@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
+#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
+use codec::Codec;
+use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
+use rstd::prelude::*;
+use runtime_primitives::traits::{MaybeSerialize, Member, SimpleArithmetic};
+use srml_support::{decl_module, decl_storage, dispatch, ensure, Parameter};
+use system;
+// EntityId, ClassId -> should be configured on versioned_store::Trait
+pub use versioned_store::{ClassId, ClassPropertyValue, EntityId, Property, PropertyValue};
+mod constraint;
+mod credentials;
+mod mock;
+mod operations;
+mod permissions;
+mod tests;
+pub use constraint::*;
+pub use credentials::*;
+pub use operations::*;
+pub use permissions::*;
+/// Trait for checking if an account has specified Credential
+pub trait CredentialChecker<T: Trait> {
+ fn account_has_credential(account: &T::AccountId, credential: T::Credential) -> bool;
+/// An implementation where no account has any credential. Effectively
+/// only the system will be able to perform any action on the versioned store.
+impl<T: Trait> CredentialChecker<T> for () {
+ fn account_has_credential(_account: &T::AccountId, _credential: T::Credential) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+/// An implementation that calls into multiple checkers. This allows for multiple modules
+/// to maintain AccountId to Credential mappings.
+impl<T: Trait, X: CredentialChecker<T>, Y: CredentialChecker<T>> CredentialChecker<T> for (X, Y) {
+ fn account_has_credential(account: &T::AccountId, group: T::Credential) -> bool {
+ X::account_has_credential(account, group) || Y::account_has_credential(account, group)
+ }
+/// Trait for externally checking if an account can create new classes in the versioned store.
+pub trait CreateClassPermissionsChecker<T: Trait> {
+ fn account_can_create_class_permissions(account: &T::AccountId) -> bool;
+/// An implementation that does not permit any account to create classes. Effectively
+/// only the system can create classes.
+impl<T: Trait> CreateClassPermissionsChecker<T> for () {
+ fn account_can_create_class_permissions(_account: &T::AccountId) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
+pub type ClassPermissionsType<T> =
+ ClassPermissions<ClassId, <T as Trait>::Credential, u16, <T as system::Trait>::BlockNumber>;
+pub trait Trait: system::Trait + versioned_store::Trait {
+ // type Event: ...
+ // Do we need Events?
+ /// Type that represents an actor or group of actors in the system.
+ type Credential: Parameter
+ + Member
+ + SimpleArithmetic
+ + Codec
+ + Default
+ + Copy
+ + Clone
+ + MaybeSerialize
+ + Eq
+ + PartialEq
+ + Ord;
+ /// External type for checking if an account has specified credential.
+ type CredentialChecker: CredentialChecker<Self>;
+ /// External type used to check if an account has permission to create new Classes.
+ type CreateClassPermissionsChecker: CreateClassPermissionsChecker<Self>;
+decl_storage! {
+ trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as VersionedStorePermissions {
+ /// ClassPermissions of corresponding Classes in the versioned store
+ pub ClassPermissionsByClassId get(class_permissions_by_class_id): linked_map ClassId => ClassPermissionsType<T>;
+ /// Owner of an entity in the versioned store. If it is None then it is owned by the system.
+ pub EntityMaintainerByEntityId get(entity_maintainer_by_entity_id): linked_map EntityId => Option<T::Credential>;
+ }
+decl_module! {
+ pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
+ /// Sets the admins for a class
+ fn set_class_admins(
+ origin,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ admins: CredentialSet<T::Credential>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ None,
+ Self::is_system, // root origin
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.admins = admins;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ // Methods for updating concrete permissions
+ fn set_class_entity_permissions(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ entity_permissions: EntityPermissions<T::Credential>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ ClassPermissions::is_admin,
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.entity_permissions = entity_permissions;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ fn set_class_entities_can_be_created(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ can_be_created: bool
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ ClassPermissions::is_admin,
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.entities_can_be_created = can_be_created;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ fn set_class_add_schemas_set(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ credential_set: CredentialSet<T::Credential>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ ClassPermissions::is_admin,
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.add_schemas = credential_set;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ fn set_class_create_entities_set(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ credential_set: CredentialSet<T::Credential>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ ClassPermissions::is_admin,
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.create_entities = credential_set;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ fn set_class_reference_constraint(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ constraint: ReferenceConstraint<ClassId, u16>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::mutate_class_permissions(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ ClassPermissions::is_admin,
+ class_id,
+ |class_permissions| {
+ class_permissions.reference_constraint = constraint;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ // Setting a new maintainer for an entity may require having additional constraints.
+ // So for now it is disabled.
+ // pub fn set_entity_maintainer(
+ // origin,
+ // entity_id: EntityId,
+ // new_maintainer: Option<T::Credential>
+ // ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // ensure_root(origin)?;
+ // // ensure entity exists in the versioned store
+ // let _ = Self::get_class_id_by_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ // <EntityMaintainerByEntityId<T>>::mutate(entity_id, |maintainer| {
+ // *maintainer = new_maintainer;
+ // });
+ // Ok(())
+ // }
+ // Permissioned proxy calls to versioned store
+ pub fn create_class(
+ origin,
+ name: Vec<u8>,
+ description: Vec<u8>,
+ class_permissions: ClassPermissionsType<T>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ let can_create_class = match raw_origin {
+ system::RawOrigin::Root => true,
+ system::RawOrigin::Signed(sender) => {
+ T::CreateClassPermissionsChecker::account_can_create_class_permissions(&sender)
+ },
+ _ => false
+ };
+ if can_create_class {
+ let class_id = <versioned_store::Module<T>>::create_class(name, description)?;
+ // is there a need to assert class_id is unique?
+ <ClassPermissionsByClassId<T>>::insert(&class_id, class_permissions);
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err("NotPermittedToCreateClass")
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn create_class_with_default_permissions(
+ origin,
+ name: Vec<u8>,
+ description: Vec<u8>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ Self::create_class(origin, name, description, ClassPermissions::default())
+ }
+ pub fn add_class_schema(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ existing_properties: Vec<u16>,
+ new_properties: Vec<Property>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::if_class_permissions_satisfied(
+ &raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ None,
+ ClassPermissions::can_add_class_schema,
+ class_id,
+ |_class_permissions, _access_level| {
+ // If a new property points at another class,
+ // at this point we don't enforce anything about reference constraints
+ // because of the chicken and egg problem. Instead enforcement is done
+ // at the time of creating an entity.
+ let _schema_index = <versioned_store::Module<T>>::add_class_schema(class_id, existing_properties, new_properties)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ /// Creates a new entity of type class_id. The maintainer is set to be either None if the origin is root, or the provided credential
+ /// associated with signer.
+ pub fn create_entity(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ let _entity_id = Self::do_create_entity(&raw_origin, with_credential, class_id)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn add_schema_support_to_entity(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: bool,
+ entity_id: EntityId,
+ schema_id: u16, // Do not type alias u16!! - u16,
+ property_values: Vec<ClassPropertyValue>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::do_add_schema_support_to_entity(&raw_origin, with_credential, as_entity_maintainer, entity_id, schema_id, property_values)
+ }
+ pub fn update_entity_property_values(
+ origin,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: bool,
+ entity_id: EntityId,
+ property_values: Vec<ClassPropertyValue>
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ Self::do_update_entity_property_values(&raw_origin, with_credential, as_entity_maintainer, entity_id, property_values)
+ }
+ pub fn transaction(origin, operations: Vec<Operation<T::Credential>>) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // This map holds the EntityId of the entity created as a result of executing a CreateEntity Operation
+ // keyed by the indexed of the operation, in the operations vector.
+ let mut entity_created_in_operation: BTreeMap<usize, EntityId> = BTreeMap::new();
+ let raw_origin = Self::ensure_root_or_signed(origin)?;
+ for (op_index, operation) in operations.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ match operation.operation_type {
+ OperationType::CreateEntity(create_entity_operation) => {
+ let entity_id = Self::do_create_entity(&raw_origin, operation.with_credential, create_entity_operation.class_id)?;
+ entity_created_in_operation.insert(op_index, entity_id);
+ },
+ OperationType::UpdatePropertyValues(update_property_values_operation) => {
+ let entity_id = operations::parametrized_entity_to_entity_id(&entity_created_in_operation, update_property_values_operation.entity_id)?;
+ let property_values = operations::parametrized_property_values_to_property_values(&entity_created_in_operation, update_property_values_operation.new_parametrized_property_values)?;
+ Self::do_update_entity_property_values(&raw_origin, operation.with_credential, operation.as_entity_maintainer, entity_id, property_values)?;
+ },
+ OperationType::AddSchemaSupportToEntity(add_schema_support_to_entity_operation) => {
+ let entity_id = operations::parametrized_entity_to_entity_id(&entity_created_in_operation, add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.entity_id)?;
+ let schema_id = add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.schema_id;
+ let property_values = operations::parametrized_property_values_to_property_values(&entity_created_in_operation, add_schema_support_to_entity_operation.parametrized_property_values)?;
+ Self::do_add_schema_support_to_entity(&raw_origin, operation.with_credential, operation.as_entity_maintainer, entity_id, schema_id, property_values)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
+ fn ensure_root_or_signed(
+ origin: T::Origin,
+ ) -> Result<system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>, &'static str> {
+ match origin.into() {
+ Ok(system::RawOrigin::Root) => Ok(system::RawOrigin::Root),
+ Ok(system::RawOrigin::Signed(account_id)) => Ok(system::RawOrigin::Signed(account_id)),
+ _ => Err("BadOrigin:ExpectedRootOrSigned"),
+ }
+ }
+ fn do_create_entity(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ ) -> Result<EntityId, &'static str> {
+ Self::if_class_permissions_satisfied(
+ raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ None,
+ ClassPermissions::can_create_entity,
+ class_id,
+ |_class_permissions, access_level| {
+ let entity_id = <versioned_store::Module<T>>::create_entity(class_id)?;
+ // Note: mutating value to None is equivalient to removing the value from storage map
+ <EntityMaintainerByEntityId<T>>::mutate(
+ entity_id,
+ |maintainer| match access_level {
+ AccessLevel::System => *maintainer = None,
+ AccessLevel::Credential(credential) => *maintainer = Some(*credential),
+ _ => *maintainer = None,
+ },
+ );
+ Ok(entity_id)
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ fn do_update_entity_property_values(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: bool,
+ entity_id: EntityId,
+ property_values: Vec<ClassPropertyValue>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ let class_id = Self::get_class_id_by_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ Self::ensure_internal_property_values_permitted(class_id, &property_values)?;
+ let as_entity_maintainer = if as_entity_maintainer {
+ Some(entity_id)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Self::if_class_permissions_satisfied(
+ raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ as_entity_maintainer,
+ ClassPermissions::can_update_entity,
+ class_id,
+ |_class_permissions, _access_level| {
+ <versioned_store::Module<T>>::update_entity_property_values(
+ entity_id,
+ property_values,
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ fn do_add_schema_support_to_entity(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: bool,
+ entity_id: EntityId,
+ schema_id: u16,
+ property_values: Vec<ClassPropertyValue>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ // class id of the entity being updated
+ let class_id = Self::get_class_id_by_entity_id(entity_id)?;
+ Self::ensure_internal_property_values_permitted(class_id, &property_values)?;
+ let as_entity_maintainer = if as_entity_maintainer {
+ Some(entity_id)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Self::if_class_permissions_satisfied(
+ raw_origin,
+ with_credential,
+ as_entity_maintainer,
+ ClassPermissions::can_update_entity,
+ class_id,
+ |_class_permissions, _access_level| {
+ <versioned_store::Module<T>>::add_schema_support_to_entity(
+ entity_id,
+ schema_id,
+ property_values,
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ /// Derives the AccessLevel the caller is attempting to act with.
+ /// It expects only signed or root origin.
+ fn derive_access_level(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: Option<EntityId>,
+ ) -> Result<AccessLevel<T::Credential>, &'static str> {
+ match raw_origin {
+ system::RawOrigin::Root => Ok(AccessLevel::System),
+ system::RawOrigin::Signed(account_id) => {
+ if let Some(credential) = with_credential {
+ if T::CredentialChecker::account_has_credential(&account_id, credential) {
+ if let Some(entity_id) = as_entity_maintainer {
+ // is entity maintained by system
+ ensure!(
+ <EntityMaintainerByEntityId<T>>::exists(entity_id),
+ "NotEnityMaintainer"
+ );
+ // ensure entity maintainer matches
+ match Self::entity_maintainer_by_entity_id(entity_id) {
+ Some(maintainer_credential)
+ if credential == maintainer_credential =>
+ {
+ Ok(AccessLevel::EntityMaintainer)
+ }
+ _ => Err("NotEnityMaintainer"),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Ok(AccessLevel::Credential(credential))
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err("OriginCannotActWithRequestedCredential")
+ }
+ } else {
+ Ok(AccessLevel::Unspecified)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => Err("BadOrigin:ExpectedRootOrSigned"),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the stored class permissions if exist, error otherwise.
+ fn ensure_class_permissions(
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ ) -> Result<ClassPermissionsType<T>, &'static str> {
+ ensure!(
+ <ClassPermissionsByClassId<T>>::exists(class_id),
+ "ClassPermissionsNotFoundByClassId"
+ );
+ Ok(Self::class_permissions_by_class_id(class_id))
+ }
+ /// Derives the access level of the caller.
+ /// If the predicate passes, the mutate method is invoked.
+ fn mutate_class_permissions<Predicate, Mutate>(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ // predicate to test
+ predicate: Predicate,
+ // class permissions to perform mutation on if it exists
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ // actual mutation to apply.
+ mutate: Mutate,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result
+ where
+ Predicate:
+ FnOnce(&ClassPermissionsType<T>, &AccessLevel<T::Credential>) -> dispatch::Result,
+ Mutate: FnOnce(&mut ClassPermissionsType<T>) -> dispatch::Result,
+ {
+ let access_level = Self::derive_access_level(raw_origin, with_credential, None)?;
+ let mut class_permissions = Self::ensure_class_permissions(class_id)?;
+ predicate(&class_permissions, &access_level)?;
+ mutate(&mut class_permissions)?;
+ class_permissions.last_permissions_update = <system::Module<T>>::block_number();
+ <ClassPermissionsByClassId<T>>::insert(class_id, class_permissions);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn is_system(
+ _: &ClassPermissionsType<T>,
+ access_level: &AccessLevel<T::Credential>,
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ if *access_level == AccessLevel::System {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err("NotRootOrigin")
+ }
+ }
+ /// Derives the access level of the caller.
+ /// If the peridcate passes the callback is invoked. Returns result of the callback
+ /// or error from failed predicate.
+ fn if_class_permissions_satisfied<Predicate, Callback, R>(
+ raw_origin: &system::RawOrigin<T::AccountId>,
+ with_credential: Option<T::Credential>,
+ as_entity_maintainer: Option<EntityId>,
+ // predicate to test
+ predicate: Predicate,
+ // class permissions to test
+ class_id: ClassId,
+ // callback to invoke if predicate passes
+ callback: Callback,
+ ) -> Result<R, &'static str>
+ where
+ Predicate:
+ FnOnce(&ClassPermissionsType<T>, &AccessLevel<T::Credential>) -> dispatch::Result,
+ Callback: FnOnce(
+ &ClassPermissionsType<T>,
+ &AccessLevel<T::Credential>,
+ ) -> Result<R, &'static str>,
+ {
+ let access_level =
+ Self::derive_access_level(raw_origin, with_credential, as_entity_maintainer)?;
+ let class_permissions = Self::ensure_class_permissions(class_id)?;
+ predicate(&class_permissions, &access_level)?;
+ callback(&class_permissions, &access_level)
+ }
+ fn get_class_id_by_entity_id(entity_id: EntityId) -> Result<ClassId, &'static str> {
+ // use a utility method on versioned_store module
+ ensure!(
+ versioned_store::EntityById::exists(entity_id),
+ "EntityNotFound"
+ );
+ let entity = <versioned_store::Module<T>>::entity_by_id(entity_id);
+ Ok(entity.class_id)
+ }
+ // Ensures property_values of type Internal that point to a class,
+ // the target entity and class exists and constraint allows it.
+ fn ensure_internal_property_values_permitted(
+ source_class_id: ClassId,
+ property_values: &[ClassPropertyValue],
+ ) -> dispatch::Result {
+ for property_value in property_values.iter() {
+ if let PropertyValue::Internal(ref target_entity_id) = property_value.value {
+ // get the class permissions for target class
+ let target_class_id = Self::get_class_id_by_entity_id(*target_entity_id)?;
+ // assert class permissions exists for target class
+ let class_permissions = Self::class_permissions_by_class_id(target_class_id);
+ // ensure internal reference is permitted
+ match class_permissions.reference_constraint {
+ ReferenceConstraint::NoConstraint => Ok(()),
+ ReferenceConstraint::NoReferencingAllowed => {
+ Err("EntityCannotReferenceTargetEntity")
+ }
+ ReferenceConstraint::Restricted(permitted_properties) => {
+ if permitted_properties.contains(&PropertyOfClass {
+ class_id: source_class_id,
+ property_index: property_value.in_class_index,
+ }) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err("EntityCannotReferenceTargetEntity")
+ }
+ }
+ }?;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we reach here all Internal properties have passed the constraint check
+ Ok(())
+ }