@@ -1,32 +1,158 @@
+Colossus v2
-Jostream storage subsystem.
+Joystream storage subsystem.
<!-- toc -->
+* [Description](#description)
+ * [API](#api)
+ * [Auth schema](#auth-schema-description)
+ * [CLI](#cli)
+ * [Metadata](#metadata)
+ * [Data](#data)
+ * [Uploading](#uploading)
+ * [Synchronization](#synchronization)
+ * [Distribution](#distribution)
+ * [Comments](#comments)
+* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
-* [Commands](#commands)
+ * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+ * [CLI Command](#cli-command)
+ * [Docker](#docker)
+* [CLI Commands](#cli-commands)
<!-- tocstop -->
+# Description
+The main responsibility of Colossus is handling media data for users. The data could be images, audio, or video files.
+Colossus receives uploads and saves files in the local folder, registers uploads in the blockchain, and later serves files
+to Argus nodes (distribution nodes). Colossus instances spread the data using peer-to-peer synchronization.
+On data uploading, clients should provide an authentication token to prevent abuse.
+Data management is blockchain-based, it relies on the concepts of buckets, bags, data objects.
+The full description of the blockchain smart contracts could be found [here](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/issues/2224).
+### API
+Colossus provides REST API for its clients and other Colossus instances. It's based on the OpenAPI Specification v3. Here is the complete [spec](./src/api-spec/openapi.yaml) (work in progress).
+API endpoints:
+- files
+ - get - get the data file by its ID
+ - head - get the data file headers by its ID
+ - post - upload a file (requires auth token)
+ - auth_token - returns auth token for uploading
+- state
+ - version - Colossus version and system environment
+ - all data objects IDs
+ - data objects IDs for bag
+ - data statistics - total data folder size and data object number
+### Auth schema description
+To reduce the possibility of abuse of the uploading endpoint we implemented a simple authentication schema. On each uploading attempt, the client should receive the auth token first and provide it as a special header. The token has an expiration time and cannot be reused. To receive such token the client should be part of the StorageWorkingGroup and have `WorkerId`.
+### CLI
+There is a command-line interface to manage Storage Working Group operations like create a bucket or change storage settings. Full description could be found [below](#cli-commands).
+There are several groups of command:
+- *leader* - manages the Storage Working group in the blockchain. Requires leader privileges.
+- *operator* - Storage Provider group - it manages data object uploads and storage provider metadata(endpoint is the most important). Requires active Storage Working group membership.
+- *dev* - development support commands. Requires development blockchain setup with Alice account.
+- *ungroupped* - server and help commands. `server` starts Colossus and `help` shows the full command list.
+### Metadata
+The storage provider should provide *metadata* for Colossus instance to be discoverable by other Colossus or
+Argus (distributor node) instances. At the very least an endpoint should be registered in the blockchain.
+For some complex scenarios, Colossus should provide its geolocation.
+Metadata could be registered using [operator:set-metadata](#storage-node-operatorset-metadata) command.
+A simple endpoint could be set using the `--endpoint` flag of the command. Complex metadata requires JSON file ([example](./scripts/operatorMetadata.json)).
+JSON file format based on the *protobuf* format described [here](../metadata-protobuf/proto/Storage.proto).
+### Data
+#### Uploading
+Colossus accepts files using its API. The data must be uploaded using POST http method with `multipart/form-data`.
+Simplified process:
+1. Get auth token using API endpoint
+ - sign data object info with private blockchain account key
+2. Upload file
+ - auth header decoding and verification
+ - accepting the data upload in the temp folder
+ - data hash & size verification
+ - moving the data to the data folder
+ - registering the data object as `accepted` in the blockchain
+#### Synchronization
+Several instances of Colossus should contain the data replica in order to provide some degree of reliability.
+When some Colossus instance receives the data upload it marks the related data object as `accepted`.
+Other instances that have the same obligations to store the data (they serve storage buckets assigned to the same bag)
+will eventually load this data object from the initial receiver (or some other node that already downloaded a new
+data object from the initial receiver) using REST API.
+#### Distribution
+The actual data distribution (serving to end-users) is done via Argus - the distributor node. It gets data from Colossus using the same `get` endpoint on a single data object basis.
+### Comments
+- Colossus relies on the [Query Node (Hydra)](https://www.joystream.org/hydra/) to get the blockchain data in a structured form.
+- Using Colossus as a functioning Storage Provider requires providing [account URI or key file and password](https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-accounts) as well as active `WorkerId` from the Storage Working group.
+# Installation
+# Ubuntu Linux
+# Install packages required for installation
+apt update
+apt install git curl
+# Clone the code repository
+git clone https://github.com/Joystream/joystream
+cd joystream
+# Install volta
+curl https://get.volta.sh | bash
+# Install project dependencies and build it
+yarn workspace @joystream/types build
+yarn workspace @joystream/metadata-protobuf build
+yarn workspace storage-node-v2 build
+# Verify installation
+cd storage-node-v2
+yarn storage-node version
# Usage
-<!-- usage -->
-$ npm install -g storage-node-v2
-$ storage-node COMMAND
-running command...
-$ storage-node (-v|--version|version)
-storage-node-v2/0.1.0 darwin-x64 node-v14.17.0
-$ storage-node --help [COMMAND]
- $ storage-node COMMAND
+$ yarn storage-node server --apiUrl ws://localhost:9944 -w 0 --accountUri //Alice -q localhost:8081 -o 3333 -d ~/uploads --sync
-<!-- usagestop -->
-# Commands
+### Prerequisites
+- accountURI or keyfile and password
+- workerId from the Storage working group that matches with the account above
+- Joystream Network validator URL
+- QueryNode URL
+- (optional) ElasticSearch URL
+- created directory for data uploading
+### CLI command
+ Full command description could be find [below](#storage-node-server).
+### Docker
+There is also an option to run Colossus as [Docker container](../colossus.Dockerfile).
+# CLI Commands
<!-- commands -->
* [`storage-node dev:init`](#storage-node-devinit)
* [`storage-node dev:multihash`](#storage-node-devmultihash)
@@ -39,17 +165,17 @@ USAGE
* [`storage-node leader:delete-bucket`](#storage-node-leaderdelete-bucket)
* [`storage-node leader:invite-operator`](#storage-node-leaderinvite-operator)
* [`storage-node leader:remove-operator`](#storage-node-leaderremove-operator)
-* [`storage-node leader:set-uploading-block`](#storage-node-leaderset-uploading-block)
+* [`storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits`](#storage-node-leaderset-bucket-limits)
+* [`storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status`](#storage-node-leaderset-global-uploading-status)
* [`storage-node leader:update-bag`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-bag)
* [`storage-node leader:update-bag-limit`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-bag-limit)
* [`storage-node leader:update-blacklist`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-blacklist)
+* [`storage-node leader:update-bucket-status`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-bucket-status)
* [`storage-node leader:update-data-fee`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-data-fee)
* [`storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-dynamic-bag-policy)
* [`storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits`](#storage-node-leaderupdate-voucher-limits)
* [`storage-node operator:accept-invitation`](#storage-node-operatoraccept-invitation)
-* [`storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits`](#storage-node-operatorset-bucket-limits)
* [`storage-node operator:set-metadata`](#storage-node-operatorset-metadata)
-* [`storage-node operator:update-bucket-status`](#storage-node-operatorupdate-bucket-status)
* [`storage-node server`](#storage-node-server)
## `storage-node dev:init`
@@ -61,14 +187,17 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node dev:init
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/init.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/init.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/dev/init.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/dev/init.ts)_
## `storage-node dev:multihash`
@@ -83,11 +212,11 @@ OPTIONS
-h, --help show CLI help
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/multihash.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/multihash.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/dev/multihash.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/dev/multihash.ts)_
## `storage-node dev:sync`
-Synchronizes data - it fixes the differences between local data folder and worker ID obligations from the runtime.
+Synchronizes the data - it fixes the differences between local data folder and worker ID obligations from the runtime.
@@ -107,7 +236,7 @@ OPTIONS
-w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage node operator worker ID.
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/sync.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/sync.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/dev/sync.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/dev/sync.ts)_
## `storage-node dev:upload`
@@ -118,16 +247,19 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node dev:upload
- -c, --cid=cid (required) Data object IPFS content ID.
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -s, --size=size (required) Data object size.
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -c, --cid=cid (required) Data object IPFS content ID.
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) Data object size.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/upload.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/upload.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/dev/upload.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/dev/upload.ts)_
## `storage-node dev:verify-bag-id`
@@ -142,33 +274,20 @@ OPTIONS
show CLI help
-i, --bagId=bagId
- (required)
- Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
- - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
- - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
- - Id:
- - absent for 'static:council'
- - working group name for 'static:wg'
- - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
- Examples:
- - static:council
- - static:wg:storage
- - dynamic:member:4
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile
- Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev
- Use development mode
- -p, --password=password
- Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl
- Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
+ - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
+ - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
+ - Id:
+ - absent for 'static:council'
+ - working group name for 'static:wg'
+ - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
+ Examples:
+ - static:council
+ - static:wg:storage
+ - dynamic:member:4
-_See code: [src/commands/dev/verify-bag-id.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/dev/verify-bag-id.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/dev/verify-bag-id.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/dev/verify-bag-id.ts)_
## `storage-node help [COMMAND]`
@@ -185,7 +304,7 @@ OPTIONS
--all see all commands in CLI
-_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-help/blob/v3.0.1/src/commands/help.ts)_
+_See code: [@oclif/plugin-help](https://github.com/oclif/plugin-help/blob/v3.2.2/src/commands/help.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:cancel-invite`
@@ -196,15 +315,18 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:cancel-invite
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/cancel-invite.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:create-bucket`
@@ -215,18 +337,21 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:create-bucket
- -a, --allow Accepts new bags
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --invited=invited Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID)
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -n, --number=number Storage bucket max total objects number
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -s, --size=size Storage bucket max total objects size
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -a, --allow Accepts new bags
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --invited=invited Invited storage operator ID (storage WG worker ID)
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number Storage bucket max total objects number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size Storage bucket max total objects size
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/create-bucket.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:delete-bucket`
@@ -237,15 +362,18 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:delete-bucket
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/delete-bucket.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:invite-operator`
@@ -258,14 +386,17 @@ USAGE
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/invite-operator.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:remove-operator`
@@ -276,35 +407,64 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:remove-operator
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts)_
+## `storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits`
+Set VoucherObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherObjectsNumberLimit for the storage bucket.
+ $ storage-node leader:set-bucket-limits
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'voucher object number limit' value
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) New 'voucher object size limit' value
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/remove-operator.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/set-bucket-limits.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/set-bucket-limits.ts)_
-## `storage-node leader:set-uploading-block`
+## `storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status`
Set global uploading block. Requires storage working group leader permissions.
- $ storage-node leader:set-uploading-block
+ $ storage-node leader:set-global-uploading-status
- -d, --disable Disables global uploading block.
- -e, --enable Enables global uploading block (default).
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --set=(on|off) (required) Sets global uploading block (on/off).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/set-uploading-block.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/set-uploading-block.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/set-global-uploading-status.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/set-global-uploading-status.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-bag`
@@ -315,43 +475,46 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-bag
- -b, --bucket=bucket
- (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -a, --add=add
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to add to bag
-h, --help
show CLI help
-i, --bagId=bagId
- (required)
- Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
- - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
- - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
- - Id:
- - absent for 'static:council'
- - working group name for 'static:wg'
- - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
- Examples:
- - static:council
- - static:wg:storage
- - dynamic:member:4
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile
+ (required) Bag ID. Format: {bag_type}:{sub_type}:{id}.
+ - Bag types: 'static', 'dynamic'
+ - Sub types: 'static:council', 'static:wg', 'dynamic:member', 'dynamic:channel'
+ - Id:
+ - absent for 'static:council'
+ - working group name for 'static:wg'
+ - integer for 'dynamic:member' and 'dynamic:channel'
+ Examples:
+ - static:council
+ - static:wg:storage
+ - dynamic:member:4
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile
Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-m, --dev
Use development mode
-p, --password=password
- Key file password (optional).
+ Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
- -r, --remove
- Remove a bucket from the bag
+ -r, --remove=remove
+ [default: ] ID of a bucket to remove from bag
-u, --apiUrl=apiUrl
- Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri
+ Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI
+ environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-bag.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-bag-limit`
@@ -362,15 +525,18 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-bag-limit
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -l, --limit=limit (required) New StorageBucketsPerBagLimit value
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -l, --limit=limit (required) New StorageBucketsPerBagLimit value
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-bag-limit.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-blacklist`
@@ -381,16 +547,44 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-blacklist
- -c, --cid=cid (required) Content ID
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -r, --remove Remove a content ID from the blaclist
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -a, --add=add [default: ] Content ID to add
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -r, --remove=remove [default: ] Content ID to remove
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts)_
+## `storage-node leader:update-bucket-status`
+Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags).
+ $ storage-node leader:update-bucket-status
+ -d, --disable Disables accepting new bags.
+ -e, --enable Enables accepting new bags (default).
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --set=(on|off) (required) Sets 'accepting new bags' parameter for the bucket (on/off).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-blacklist.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-bucket-status.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-bucket-status.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-data-fee`
@@ -401,15 +595,18 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-data-fee
- -f, --fee=fee (required) New data size fee
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -f, --fee=fee (required) New data size fee
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-data-fee.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy`
@@ -420,17 +617,19 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-dynamic-bag-policy
- -c, --channel Channel dynamic bag type
- -e, --member Member dynamic bag type (default)
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -n, --number=number (required) New storage buckets number
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -n, --number=number (required) New storage buckets number
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -t, --bagType=(Channel|Member) (required) Dynamic bag type (Channel, Member).
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-dynamic-bag-policy.ts)_
## `storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits`
@@ -441,16 +640,19 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node leader:update-voucher-limits
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'max voucher object number limit' value
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -s, --size=size (required) New 'max voucher object size limit' value
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'max voucher object number limit' value
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -s, --size=size (required) New 'max voucher object size limit' value
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/leader/update-voucher-limits.ts)_
## `storage-node operator:accept-invitation`
@@ -461,81 +663,44 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node operator:accept-invitation
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts)_
-## `storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits`
-Set VoucherObjectsSizeLimit and VoucherObjectsNumberLimit for the storage bucket.
- $ storage-node operator:set-bucket-limits
+ -h, --help show CLI help
+ -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -m, --dev Use development mode
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -o, --objects=objects (required) New 'voucher object number limit' value
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -s, --size=size (required) New 'voucher object size limit' value
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/set-bucket-limits.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/set-bucket-limits.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/operator/accept-invitation.ts)_
## `storage-node operator:set-metadata`
-Accept pending storage bucket invitation.
+Set metadata for the storage bucket.
$ storage-node operator:set-metadata
+ -e, --endpoint=endpoint Root distribution node endpoint
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -j, --jsonFile=jsonFile Path to JSON metadata file
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-m, --dev Use development mode
- -m, --metadata=metadata Storage bucket operator metadata
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment variable.
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-w, --operatorId=operatorId (required) Storage bucket operator ID (storage group worker ID)
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts)_
-## `storage-node operator:update-bucket-status`
-Update storage bucket status (accepting new bags).
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags. Could be
+ overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
- $ storage-node operator:update-bucket-status
- -d, --disable Disables accepting new bags.
- -e, --enable Enables accepting new bags (default).
- -h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --bucketId=bucketId (required) Storage bucket ID
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
- -m, --dev Use development mode
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is ws://localhost:9944
- -w, --workerId=workerId (required) Storage operator worker ID
-_See code: [src/commands/operator/update-bucket-status.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/operator/update-bucket-status.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/operator/set-metadata.ts)_
## `storage-node server`
@@ -546,23 +711,41 @@ USAGE
$ storage-node server
+ -a, --disableUploadAuth Disable uploading authentication (should be used in testing-context only).
-d, --uploads=uploads (required) Data uploading directory (absolute path).
+ -e, --elasticSearchHost=elasticSearchHost Elasticsearch host and port (e.g.: some.com:8081).
+ Log level could be set using the ELASTIC_LOG_LEVEL enviroment variable.
+ Supported values: warn, error, debug, info. Default:debug
-h, --help show CLI help
- -i, --syncInterval=syncInterval [default: 1] Interval between syncronizations (in minutes)
- -k, --keyfile=keyfile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
+ -i, --syncInterval=syncInterval [default: 1] Interval between synchronizations (in minutes)
+ -k, --keyFile=keyFile Key file for the account. Mandatory in non-dev environment.
-m, --dev Use development mode
-o, --port=port (required) Server port.
- -p, --password=password Key file password (optional).
- -q, --queryNodeHost=queryNodeHost Query node host and port (e.g.: some.com:8081)
+ -p, --password=password Key file password (optional). Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_PWD environment
+ variable.
+ -q, --queryNodeHost=queryNodeHost (required) Query node host and port (e.g.: some.com:8081)
-r, --syncWorkersNumber=syncWorkersNumber [default: 20] Sync workers number (max async operations in progress).
-s, --sync Enable data synchronization.
- -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev environment. Default is
- ws://localhost:9944
+ -u, --apiUrl=apiUrl [default: ws://localhost:9944] Runtime API URL. Mandatory in non-dev
+ environment.
-w, --worker=worker (required) Storage provider worker ID
+ -y, --accountUri=accountUri Account URI (optional). Has a priority over the keyFile and password flags.
+ Could be overriden by ACCOUNT_URI environment variable.
-_See code: [src/commands/server.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v0.1.0/src/commands/server.ts)_
+_See code: [src/commands/server.ts](https://github.com/Joystream/joystream/blob/v2.0.0/src/commands/server.ts)_
<!-- commandsstop -->