@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ import { ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types'
import { KeyringPair } from '@polkadot/keyring/types'
import { AccountId, MemberId, PostId, ThreadId } from '@joystream/types/common'
-import { AccountInfo, Balance, EventRecord, BlockNumber, BlockHash } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
+import { AccountInfo, Balance, EventRecord, BlockNumber, BlockHash, LockIdentifier } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces'
import BN from 'bn.js'
import { QueryableConsts, QueryableStorage, SubmittableExtrinsic, SubmittableExtrinsics } from '@polkadot/api/types'
import { Sender, LogLevel } from './sender'
import { Utils } from './utils'
import { types } from '@joystream/types'
-import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { extendDebug } from './Debugger'
import { DispatchError } from '@polkadot/types/interfaces/system'
import {
@@ -46,19 +45,44 @@ import {
import { DeriveAllSections } from '@polkadot/api/util/decorate'
import { ExactDerive } from '@polkadot/api-derive'
import { ProposalId, ProposalParameters } from '@joystream/types/proposals'
-import { BLOCKTIME, proposalTypeToProposalParamsKey } from './consts'
+import {
+ proposalTypeToProposalParamsKey,
+ workingGroupNameByModuleName,
+} from './consts'
import { CategoryId } from '@joystream/types/forum'
+export type KeyGenInfo = {
+ start: number
+ final: number
+ custom: string[]
export class ApiFactory {
private readonly api: ApiPromise
private readonly keyring: Keyring
+ // number used as part of key derivation path
+ private keyId = 0
+ // stores names of the created custom keys
+ private customKeys: string[] = []
+ // mapping from account address to key id.
+ // To be able to re-derive keypair externally when mini-secret is known.
+ readonly addressesToKeyId: Map<string, number> = new Map()
+ // mapping from account address to suri.
+ // To be able to get the suri of a known key for the purpose of, for example, interacting with the CLIs
+ readonly addressesToSuri: Map<string, string>
+ // mini secret used in SURI key derivation path
+ private readonly miniSecret: string
// source of funds for all new accounts
private readonly treasuryAccount: string
public static async create(
provider: WsProvider,
treasuryAccountUri: string,
- sudoAccountUri: string
+ sudoAccountUri: string,
+ miniSecret: string
): Promise<ApiFactory> {
const debug = extendDebug('api-factory')
let connectAttempts = 0
@@ -66,16 +90,16 @@ export class ApiFactory {
debug(`Connecting to chain, attempt ${connectAttempts}..`)
try {
- const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider, types })
+ const api = new ApiPromise({ provider, types })
// Wait for api to be connected and ready
- await api.isReady
+ await api.isReadyOrError
// If a node was just started up it might take a few seconds to start producing blocks
// Give it a few seconds to be ready.
await Utils.wait(5000)
- return new ApiFactory(api, treasuryAccountUri, sudoAccountUri)
+ return new ApiFactory(api, treasuryAccountUri, sudoAccountUri, miniSecret)
} catch (err) {
if (connectAttempts === 3) {
throw new Error('Unable to connect to chain')
@@ -85,32 +109,83 @@ export class ApiFactory {
- constructor(api: ApiPromise, treasuryAccountUri: string, sudoAccountUri: string) {
+ constructor(api: ApiPromise, treasuryAccountUri: string, sudoAccountUri: string, miniSecret: string) {
this.api = api
this.keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' })
this.treasuryAccount = this.keyring.addFromUri(treasuryAccountUri).address
+ this.miniSecret = miniSecret
+ this.addressesToKeyId = new Map()
+ this.addressesToSuri = new Map()
+ this.keyId = 0
public getApi(label: string): Api {
- return new Api(this.api, this.treasuryAccount, this.keyring, label)
+ return new Api(this, this.api, this.treasuryAccount, this.keyring, label)
+ }
+ public createKeyPairs(n: number): { key: KeyringPair; id: number }[] {
+ const keys: { key: KeyringPair; id: number }[] = []
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ const id = this.keyId++
+ const key = this.createKeyPair(`${id}`)
+ keys.push({ key, id })
+ this.addressesToKeyId.set(key.address, id)
+ }
+ return keys
+ }
+ private createKeyPair(suriPath: string, isCustom = false): KeyringPair {
+ if (isCustom) {
+ this.customKeys.push(suriPath)
+ }
+ const uri = `${this.miniSecret}//testing//${suriPath}`
+ const pair = this.keyring.addFromUri(uri)
+ this.addressesToSuri.set(pair.address, uri)
+ return pair
+ }
+ public createCustomKeyPair(customPath: string): KeyringPair {
+ return this.createKeyPair(customPath, true)
+ }
+ public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {
+ const start = 0
+ const final = this.keyId
+ return {
+ start,
+ final,
+ custom: this.customKeys,
+ }
+ }
+ public getAllGeneratedAccounts(): { [k: string]: number } {
+ return Object.fromEntries(this.addressesToKeyId)
+ }
+ public getKeypair(address: AccountId | string): KeyringPair {
+ return this.keyring.getPair(address)
- public close(): void {
- this.api.disconnect()
+ public getSuri(address: AccountId | string): string {
+ const suri = this.addressesToSuri.get(address.toString())
+ if (!suri) {
+ throw new Error(`Suri for address ${address} not available!`)
+ }
+ return suri
export class Api {
+ private readonly factory: ApiFactory
private readonly api: ApiPromise
private readonly sender: Sender
- private readonly keyring: Keyring
// source of funds for all new accounts
private readonly treasuryAccount: string
- constructor(api: ApiPromise, treasuryAccount: string, keyring: Keyring, label: string) {
+ constructor(factory: ApiFactory, api: ApiPromise, treasuryAccount: string, keyring: Keyring, label: string) {
+ this.factory = factory
this.api = api
- this.keyring = keyring
this.treasuryAccount = treasuryAccount
this.sender = new Sender(api, keyring, label)
@@ -175,20 +250,24 @@ export class Api {
- // Create new keys and store them in the shared keyring
- public async createKeyPairs(n: number, withExistentialDeposit = true): Promise<KeyringPair[]> {
- const nKeyPairs: KeyringPair[] = []
- for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- // What are risks of generating duplicate keys this way?
- // Why not use a deterministic /TestKeys/N and increment N
- nKeyPairs.push(this.keyring.addFromUri(i + uuid().substring(0, 8)))
- }
+ public async createKeyPairs(n: number, withExistentialDeposit = true): Promise<{ key: KeyringPair; id: number }[]> {
+ const pairs = this.factory.createKeyPairs(n)
if (withExistentialDeposit) {
- await Promise.all(
- nKeyPairs.map(({ address }) => this.treasuryTransferBalance(address, this.existentialDeposit()))
- )
+ await Promise.all(pairs.map(({ key }) => this.treasuryTransferBalance(key.address, this.existentialDeposit())))
- return nKeyPairs
+ return pairs
+ }
+ public createCustomKeyPair(path: string): KeyringPair {
+ return this.factory.createCustomKeyPair(path)
+ }
+ public keyGenInfo(): KeyGenInfo {
+ return this.factory.keyGenInfo()
+ }
+ public getAllGeneratedAccounts(): { [k: string]: number } {
+ return this.factory.getAllGeneratedAccounts()
public getBlockDuration(): BN {
@@ -220,7 +299,7 @@ export class Api {
return accountData.data.free
- public async getStakedBalance(address: string | AccountId, lockId?: string): Promise<BN> {
+ public async getStakedBalance(address: string | AccountId, lockId?: LockIdentifier | string): Promise<BN> {
const locks = await this.api.query.balances.locks(address)
if (lockId) {
const foundLock = locks.find((l) => l.id.eq(lockId))
@@ -426,6 +505,54 @@ export class Api {
return await this.api.query[group].workerById(leadId.unwrap())
+ public async getActiveWorkerIds(group: WorkingGroupModuleName): Promise<WorkerId[]> {
+ return (await this.api.query[group].workerById.entries<Worker>()).map(
+ ([
+ {
+ args: [id],
+ },
+ ]) => id
+ )
+ }
+ async assignWorkerRoleAccount(
+ group: WorkingGroupModuleName,
+ workerId: WorkerId,
+ account: string
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult> {
+ const worker = await this.api.query[group].workerById(workerId)
+ if (worker.isEmpty) {
+ throw new Error(`Worker not found by id: ${workerId}!`)
+ }
+ const memberController = await this.getControllerAccountOfMember(worker.member_id)
+ // there cannot be a worker associated with member that does not exist
+ if (!memberController) {
+ throw new Error('Member controller not found')
+ }
+ // Expect membercontroller key is already added to keyring
+ // Is is responsibility of caller to ensure this is the case!
+ const updateRoleAccountCall = this.api.tx[group].updateRoleAccount(workerId, account)
+ await this.prepareAccountsForFeeExpenses(memberController, [updateRoleAccountCall])
+ return this.sender.signAndSend(updateRoleAccountCall, memberController)
+ }
+ async assignWorkerWellknownAccount(
+ group: WorkingGroupModuleName,
+ workerId: WorkerId,
+ ): Promise<ISubmittableResult[]> {
+ // path to append to base SURI
+ const uri = `worker//${workingGroupNameByModuleName[group]}//${workerId.toNumber()}`
+ const account = this.createCustomKeyPair(uri).address
+ return Promise.all([
+ this.assignWorkerRoleAccount(group, workerId, account),
+ this.treasuryTransferBalance(account, initialBalance),
+ ])
+ }
public async getLeadRoleKey(group: WorkingGroupModuleName): Promise<string> {
return (await this.getLeader(group)).role_account_id.toString()
@@ -606,4 +733,8 @@ export class Api {
postId: details.event.data[0] as PostId,
+ lockIdByGroup(group: WorkingGroupModuleName): LockIdentifier {
+ return this.api.consts[group].stakingHandlerLockId
+ }