promise<VideoMediaEncoding | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(VideoMediaMetadata)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['encoding'] });
-    if (result && result.encoding !== undefined) {
-      return result.encoding;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Video)
-  async video(@Root() r: VideoMediaMetadata): Promise<Video | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(VideoMediaMetadata)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['video'] });
-    if (result && result.video !== undefined) {
-      return result.video;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from './video-media-metadata.model';
-export class VideoMediaMetadataService extends BaseService<VideoMediaMetadata> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(VideoMediaMetadata) protected readonly repository: Repository<VideoMediaMetadata>) {
-    super(VideoMediaMetadata, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 177

@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  BaseModel,
-  BooleanField,
-  IntField,
-  DateTimeField,
-  Model,
-  ManyToOne,
-  OneToOne,
-  OneToOneJoin,
-  CustomField,
-  EnumField,
-  StringField,
-} from 'warthog';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { VideoCategory } from '../video-category/video-category.model';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { Language } from '../language/language.model';
-import { License } from '../license/license.model';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model';
-import { AssetAvailability } from '../enums/enums';
-export { AssetAvailability };
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class Video extends BaseModel {
-  @ManyToOne(() => Channel, (param: Channel) => param.videos, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'Channel',
-    propertyName: 'channel',
-  })
-  channel!: Channel;
-  @ManyToOne(() => VideoCategory, (param: VideoCategory) => param.videos, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'VideoCategory',
-    propertyName: 'category',
-  })
-  category?: VideoCategory;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The title of the video`,
-  })
-  title?: string;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `The description of the Video`,
-  })
-  description?: string;
-  @IntField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Video duration in seconds`,
-  })
-  duration?: number;
-  @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.videothumbnailPhotoDataObject, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'DataObject',
-    propertyName: 'thumbnailPhotoDataObject',
-  })
-  thumbnailPhotoDataObject?: DataObject;
-  @CustomField({
-    db: { type: 'text', array: true },
-    api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` },
-  })
-  thumbnailPhotoUrls!: string[];
-  @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, {
-    description: `Availability meta information`,
-  })
-  thumbnailPhotoAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @ManyToOne(() => Language, (param: Language) => param.videolanguage, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'Language',
-    propertyName: 'language',
-  })
-  language?: Language;
-  @BooleanField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Whether or not Video contains marketing`,
-  })
-  hasMarketing?: boolean;
-  @DateTimeField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `If the Video was published on other platform before beeing published on Joystream - the original publication date`,
-  })
-  publishedBeforeJoystream?: Date;
-  @BooleanField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Whether the Video is supposed to be publically displayed`,
-  })
-  isPublic?: boolean;
-  @BooleanField({
-    description: `Flag signaling whether a video is censored.`,
-  })
-  isCensored!: boolean;
-  @BooleanField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Whether the Video contains explicit material.`,
-  })
-  isExplicit?: boolean;
-  @ManyToOne(() => License, (param: License) => param.videolicense, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'License',
-    propertyName: 'license',
-  })
-  license?: License;
-  @ManyToOne(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.videomediaDataObject, {
-    skipGraphQLField: true,
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'DataObject',
-    propertyName: 'mediaDataObject',
-  })
-  mediaDataObject?: DataObject;
-  @CustomField({
-    db: { type: 'text', array: true },
-    api: { type: 'string', description: `URLs where the asset content can be accessed (if any)` },
-  })
-  mediaUrls!: string[];
-  @EnumField('AssetAvailability', AssetAvailability, {
-    description: `Availability meta information`,
-  })
-  mediaAvailability!: AssetAvailability;
-  @OneToOneJoin(() => VideoMediaMetadata, (param: VideoMediaMetadata) => param.video, {
-    nullable: true,
-    cascade: ["insert", "update"],
-    modelName: 'Video',
-    relModelName: 'VideoMediaMetadata',
-    propertyName: 'mediaMetadata',
-  })
-  mediaMetadata?: VideoMediaMetadata;
-  @IntField({})
-  createdInBlock!: number;
-  @BooleanField({
-    description: `Is video featured or not`,
-  })
-  isFeatured!: boolean;
-  constructor(init?: Partial<Video>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 213

@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  VideoCreateInput,
-  VideoCreateManyArgs,
-  VideoUpdateArgs,
-  VideoWhereArgs,
-  VideoWhereInput,
-  VideoWhereUniqueInput,
-  VideoOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { Video } from './video.model';
-import { VideoService } from './video.service';
-import { Channel } from '../channel/channel.model';
-import { VideoCategory } from '../video-category/video-category.model';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { Language } from '../language/language.model';
-import { License } from '../license/license.model';
-import { VideoMediaMetadata } from '../video-media-metadata/video-media-metadata.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class VideoEdge {
-  @Field(() => Video, { nullable: false })
-  node!: Video;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class VideoConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [VideoEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: VideoEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class VideoConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => VideoWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: VideoWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => VideoOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [VideoOrderByEnum];
-export class VideoResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('VideoService') public readonly service: VideoService) {}
-  @Query(() => [Video])
-  async videos(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: VideoWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Video[]> {
-    return this.service.find<VideoWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => Video, { nullable: true })
-  async videoByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: VideoWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Video | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => VideoConnection)
-  async videosConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: VideoConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<VideoConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<VideoWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<VideoConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Channel)
-  async channel(@Root() r: Video): Promise<Channel | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['channel'] });
-    if (result && result.channel !== undefined) {
-      return result.channel;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => VideoCategory)
-  async category(@Root() r: Video): Promise<VideoCategory | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['category'] });
-    if (result && result.category !== undefined) {
-      return result.category;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => DataObject)
-  async thumbnailPhotoDataObject(@Root() r: Video): Promise<DataObject | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['thumbnailPhotoDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.thumbnailPhotoDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.thumbnailPhotoDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => Language)
-  async language(@Root() r: Video): Promise<Language | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['language'] });
-    if (result && result.language !== undefined) {
-      return result.language;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => License)
-  async license(@Root() r: Video): Promise<License | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['license'] });
-    if (result && result.license !== undefined) {
-      return result.license;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => DataObject)
-  async mediaDataObject(@Root() r: Video): Promise<DataObject | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['mediaDataObject'] });
-    if (result && result.mediaDataObject !== undefined) {
-      return result.mediaDataObject;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => VideoMediaMetadata)
-  async mediaMetadata(@Root() r: Video): Promise<VideoMediaMetadata | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Video)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['mediaMetadata'] });
-    if (result && result.mediaMetadata !== undefined) {
-      return result.mediaMetadata;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { Video } from './video.model';
-export class VideoService extends BaseService<Video> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(Video) protected readonly repository: Repository<Video>) {
-    super(Video, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<Video[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import { BaseModel, BooleanField, Model, OneToMany, EnumField, StringField } from 'warthog';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { WorkerType } from '../enums/enums';
-export { WorkerType };
-@Model({ api: {} })
-export class Worker extends BaseModel {
-  @BooleanField({
-    description: `Sign of worker still being active`,
-  })
-  isActive!: boolean;
-  @StringField({
-    description: `Runtime identifier`,
-  })
-  workerId!: string;
-  @EnumField('WorkerType', WorkerType, {
-    description: `Associated working group`,
-  })
-  type!: WorkerType;
-  @StringField({
-    nullable: true,
-    description: `Custom metadata set by provider`,
-  })
-  metadata?: string;
-  @OneToMany(() => DataObject, (param: DataObject) => param.liaison, {
-    modelName: 'Worker',
-    relModelName: 'DataObject',
-    propertyName: 'dataObjects',
-  })
-  dataObjects?: DataObject[];
-  constructor(init?: Partial<Worker>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, init);
-  }

+ 0 - 142

@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import {
-  Arg,
-  Args,
-  Mutation,
-  Query,
-  Root,
-  Resolver,
-  FieldResolver,
-  ObjectType,
-  Field,
-  Int,
-  ArgsType,
-  Info,
-} from 'type-graphql';
-import graphqlFields from 'graphql-fields';
-import { Inject } from 'typedi';
-import { Min } from 'class-validator';
-import { Fields, StandardDeleteResponse, UserId, PageInfo, RawFields } from 'warthog';
-import {
-  WorkerCreateInput,
-  WorkerCreateManyArgs,
-  WorkerUpdateArgs,
-  WorkerWhereArgs,
-  WorkerWhereInput,
-  WorkerWhereUniqueInput,
-  WorkerOrderByEnum,
-} from '../../../generated';
-import { Worker } from './worker.model';
-import { WorkerService } from './worker.service';
-import { DataObject } from '../data-object/data-object.model';
-import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
-export class WorkerEdge {
-  @Field(() => Worker, { nullable: false })
-  node!: Worker;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: false })
-  cursor!: string;
-export class WorkerConnection {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: false })
-  totalCount!: number;
-  @Field(() => [WorkerEdge], { nullable: false })
-  edges!: WorkerEdge[];
-  @Field(() => PageInfo, { nullable: false })
-  pageInfo!: PageInfo;
-export class ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  first?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  after?: string; // V3: TODO: should we make a RelayCursor scalar?
-  @Field(() => Int, { nullable: true })
-  @Min(0)
-  last?: number;
-  @Field(() => String, { nullable: true })
-  before?: string;
-export class WorkerConnectionWhereArgs extends ConnectionPageInputOptions {
-  @Field(() => WorkerWhereInput, { nullable: true })
-  where?: WorkerWhereInput;
-  @Field(() => WorkerOrderByEnum, { nullable: true })
-  orderBy?: [WorkerOrderByEnum];
-export class WorkerResolver {
-  constructor(@Inject('WorkerService') public readonly service: WorkerService) {}
-  @Query(() => [Worker])
-  async workers(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, limit, offset }: WorkerWhereArgs,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Worker[]> {
-    return this.service.find<WorkerWhereInput>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, fields);
-  }
-  @Query(() => Worker, { nullable: true })
-  async workerByUniqueInput(
-    @Arg('where') where: WorkerWhereUniqueInput,
-    @Fields() fields: string[]
-  ): Promise<Worker | null> {
-    const result = await this.service.find(where, undefined, 1, 0, fields);
-    return result && result.length >= 1 ? result[0] : null;
-  }
-  @Query(() => WorkerConnection)
-  async workersConnection(
-    @Args() { where, orderBy, ...pageOptions }: WorkerConnectionWhereArgs,
-    @Info() info: any
-  ): Promise<WorkerConnection> {
-    const rawFields = graphqlFields(info, {}, { excludedFields: ['__typename'] });
-    let result: any = {
-      totalCount: 0,
-      edges: [],
-      pageInfo: {
-        hasNextPage: false,
-        hasPreviousPage: false,
-      },
-    };
-    // If the related database table does not have any records then an error is thrown to the client
-    // by warthog
-    try {
-      result = await this.service.findConnection<WorkerWhereInput>(where, orderBy, pageOptions, rawFields);
-    } catch (err) {
-      console.log(err);
-      // TODO: should continue to return this on `Error: Items is empty` or throw the error
-      if (!(err.message as string).includes('Items is empty')) throw err;
-    }
-    return result as Promise<WorkerConnection>;
-  }
-  @FieldResolver(() => DataObject)
-  async dataObjects(@Root() r: Worker): Promise<DataObject[] | null> {
-    const result = await getConnection()
-      .getRepository(Worker)
-      .findOne(r.id, { relations: ['dataObjects'] });
-    if (result && result.dataObjects !== undefined) {
-      return result.dataObjects;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import { Service } from 'typedi';
-import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
-import { InjectRepository } from 'typeorm-typedi-extensions';
-import { BaseService, WhereInput } from 'warthog';
-import { Worker } from './worker.model';
-export class WorkerService extends BaseService<Worker> {
-  constructor(@InjectRepository(Worker) protected readonly repository: Repository<Worker>) {
-    super(Worker, repository);
-  }
-  async find<W extends WhereInput>(
-    where?: any,
-    orderBy?: string | string[],
-    limit?: number,
-    offset?: number,
-    fields?: string[]
-  ): Promise<Worker[]> {
-    let f = fields;
-    if (f == undefined) {
-      f = [];
-    }
-    return super.find<W>(where, orderBy, limit, offset, f);
-  }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import { Resolver, ObjectType, Field, Subscription, Root } from 'type-graphql'
-import { TOPICS } from './pubsub'
-export class ProcessorState {
-  @Field()
-  lastCompleteBlock!: number
-  @Field()
-  lastProcessedEvent!: string
-  @Field()
-  indexerHead!: number
-  @Field()
-  chainHead!: number
-export class ProcessorStateResolver {
-  @Subscription({ topics: TOPICS.processorState })
-  stateSubscription(
-    @Root()
-    state: {
-      lastScannedBlock?: number
-      lastProcessedEvent?: string
-      indexerHead?: number
-      chainHead?: number
-    }
-  ): ProcessorState {
-    return {
-      lastCompleteBlock: state.lastScannedBlock || -1,
-      lastProcessedEvent: state.lastProcessedEvent || 'NO_EVENTS',
-      indexerHead: state.indexerHead || -1,
-      chainHead: state.chainHead || -1,
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 52

@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import { PubSubEngine, PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
-import createSubscriber from 'pg-listen'
-import { Logger } from './logger'
-const pubSub: PubSubEngine = new PubSub()
-export enum TOPICS {
-  processorState = 'PROCESSOR_STATE',
-export function getPubSub(): PubSubEngine {
-  return pubSub
-export async function startPgSubsribers() {
-  // use PG_** env variables to connect
-  const subscriber = createSubscriber()
-  const channel = 'processed_events_log_update'
-  subscriber.notifications.on(channel, (payload: unknown) => {
-    const { data } = payload as {
-      data: {
-        event_id: string
-        last_scanned_block: number
-        indexer_head: number
-        chain_head: number
-      }
-    }
-    // Payload as passed to subscriber.notify() (see below)
-    pubSub.publish(TOPICS.processorState, {
-      lastProcessedEvent: data.event_id,
-      lastScannedBlock: data.last_scanned_block,
-      chainHead: data.chain_head,
-      indexerHead: data.indexer_head,
-    })
-  })
-  subscriber.events.on('error', (error) => {
-    Logger.error('Fatal database connection error:', error)
-    process.exit(1)
-  })
-  process.on('exit', () => {
-    Logger.log(`Closing the subscriber`)
-    subscriber.close()
-  })
-  await subscriber.connect()
-  await subscriber.listenTo(channel)

+ 0 - 72

@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-import { IQueryTemplate, queryTemplateUtils } from '@apollographql/graphql-playground-react/lib/components/Playground/QueryTemplates/templateUtils'
-// fields that will be ignored by autofill
-const commonIgnoredFields = [
-  'deletedAt',
-  'createdById',
-  'updatedById',
-  'deletedById',
-  'version',
-const dataObjectIgnoredFields = [
-  ...commonIgnoredFields,
-  // dataObject's `owner` is problematic because it's variant and will need some special handling
-  'owner',
-const exampleDate = `"2018-01-31 23:59"`
-export const queryTemplates: IQueryTemplate[] = [
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('video', 'videos', 'videos', dataObjectIgnoredFields),
-  {
-    title: 'Featured videos',
-    description: 'Get all featured videos.',
-    ignoredFields: commonIgnoredFields,
-    query: `query {
-      ${queryTemplateUtils.descriptionMarker}
-      videos(where: { isFeatured_eq: true }) { ${queryTemplateUtils.allPropsMarker} }
-    }`,
-  }, {
-    title: 'All recent videos',
-    description: 'Get all videos after created or updated after the given date.',
-    ignoredFields: commonIgnoredFields,
-    query: `query {
-      ${queryTemplateUtils.descriptionMarker}
-      videos(where: {
-        createdAt_gt: ${exampleDate},
-        updatedAt_gt: ${exampleDate},
-      }) { ${queryTemplateUtils.allPropsMarker} }
-    }`,
-  },
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('video category', 'video categories', 'videoCategories', commonIgnoredFields),
-  {
-    title: `All videos in category`,
-    description: `Get all videos associated with the given video category.`,
-    ignoredFields: commonIgnoredFields,
-    query: `query {
-      ${queryTemplateUtils.descriptionMarker}
-      videos(where: { categoryId_eq: 1 }) { ${queryTemplateUtils.allPropsMarker} }
-    }`,
-  },
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('channel', 'channels', 'channels', dataObjectIgnoredFields),
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('channel category', 'channels categories', 'channelCategories', commonIgnoredFields),
-  {
-    title: `Channel's videos`,
-    description: `Get all videos associated with the given channel.`,
-    ignoredFields: commonIgnoredFields,
-    query: `query {
-      ${queryTemplateUtils.descriptionMarker}
-      videos(where: { channelId_eq: 1 }) { ${queryTemplateUtils.allPropsMarker} }
-    }`,
-  },
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('asset', 'assets', 'dataObjects', dataObjectIgnoredFields),
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('membership', 'memberships', 'memberships', commonIgnoredFields),
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('curator group', 'curator groups', 'curatorGroups', commonIgnoredFields),
-  ...queryTemplateUtils.getOneGetAllTemplates('worker', 'workers', 'workers', dataObjectIgnoredFields),

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import 'reflect-metadata';
-import { GraphQLID } from 'graphql';
-import { BaseContext, DataLoaderMiddleware, Server, ServerOptions } from 'warthog';
-import { DateResolver } from 'graphql-scalars';
-import { buildSchema } from 'type-graphql';
-import { Logger } from './logger';
-import { getPubSub } from './pubsub';
-interface Context extends BaseContext {
-  user: {
-    email: string;
-    id: string;
-    permissions: string;
-  };
-export function getServer(AppOptions = {}, dbOptions = {}) {
-  return new Server<Context>(
-    {
-      introspection: true,
-      logger: Logger,
-      ...AppOptions,
-    },
-    dbOptions
-  );
-export async function buildServerSchema<C extends BaseContext>(
-  server: Server<C>,
-  appOptions: ServerOptions<C> = {}
-): Promise<void> {
-  server.schema = await buildSchema({
-    authChecker: server.authChecker,
-    scalarsMap: [
-      {
-        type: 'ID' as any,
-        scalar: GraphQLID,
-      },
-      // Note: DateTime already included in type-graphql
-      {
-        type: 'DateOnlyString' as any,
-        scalar: DateResolver,
-      },
-    ],
-    container: server.container as any,
-    globalMiddlewares: [DataLoaderMiddleware, ...(appOptions.middlewares || [])],
-    resolvers: server.config.get('RESOLVERS_PATH'),
-    pubSub: getPubSub(),
-    // TODO: scalarsMap: [{ type: GraphQLDate, scalar: GraphQLDate }]
-    validate: server.config.get('VALIDATE_RESOLVERS') === 'true',
-  });

+ 0 - 26

@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-  "compilerOptions": {
-    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
-    "skipLibCheck": true,
-    "outDir": "./dist",
-    "lib": ["dom", "es5", "es6", "es7", "esnext"],
-    "target": "es5",
-    "module": "commonjs",
-    "moduleResolution": "node",
-    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
-    "experimentalDecorators": true,
-    "sourceMap": true,
-    "keyofStringsOnly": true,
-    "noImplicitAny": true,
-    "noImplicitReturns": true,
-    "noImplicitThis": true,
-    "noUnusedLocals": false,
-    "strict": true,
-    "strictNullChecks": true,
-    "types": ["isomorphic-fetch", "node"],
-    "esModuleInterop": true,
-    "declaration": true
-  },
-  "include": ["src/**/*", "db/**/*", "model/**/*"],
-  "exclude": ["node_modules/**/*", "generated/**/*", "tools/**/*"]

+ 0 - 3

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
-  cliGeneratePath: './src/modules/${kebabName}'

+ 0 - 2477

@@ -1,2477 +0,0 @@
-import { createTypeUnsafe } from "@polkadot/types/create";
-import { SubstrateEvent, SubstrateExtrinsic } from "@dzlzv/hydra-common";
-import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
-import { typeRegistry } from ".";
-import {
-  Channel,
-  ChannelCategory,
-  ChannelCategoryCreationParameters,
-  ChannelCategoryId,
-  ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters,
-  ChannelCreationParameters,
-  ChannelId,
-  ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest,
-  ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId,
-  ChannelUpdateParameters,
-  ContentActor,
-  ContentId,
-  CuratorGroupId,
-  CuratorId,
-  IsCensored,
-  PlaylistCreationParameters,
-  PlaylistId,
-  PlaylistUpdateParameters,
-  VideoCategoryCreationParameters,
-  VideoCategoryId,
-  VideoCategoryUpdateParameters,
-  VideoCreationParameters,
-  VideoId,
-  VideoUpdateParameters
-} from "@joystream/types/augment";
-import { Bytes, Vec, bool } from "@polkadot/types";
-export namespace Content {
-  export class CuratorGroupCreatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["CuratorGroupId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): CuratorGroupCreated_Params {
-      return new CuratorGroupCreated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CuratorGroupCreated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class CuratorGroupStatusSetEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "bool"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): CuratorGroupStatusSet_Params {
-      return new CuratorGroupStatusSet_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CuratorGroupStatusSet_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get bool(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class CuratorAddedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "CuratorId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): CuratorAdded_Params {
-      return new CuratorAdded_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CuratorAdded_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get curatorId(): CuratorId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "CuratorId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class CuratorRemovedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "CuratorId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): CuratorRemoved_Params {
-      return new CuratorRemoved_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CuratorRemoved_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get curatorId(): CuratorId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "CuratorId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelCreatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "Channel",
-      "ChannelCreationParameters<ContentParameters, AccountId>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelCreated_Params {
-      return new ChannelCreated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelCreated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get channel(): Channel {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Channel & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Channel", [
-        this.ctx.params[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get channelCreationParameters(): ChannelCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCreationParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "Channel",
-      "ChannelUpdateParameters<ContentParameters, AccountId>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelUpdated_Params {
-      return new ChannelUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get channel(): Channel {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Channel & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Channel", [
-        this.ctx.params[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get channelUpdateParameters(): ChannelUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelUpdateParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelAssetsRemovedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "Vec<ContentId>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelAssetsRemoved_Params {
-      return new ChannelAssetsRemoved_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelAssetsRemoved_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get contentId(): Vec<ContentId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentId>",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelCensorshipStatusUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "IsCensored",
-      "Vec<u8>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params {
-      return new ChannelCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get isCensored(): IsCensored {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<IsCensored & Codec>(typeRegistry, "IsCensored", [
-        this.ctx.params[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get bytes(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.ctx.params[3].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequested_Params {
-      return new ChannelOwnershipTransferRequested_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequested_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelOwnershipTransferRequestId(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelOwnershipTransferRequest(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestWithdrawnEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestWithdrawn_Params {
-      return new ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestWithdrawn_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestWithdrawn_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelOwnershipTransferRequestId(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelOwnershipTransferredEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelOwnershipTransferred_Params {
-      return new ChannelOwnershipTransferred_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelOwnershipTransferred_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelOwnershipTransferRequestId(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelCategoryCreatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ChannelCategoryId",
-      "ChannelCategory",
-      "ChannelCategoryCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelCategoryCreated_Params {
-      return new ChannelCategoryCreated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelCategoryCreated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get channelCategoryId(): ChannelCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelCategory(): ChannelCategory {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategory & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategory",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelCategoryCreationParameters(): ChannelCategoryCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryCreationParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelCategoryUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelCategoryId",
-      "ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelCategoryUpdated_Params {
-      return new ChannelCategoryUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelCategoryUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelCategoryId(): ChannelCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelCategoryUpdateParameters(): ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class ChannelCategoryDeletedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentActor", "ChannelCategoryId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ChannelCategoryDeleted_Params {
-      return new ChannelCategoryDeleted_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChannelCategoryDeleted_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelCategoryId(): ChannelCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoCategoryCreatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoCategoryId",
-      "VideoCategoryCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoCategoryCreated_Params {
-      return new VideoCategoryCreated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoCategoryCreated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoCategoryId(): VideoCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoCategoryCreationParameters(): VideoCategoryCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryCreationParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoCategoryUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoCategoryId",
-      "VideoCategoryUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoCategoryUpdated_Params {
-      return new VideoCategoryUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoCategoryUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoCategoryId(): VideoCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoCategoryUpdateParameters(): VideoCategoryUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryUpdateParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoCategoryDeletedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentActor", "VideoCategoryId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoCategoryDeleted_Params {
-      return new VideoCategoryDeleted_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoCategoryDeleted_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoCategoryId(): VideoCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoCreatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "VideoId",
-      "VideoCreationParameters<ContentParameters>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoCreated_Params {
-      return new VideoCreated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoCreated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.ctx.params[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get videoCreationParameters(): VideoCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCreationParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoId",
-      "VideoUpdateParameters<ContentParameters>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoUpdated_Params {
-      return new VideoUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get videoUpdateParameters(): VideoUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoUpdateParameters",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoDeletedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentActor", "VideoId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoDeleted_Params {
-      return new VideoDeleted_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoDeleted_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class VideoCensorshipStatusUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoId",
-      "IsCensored",
-      "Vec<u8>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): VideoCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params {
-      return new VideoCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class VideoCensorshipStatusUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get isCensored(): IsCensored {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<IsCensored & Codec>(typeRegistry, "IsCensored", [
-        this.ctx.params[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get bytes(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.ctx.params[3].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class FeaturedVideosSetEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentActor", "Vec<VideoId>"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): FeaturedVideosSet_Params {
-      return new FeaturedVideosSet_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class FeaturedVideosSet_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentActor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): Vec<VideoId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<VideoId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<VideoId>",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Add new curator group to runtime storage
-   */
-  export class CreateCuratorGroupCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreateCuratorGroup_Args {
-      return new CreateCuratorGroup_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreateCuratorGroup_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Set `is_active` status for curator group under given `curator_group_id`
-   */
-  export class SetCuratorGroupStatusCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "bool"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): SetCuratorGroupStatus_Args {
-      return new SetCuratorGroupStatus_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class SetCuratorGroupStatus_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get isActive(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Add curator to curator group under given `curator_group_id`
-   */
-  export class AddCuratorToGroupCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "CuratorId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): AddCuratorToGroup_Args {
-      return new AddCuratorToGroup_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class AddCuratorToGroup_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get curatorId(): CuratorId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "CuratorId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Remove curator from a given curator group
-   */
-  export class RemoveCuratorFromGroupCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["CuratorGroupId", "CuratorId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): RemoveCuratorFromGroup_Args {
-      return new RemoveCuratorFromGroup_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class RemoveCuratorFromGroup_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get curatorGroupId(): CuratorGroupId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorGroupId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "CuratorGroupId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get curatorId(): CuratorId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<CuratorId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "CuratorId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class CreateChannelCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreateChannel_Args {
-      return new CreateChannel_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreateChannel_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get params(): ChannelCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCreationParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateChannelCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "ChannelUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateChannel_Args {
-      return new UpdateChannel_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateChannel_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get params(): ChannelUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelUpdateParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Remove assets of a channel from storage
-   */
-  export class RemoveChannelAssetsCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "Vec<ContentId>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): RemoveChannelAssets_Args {
-      return new RemoveChannelAssets_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class RemoveChannelAssets_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get assets(): Vec<ContentId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentId>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateChannelCensorshipStatusCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "bool",
-      "Bytes"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateChannelCensorshipStatus_Args {
-      return new UpdateChannelCensorshipStatus_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateChannelCensorshipStatus_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get isCensored(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationale(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[3].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class CreateChannelCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelCategoryCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreateChannelCategory_Args {
-      return new CreateChannelCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreateChannelCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get params(): ChannelCategoryCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryCreationParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateChannelCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelCategoryId",
-      "ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateChannelCategory_Args {
-      return new UpdateChannelCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateChannelCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get categoryId(): ChannelCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get params(): ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryUpdateParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class DeleteChannelCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ContentActor", "ChannelCategoryId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): DeleteChannelCategory_Args {
-      return new DeleteChannelCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class DeleteChannelCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get categoryId(): ChannelCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelCategoryId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class RequestChannelTransferCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): RequestChannelTransfer_Args {
-      return new RequestChannelTransfer_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class RequestChannelTransfer_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get request(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequest",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class CancelChannelTransferRequestCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CancelChannelTransferRequest_Args {
-      return new CancelChannelTransferRequest_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CancelChannelTransferRequest_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get requestId(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class AcceptChannelTransferCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): AcceptChannelTransfer_Args {
-      return new AcceptChannelTransfer_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class AcceptChannelTransfer_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get requestId(): ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ChannelOwnershipTransferRequestId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class CreateVideoCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "VideoCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreateVideo_Args {
-      return new CreateVideo_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreateVideo_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get params(): VideoCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCreationParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateVideoCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoId",
-      "VideoUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateVideo_Args {
-      return new UpdateVideo_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateVideo_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get params(): VideoUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoUpdateParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class DeleteVideoCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ContentActor", "VideoId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): DeleteVideo_Args {
-      return new DeleteVideo_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class DeleteVideo_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class CreatePlaylistCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "PlaylistCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreatePlaylist_Args {
-      return new CreatePlaylist_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreatePlaylist_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get params(): PlaylistCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<PlaylistCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "PlaylistCreationParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdatePlaylistCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "PlaylistId",
-      "PlaylistUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdatePlaylist_Args {
-      return new UpdatePlaylist_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdatePlaylist_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get playlist(): PlaylistId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<PlaylistId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "PlaylistId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get params(): PlaylistUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<PlaylistUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "PlaylistUpdateParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class DeletePlaylistCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "ChannelId",
-      "PlaylistId"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): DeletePlaylist_Args {
-      return new DeletePlaylist_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class DeletePlaylist_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get channelId(): ChannelId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ChannelId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ChannelId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get playlist(): PlaylistId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<PlaylistId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "PlaylistId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class SetFeaturedVideosCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ContentActor", "Vec<VideoId>"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): SetFeaturedVideos_Args {
-      return new SetFeaturedVideos_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class SetFeaturedVideos_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get list(): Vec<VideoId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<VideoId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<VideoId>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class CreateVideoCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoCategoryCreationParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): CreateVideoCategory_Args {
-      return new CreateVideoCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class CreateVideoCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get params(): VideoCategoryCreationParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryCreationParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryCreationParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateVideoCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoCategoryId",
-      "VideoCategoryUpdateParameters"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateVideoCategory_Args {
-      return new UpdateVideoCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateVideoCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get categoryId(): VideoCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get params(): VideoCategoryUpdateParameters {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryUpdateParameters & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryUpdateParameters",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class DeleteVideoCategoryCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ContentActor", "VideoCategoryId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): DeleteVideoCategory_Args {
-      return new DeleteVideoCategory_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class DeleteVideoCategory_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get categoryId(): VideoCategoryId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoCategoryId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "VideoCategoryId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class RemovePersonFromVideoCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ContentActor", "VideoId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): RemovePersonFromVideo_Args {
-      return new RemovePersonFromVideo_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class RemovePersonFromVideo_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class UpdateVideoCensorshipStatusCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ContentActor",
-      "VideoId",
-      "bool",
-      "Bytes"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateVideoCensorshipStatus_Args {
-      return new UpdateVideoCensorshipStatus_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateVideoCensorshipStatus_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get actor(): ContentActor {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentActor & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ContentActor",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get videoId(): VideoId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<VideoId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "VideoId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get isCensored(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[2].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationale(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[3].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 459

@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-import { createTypeUnsafe } from "@polkadot/types/create";
-import { SubstrateEvent, SubstrateExtrinsic } from "@dzlzv/hydra-common";
-import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
-import { typeRegistry } from ".";
-import { Vec, bool } from "@polkadot/types";
-import {
-  ContentId,
-  ContentParameters,
-  ObjectOwner,
-  StorageObjectOwner,
-  StorageProviderId,
-  UploadingStatus
-} from "@joystream/types/augment";
-export namespace DataDirectory {
-  /**
-   *  Emits on adding of the content.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Content parameters representation.
-   *  - StorageObjectOwner enum.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [Vec<ContentParameters>, StorageObjectOwner, ]
-   */
-  export class ContentAddedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "Vec<ContentParameters>",
-      "StorageObjectOwner"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ContentAdded_Params {
-      return new ContentAdded_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ContentAdded_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentParameters(): Vec<ContentParameters> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentParameters> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentParameters>",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get storageObjectOwner(): StorageObjectOwner {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<StorageObjectOwner & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "StorageObjectOwner",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on content removal.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Content parameters representation.
-   *  - StorageObjectOwner enum.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [Vec<ContentId>, StorageObjectOwner, ]
-   */
-  export class ContentRemovedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "Vec<ContentId>",
-      "StorageObjectOwner"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ContentRemoved_Params {
-      return new ContentRemoved_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ContentRemoved_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentId(): Vec<ContentId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentId>",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get storageObjectOwner(): StorageObjectOwner {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<StorageObjectOwner & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "StorageObjectOwner",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits when the storage provider accepts a content.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Id of the relationship.
-   *  - Id of the storage provider.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [ContentId, StorageProviderId, ]
-   */
-  export class ContentAcceptedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentId", "StorageProviderId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ContentAccepted_Params {
-      return new ContentAccepted_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ContentAccepted_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentId(): ContentId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ContentId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get storageProviderId(): StorageProviderId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<StorageProviderId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "StorageProviderId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits when the storage provider rejects a content.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Id of the relationship.
-   *  - Id of the storage provider.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [ContentId, StorageProviderId, ]
-   */
-  export class ContentRejectedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["ContentId", "StorageProviderId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ContentRejected_Params {
-      return new ContentRejected_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ContentRejected_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get contentId(): ContentId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ContentId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get storageProviderId(): StorageProviderId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<StorageProviderId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "StorageProviderId",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits when the content uploading status update performed.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - UploadingStatus bool flag.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [UploadingStatus, ]
-   */
-  export class ContentUploadingStatusUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["UploadingStatus"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): ContentUploadingStatusUpdated_Params {
-      return new ContentUploadingStatusUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ContentUploadingStatusUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get uploadingStatus(): UploadingStatus {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<UploadingStatus & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "UploadingStatus",
-        [this.ctx.params[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Adds the content to the system. The created DataObject
-   *  awaits liaison to accept it.
-   */
-  export class AddContentCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "ObjectOwner",
-      "Vec<ContentParameters>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): AddContent_Args {
-      return new AddContent_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class AddContent_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get owner(): ObjectOwner {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ObjectOwner & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ObjectOwner",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get content(): Vec<ContentParameters> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentParameters> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentParameters>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Remove the content from the system.
-   */
-  export class RemoveContentCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["ObjectOwner", "Vec<ContentId>"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): RemoveContent_Args {
-      return new RemoveContent_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class RemoveContent_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get owner(): ObjectOwner {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ObjectOwner & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ObjectOwner",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get contentIds(): Vec<ContentId> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Vec<ContentId> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Vec<ContentId>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Storage provider accepts a content. Requires signed storage provider account and its id.
-   *  The LiaisonJudgement can only be updated once from Pending to Accepted.
-   *  Subsequent calls are a no-op.
-   */
-  export class AcceptContentCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["StorageProviderId", "ContentId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): AcceptContent_Args {
-      return new AcceptContent_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class AcceptContent_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get storageProviderId(): StorageProviderId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<StorageProviderId & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "StorageProviderId",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[0].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get contentId(): ContentId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ContentId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "ContentId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Locks / unlocks content uploading
-   */
-  export class UpdateContentUploadingStatusCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["bool"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateContentUploadingStatus_Args {
-      return new UpdateContentUploadingStatus_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateContentUploadingStatus_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get isBlocked(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 469

@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-import { createTypeUnsafe } from "@polkadot/types/create";
-import { SubstrateEvent, SubstrateExtrinsic } from "@dzlzv/hydra-common";
-import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
-import { typeRegistry } from ".";
-import {
-  ApplicationIdSet,
-  ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap,
-  OpeningId,
-  RationaleText,
-  RewardPolicy,
-  WorkerId,
-} from "@joystream/types/augment";
-import { Bytes, Option, bool } from "@polkadot/types";
-export namespace GatewayWorkingGroup {
-  /**
-   *  Emits on updating the worker storage role.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Id of the worker.
-   *  - Raw storage field.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, Vec<u8>, ]
-   */
-  export class WorkerStorageUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "Vec<u8>"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): WorkerStorageUpdated_Params {
-      return new WorkerStorageUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class WorkerStorageUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get bytes(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on filling the worker opening.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Worker opening id
-   *  - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, ]
-   */
-  export class OpeningFilledEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "OpeningId",
-      "ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap",
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): OpeningFilled_Params {
-      return new OpeningFilled_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class OpeningFilled_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get openingId(): OpeningId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<OpeningId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "OpeningId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get applicationIdToWorkerIdMap(): ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on terminating the worker.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - worker id.
-   *  - termination rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class TerminatedWorkerEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): TerminatedWorker_Params {
-      return new TerminatedWorker_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminatedWorker_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on exiting the worker.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - worker id.
-   *  - exit rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class WorkerExitedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): WorkerExited_Params {
-      return new WorkerExited_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class WorkerExited_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on terminating the leader.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - leader worker id.
-   *  - termination rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class TerminatedLeaderEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): TerminatedLeader_Params {
-      return new TerminatedLeader_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminatedLeader_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Update the associated role storage.
-   */
-  export class UpdateRoleStorageCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateRoleStorage_Args {
-      return new UpdateRoleStorage_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateRoleStorage_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get storage(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Fill opening for worker/lead.
-   *  Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
-   */
-  export class FillOpeningCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "OpeningId",
-      "ApplicationIdSet",
-      "Option<RewardPolicy>",
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): FillOpening_Args {
-      return new FillOpening_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class FillOpening_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get openingId(): OpeningId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<OpeningId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "OpeningId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get successfulApplicationIds(): ApplicationIdSet {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ApplicationIdSet & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ApplicationIdSet",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get rewardPolicy(): Option<RewardPolicy> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<RewardPolicy> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<RewardPolicy>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Leave the role by the active worker.
-   */
-  export class LeaveRoleCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): LeaveRole_Args {
-      return new LeaveRole_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class LeaveRole_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Terminate the active worker by the lead.
-   *  Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
-   */
-  export class TerminateRoleCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes", "bool"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): TerminateRole_Args {
-      return new TerminateRole_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminateRole_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get slashStake(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[2].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import { TypeRegistry } from "@polkadot/types";
-import path from "path";
-import fs from "fs";
-const typeRegistry = new TypeRegistry();
-  JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "typedefs.json"), "utf-8"))
-export { typeRegistry };
-export * from "./members";
-export * from "./content";
-export * from "./data-directory";
-export * from "./storage-working-group";
-export * from "./gateway-working-group";

+ 0 - 686

@@ -1,686 +0,0 @@
-import { createTypeUnsafe } from "@polkadot/types/create";
-import { SubstrateEvent, SubstrateExtrinsic } from "@dzlzv/hydra-common";
-import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
-import { typeRegistry } from ".";
-import { EntryMethod, MemberId, PaidTermId } from "@joystream/types/augment";
-import { AccountId, BalanceOf } from "@polkadot/types/interfaces";
-import { Bytes, Option } from "@polkadot/types";
-export namespace Members {
-  export class MemberRegisteredEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "MemberId",
-      "AccountId",
-      "EntryMethod<PaidTermId, AccountId>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberRegistered_Params {
-      return new MemberRegistered_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberRegistered_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get accountId(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get entryMethod(): EntryMethod {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<EntryMethod & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "EntryMethod",
-        [this.ctx.params[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  export class MemberUpdatedAboutTextEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["MemberId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberUpdatedAboutText_Params {
-      return new MemberUpdatedAboutText_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberUpdatedAboutText_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class MemberUpdatedAvatarEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["MemberId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberUpdatedAvatar_Params {
-      return new MemberUpdatedAvatar_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberUpdatedAvatar_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class MemberUpdatedHandleEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["MemberId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberUpdatedHandle_Params {
-      return new MemberUpdatedHandle_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberUpdatedHandle_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class MemberSetRootAccountEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["MemberId", "AccountId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberSetRootAccount_Params {
-      return new MemberSetRootAccount_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberSetRootAccount_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get accountId(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class MemberSetControllerAccountEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["MemberId", "AccountId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): MemberSetControllerAccount_Params {
-      return new MemberSetControllerAccount_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class MemberSetControllerAccount_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get accountId(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Non-members can buy membership
-   */
-  export class BuyMembershipCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "PaidTermId",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): BuyMembership_Args {
-      return new BuyMembership_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class BuyMembership_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get paidTermsId(): PaidTermId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<PaidTermId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "PaidTermId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get handle(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get avatarUri(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get about(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Screened members are awarded a initial locked balance that can only be slashed or used
-   *  for fees, and is not transferable. The screening authority must ensure that the provided
-   *  new_member_account was verified to avoid applying locks arbitrarily to accounts not controlled
-   *  by the member.
-   */
-  export class AddScreenedMemberCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "AccountId",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<BalanceOf>"
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): AddScreenedMember_Args {
-      return new AddScreenedMember_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class AddScreenedMember_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get newMemberAccount(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get handle(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get avatarUri(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get about(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get initialBalance(): Option<BalanceOf> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<BalanceOf> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<BalanceOf>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[4].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Change member's about text
-   */
-  export class ChangeMemberAboutTextCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["MemberId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): ChangeMemberAboutText_Args {
-      return new ChangeMemberAboutText_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChangeMemberAboutText_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get text(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Change member's avatar
-   */
-  export class ChangeMemberAvatarCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["MemberId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): ChangeMemberAvatar_Args {
-      return new ChangeMemberAvatar_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChangeMemberAvatar_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get uri(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Change member's handle. Will ensure new handle is unique and old one will be available
-   *  for other members to use.
-   */
-  export class ChangeMemberHandleCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["MemberId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): ChangeMemberHandle_Args {
-      return new ChangeMemberHandle_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class ChangeMemberHandle_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get handle(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class SetRootAccountCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["MemberId", "AccountId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): SetRootAccount_Args {
-      return new SetRootAccount_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class SetRootAccount_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get newRootAccount(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  export class SetControllerAccountCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["MemberId", "AccountId"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): SetControllerAccount_Args {
-      return new SetControllerAccount_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class SetControllerAccount_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value
-      ]);
-    }
-    get newControllerAccount(): AccountId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<AccountId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "AccountId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Update member's all or some of handle, avatar and about text.
-   */
-  export class UpdateMembershipCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "MemberId",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-      "Option<Bytes>",
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateMembership_Args {
-      return new UpdateMembership_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateMembership_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get memberId(): MemberId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<MemberId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "MemberId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get handle(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get avatarUri(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get about(): Option<Bytes> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<Bytes> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<Bytes>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[3].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 469

@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-import { createTypeUnsafe } from "@polkadot/types/create";
-import { SubstrateEvent, SubstrateExtrinsic } from "@dzlzv/hydra-common";
-import { Codec } from "@polkadot/types/types";
-import { typeRegistry } from ".";
-import {
-  ApplicationIdSet,
-  ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap,
-  OpeningId,
-  RationaleText,
-  RewardPolicy,
-  WorkerId,
-} from "@joystream/types/augment";
-import { Bytes, Option, bool } from "@polkadot/types";
-export namespace StorageWorkingGroup {
-  /**
-   *  Emits on updating the worker storage role.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Id of the worker.
-   *  - Raw storage field.
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, Vec<u8>, ]
-   */
-  export class WorkerStorageUpdatedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "Vec<u8>"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): WorkerStorageUpdated_Params {
-      return new WorkerStorageUpdated_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class WorkerStorageUpdated_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get bytes(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.ctx.params[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on filling the worker opening.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - Worker opening id
-   *  - Worker application id to the worker id dictionary
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [OpeningId, ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap, ]
-   */
-  export class OpeningFilledEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = [
-      "OpeningId",
-      "ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap",
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): OpeningFilled_Params {
-      return new OpeningFilled_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class OpeningFilled_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get openingId(): OpeningId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<OpeningId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "OpeningId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get applicationIdToWorkerIdMap(): ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ApplicationIdToWorkerIdMap",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on terminating the worker.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - worker id.
-   *  - termination rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class TerminatedWorkerEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): TerminatedWorker_Params {
-      return new TerminatedWorker_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminatedWorker_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on exiting the worker.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - worker id.
-   *  - exit rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class WorkerExitedEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): WorkerExited_Params {
-      return new WorkerExited_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class WorkerExited_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Emits on terminating the leader.
-   *  Params:
-   *  - leader worker id.
-   *  - termination rationale text
-   *
-   *  Event parameters: [WorkerId, RationaleText, ]
-   */
-  export class TerminatedLeaderEvent {
-    public readonly expectedParamTypes = ["WorkerId", "RationaleText"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get data(): TerminatedLeader_Params {
-      return new TerminatedLeader_Params(this.ctx);
-    }
-    validateParams(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedParamTypes.length !== this.ctx.params.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedParamTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.ctx.params[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminatedLeader_Params {
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.ctx.params[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): RationaleText {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<RationaleText & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "RationaleText",
-        [this.ctx.params[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Update the associated role storage.
-   */
-  export class UpdateRoleStorageCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): UpdateRoleStorage_Args {
-      return new UpdateRoleStorage_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class UpdateRoleStorage_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get storage(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Fill opening for worker/lead.
-   *  Require signed leader origin or the root (to fill opening for the leader position).
-   */
-  export class FillOpeningCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = [
-      "OpeningId",
-      "ApplicationIdSet",
-      "Option<RewardPolicy>",
-    ];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): FillOpening_Args {
-      return new FillOpening_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class FillOpening_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get openingId(): OpeningId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<OpeningId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "OpeningId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get successfulApplicationIds(): ApplicationIdSet {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<ApplicationIdSet & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "ApplicationIdSet",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[1].value]
-      );
-    }
-    get rewardPolicy(): Option<RewardPolicy> {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Option<RewardPolicy> & Codec>(
-        typeRegistry,
-        "Option<RewardPolicy>",
-        [this.extrinsic.args[2].value]
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Leave the role by the active worker.
-   */
-  export class LeaveRoleCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): LeaveRole_Args {
-      return new LeaveRole_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class LeaveRole_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Terminate the active worker by the lead.
-   *  Require signed leader origin or the root (to terminate the leader role).
-   */
-  export class TerminateRoleCall {
-    public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic;
-    public readonly expectedArgTypes = ["WorkerId", "Bytes", "bool"];
-    constructor(public readonly ctx: SubstrateEvent) {
-      if (ctx.extrinsic === undefined) {
-        throw new Error(`No call data has been provided`);
-      }
-      this.extrinsic = ctx.extrinsic;
-    }
-    get args(): TerminateRole_Args {
-      return new TerminateRole_Args(this.extrinsic);
-    }
-    validateArgs(): boolean {
-      if (this.expectedArgTypes.length !== this.extrinsic.args.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      let valid = true;
-      this.expectedArgTypes.forEach((type, i) => {
-        if (type !== this.extrinsic.args[i].type) {
-          valid = false;
-        }
-      });
-      return valid;
-    }
-  }
-  class TerminateRole_Args {
-    constructor(public readonly extrinsic: SubstrateExtrinsic) {}
-    get workerId(): WorkerId {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<WorkerId & Codec>(typeRegistry, "WorkerId", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[0].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get rationaleText(): Bytes {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<Bytes & Codec>(typeRegistry, "Bytes", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[1].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-    get slashStake(): bool {
-      return createTypeUnsafe<bool & Codec>(typeRegistry, "bool", [
-        this.extrinsic.args[2].value,
-      ]);
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 832

@@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
-    "ChannelContentType": "Null",
-    "ChannelCurationStatus": "Null",
-    "ChannelPublicationStatus": "Null",
-    "CurationActor": "Null",
-    "Curator": "Null",
-    "CuratorApplication": "Null",
-    "CuratorApplicationId": "Null",
-    "CuratorApplicationIdSet": "Null",
-    "CuratorApplicationIdToCuratorIdMap": "Null",
-    "CuratorOpening": "Null",
-    "CuratorOpeningId": "Null",
-    "Lead": "Null",
-    "LeadId": "Null",
-    "OptionalText": "Null",
-    "Principal": "Null",
-    "PrincipalId": "Null",
-    "WorkingGroupUnstaker": "Null",
-    "Credential": "Null",
-    "CredentialSet": "Null",
-    "Nonce": "Null",
-    "EntityId": "Null",
-    "ClassId": "Null",
-    "VecMaxLength": "Null",
-    "TextMaxLength": "Null",
-    "HashedTextMaxLength": "Null",
-    "PropertyId": "Null",
-    "SchemaId": "Null",
-    "SameController": "Null",
-    "ClassPermissions": "Null",
-    "PropertyTypeSingle": "Null",
-    "PropertyTypeVector": "Null",
-    "PropertyType": "Null",
-    "PropertyLockingPolicy": "Null",
-    "Property": "Null",
-    "Schema": "Null",
-    "Class": "Null",
-    "ClassOf": "Null",
-    "EntityController": "Null",
-    "EntityPermissions": "Null",
-    "StoredValue": "Null",
-    "VecStoredValue": "Null",
-    "VecStoredPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "StoredPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "InboundReferenceCounter": "Null",
-    "Entity": "Null",
-    "EntityOf": "Null",
-    "EntityCreationVoucher": "Null",
-    "Actor": "Null",
-    "EntityReferenceCounterSideEffect": "Null",
-    "ReferenceCounterSideEffects": "Null",
-    "SideEffects": "Null",
-    "SideEffect": "Null",
-    "Status": "Null",
-    "InputValue": "Null",
-    "VecInputValue": "Null",
-    "InputPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "ParameterizedEntity": "Null",
-    "ParametrizedPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "ParametrizedClassPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "CreateEntityOperation": "Null",
-    "UpdatePropertyValuesOperation": "Null",
-    "AddSchemaSupportToEntityOperation": "Null",
-    "OperationType": "Null",
-    "InputEntityValuesMap": "Null",
-    "ClassPermissionsType": "Null",
-    "ClassPropertyValue": "Null",
-    "Operation": "Null",
-    "ReferenceConstraint": "Null",
-    "FailedAt": "Null",
-    "IPNSIdentity": "Null",
-    "ServiceProviderRecord": "Null",
-    "BlockAndTime": {
-        "block": "u32",
-        "time": "u64"
-    },
-    "ThreadId": "u64",
-    "PostId": "u64",
-    "InputValidationLengthConstraint": {
-        "min": "u16",
-        "max_min_diff": "u16"
-    },
-    "WorkingGroup": {
-        "_enum": [
-            "Storage",
-            "Content",
-            "Operations",
-            "Gateway"
-        ]
-    },
-    "SlashingTerms": {
-        "_enum": {
-            "Unslashable": "Null",
-            "Slashable": "SlashableTerms"
-        }
-    },
-    "SlashableTerms": {
-        "max_count": "u16",
-        "max_percent_pts_per_time": "u16"
-    },
-    "MemoText": "Text",
-    "Address": "AccountId",
-    "LookupSource": "AccountId",
-    "ChannelId": "u64",
-    "DAOId": "u64",
-    "Url": "Text",
-    "EntryMethod": {
-        "_enum": {
-            "Paid": "u64",
-            "Screening": "AccountId",
-            "Genesis": "Null"
-        }
-    },
-    "MemberId": "u64",
-    "PaidTermId": "u64",
-    "SubscriptionId": "u64",
-    "Membership": {
-        "handle": "Text",
-        "avatar_uri": "Text",
-        "about": "Text",
-        "registered_at_block": "u32",
-        "registered_at_time": "u64",
-        "entry": "EntryMethod",
-        "suspended": "bool",
-        "subscription": "Option<SubscriptionId>",
-        "root_account": "GenericAccountId",
-        "controller_account": "GenericAccountId"
-    },
-    "PaidMembershipTerms": {
-        "fee": "u128",
-        "text": "Text"
-    },
-    "ActorId": "u64",
-    "ElectionStage": {
-        "_enum": {
-            "Announcing": "u32",
-            "Voting": "u32",
-            "Revealing": "u32"
-        }
-    },
-    "ElectionStake": {
-        "new": "u128",
-        "transferred": "u128"
-    },
-    "SealedVote": {
-        "voter": "GenericAccountId",
-        "commitment": "Hash",
-        "stake": "ElectionStake",
-        "vote": "Option<GenericAccountId>"
-    },
-    "TransferableStake": {
-        "seat": "u128",
-        "backing": "u128"
-    },
-    "ElectionParameters": {
-        "announcing_period": "u32",
-        "voting_period": "u32",
-        "revealing_period": "u32",
-        "council_size": "u32",
-        "candidacy_limit": "u32",
-        "new_term_duration": "u32",
-        "min_council_stake": "u128",
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-            "Filled"
-        ]
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-            "Exact"
-        ]
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-            "Worker": "Null"
-        }
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-        "fill_opening_failed_applicant_role_stake_unstaking_period": "Option<u32>",
-        "terminate_application_stake_unstaking_period": "Option<u32>",
-        "terminate_role_stake_unstaking_period": "Option<u32>",
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-        "exit_role_stake_unstaking_period": "Option<u32>"
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-        "exit_unstaking_period": "Option<u32>"
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-            "Accepted"
-        ]
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-            "FillWorkingGroupLeaderOpening": "FillOpeningParameters",
-            "SetWorkingGroupMintCapacity": "(Balance,WorkingGroup)",
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-            "Reject",
-            "Slash",
-            "Abstain"
-        ]
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-            "Vetoed": "Null",
-            "Rejected": "Null",
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-        }
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-            "Executed": "Null",
-            "ExecutionFailed": "ExecutionFailed"
-        }
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