@@ -201,8 +201,12 @@ export class Api {
public async sendExtrinsicsAndGetResults(
// Extrinsics can be separated into batches in order to makes sure they are processed in specified order
+ // (each batch will only be processed after the previous one has been fully executed)
txs: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[] | SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[][],
- sender: AccountId | string | AccountId[] | string[]
+ sender: AccountId | string | AccountId[] | string[],
+ // Including decremental tip allows ensuring that the submitted transactions within a batch are processed in the expected order
+ // even when we're using different accounts
+ decrementalTipAmount = 0
): Promise<ISubmittableResult[]> {
let results: ISubmittableResult[] = []
const batches = (Array.isArray(txs[0]) ? txs : [txs]) as SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[][]
@@ -210,9 +214,14 @@ export class Api {
const batch = batches[i]
results = results.concat(
await Promise.all(
- batch.map((tx, j) =>
- this.sender.signAndSend(tx, Array.isArray(sender) ? sender[parseInt(i) * batch.length + j] : sender)
- )
+ batch.map((tx, j) => {
+ const tip = Array.isArray(sender) ? decrementalTipAmount * (batch.length - 1 - j) : 0
+ return this.sender.signAndSend(
+ tx,
+ Array.isArray(sender) ? sender[parseInt(i) * batch.length + j] : sender,
+ tip
+ )
+ })
@@ -314,7 +323,10 @@ export class Api {
public async prepareAccountsForFeeExpenses(
accountOrAccounts: string | string[],
- extrinsics: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[]
+ extrinsics: SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[],
+ // Including decremental tip allows ensuring that the submitted transactions are processed in the expected order
+ // even when we're using different accounts
+ decrementalTipAmount = 0
): Promise<void> {
const fees = await Promise.all(
extrinsics.map((tx, i) =>
@@ -323,7 +335,14 @@ export class Api {
if (Array.isArray(accountOrAccounts)) {
- await Promise.all(fees.map((fee, i) => this.treasuryTransferBalance(accountOrAccounts[i], fee)))
+ await Promise.all(
+ fees.map((fee, i) =>
+ this.treasuryTransferBalance(
+ accountOrAccounts[i],
+ fee.addn(decrementalTipAmount * (accountOrAccounts.length - 1 - i))
+ )
+ )
+ )
} else {
await this.treasuryTransferBalance(