@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import BN from 'bn.js'
+import { assert } from 'chai'
+import { Api } from '../../Api'
+import { QueryNodeApi } from '../../QueryNodeApi'
+import { EventDetails, WorkingGroupModuleName } from '../../types'
+import { BaseWorkingGroupFixture } from './BaseWorkingGroupFixture'
+import { SubmittableExtrinsic } from '@polkadot/api/types'
+import { ISubmittableResult } from '@polkadot/types/types/'
+import { Utils } from '../../utils'
+import { EventType } from '../../graphql/generated/schema'
+import { BudgetSpendingEventFieldsFragment, WorkingGroupFieldsFragment } from '../../graphql/generated/queries'
+export class SpendBudgetFixture extends BaseWorkingGroupFixture {
+ protected recievers: string[]
+ protected amounts: BN[]
+ protected preExecuteBudget?: BN
+ public constructor(api: Api, query: QueryNodeApi, group: WorkingGroupModuleName, recievers: string[], amounts: BN[]) {
+ super(api, query, group)
+ this.recievers = recievers
+ this.amounts = amounts
+ }
+ protected async getSignerAccountOrAccounts(): Promise<string> {
+ return this.api.getLeadRoleKey(this.group)
+ }
+ protected async getExtrinsics(): Promise<SubmittableExtrinsic<'promise'>[]> {
+ return this.recievers.map((reciever, i) =>
+ this.api.tx[this.group].spendFromBudget(reciever, this.amounts[i], this.getRationale(reciever))
+ )
+ }
+ protected getEventFromResult(result: ISubmittableResult): Promise<EventDetails> {
+ return this.api.retrieveWorkingGroupsEventDetails(result, this.group, 'BudgetSpending')
+ }
+ protected getRationale(reciever: string): string {
+ return `Budget spending to ${reciever} rationale`
+ }
+ public async execute(): Promise<void> {
+ this.preExecuteBudget = await this.api.query[this.group].budget()
+ await super.execute()
+ }
+ protected assertQueryNodeEventIsValid(qEvent: BudgetSpendingEventFieldsFragment, i: number): void {
+ assert.equal(qEvent.event.type, EventType.BudgetSpending)
+ assert.equal(qEvent.group.name, this.group)
+ assert.equal(qEvent.amount, this.amounts[i].toString())
+ assert.equal(qEvent.reciever, this.recievers[i])
+ assert.equal(qEvent.rationale, this.getRationale(this.recievers[i]))
+ }
+ protected assertQueriedGroupIsValid(qGroup: WorkingGroupFieldsFragment | null): void {
+ Utils.assert(qGroup, 'Query node: Working group not found!')
+ assert.equal(qGroup.budget, this.preExecuteBudget!.sub(this.amounts.reduce((a, b) => a.add(b), new BN(0))))
+ }
+ async runQueryNodeChecks(): Promise<void> {
+ await super.runQueryNodeChecks()
+ // Query and check the events
+ await this.query.tryQueryWithTimeout(
+ () => this.query.getBudgetSpendingEvents(this.events),
+ (qEvents) => this.assertQueryNodeEventsAreValid(qEvents)
+ )
+ // Check the group
+ const qGroup = await this.query.getWorkingGroup(this.group)
+ this.assertQueriedGroupIsValid(qGroup)
+ }