@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
+import { EventContext, StoreContext, DatabaseManager, SubstrateEvent } from '@dzlzv/hydra-common'
+import { bytesToString, deserializeMetadata, genericEventFields, getWorker } from './common'
+import {
+ CategoryCreatedEvent,
+ CategoryStatusActive,
+ CategoryUpdatedEvent,
+ ForumCategory,
+ Worker,
+ CategoryStatusArchived,
+ CategoryDeletedEvent,
+ CategoryStatusRemoved,
+ ThreadCreatedEvent,
+ ForumThread,
+ Membership,
+ ThreadStatusActive,
+ ForumPoll,
+ ForumPollAlternative,
+ ThreadModeratedEvent,
+ ThreadStatusModerated,
+ ThreadTitleUpdatedEvent,
+ ThreadDeletedEvent,
+ ThreadStatusLocked,
+ ThreadStatusRemoved,
+ ThreadMovedEvent,
+ ForumPost,
+ PostStatusActive,
+ PostOriginThreadInitial,
+ VoteOnPollEvent,
+ PostAddedEvent,
+ PostStatusLocked,
+ PostOriginThreadReply,
+ CategoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent,
+ CategoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent,
+ PostModeratedEvent,
+ PostStatusModerated,
+ ForumPostReaction,
+ PostReaction,
+ PostReactedEvent,
+ PostReactionResult,
+ PostReactionResultCancel,
+ PostReactionResultValid,
+ PostReactionResultInvalid,
+ PostTextUpdatedEvent,
+ PostDeletedEvent,
+ PostStatusRemoved,
+} from 'query-node/dist/model'
+import { Forum } from './generated/types'
+import { PostReactionId, PrivilegedActor } from '@joystream/types/augment/all'
+import { ForumPostMetadata, ForumPostReaction as SupportedPostReactions } from '@joystream/metadata-protobuf'
+import { Not, In } from 'typeorm'
+async function getCategory(store: DatabaseManager, categoryId: string, relations?: string[]): Promise<ForumCategory> {
+ const category = await store.get(ForumCategory, { where: { id: categoryId }, relations })
+ if (!category) {
+ throw new Error(`Forum category not found by id: ${categoryId}`)
+ }
+ return category
+async function getThread(store: DatabaseManager, threadId: string): Promise<ForumThread> {
+ const thread = await store.get(ForumThread, { where: { id: threadId } })
+ if (!thread) {
+ throw new Error(`Forum thread not found by id: ${threadId.toString()}`)
+ }
+ return thread
+async function getPost(store: DatabaseManager, postId: string): Promise<ForumPost> {
+ const post = await store.get(ForumPost, { where: { id: postId } })
+ if (!post) {
+ throw new Error(`Forum post not found by id: ${postId.toString()}`)
+ }
+ return post
+async function getPollAlternative(store: DatabaseManager, threadId: string, index: number) {
+ const poll = await store.get(ForumPoll, { where: { thread: { id: threadId } }, relations: ['pollAlternatives'] })
+ if (!poll) {
+ throw new Error(`Forum poll not found by threadId: ${threadId.toString()}`)
+ }
+ const pollAlternative = poll.pollAlternatives?.find((alt) => alt.index === index)
+ if (!pollAlternative) {
+ throw new Error(`Froum poll alternative not found by index ${index} in thread ${threadId.toString()}`)
+ }
+ return pollAlternative
+async function getActorWorker(store: DatabaseManager, actor: PrivilegedActor): Promise<Worker> {
+ const worker = await store.get(Worker, {
+ where: {
+ group: { id: 'forumWorkingGroup' },
+ ...(actor.isLead ? { isLead: true } : { runtimeId: actor.asModerator.toNumber() }),
+ },
+ relations: ['group'],
+ })
+ if (!worker) {
+ throw new Error(`Corresponding worker not found by forum PrivielagedActor: ${JSON.stringify(actor.toHuman())}`)
+ }
+ return worker
+// Get standarized PostReactionResult by PostReactionId
+function parseReaction(reactionId: PostReactionId): typeof PostReactionResult {
+ switch (reactionId.toNumber()) {
+ case SupportedPostReactions.Reaction.CANCEL: {
+ return new PostReactionResultCancel()
+ }
+ case SupportedPostReactions.Reaction.LIKE: {
+ const result = new PostReactionResultValid()
+ result.reaction = PostReaction.LIKE
+ result.reactionId = reactionId.toNumber()
+ return result
+ }
+ default: {
+ console.warn(`Invalid post reaction id: ${reactionId.toString()}`)
+ const result = new PostReactionResultInvalid()
+ result.reactionId = reactionId.toNumber()
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+export async function forum_CategoryCreated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [categoryId, parentCategoryId, titleBytes, descriptionBytes] = new Forum.CategoryCreatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const category = new ForumCategory({
+ id: categoryId.toString(),
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ title: bytesToString(titleBytes),
+ description: bytesToString(descriptionBytes),
+ status: new CategoryStatusActive(),
+ parent: parentCategoryId.isSome ? new ForumCategory({ id: parentCategoryId.unwrap().toString() }) : undefined,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumCategory>(category)
+ const categoryCreatedEvent = new CategoryCreatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ category,
+ })
+ await store.save<CategoryCreatedEvent>(categoryCreatedEvent)
+export async function forum_CategoryUpdated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [categoryId, newArchivalStatus, privilegedActor] = new Forum.CategoryUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const category = await getCategory(store, categoryId.toString())
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const categoryUpdatedEvent = new CategoryUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ category,
+ newArchivalStatus: newArchivalStatus.valueOf(),
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ })
+ await store.save<CategoryUpdatedEvent>(categoryUpdatedEvent)
+ if (newArchivalStatus.valueOf()) {
+ const status = new CategoryStatusArchived()
+ status.categoryUpdatedEventId = categoryUpdatedEvent.id
+ category.status = status
+ } else {
+ category.status = new CategoryStatusActive()
+ }
+ category.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<ForumCategory>(category)
+export async function forum_CategoryDeleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [categoryId, privilegedActor] = new Forum.CategoryDeletedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const category = await getCategory(store, categoryId.toString())
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const categoryDeletedEvent = new CategoryDeletedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ category,
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ })
+ await store.save<CategoryDeletedEvent>(categoryDeletedEvent)
+ const newStatus = new CategoryStatusRemoved()
+ newStatus.categoryDeletedEventId = categoryDeletedEvent.id
+ category.updatedAt = eventTime
+ category.status = newStatus
+ await store.save<ForumCategory>(category)
+export async function forum_ThreadCreated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const { forumUserId, categoryId, title, text, poll } = new Forum.CreateThreadCall(event).args
+ const [threadId] = new Forum.ThreadCreatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const author = new Membership({ id: forumUserId.toString() })
+ const thread = new ForumThread({
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ id: threadId.toString(),
+ author,
+ category: new ForumCategory({ id: categoryId.toString() }),
+ title: bytesToString(title),
+ isSticky: false,
+ status: new ThreadStatusActive(),
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(thread)
+ if (poll.isSome) {
+ const threadPoll = new ForumPoll({
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ description: bytesToString(poll.unwrap().description_hash), // FIXME: This should be raw description!
+ endTime: new Date(poll.unwrap().end_time.toNumber()),
+ thread,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumPoll>(threadPoll)
+ await Promise.all(
+ poll.unwrap().poll_alternatives.map(async (alt, index) => {
+ const alternative = new ForumPollAlternative({
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ poll: threadPoll,
+ text: bytesToString(alt.alternative_text_hash), // FIXME: This should be raw text!
+ index,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumPollAlternative>(alternative)
+ })
+ )
+ }
+ const threadCreatedEvent = new ThreadCreatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ thread,
+ title: bytesToString(title),
+ text: bytesToString(text),
+ })
+ await store.save<ThreadCreatedEvent>(threadCreatedEvent)
+ const postOrigin = new PostOriginThreadInitial()
+ postOrigin.threadCreatedEventId = threadCreatedEvent.id
+ const initialPost = new ForumPost({
+ // FIXME: The postId is unknown
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ author,
+ thread,
+ text: bytesToString(text),
+ status: new PostStatusActive(),
+ origin: postOrigin,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(initialPost)
+export async function forum_ThreadModerated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [threadId, rationaleBytes, privilegedActor] = new Forum.ThreadModeratedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const thread = await getThread(store, threadId.toString())
+ const threadModeratedEvent = new ThreadModeratedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ thread,
+ rationale: bytesToString(rationaleBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<ThreadModeratedEvent>(threadModeratedEvent)
+ const newStatus = new ThreadStatusModerated()
+ newStatus.threadModeratedEventId = threadModeratedEvent.id
+ thread.updatedAt = eventTime
+ thread.status = newStatus
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(thread)
+export async function forum_ThreadTitleUpdated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [threadId, , , newTitleBytes] = new Forum.ThreadTitleUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const thread = await getThread(store, threadId.toString())
+ const threadTitleUpdatedEvent = new ThreadTitleUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ thread,
+ newTitle: bytesToString(newTitleBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<ThreadTitleUpdatedEvent>(threadTitleUpdatedEvent)
+ thread.updatedAt = eventTime
+ thread.title = bytesToString(newTitleBytes)
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(thread)
+export async function forum_ThreadDeleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [threadId, , , hide] = new Forum.ThreadDeletedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const thread = await getThread(store, threadId.toString())
+ const threadDeletedEvent = new ThreadDeletedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ thread,
+ })
+ await store.save<ThreadDeletedEvent>(threadDeletedEvent)
+ const status = hide.valueOf() ? new ThreadStatusRemoved() : new ThreadStatusLocked()
+ status.threadDeletedEventId = threadDeletedEvent.id
+ thread.status = status
+ thread.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(thread)
+export async function forum_ThreadMoved({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [threadId, newCategoryId, privilegedActor, oldCategoryId] = new Forum.ThreadMovedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const thread = await getThread(store, threadId.toString())
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const threadMovedEvent = new ThreadMovedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ thread,
+ oldCategory: new ForumCategory({ id: oldCategoryId.toString() }),
+ newCategory: new ForumCategory({ id: newCategoryId.toString() }),
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ })
+ await store.save<ThreadMovedEvent>(threadMovedEvent)
+ thread.updatedAt = eventTime
+ thread.category = new ForumCategory({ id: newCategoryId.toString() })
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(thread)
+export async function forum_VoteOnPoll({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [threadId, alternativeIndex, forumUserId] = new Forum.VoteOnPollEvent(event).params
+ const pollAlternative = await getPollAlternative(store, threadId.toString(), alternativeIndex.toNumber())
+ const votingMember = new Membership({ id: forumUserId.toString() })
+ const voteOnPollEvent = new VoteOnPollEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ pollAlternative,
+ votingMember,
+ })
+ await store.save<VoteOnPollEvent>(voteOnPollEvent)
+export async function forum_PostAdded({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [postId, forumUserId, , threadId, metadataBytes, isEditable] = new Forum.PostAddedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const metadata = deserializeMetadata(ForumPostMetadata, metadataBytes)
+ const postText = metadata ? metadata.text || '' : bytesToString(metadataBytes)
+ const repliesToPost =
+ typeof metadata?.repliesTo === 'number' &&
+ (await store.get(ForumPost, { where: { id: metadata.repliesTo.toString() } }))
+ const postStatus = isEditable.valueOf() ? new PostStatusActive() : new PostStatusLocked()
+ const postOrigin = new PostOriginThreadReply()
+ const post = new ForumPost({
+ id: postId.toString(),
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ text: postText,
+ thread: new ForumThread({ id: threadId.toString() }),
+ status: postStatus,
+ author: new Membership({ id: forumUserId.toString() }),
+ origin: postOrigin,
+ repliesTo: repliesToPost || undefined,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(post)
+ const postAddedEvent = new PostAddedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ post,
+ isEditable: isEditable.valueOf(),
+ text: postText,
+ })
+ await store.save<PostAddedEvent>(postAddedEvent)
+ // Update the other side of cross-relationship
+ postOrigin.postAddedEventId = postAddedEvent.id
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(post)
+export async function forum_CategoryStickyThreadUpdate({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [categoryId, newStickyThreadsIdsVec, privilegedActor] = new Forum.CategoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const newStickyThreadsIds = newStickyThreadsIdsVec.map((id) => id.toString())
+ const threadsToSetSticky = await store.getMany(ForumThread, {
+ where: { category: { id: categoryId.toString() }, id: In(newStickyThreadsIds) },
+ })
+ const threadsToUnsetSticky = await store.getMany(ForumThread, {
+ where: { category: { id: categoryId.toString() }, isSticky: true, id: Not(In(newStickyThreadsIds)) },
+ })
+ const setStickyUpdates = (threadsToSetSticky || []).map(async (t) => {
+ t.updatedAt = eventTime
+ t.isSticky = true
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(t)
+ })
+ const unsetStickyUpdates = (threadsToUnsetSticky || []).map(async (t) => {
+ t.updatedAt = eventTime
+ t.isSticky = false
+ await store.save<ForumThread>(t)
+ })
+ await Promise.all(setStickyUpdates.concat(unsetStickyUpdates))
+ const categoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent = new CategoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ category: new ForumCategory({ id: categoryId.toString() }),
+ newStickyThreads: threadsToSetSticky,
+ })
+ await store.save<CategoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent>(categoryStickyThreadUpdateEvent)
+export async function forum_CategoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdated(
+ store: DatabaseManager,
+ event: SubstrateEvent
+): Promise<void> {
+ const [moderatorId, categoryId, canModerate] = new Forum.CategoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const moderator = await getWorker(store, 'forumWorkingGroup', moderatorId.toNumber())
+ const category = await getCategory(store, categoryId.toString(), ['moderators'])
+ if (canModerate.valueOf()) {
+ category.moderators.push(moderator)
+ category.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<ForumCategory>(category)
+ } else {
+ category.moderators.splice(category.moderators.map((m) => m.id).indexOf(moderator.id), 1)
+ category.updatedAt = eventTime
+ await store.save<ForumCategory>(category)
+ }
+ const categoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent = new CategoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ category,
+ moderator,
+ newCanModerateValue: canModerate.valueOf(),
+ })
+ await store.save<CategoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent>(categoryMembershipOfModeratorUpdatedEvent)
+export async function forum_PostModerated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [postId, rationaleBytes, privilegedActor] = new Forum.PostModeratedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const actorWorker = await getActorWorker(store, privilegedActor)
+ const post = await getPost(store, postId.toString())
+ const postModeratedEvent = new PostModeratedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ actor: actorWorker,
+ post,
+ rationale: bytesToString(rationaleBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<PostModeratedEvent>(postModeratedEvent)
+ const newStatus = new PostStatusModerated()
+ newStatus.postModeratedEventId = postModeratedEvent.id
+ post.updatedAt = eventTime
+ post.status = newStatus
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(post)
+export async function forum_PostReacted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [userId, postId, reactionId] = new Forum.PostReactedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const reactionResult = parseReaction(reactionId)
+ const postReactedEvent = new PostReactedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ post: new ForumPost({ id: postId.toString() }),
+ reactingMember: new Membership({ id: userId.toString() }),
+ reactionResult,
+ })
+ await store.save<PostReactedEvent>(postReactedEvent)
+ const existingUserPostReaction = await store.get(ForumPostReaction, {
+ where: { post: { id: postId.toString() }, member: { id: userId.toString() } },
+ })
+ if (reactionResult.isTypeOf === 'PostReactionResultValid') {
+ const { reaction } = reactionResult as PostReactionResultValid
+ if (existingUserPostReaction) {
+ existingUserPostReaction.updatedAt = eventTime
+ existingUserPostReaction.reaction = reaction
+ await store.save<ForumPostReaction>(existingUserPostReaction)
+ } else {
+ const newUserPostReaction = new ForumPostReaction({
+ createdAt: eventTime,
+ updatedAt: eventTime,
+ post: new ForumPost({ id: postId.toString() }),
+ member: new Membership({ id: userId.toString() }),
+ reaction,
+ })
+ await store.save<ForumPostReaction>(newUserPostReaction)
+ }
+ } else if (existingUserPostReaction) {
+ await store.remove<ForumPostReaction>(existingUserPostReaction)
+ }
+export async function forum_PostTextUpdated({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [postId, , , , newTextBytes] = new Forum.PostTextUpdatedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const post = await getPost(store, postId.toString())
+ const postTextUpdatedEvent = new PostTextUpdatedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ post,
+ newText: bytesToString(newTextBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<PostTextUpdatedEvent>(postTextUpdatedEvent)
+ post.updatedAt = eventTime
+ post.text = bytesToString(newTextBytes)
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(post)
+export async function forum_PostDeleted({ event, store }: EventContext & StoreContext): Promise<void> {
+ const [rationaleBytes, userId, postsData] = new Forum.PostDeletedEvent(event).params
+ const eventTime = new Date(event.blockTimestamp)
+ const postDeletedEvent = new PostDeletedEvent({
+ ...genericEventFields(event),
+ actor: new Membership({ id: userId.toString() }),
+ rationale: bytesToString(rationaleBytes),
+ })
+ await store.save<PostDeletedEvent>(postDeletedEvent)
+ await Promise.all(
+ postsData.map(async ([, , postId, hideFlag]) => {
+ const post = await getPost(store, postId.toString())
+ const newStatus = hideFlag.valueOf() ? new PostStatusRemoved() : new PostStatusLocked()
+ newStatus.postDeletedEventId = postDeletedEvent.id
+ post.updatedAt = eventTime
+ post.status = newStatus
+ post.deletedInEvent = postDeletedEvent
+ await store.save<ForumPost>(post)
+ })
+ )