@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use super::sealed_vote::SealedVote;
use super::stake::Stake;
use super::council;
+use crate::election_params::ElectionParameters;
pub use common::currency::{BalanceOf, GovernanceCurrency};
pub trait Trait:
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ pub trait Trait:
type CouncilElected: CouncilElected<Seats<Self::AccountId, BalanceOf<Self>>, Self::BlockNumber>;
+pub static MSG_CANNOT_CHANGE_PARAMS_DURING_ELECTION: &str = "CannotChangeParamsDuringElection";
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode)]
pub enum ElectionStage<BlockNumber> {
@@ -106,8 +109,23 @@ decl_storage! {
// TODO value type of this map looks scary, is there any way to simplify the notation?
Votes get(votes): map T::Hash => SealedVote<T::AccountId, ElectionStake<T>, T::Hash, T::AccountId>;
- // Current Election Parameters - default "zero" values are not meaningful. Running an election without
- // settings reasonable values is a bad idea. Parameters can be set in the TriggerElection hook.
+ // Current Election Parameters.
+ // Should we replace all the individual values with a single ElectionParameters type?
+ // Having them individually makes it more flexible to add and remove new parameters in future
+ // without dealing with migration issues.
+ // We don't currently handle zero periods, zero council term, zero council size and candidacy
+ // limit in any special way. The behaviour in such cases:
+ // Setting any period to 0 will mean the election getting stuck in that stage, until force changing
+ // the state.
+ // Council Size of 0 - no limit to size of council, all applicants that move beyond
+ // announcing stage would become council members, so effectively the candidacy limit will
+ // be the size of the council, voting and revealing have no impact on final results.
+ // If candidacy limit is zero and council size > 0, council_size number of applicants will reach the voting stage.
+ // and become council members, voting will have no impact on final results.
+ // If both candidacy limit and council size are zero then all applicant become council members
+ // since no filtering occurs at end of announcing stage.
+ // We only guard against these edge cases in the set_election_parameters() call.
AnnouncingPeriod get(announcing_period) config(): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::from(100);
VotingPeriod get(voting_period) config(): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::from(100);
RevealingPeriod get(revealing_period) config(): T::BlockNumber = T::BlockNumber::from(100);
@@ -195,7 +213,7 @@ impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// Take snapshot of seat and backing stakes of an existing council
// Its important to note that the election system takes ownership of these stakes, and is responsible
- // to return any unused stake to original owners and the end of the election.
+ // to return any unused stake to original owners at the end of the election.
@@ -806,52 +824,19 @@ decl_module! {
- fn set_param_announcing_period(origin, period: T::BlockNumber) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(!period.is_zero(), "period cannot be zero");
- <AnnouncingPeriod<T>>::put(period);
- }
- fn set_param_voting_period(origin, period: T::BlockNumber) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(!period.is_zero(), "period cannot be zero");
- <VotingPeriod<T>>::put(period);
- }
- fn set_param_revealing_period(origin, period: T::BlockNumber) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(!period.is_zero(), "period cannot be zero");
- <RevealingPeriod<T>>::put(period);
- }
- fn set_param_min_council_stake(origin, amount: BalanceOf<T>) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- <MinCouncilStake<T>>::put(amount);
- }
- fn set_param_new_term_duration(origin, duration: T::BlockNumber) {
+ fn set_election_parameters(origin, params: ElectionParameters<BalanceOf<T>, T::BlockNumber>) {
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(!duration.is_zero(), "new term duration cannot be zero");
- <NewTermDuration<T>>::put(duration);
- }
- fn set_param_council_size(origin, council_size: u32) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(council_size > 0, "council size cannot be zero");
- ensure!(council_size <= Self::candidacy_limit(), "council size cannot greater than candidacy limit");
- CouncilSize::put(council_size);
- }
- fn set_param_candidacy_limit(origin, limit: u32) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- ensure!(limit >= Self::council_size(), "candidacy limit cannot be less than council size");
- CandidacyLimit::put(limit);
- }
- fn set_param_min_voting_stake(origin, amount: BalanceOf<T>) {
- ensure_root(origin)?;
- ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), "cannot change params during election");
- <MinVotingStake<T>>::put(amount);
+ ensure!(!Self::is_election_running(), MSG_CANNOT_CHANGE_PARAMS_DURING_ELECTION);
+ params.ensure_valid()?;
+ <AnnouncingPeriod<T>>::put(params.announcing_period);
+ <VotingPeriod<T>>::put(params.voting_period);
+ <RevealingPeriod<T>>::put(params.revealing_period);
+ <MinCouncilStake<T>>::put(params.min_council_stake);
+ <NewTermDuration<T>>::put(params.new_term_duration);
+ CouncilSize::put(params.council_size);
+ CandidacyLimit::put(params.candidacy_limit);
+ <MinVotingStake<T>>::put(params.min_voting_stake);
fn force_stop_election(origin) {
@@ -2045,4 +2030,53 @@ mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn setting_election_parameters() {
+ initial_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
+ let default_parameters: ElectionParameters<u64, u64> = ElectionParameters::default();
+ // default all zeros is invalid
+ assert!(default_parameters.ensure_valid().is_err());
+ let new_parameters = ElectionParameters {
+ announcing_period: 1,
+ voting_period: 2,
+ revealing_period: 3,
+ council_size: 4,
+ candidacy_limit: 5,
+ min_voting_stake: 6,
+ min_council_stake: 7,
+ new_term_duration: 8,
+ };
+ assert_ok!(Election::set_election_parameters(
+ Origin::ROOT,
+ new_parameters
+ ));
+ assert_eq!(
+ <AnnouncingPeriod<Test>>::get(),
+ new_parameters.announcing_period
+ );
+ assert_eq!(<VotingPeriod<Test>>::get(), new_parameters.voting_period);
+ assert_eq!(
+ <RevealingPeriod<Test>>::get(),
+ new_parameters.revealing_period
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ <MinCouncilStake<Test>>::get(),
+ new_parameters.min_council_stake
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ <NewTermDuration<Test>>::get(),
+ new_parameters.new_term_duration
+ );
+ assert_eq!(CouncilSize::get(), new_parameters.council_size);
+ assert_eq!(CandidacyLimit::get(), new_parameters.candidacy_limit);
+ assert_eq!(
+ <MinVotingStake<Test>>::get(),
+ new_parameters.min_voting_stake
+ );
+ });
+ }