@@ -1,9 +1,731 @@
// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+// Clippy linter requirement
+#![allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)] // disable it because of the substrate lib design
+ // example: pub PaidMembershipTermsById get(paid_membership_terms_by_id) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {}
pub mod genesis;
-pub mod members;
-pub mod role_types;
pub(crate) mod mock;
+pub mod role_types;
mod tests;
+use codec::{Codec, Decode, Encode};
+use rstd::borrow::ToOwned;
+use rstd::prelude::*;
+use sr_primitives::traits::{MaybeSerialize, Member, One, SimpleArithmetic};
+use srml_support::traits::{Currency, Get};
+use srml_support::{decl_event, decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch, ensure, Parameter};
+use system::{self, ensure_root, ensure_signed};
+use common::currency::{BalanceOf, GovernanceCurrency};
+pub use role_types::*;
+pub trait Trait: system::Trait + GovernanceCurrency + timestamp::Trait {
+ type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
+ type MemberId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq;
+ type PaidTermId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq;
+ type SubscriptionId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq;
+ type ActorId: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + PartialEq
+ + Ord;
+ /// Initial balance of members created at genesis
+ type InitialMembersBalance: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>;
+const FIRST_PAID_TERMS_ID: u32 = 1;
+// Default paid membership terms
+pub const DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_ID: u32 = 0;
+// Default user info constraints
+//#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode)]
+/// Stored information about a registered user
+pub struct Profile<T: Trait> {
+ /// The unique handle chosen by member
+ pub handle: Vec<u8>,
+ /// A Url to member's Avatar image
+ pub avatar_uri: Vec<u8>,
+ /// Short text chosen by member to share information about themselves
+ pub about: Vec<u8>,
+ /// Blocknumber when member was registered
+ pub registered_at_block: T::BlockNumber,
+ /// Timestamp when member was registered
+ pub registered_at_time: T::Moment,
+ /// How the member was registered
+ pub entry: EntryMethod<T>,
+ /// Wether the member is suspended or not.
+ pub suspended: bool,
+ /// The type of subsction the member has purchased if any.
+ pub subscription: Option<T::SubscriptionId>,
+ /// Member's root account id. Only the root account is permitted to set a new root account
+ /// and update the controller account. Other modules may only allow certain actions if
+ /// signed with root account. It is intended to be an account that can remain offline and
+ /// potentially hold a member's funds, and be a source for staking roles.
+ pub root_account: T::AccountId,
+ /// Member's controller account id. This account is intended to be used by
+ /// a member to act under their identity in other modules. It will usually be used more
+ /// online and will have less funds in its balance.
+ pub controller_account: T::AccountId,
+ /// The set of registered roles the member has enrolled in.
+ pub roles: ActorInRoleSet<T::ActorId>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode, PartialEq)]
+/// A "Partial" struct used to batch user configurable profile information when registering or updating info
+pub struct UserInfo {
+ pub handle: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub avatar_uri: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+ pub about: Option<Vec<u8>>,
+struct CheckedUserInfo {
+ handle: Vec<u8>,
+ avatar_uri: Vec<u8>,
+ about: Vec<u8>,
+//#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum EntryMethod<T: Trait> {
+ Paid(T::PaidTermId),
+ Screening(T::AccountId),
+ Genesis,
+//#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug))]
+#[derive(Encode, Decode, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct PaidMembershipTerms<T: Trait> {
+ /// Quantity of native tokens which must be provably burned
+ pub fee: BalanceOf<T>,
+ /// String of capped length describing human readable conditions which are being agreed upon
+ pub text: Vec<u8>,
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Membership {
+ /// MemberId to assign to next member that is added to the registry, and is also the
+ /// total number of members created. MemberIds start at Zero.
+ pub NextMemberId get(members_created) : T::MemberId;
+ /// Mapping of member's id to their membership profile
+ pub MemberProfile get(member_profile) : map T::MemberId => Option<Profile<T>>;
+ /// Mapping of a root account id to vector of member ids it controls
+ pub MemberIdsByRootAccountId get(member_ids_by_root_account_id) : map T::AccountId => Vec<T::MemberId>;
+ /// Mapping of a controller account id to vector of member ids it controls
+ pub MemberIdsByControllerAccountId get(member_ids_by_controller_account_id) : map T::AccountId => Vec<T::MemberId>;
+ /// Registered unique handles and their mapping to their owner
+ pub Handles get(handles) : map Vec<u8> => T::MemberId;
+ /// Next paid membership terms id
+ pub NextPaidMembershipTermsId get(next_paid_membership_terms_id) : T::PaidTermId = T::PaidTermId::from(FIRST_PAID_TERMS_ID);
+ /// Paid membership terms record
+ // Remember to add _genesis_phantom_data: std::marker::PhantomData{} to membership
+ // genesis config if not providing config() or extra_genesis
+ pub PaidMembershipTermsById get(paid_membership_terms_by_id) build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
+ // This method only gets called when initializing storage, and is
+ // compiled as native code. (Will be called when building `raw` chainspec)
+ // So it can't be relied upon to initialize storage for runtimes updates.
+ // Initialization for updated runtime is done in run_migration()
+ let terms = PaidMembershipTerms {
+ fee: config.default_paid_membership_fee,
+ text: Vec::default(),
+ };
+ vec![(T::PaidTermId::from(DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_ID), terms)]
+ }) : map T::PaidTermId => Option<PaidMembershipTerms<T>>;
+ /// Active Paid membership terms
+ pub ActivePaidMembershipTerms get(active_paid_membership_terms) : Vec<T::PaidTermId> = vec![T::PaidTermId::from(DEFAULT_PAID_TERM_ID)];
+ /// Is the platform is accepting new members or not
+ pub NewMembershipsAllowed get(new_memberships_allowed) : bool = true;
+ pub ScreeningAuthority get(screening_authority) : Option<T::AccountId>;
+ // User Input Validation parameters - do these really need to be state variables
+ // I don't see a need to adjust these in future?
+ pub MinHandleLength get(min_handle_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MIN_HANDLE_LENGTH;
+ pub MaxHandleLength get(max_handle_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_HANDLE_LENGTH;
+ pub MaxAvatarUriLength get(max_avatar_uri_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_AVATAR_URI_LENGTH;
+ pub MaxAboutTextLength get(max_about_text_length) : u32 = DEFAULT_MAX_ABOUT_TEXT_LENGTH;
+ pub MembershipIdByActorInRole get(membership_id_by_actor_in_role): map ActorInRole<T::ActorId> => T::MemberId;
+ }
+ add_extra_genesis {
+ config(default_paid_membership_fee): BalanceOf<T>;
+ config(members) : Vec<(T::AccountId, String, String, String)>;
+ build(|config: &GenesisConfig<T>| {
+ for (who, handle, avatar_uri, about) in &config.members {
+ let user_info = CheckedUserInfo {
+ handle: handle.clone().into_bytes(), avatar_uri: avatar_uri.clone().into_bytes(), about: about.clone().into_bytes()
+ };
+ <Module<T>>::insert_member(&who, &user_info, EntryMethod::Genesis);
+ // Give member starting balance
+ T::Currency::deposit_creating(&who, T::InitialMembersBalance::get());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+decl_event! {
+ pub enum Event<T> where
+ <T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
+ <T as Trait>::MemberId,
+ <T as Trait>::ActorId, {
+ MemberRegistered(MemberId, AccountId),
+ MemberUpdatedAboutText(MemberId),
+ MemberUpdatedAvatar(MemberId),
+ MemberUpdatedHandle(MemberId),
+ MemberSetRootAccount(MemberId, AccountId),
+ MemberSetControllerAccount(MemberId, AccountId),
+ MemberRegisteredRole(MemberId, ActorInRole<ActorId>),
+ MemberUnregisteredRole(MemberId, ActorInRole<ActorId>),
+ }
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ fn deposit_event() = default;
+ /// Non-members can buy membership
+ pub fn buy_membership(origin, paid_terms_id: T::PaidTermId, user_info: UserInfo) {
+ let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ // make sure we are accepting new memberships
+ ensure!(Self::new_memberships_allowed(), "new members not allowed");
+ // ensure paid_terms_id is active
+ let terms = Self::ensure_active_terms_id(paid_terms_id)?;
+ // ensure enough free balance to cover terms fees
+ ensure!(T::Currency::can_slash(&who, terms.fee), "not enough balance to buy membership");
+ let user_info = Self::check_user_registration_info(user_info)?;
+ // ensure handle is not already registered
+ Self::ensure_unique_handle(&user_info.handle)?;
+ let _ = T::Currency::slash(&who, terms.fee);
+ let member_id = Self::insert_member(&who, &user_info, EntryMethod::Paid(paid_terms_id));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberRegistered(member_id, who));
+ }
+ /// Change member's about text
+ pub fn change_member_about_text(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, text: Vec<u8>) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.controller_account == sender, "only controller account can update member about text");
+ Self::_change_member_about_text(member_id, &text)?;
+ }
+ /// Change member's avatar
+ pub fn change_member_avatar(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, uri: Vec<u8>) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.controller_account == sender, "only controller account can update member avatar");
+ Self::_change_member_avatar(member_id, &uri)?;
+ }
+ /// Change member's handle. Will ensure new handle is unique and old one will be available
+ /// for other members to use.
+ pub fn change_member_handle(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, handle: Vec<u8>) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.controller_account == sender, "only controller account can update member handle");
+ Self::_change_member_handle(member_id, handle)?;
+ }
+ /// Update member's all or some of handle, avatar and about text.
+ pub fn update_profile(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, user_info: UserInfo) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.controller_account == sender, "only controller account can update member info");
+ if let Some(uri) = user_info.avatar_uri {
+ Self::_change_member_avatar(member_id, &uri)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(about) = user_info.about {
+ Self::_change_member_about_text(member_id, &about)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(handle) = user_info.handle {
+ Self::_change_member_handle(member_id, handle)?;
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_controller_account(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, new_controller_account: T::AccountId) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.root_account == sender, "only root account can set new controller account");
+ // only update if new_controller_account is different than current one
+ if profile.controller_account != new_controller_account {
+ <MemberIdsByControllerAccountId<T>>::mutate(&profile.controller_account, |ids| {
+ ids.retain(|id| *id != member_id);
+ });
+ <MemberIdsByControllerAccountId<T>>::mutate(&new_controller_account, |ids| {
+ ids.push(member_id);
+ });
+ profile.controller_account = new_controller_account.clone();
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(member_id, profile);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberSetControllerAccount(member_id, new_controller_account));
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_root_account(origin, member_id: T::MemberId, new_root_account: T::AccountId) {
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?;
+ ensure!(profile.root_account == sender, "only root account can set new root account");
+ // only update if new root account is different than current one
+ if profile.root_account != new_root_account {
+ <MemberIdsByRootAccountId<T>>::mutate(&profile.root_account, |ids| {
+ ids.retain(|id| *id != member_id);
+ });
+ <MemberIdsByRootAccountId<T>>::mutate(&new_root_account, |ids| {
+ ids.push(member_id);
+ });
+ profile.root_account = new_root_account.clone();
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberSetRootAccount(member_id, new_root_account));
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_screened_member(origin, new_member_account: T::AccountId, user_info: UserInfo) {
+ // ensure sender is screening authority
+ let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
+ if let Some(screening_authority) = Self::screening_authority() {
+ ensure!(sender == screening_authority, "not screener");
+ } else {
+ // no screening authority defined. Cannot accept this request
+ return Err("no screening authority defined");
+ }
+ // make sure we are accepting new memberships
+ ensure!(Self::new_memberships_allowed(), "new members not allowed");
+ let user_info = Self::check_user_registration_info(user_info)?;
+ // ensure handle is not already registered
+ Self::ensure_unique_handle(&user_info.handle)?;
+ let member_id = Self::insert_member(&new_member_account, &user_info, EntryMethod::Screening(sender));
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberRegistered(member_id, new_member_account));
+ }
+ pub fn set_screening_authority(origin, authority: T::AccountId) {
+ ensure_root(origin)?;
+ <ScreeningAuthority<T>>::put(authority);
+ }
+ }
+/// Reason why a given member id does not have a given account as the controller account.
+pub enum ControllerAccountForMemberCheckFailed {
+ NotMember,
+ NotControllerAccount,
+pub enum MemberControllerAccountDidNotSign {
+ UnsignedOrigin,
+ MemberIdInvalid,
+ SignerControllerAccountMismatch,
+pub enum MemberControllerAccountMismatch {
+ MemberIdInvalid,
+ SignerControllerAccountMismatch,
+pub enum MemberRootAccountMismatch {
+ MemberIdInvalid,
+ SignerRootAccountMismatch,
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ /// Provided that the memberid exists return its profile. Returns error otherwise.
+ pub fn ensure_profile(id: T::MemberId) -> Result<Profile<T>, &'static str> {
+ Self::member_profile(&id).ok_or("member profile not found")
+ }
+ /// Ensure that given member has given account as the controller account
+ pub fn ensure_is_controller_account_for_member(
+ member_id: &T::MemberId,
+ account: &T::AccountId,
+ ) -> Result<Profile<T>, ControllerAccountForMemberCheckFailed> {
+ if MemberProfile::<T>::exists(member_id) {
+ let profile = MemberProfile::<T>::get(member_id).unwrap();
+ if profile.controller_account == *account {
+ Ok(profile)
+ } else {
+ Err(ControllerAccountForMemberCheckFailed::NotControllerAccount)
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(ControllerAccountForMemberCheckFailed::NotMember)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns true if account is either a member's root or controller account
+ pub fn is_member_account(who: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
+ <MemberIdsByRootAccountId<T>>::exists(who)
+ || <MemberIdsByControllerAccountId<T>>::exists(who)
+ }
+ fn ensure_active_terms_id(
+ terms_id: T::PaidTermId,
+ ) -> Result<PaidMembershipTerms<T>, &'static str> {
+ let active_terms = Self::active_paid_membership_terms();
+ ensure!(
+ active_terms.iter().any(|&id| id == terms_id),
+ "paid terms id not active"
+ );
+ let terms = Self::paid_membership_terms_by_id(terms_id)
+ .ok_or("paid membership term id does not exist")?;
+ Ok(terms)
+ }
+ #[allow(clippy::ptr_arg)] // cannot change to the "&[u8]" suggested by clippy
+ fn ensure_unique_handle(handle: &Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(!<Handles<T>>::exists(handle), "handle already registered");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_handle(handle: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ handle.len() >= Self::min_handle_length() as usize,
+ "handle too short"
+ );
+ ensure!(
+ handle.len() <= Self::max_handle_length() as usize,
+ "handle too long"
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_text(text: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut text = text.to_owned();
+ text.truncate(Self::max_about_text_length() as usize);
+ text
+ }
+ fn validate_avatar(uri: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ ensure!(
+ uri.len() <= Self::max_avatar_uri_length() as usize,
+ "avatar uri too long"
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Basic user input validation
+ fn check_user_registration_info(user_info: UserInfo) -> Result<CheckedUserInfo, &'static str> {
+ // Handle is required during registration
+ let handle = user_info
+ .handle
+ .ok_or("handle must be provided during registration")?;
+ Self::validate_handle(&handle)?;
+ let about = Self::validate_text(&user_info.about.unwrap_or_default());
+ let avatar_uri = user_info.avatar_uri.unwrap_or_default();
+ Self::validate_avatar(&avatar_uri)?;
+ Ok(CheckedUserInfo {
+ handle,
+ avatar_uri,
+ about,
+ })
+ }
+ fn insert_member(
+ who: &T::AccountId,
+ user_info: &CheckedUserInfo,
+ entry_method: EntryMethod<T>,
+ ) -> T::MemberId {
+ let new_member_id = Self::members_created();
+ let profile: Profile<T> = Profile {
+ handle: user_info.handle.clone(),
+ avatar_uri: user_info.avatar_uri.clone(),
+ about: user_info.about.clone(),
+ registered_at_block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
+ registered_at_time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
+ entry: entry_method,
+ suspended: false,
+ subscription: None,
+ root_account: who.clone(),
+ controller_account: who.clone(),
+ roles: ActorInRoleSet::new(),
+ };
+ <MemberIdsByRootAccountId<T>>::mutate(who, |ids| {
+ ids.push(new_member_id);
+ });
+ <MemberIdsByControllerAccountId<T>>::mutate(who, |ids| {
+ ids.push(new_member_id);
+ });
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(new_member_id, profile);
+ <Handles<T>>::insert(user_info.handle.clone(), new_member_id);
+ <NextMemberId<T>>::put(new_member_id + One::one());
+ new_member_id
+ }
+ fn _change_member_about_text(id: T::MemberId, text: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(id)?;
+ let text = Self::validate_text(text);
+ profile.about = text;
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberUpdatedAboutText(id));
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(id, profile);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn _change_member_avatar(id: T::MemberId, uri: &[u8]) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(id)?;
+ Self::validate_avatar(uri)?;
+ profile.avatar_uri = uri.to_owned();
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberUpdatedAvatar(id));
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(id, profile);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn _change_member_handle(id: T::MemberId, handle: Vec<u8>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(id)?;
+ Self::validate_handle(&handle)?;
+ Self::ensure_unique_handle(&handle)?;
+ <Handles<T>>::remove(&profile.handle);
+ <Handles<T>>::insert(handle.clone(), id);
+ profile.handle = handle;
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberUpdatedHandle(id));
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(id, profile);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Determines if the signing account is a controller account of a member that has the registered
+ /// actor_in_role.
+ pub fn key_can_sign_for_role(
+ signing_account: &T::AccountId,
+ actor_in_role: ActorInRole<T::ActorId>,
+ ) -> bool {
+ Self::member_ids_by_controller_account_id(signing_account)
+ .iter()
+ .any(|member_id| {
+ let profile = Self::member_profile(member_id).unwrap(); // must exist
+ profile.roles.has_registered_role(&actor_in_role)
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns true if member identified by their member id occupies a Role at least once
+ pub fn member_is_in_role(member_id: T::MemberId, role: Role) -> bool {
+ Self::ensure_profile(member_id)
+ .ok()
+ .map_or(false, |profile| profile.roles.occupies_role(role))
+ }
+ pub fn ensure_member_controller_account_signed(
+ origin: T::Origin,
+ member_id: &T::MemberId,
+ ) -> Result<T::AccountId, MemberControllerAccountDidNotSign> {
+ // Ensure transaction is signed.
+ let signer_account =
+ ensure_signed(origin).map_err(|_| MemberControllerAccountDidNotSign::UnsignedOrigin)?;
+ // Ensure member exists
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(*member_id)
+ .map_err(|_| MemberControllerAccountDidNotSign::MemberIdInvalid)?;
+ ensure!(
+ profile.controller_account == signer_account,
+ MemberControllerAccountDidNotSign::SignerControllerAccountMismatch
+ );
+ Ok(signer_account)
+ }
+ pub fn ensure_member_controller_account(
+ signer_account: &T::AccountId,
+ member_id: &T::MemberId,
+ ) -> Result<(), MemberControllerAccountMismatch> {
+ // Ensure member exists
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(*member_id)
+ .map_err(|_| MemberControllerAccountMismatch::MemberIdInvalid)?;
+ ensure!(
+ profile.controller_account == *signer_account,
+ MemberControllerAccountMismatch::SignerControllerAccountMismatch
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn ensure_member_root_account(
+ signer_account: &T::AccountId,
+ member_id: &T::MemberId,
+ ) -> Result<(), MemberRootAccountMismatch> {
+ // Ensure member exists
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(*member_id)
+ .map_err(|_| MemberRootAccountMismatch::MemberIdInvalid)?;
+ ensure!(
+ profile.root_account == *signer_account,
+ MemberRootAccountMismatch::SignerRootAccountMismatch
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // policy across all roles is:
+ // members can only occupy a role at most once at a time
+ // members can enter any role
+ // no limit on total number of roles a member can enter
+ // ** Note ** Role specific policies should be enforced by the client modules
+ // this method should handle higher level policies
+ pub fn can_register_role_on_member(
+ member_id: &T::MemberId,
+ actor_in_role: &ActorInRole<T::ActorId>,
+ ) -> Result<Profile<T>, &'static str> {
+ // Ensure member exists
+ let profile = Self::ensure_profile(*member_id)?;
+ // ensure is active member
+ ensure!(!profile.suspended, "SuspendedMemberCannotEnterRole");
+ // guard against duplicate ActorInRole
+ ensure!(
+ !<MembershipIdByActorInRole<T>>::exists(actor_in_role),
+ "ActorInRoleAlreadyExists"
+ );
+ /*
+ Disabling this temporarily for Rome, later we will drop all this
+ integration with Membership module anyway:
+ https://github.com/Joystream/substrate-runtime-joystream/issues/115
+ ensure!(
+ !profile.roles.occupies_role(actor_in_role.role),
+ "MemberAlreadyInRole"
+ );
+ */
+ // Other possible checks:
+ // How long the member has been registered
+ // Minimum balance
+ // EntryMethod
+ Ok(profile)
+ }
+ pub fn register_role_on_member(
+ member_id: T::MemberId,
+ actor_in_role: &ActorInRole<T::ActorId>,
+ ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ // Policy check
+ let mut profile = Self::can_register_role_on_member(&member_id, actor_in_role)?;
+ assert!(profile.roles.register_role(actor_in_role));
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(member_id, profile);
+ <MembershipIdByActorInRole<T>>::insert(actor_in_role, member_id);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberRegisteredRole(member_id, *actor_in_role));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn can_unregister_role(actor_in_role: ActorInRole<T::ActorId>) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ ensure!(
+ <MembershipIdByActorInRole<T>>::exists(&actor_in_role),
+ "ActorInRoleNotFound"
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn unregister_role(actor_in_role: ActorInRole<T::ActorId>) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
+ Self::can_unregister_role(actor_in_role)?;
+ let member_id = <MembershipIdByActorInRole<T>>::get(actor_in_role);
+ let mut profile = Self::ensure_profile(member_id)?; // .expect().. ?
+ assert!(profile.roles.unregister_role(&actor_in_role));
+ <MembershipIdByActorInRole<T>>::remove(actor_in_role);
+ <MemberProfile<T>>::insert(member_id, profile);
+ Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::MemberUnregisteredRole(member_id, actor_in_role));
+ Ok(())
+ }